Convert Words DPI based Height and Width



The measurement system used by Office 2007 is slightly different from Windows forms – windows forms measurements are in pixels and Office measurements is in points. Hence, to convert from points to pixels, the following approach needs to be taken:-


  • Calculate the dpi (dots per inch) from the graphics object of the windows form.

    System.Drawing.Graphics g = myForm.CreateGraphics();           

        float dpi = g.DpiX;

         This will return your systems dpi setting either normal 96 or large 120.

  • A point is 1/72 of an inch so we divide the points by the dpi and multiple by 72 to get the pixels.

         int WordWinWidth = (int)(this.Application.Width * dpi / 72);

         int WordWinHeight = (int)(this.Application.Height * dpi / 72);

posted @ 2012-03-26 20:45  BinSys  阅读(225)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报