
CREATE TABLE StudentGrade(
stuId CHAR(4),    --学号
subId INT,        --课程号
grade INT,        --成绩
PRIMARY KEY (stuId,subId)
INSERT INTO StudentGrade(stuId,subId,grade) VALUES('001',1,97)
INSERT INTO StudentGrade(stuId,subId,grade) VALUES('001',2,50)
INSERT INTO StudentGrade(stuId,subId,grade) VALUES('001',3,70)
INSERT INTO StudentGrade(stuId,subId,grade) VALUES('002',1,92)
INSERT INTO StudentGrade(stuId,subId,grade) VALUES('002',2,80)
INSERT INTO StudentGrade(stuId,subId,grade) VALUES('002',3,30)
INSERT INTO StudentGrade(stuId,subId,grade) VALUES('003',1,93)
INSERT INTO StudentGrade(stuId,subId,grade) VALUES('003',2,95)
INSERT INTO StudentGrade(stuId,subId,grade) VALUES('003',3,85)
INSERT INTO StudentGrade(stuId,subId,grade) VALUES('004',1,73)
INSERT INTO StudentGrade(stuId,subId,grade) VALUES('004',2,78)
INSERT INTO StudentGrade(stuId,subId,grade) VALUES('004',3,87)
001 1 97
003 1 93
003 2 95
002 2 80
004 3 87
003 3 85
select * from StudentGrade
select distinct *
from StudentGrade as t1
where stuId in
 (select top 2 WITH TIES stuId
  from StudentGrade as t2
  where t1.subId=t2.subId
         order by t2.grade desc)
order by subId, grade desc
select * from StudentGrade t where (select count(distinct grade) from StudentGrade where subId=t.subId and grade>=t.grade)<=2
order by t.subId,t.grade desc
select * from StudentGrade t
where (select count(distinct grade) from StudentGrade where subId=t.subId and grade>t.grade)<=1
order by t.subId,t.grade desc
stuId subId       grade      
----- ----------- -----------
001   1           97
003   1           93
003   2           95
002   2           80
004   3           87
003   3           85
(6 row(s) affected)
drop table StudentGrade
--注2:对有分数相同的,也只取两个同学的方法,除了方法一里去掉WITH TIES外,还没找到其他的方法
posted @ 2008-11-21 17:28  玉玉  阅读(1117)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报