把一个UpdateProgress与 UpdatePanle关联起来
<asp:UpdateProgress ID="UpdateProgress1" runat="server">
An update is in progress
<asp:UpdateProgress ID="UpdateProgress1" runat="server">
An update is in progress
UpdateProgress ExampleRunView
在上面的例子中,在<ProgressTemplate>标记中的一个HtmlButton的onClick属性调用了JavaScript AbortPostBack function.想要知道更多信息,查看abortPostBack方法和PageRequestManager类的isInAsyncPostBack属性。
当DynamicLayout属性是false的时候,UpdateProgress在页面显示的时候始终占据着一定的空间,即使这个控件是不可被访问的。因此,这个控件的<div>元素有一个display style属性被设置成block并且默认的visibility被设置成hidden.
UpdateProgress不是在UpdatePanel里面就是在UpdatePanel 外面。每当与UpdateProgress联合的控件发生了异步回传的时候,UpdateProgress控件就会被显示出来,即使UpdateProgress控件是在另外一个UPdatePanel控件里面。
在一个嵌套的UpdatePanel控件中,子一级的Panel在父级Panel里面,子panel里面所发生的postback会引起所有与这个子Panel联合的UpdateProgress控件全都显示出来,于父Panel联合的UpdateProgress也会被显示出来。如果postback是由父Panel 的控件直接引发的,那么则只有与父panel联合的UpdateProgress控件被显示出来。这与postback是怎么被触发的逻辑一致。
当一个使用了PageRequestManager类的JavaScript BeginRequest和endRequest事件的UpdateProgress控件被显示出来的时候,你可以程序化的进行控制。在beginRequest事件处理器中,显示DOM元素,这样就将UpdateProgress 控件显示出来了,在endRequest事件处理器中,将他隐藏了。
UpdateProgress Overview
The UpdateProgress control provides status information about partial-page updates in UpdatePanel controls. You can customize the content and the layout of the UpdateProgress control. To prevent flashing when a partial-page update is very fast, you can specify a delay before the UpdateProgress control is displayed.
This topic contains information about the following:
Why Use UpdateProgress Controls
The UpdateProgress control helps you design a more intuitive Web UI when the page contains one or more UpdatePanel controls for partial-page rendering. If a partial-page update is slow, you can use the UpdateProgress control to provide visual feedback about the status of the update. You can have multiple UpdateProgress controls on a page, each associated with a different UpdatePanel control. Alternatively, you can display just one UpdateProgress control and associate it with all UpdatePanel controls on the page.
How UpdateProgress Controls Work
The UpdateProgress control renders a <div> element that is displayed or hidden depending on whether the UpdatePanel control or controls it is associated with are performing an asynchronous postback. For initial page rendering or synchronous postbacks, the UpdateProgress control is not displayed.
Associating an UpdateProgress with an UpdatePanel
You associate an UpdateProgress control with an UpdatePanel control by setting the AssociatedUpdatePanelID property of the UpdateProgress control. When a postback event originates from an UpdatePanel control, any associated UpdateProgress controls are displayed. If you do not associate the UpdateProgress control with a specific UpdatePanel control (that is, you do not set its AssociatedUpdatePanelID property), the UpdateProgress control will display progress for any asynchronous postback.
If the ChildrenAsTriggers property of a UpdatePanel is set to false and an asynchronous postback originates from inside of that UpdatePanel control, any associated UpdateProgress controls will be displayed.
Creating Content for the UpdateProgress Control
Use the ProgressTemplate property to declaratively specify the message displayed by an UpdateProgress control. The <ProgressTemplate> template can contain HTML and markup. The following example shows how to display a simple message when the UpdateProgress control is invoked.
<asp:UpdateProgress ID="UpdateProgress1" runat="server"> <ProgressTemplate> An update is in progress... </ProgressTemplate> </asp:UpdateProgress>
<asp:UpdateProgress ID="UpdateProgress1" runat="server"> <ProgressTemplate> An update is in progress... </ProgressTemplate> </asp:UpdateProgress>
The following example shows how to add a button in the <ProgressTemplate> element that the user can click to stop the partial-page rendering update. Any new postbacks that are initiated while another postback is executing are canceled.
In the above example, the onClick attribute of an HtmlButton control in the <ProgressTemplate> element calls the JavaScript AbortPostBack function. For more information, see the abortPostBack method and the isInAsyncPostBack property of the PageRequestManager class.
Specifying Content Layout
When the DynamicLayout property is true, the UpdateProgress control initially takes up no space in the page display. Instead, the page dynamically changes to display the contents as needed. To support dynamic display, the control is rendered as a <div> element with its display style property initially set to none.
When the DynamicLayout property is false, the UpdateProgress takes up space in the page display, even if the control is not visible. In that case, the <div> element for the control has its display style property set to block and its visibility initially set to hidden.
Placing UpdateProgress Controls on the Page
controls inside or outside of UpdatePanel controls. A UpdateProgress control is displayed whenever the UpdateProgress control it is associated with performs an asynchronous postback, even if the UpdateProgress control is inside another UpdatePanel control.
In a nested UpdatePanel control, where a child panel is inside a parent panel, a postback that originates from inside the child panel will cause any UpdateProgress controls associated with the child panel to be displayed, as well as those associated with the parent panel. If a postback originates from an immediate child control of the parent panel, then only the UpdateProgress controls associated with the parent panel are displayed. This conforms to the logic for how postbacks are triggered.
Specifying When UpdateProgress Controls Are Displayed
You can programmatically control when an UpdateProgress control is displayed using the JavaScript beginRequest and endRequest events of the PageRequestManager class. In the beginRequest event handler, display the DOM element that represents the UpdateProgress control and in the endRequest event handler, hide it.
You must provide client script to show and hide an UpdateProgress control in the following circumstances:
For a postback from a control that is registered as an asynchronous postback trigger for the update panel, and the UpdateProgress control is not associated with that panel.
For postbacks from controls that are registered programmatically as asynchronous postback controls using the RegisterAsyncPostBackControl(Control) method of the ScriptManager control. In this case, the UpdateProgress page framework cannot determine automatically that an asynchronous postback has been triggered, so you must perform this task.