Bob is a strategy game programming specialist. In his new city building game the gaming environment is as follows: a city is built up by areas, in whi 阅读全文
描述 你一定玩过八数码游戏,它实际上是在一个3*3的网格中进行的,1个空格和1~8这8个数字恰好不重不漏地分布在这3*3的网格中。例如:5 2 81 3 _4 6 7在游戏过程中,可以把空格与其上、下、左、右四个方向之一的数字交换(如果存在)。例如在上例中,空格可与左、上、下面的数字交换,分别变成: 阅读全文
M × N Puzzle Description The Eight Puzzle, among other sliding-tile puzzles, is one of the famous problems in artificial intelligence. Along with ches 阅读全文
Part of the content comes from the Internet.If there is any infringement, please let me know and I 'll delete it in time. 1 #include<bits/stdc++.h> 2 阅读全文