2012-04-25 10:24 精诚所至 金石为开 阅读(641) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报使用委托调用函数。
using System; namespace a { class Program { delegate double ProcessDelegate(double param1,double param2); static double Multiply(double param1,double param2) { return param1*param2; } static double Divide(double param1,double param2) { return param1/param2; } static void Main(string[] args) { ProcessDelegate process; Console.WriteLine("Enter 2 numbers separated with a comma:"); string input =Console.ReadLine(); int commaPos=input.IndexOf(','); double param1=Convert.ToDouble(input.Substring(0,commaPos)); double param2=Convert.ToDouble(input.Substring(commaPos+1,input.Length-commaPos-1)); Console.WriteLine("Enter M to multiply or D to divide:"); input =Console.ReadLine(); if(input=="M") process=new ProcessDelegate(Multiply); else process=new ProcessDelegate(Divide); Console.WriteLine("Result:{0}",process(param1,param2)); Console.ReadKey(); } } }