
  • 需求:
    • 导入文件,查看原始数据
    • 将人口数据和各州简称数据进行合并
    • 将合并的数据中重复的abbreviation列进行删除
    • 查看存在缺失数据的列
    • 找到有哪些state/region使得state的值为NaN,进行去重操作
    • 为找到的这些state/region的state项补上正确的值,从而去除掉state这一列的所有NaN
    • 合并各州面积数据areas
    • 我们会发现area(sq.mi)这一列有缺失数据,找出是哪些行
    • 去除含有缺失数据的行
    • 找出2010年的全民人口数据
    • 计算各州的人口密度
    • 排序,并找出人口密度最高的五个州 df.sort_values()
In [1]:
import numpy as np
from pandas import DataFrame,Series
import pandas as pd
In [3]:
abb = pd.read_csv('./data/state-abbrevs.csv')
pop = pd.read_csv('./data/state-population.csv')
area = pd.read_csv('./data/state-areas.csv')
In [8]:
abb_pop = pd.merge(abb,pop,left_on='abbreviation',right_on='state/region',how='outer')
0 Alabama AL
0 AL under18 2012 1117489.0
0 Alabama AL AL under18 2012 1117489.0
1 Alabama AL AL total 2012 4817528.0
2 Alabama AL AL under18 2010 1130966.0
3 Alabama AL AL total 2010 4785570.0
4 Alabama AL AL under18 2011 1125763.0
In [9]:
0 Alabama AL under18 2012 1117489.0
1 Alabama AL total 2012 4817528.0
2 Alabama AL under18 2010 1130966.0
3 Alabama AL total 2010 4785570.0
4 Alabama AL under18 2011 1125763.0
In [10]:
state            True
state/region    False
ages            False
year            False
population       True
dtype: bool
In [11]:
In [13]:
0       False
1       False
2       False
3       False
4       False
5       False
6       False
7       False
8       False
9       False
10      False
11      False
12      False
13      False
14      False
15      False
16      False
17      False
18      False
19      False
20      False
21      False
22      False
23      False
24      False
25      False
26      False
27      False
28      False
29      False
2514     True
2515     True
2516     True
2517     True
2518     True
2519     True
2520     True
2521     True
2522     True
2523     True
2524     True
2525     True
2526     True
2527     True
2528     True
2529     True
2530     True
2531     True
2532     True
2533     True
2534     True
2535     True
2536     True
2537     True
2538     True
2539     True
2540     True
2541     True
2542     True
2543     True
Name: state, Length: 2544, dtype: bool
In [15]:
2448     PR
2449     PR
2450     PR
2451     PR
2452     PR
2453     PR
2454     PR
2455     PR
2456     PR
2457     PR
2458     PR
2459     PR
2460     PR
2461     PR
2462     PR
2463     PR
2464     PR
2465     PR
2466     PR
2467     PR
2468     PR
2469     PR
2470     PR
2471     PR
2472     PR
2473     PR
2474     PR
2475     PR
2476     PR
2477     PR
2514    USA
2515    USA
2516    USA
2517    USA
2518    USA
2519    USA
2520    USA
2521    USA
2522    USA
2523    USA
2524    USA
2525    USA
2526    USA
2527    USA
2528    USA
2529    USA
2530    USA
2531    USA
2532    USA
2533    USA
2534    USA
2535    USA
2536    USA
2537    USA
2538    USA
2539    USA
2540    USA
2541    USA
2542    USA
2543    USA
Name: state/region, Length: 96, dtype: object
In [29]:
array([], dtype=object)
In [19]:
abb_pop['state/region'] == 'USA'
0       False
1       False
2       False
3       False
4       False
5       False
6       False
7       False
8       False
9       False
10      False
11      False
12      False
13      False
14      False
15      False
16      False
17      False
18      False
19      False
20      False
21      False
22      False
23      False
24      False
25      False
26      False
27      False
28      False
29      False
2514     True
2515     True
2516     True
2517     True
2518     True
2519     True
2520     True
2521     True
2522     True
2523     True
2524     True
2525     True
2526     True
2527     True
2528     True
2529     True
2530     True
2531     True
2532     True
2533     True
2534     True
2535     True
2536     True
2537     True
2538     True
2539     True
2540     True
2541     True
2542     True
2543     True
Name: state/region, Length: 2544, dtype: bool
In [23]:
indexs = abb_pop['state'][abb_pop['state/region'] == 'USA'].index
In [24]:
abb_pop.loc[indexs,'state'] = 'United State'
In [27]:
pr_index = abb_pop['state'][abb_pop['state/region'] == 'PR'].index
In [28]:
abb_pop.loc[pr_index,'state'] = 'PPPRRR'

合并各州面积数据areas 我们会发现area(sq.mi)这一列有缺失数据,找出是哪些行 去除含有缺失数据的行 找出2010年的全民人口数据 计算各州的人口密度 排序,并找出人口密度最高的五个州 df.sort_values()

In [31]:
abb_pop_area = pd.merge(abb_pop,area,how='outer')
 statestate/regionagesyearpopulationarea (sq. mi)
0 Alabama AL under18 2012.0 1117489.0 52423.0
1 Alabama AL total 2012.0 4817528.0 52423.0
2 Alabama AL under18 2010.0 1130966.0 52423.0
3 Alabama AL total 2010.0 4785570.0 52423.0
4 Alabama AL under18 2011.0 1125763.0 52423.0
In [32]:
abb_pop_area['area (sq. mi)'].isnull()
0       False
1       False
2       False
3       False
4       False
5       False
6       False
7       False
8       False
9       False
10      False
11      False
12      False
13      False
14      False
15      False
16      False
17      False
18      False
19      False
20      False
21      False
22      False
23      False
24      False
25      False
26      False
27      False
28      False
29      False
2515     True
2516     True
2517     True
2518     True
2519     True
2520     True
2521     True
2522     True
2523     True
2524     True
2525     True
2526     True
2527     True
2528     True
2529     True
2530     True
2531     True
2532     True
2533     True
2534     True
2535     True
2536     True
2537     True
2538     True
2539     True
2540     True
2541     True
2542     True
2543     True
2544    False
Name: area (sq. mi), Length: 2545, dtype: bool
In [35]:
a_index = abb_pop_area.loc[abb_pop_area['area (sq. mi)'].isnull()].index
In [36]:
In [38]:
abb_pop_area.query('year == 2010 & ages == "total"')
 statestate/regionagesyearpopulationarea (sq. mi)
3 Alabama AL total 2010.0 4785570.0 52423.0
91 Alaska AK total 2010.0 713868.0 656425.0
101 Arizona AZ total 2010.0 6408790.0 114006.0
189 Arkansas AR total 2010.0 2922280.0 53182.0
197 California CA total 2010.0 37333601.0 163707.0
283 Colorado CO total 2010.0 5048196.0 104100.0
293 Connecticut CT total 2010.0 3579210.0 5544.0
379 Delaware DE total 2010.0 899711.0 1954.0
389 District of Columbia DC total 2010.0 605125.0 68.0
475 Florida FL total 2010.0 18846054.0 65758.0
485 Georgia GA total 2010.0 9713248.0 59441.0
570 Hawaii HI total 2010.0 1363731.0 10932.0
581 Idaho ID total 2010.0 1570718.0 83574.0
666 Illinois IL total 2010.0 12839695.0 57918.0
677 Indiana IN total 2010.0 6489965.0 36420.0
762 Iowa IA total 2010.0 3050314.0 56276.0
773 Kansas KS total 2010.0 2858910.0 82282.0
858 Kentucky KY total 2010.0 4347698.0 40411.0
869 Louisiana LA total 2010.0 4545392.0 51843.0
954 Maine ME total 2010.0 1327366.0 35387.0
965 Montana MT total 2010.0 990527.0 147046.0
1050 Nebraska NE total 2010.0 1829838.0 77358.0
1061 Nevada NV total 2010.0 2703230.0 110567.0
1146 New Hampshire NH total 2010.0 1316614.0 9351.0
1157 New Jersey NJ total 2010.0 8802707.0 8722.0
1242 New Mexico NM total 2010.0 2064982.0 121593.0
1253 New York NY total 2010.0 19398228.0 54475.0
1338 North Carolina NC total 2010.0 9559533.0 53821.0
1349 North Dakota ND total 2010.0 674344.0 70704.0
1434 Ohio OH total 2010.0 11545435.0 44828.0
1445 Oklahoma OK total 2010.0 3759263.0 69903.0
1530 Oregon OR total 2010.0 3837208.0 98386.0
1541 Maryland MD total 2010.0 5787193.0 12407.0
1626 Massachusetts MA total 2010.0 6563263.0 10555.0
1637 Michigan MI total 2010.0 9876149.0 96810.0
1722 Minnesota MN total 2010.0 5310337.0 86943.0
1733 Mississippi MS total 2010.0 2970047.0 48434.0
1818 Missouri MO total 2010.0 5996063.0 69709.0
1829 Pennsylvania PA total 2010.0 12710472.0 46058.0
1914 Rhode Island RI total 2010.0 1052669.0 1545.0
1925 South Carolina SC total 2010.0 4636361.0 32007.0
2010 South Dakota SD total 2010.0 816211.0 77121.0
2021 Tennessee TN total 2010.0 6356683.0 42146.0
2106 Texas TX total 2010.0 25245178.0 268601.0
2117 Utah UT total 2010.0 2774424.0 84904.0
2202 Vermont VT total 2010.0 625793.0 9615.0
2213 Virginia VA total 2010.0 8024417.0 42769.0
2298 Washington WA total 2010.0 6742256.0 71303.0
2309 West Virginia WV total 2010.0 1854146.0 24231.0
2394 Wisconsin WI total 2010.0 5689060.0 65503.0
2405 Wyoming WY total 2010.0 564222.0 97818.0
In [40]:
abb_pop_area['midu'] = abb_pop_area['population'] / abb_pop_area['area (sq. mi)']
 statestate/regionagesyearpopulationarea (sq. mi)midu
0 Alabama AL under18 2012.0 1117489.0 52423.0 21.316769
1 Alabama AL total 2012.0 4817528.0 52423.0 91.897221
2 Alabama AL under18 2010.0 1130966.0 52423.0 21.573851
3 Alabama AL total 2010.0 4785570.0 52423.0 91.287603
4 Alabama AL under18 2011.0 1125763.0 52423.0 21.474601
In [43]:
#排序,并找出人口密度最高的五个州 df.sort_values()
 statestate/regionagesyearpopulationarea (sq. mi)midu
391 District of Columbia DC total 2013.0 646449.0 68.0 9506.602941
385 District of Columbia DC total 2012.0 633427.0 68.0 9315.102941
387 District of Columbia DC total 2011.0 619624.0 68.0 9112.117647
431 District of Columbia DC total 1990.0 605321.0 68.0 8901.779412
389 District of Columbia DC total 2010.0 605125.0 68.0 8898.897059
posted @ 2019-10-08 15:55  陪伴is最长情的告白  阅读(2100)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报