ps:这个是grqphql client在nodejs后端项目的实践,如果你是在前端使用graphql,并使用了webpack,那么这些问题你都不用担心,因为有现成的轮子供你使用,参见相关loader:https://github.com/apollographql/graphql-tag/blob/master/loader.js,
随着业务的不断增加,这个问题越来越凸显,我觉得必须想个办法处理一下,思路是:将graphql查询语句抽出来放在以.grqphql结尾的文件中,然后需要的时候再引入进来。webstorm有个插件正好可以实现语法高亮和类型提示,甚至可以再ide里面进行查询,参考:https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/8097-js-graphql。但是问题来了,怎么再业务代码里面引入这个.graphql文件呢? 直接require肯定是不行的,因为这不是js或c++模块,这个确实也有现成的轮子,见:https://github.com/prisma/graphql-import, 但是这个工具在typescript环境下却有不少问题,见相关issue,怎么办呢?业务又催得紧,然后就用了最简单粗暴的方法: fs.readFileSync('./user.graphql','utf8'), 虽然不够优雅但也解决了燃眉之急。
// a.grapqhl
fragment info on User {
// b.graphql #import 'a.graphql' query user{ queryUser { ...info } }
// c.js const b = loadGql('./b.graphql')
fragment info on User{
query user {
那么loadGql改怎么实现呢?google一番后,发现有个轮子可以参考下: https://github.com/samsarahq/graphql-loader/blob/master/src/loader.ts 但是这轮子需要配合webpack,不能直接在nodejs环境下直接使用,那就把它改造一下吧,上改造后的代码:
import { validate as graphqlValidate } from "graphql/validation/validate" import { resolve, join, dirname } from "path" import { Stats, writeFile,readFileSync, readFile } from "fs" import pify = require("pify") import { DocumentNode, DefinitionNode, print as graphqlPrint, parse as graphqlParse, Source, visit, } from "graphql" export default function loadGql(filePath: string): string | null { if (!filePath) return null try { const source = readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8') if(!source) return null const document = loadSource(source, filePath) const content = graphqlPrint(document) return content } catch (err) { console.log(err) return null } } function loadSource( source: string, filePath: string, ) { let document: any = graphqlParse(new Source(source, "GraphQL/file")) document = extractImports(source, document, filePath) return document } async function stat( loader: any, filePath: string, ): Promise<Stats> { const fsStat: (path: string) => Promise<Stats> = pify( loader.fs.stat.bind(loader.fs), ) return fsStat(filePath) } function extractImports(source: string, document: DocumentNode, filePath: string): DocumentNode { const lines = source.split(/(\r\n|\r|\n)/) const imports: Array<string> = [] lines.forEach(line => { // Find lines that match syntax with `#import "<file>"` if (line[0] !== "#") { return } const comment = line.slice(1).split(" ") if (comment[0] !== "import") { return } const filePathMatch = comment[1] && comment[1].match(/^[\"\'](.+)[\"\']/) if (!filePathMatch || !filePathMatch.length) { throw new Error("#import statement must specify a quoted file path") } const itemPath = resolve(dirname(filePath), filePathMatch[1]) imports.push(itemPath) }) const files = imports const contents = files.map(path => [ readFileSync(path, 'utf8'), path, ]) const nodes = contents.map(([content, fileContext]) => { return loadSource(content, fileContext) } ) const fragmentDefinitions = nodes.reduce((defs, node) => { defs.push(...node.definitions) return defs }, [] as DefinitionNode[]) const newAst = visit(document, { enter(node, key, parent, path, ancestors) { if (node.kind === 'Document') { const documentNode: DocumentNode = { definitions: [...fragmentDefinitions, ...node.definitions], kind: 'Document', } return documentNode } return node }, }) return newAst }
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