dot language 学习笔记
dot language 学习笔记
dot language 学习笔记
Table of Contents
1 dot 语言简介
DOT语言是一种文本图形描述语言。文件扩展名通常为.gv或.dot 。它可以导出的格式有:GIF、PNG、SVG、PDF及PostScript。
2 基本语法
2.1 常用图形
- box、polygon、ellipse、circle、point、triangle、invtriangle、plaintext、diamond
digraph shapes { "Box"[shape=box] "Polygon"[shape=polygon,sides=7] /* 定义了一个7边行,sides属性定义多边形边的数量 */ "Ellipse"[shape=ellipse] "Circle"[shape=circle] "Point"[shape=point] "triangle"[shape=triangle] "invtriangle"[shape=invtriangle] "plaintext"[shape=plaintext] "diamond"[shape=diamond] }
2.2 常用线条
- 无向线条、又向线条、双向线条
digraph lines { "Undirected1"->"Undirected2"[arrowhead=none] "Undirected1"->"Directed1" "Directed1"->"Directed2"[dir=both] }
- 实线、虚线、点线、加粗、透明
digraph lines2 { rankdir=LR "solid"->"dashed"[style=solid] "dashed"->"dotted"[style=dashed] "dotted"->"bold"[style=dotted] "bold"->"invis"[style=bold] "invis"->"solid"[style=invis] }
2.3 常用箭头
- box、crow、curve、icurve、diamond、dot、inv、none、normal、tee、vee
digraph arrow { rankdir=LR "box"->"crow"[arrowhead=box] "crow"->"curve"[arrowhead=crow] "curve"->"diamond"[arrowhead=curve] "diamond"->"dot"[arrowhead=diamond] "dot"->"inv"[arrowhead=dot] "inv"->"none"[arrowhead=inv] "none"->"normal"[arrowhead=none] "normal"->"tee"[arrowhead=normal] "tee"->"vee"[arrowhead=tee] "vee"->"box"[arrowhead=vee] #来个高级的用法 a->b[arrowhead=lcrowortee] }
2.4 常用属性
2.4.1 Node常用属性
属性名 | 默认值 | 说明 |
color | black | node图形颜色,see color values |
fontcolor | black | 字体颜色 |
fontname | Times-Roman | 字体 |
fontsize | 14 | 字体大小 |
image | node背景图片地址 | |
label | node name | node 显示内容 |
shape | ellipse | 形状 |
style | 图形样式,eg. bold、dotted、filled | |
height | .5 | 最低高度尺寸 |
width | .75 | 最低宽度尺寸 |
URL | 点击跳转地址 | |
target | 点击跳转打开方式 |
digraph demo_node { rankdir=LR "default_node" "node"[shape=box,color=antiquewhite,style=filled,label="node attrs",fontcolor=brown,fontsize=10,URL="",target="_brank"] "default_node"->"node" }
2.4.2 Edge常用属性
属性名 | 默认值 | 说明 |
arrowhead | normal | 箭头样式 |
arrowsize | 1.0 | 箭头尺寸 |
color | black | 颜色 |
dir | forward | 箭头方向 |
edgeURL | 点击跳转地址 | |
fontcolor | black | 字体颜色 |
fontname | Times-Roman | 字体 |
fontsize | 14 | 字体大小 |
headport | 线条头部连接处,eg.n、ne、e、se、s、sw、w、nw | |
label | 描述内容 | |
labelfontcolor | black | label字体颜色 |
labelfontname | Times-Roman | label字体 |
labelfontsize | 14 | label字体大小 |
style | 图形样式,eg.bold、dotted、filled | |
tailport | 线条尾部连接处,eg.n、ne、e、se、s、sw、w、nw | |
weight | 1 | integer cost of stretching an edge |
digraph demo_edge {
2.4.3 Graph常用属性
属性名 | 默认值 | 说明 |
bgcolor | 背景颜色 | |
color | black | for clusters,outline color,and fill color |
dpi | 96 | 图像输出像素 |
fillcolor | black | cluster fill color |
fontcolor | black | 字体颜色 |
fontname | Times-Roman | 字体 |
fontsize | 14 | 字体大小 |
label | 描述内容 | |
landscape | true:orientation=landscape | |
rank | 子图等级限制, same,min,max,source,sink | |
rankdir | TB | 图片排列方式,LR(left to right) or TB(top to bottom) |
size | 最大图片尺寸 | |
style | 图片样式 | |
stylesheet | pathname or URL to XML style sheet for SVG | |
URL | 点击跳转地址 | |
target | 点击跳转打开方式 |
digraph demo_graph { bgcolor=beige fontcolor=gray10 fontsize=12 label="this is demo" rankdir=TB {rank=same; "level1" "a-level1" "b-level1" "c-level1"} {rank=same; "level2" "d-level2" "e-level2"} {rank=same; "level3" "f-level3" "g-level3" "h-level3" "i-level3" "j-level3"} {rank=same; "level4" "k-level4"} "level1"->"level2"->"level3"->"level4" "a-level1"->"d-level2" "e-level2"->{"h-level3", "k-level4"} "b-level1"->{"e-level2", "f-level3", "i-level3", "k-level4"} "c-level1"->{"d-level2", "g-level3", "h-level3"} "j-level3"->{"f-level3", "k-level4"} }
2.5 子图
- 子图node无法在主图rank中使用。
- 子图命名必须以:"cluster"作为前缀。
digraph demo_subgraph { bgcolor=beige fontcolor=gray10 fontsize=12 label="this is demo" rankdir=TB /* 特别注意: 子图命名必须以"cluster"为前缀 */ subgraph "cluster_g1" { label="g1" bgcolor=cadetblue "level1"->"level2"->"level3"->"level4" } subgraph "cluster_g2" { label="g2" bgcolor=cornsilk "level2" "d-level2" "e-level2" } subgraph "cluster_g3" { label="g3" bgcolor=cornsilk "level3" "f-level3" "g-level3" "h-level3" "i-level3" "j-level3" } "a-level1"->"d-level2" "e-level2"->{"h-level3", "k-level4"} "b-level1"->{"e-level2", "f-level3", "i-level3", "k-level4"} "c-level1"->{"d-level2", "g-level3", "h-level3"} "j-level3"->{"f-level3", "k-level4"} }
2.6 其他用法
2.6.1 label使用html标签
digraph html { abc [shape=none, margin=0, label=< <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLBORDER="1" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="4"> <TR><TD ROWSPAN="3"><FONT COLOR="red">hello</FONT><BR/>world</TD> <TD COLSPAN="3">b</TD> <TD ROWSPAN="3" BGCOLOR="lightgrey">g</TD> <TD ROWSPAN="3">h</TD> </TR> <TR><TD>c</TD> <TD PORT="here">d</TD> <TD>e</TD> </TR> <TR><TD COLSPAN="3">f</TD> </TR> </TABLE>>]; }
2.6.2 使用label定义子节点
digraph structs { node [shape=record]; struct1 [shape=record,label="<f0> left|<f1> middle|<f2> right"]; struct2 [shape=record,label="<f0> one|<f1> two"]; struct3 [shape=record,label="hello\nworld |{ b |{c|<here> d|e}| f}| g | h"]; struct1:f1 -> struct2:f0; struct1:f2 -> struct3:here; }
3 总结
个人非常厌恶繁琐的排版工作,因此emacs + org-mode + Graphviz会是以后书写文档的必备工具。