CEntOS 安装增强功能


1. 更新内核。CentOS 6.3对应的kernel默认为2.6.32-279.el6.i686:

# uname -r


]# yum info kernel-devel
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, refresh-packagekit, security
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base: mirrors.163.com
 * extras: mirrors.163.com
 * updates: mirrors.163.com
Available Packages
Name        : kernel-devel
Arch        : i686
Version     : 2.6.32
Release     : 279.19.1.el6
Size        : 7.6 M
Repo        : updates
Summary     : Development package for building kernel modules to match the
            : kernel
URL         : http://www.kernel.org/
License     : GPLv2
Description : This package provides kernel headers and makefiles sufficient to
            : build modules against the kernel package.


# yum update kernel



2. 安装kernel-devel和gcc。

# yum install kernel-devel gcc gcc-c++


3. 安装增强功能。进入增强功能光盘根目录,执行Linux下的安装命令:

# ./VBoxLinuxAdditions.run 
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing VirtualBox 4.2.4 Guest Additions for Linux..........
VirtualBox Guest Additions installer
Removing installed version 4.2.4 of VirtualBox Guest Additions...
Removing existing VirtualBox non-DKMS kernel modules[确定]
Building the VirtualBox Guest Additions kernel modules
Building the main Guest Additions module[确定]
Building the shared folder support module[确定]
Building the OpenGL support module[确定]
Doing non-kernel setup of the Guest Additions[确定]
Starting the VirtualBox Guest Additions [确定]
Installing the Window System drivers
Installing X.Org Server 1.10 modules[确定]
Setting up the Window System to use the Guest Additions[确定]
You may need to restart the hal service and the Window System (or just restart
the guest system) to enable the Guest Additions.

Installing graphics libraries and desktop services components[确定]
posted @ 2013-12-25 15:27  火龙果55  阅读(955)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报