itextSharp 附pdf文件解析

一、PdfObject: pdf对象 ,有9种,对象是按照对象内涵来分的,如果按照对象的使用规则来说,对象又分为间接对象和直接对象。间接对象是PDF中最常用的对象,如前面对象集合里面的,所有对象都是间接对象,在其他位置通过R关键字来引用,在交叉引用表里面都是通过间接对象来引用的。直接对象就更好理解了,9种对象单独出现的时候就叫直接对象。

PdfObject pdfObject = this.reader.GetPdfObject(index);


 public PRIndirectReference IndRef { get; set; }
        public int Length { get; }
        public int Type { get; }

        public bool CanBeInObjStm();
        public int CompareTo(PdfObject obj);
        public virtual byte[] GetBytes();
        public override int GetHashCode();
        public bool IsArray();
        public bool IsBoolean();
        public bool IsDictionary();
        public bool IsIndirect();
        public bool IsName();
        public bool IsNull();
        public bool IsNumber();
        public bool IsStream();
        public bool IsString();
        public virtual void ToPdf(PdfWriter writer, Stream os);
        public override string ToString();

二、PdfName: is an object that can be used as a name in a PDF-file.- 有常用(官方)名字的pdf对象,根据名字new的pdfObject,俗称Name对象。PdfName 继承自PdfObject



  /** A name */
        public static readonly PdfName IDENTITY = new PdfName("Identity");
        /** A name */
        public static readonly PdfName IF = new PdfName("IF");
        /** A name */
        public static readonly PdfName IMAGE = new PdfName("Image");
        /** A name */
        public static readonly PdfName IMAGEB = new PdfName("ImageB");
        /** A name */
        public static readonly PdfName IMAGEC = new PdfName("ImageC");
        /** A name */
        public static readonly PdfName IMAGEI = new PdfName("ImageI");
        /** A name */
        public static readonly PdfName IMAGEMASK = new PdfName("ImageMask");
        /** A name */
        public static readonly PdfName INCLUDE = new PdfName("Include");
        public static readonly PdfName IND = new PdfName("Ind");
        /** A name */
        public static readonly PdfName INDEX = new PdfName("Index");
        /** A name */
        public static readonly PdfName INDEXED = new PdfName("Indexed");
        /** A name */
        public static readonly PdfName INFO = new PdfName("Info");
        /** A name */
        public static readonly PdfName INK = new PdfName("Ink");
        /** A name */
        public static readonly PdfName INKLIST = new PdfName("InkList");

由于PdfName 继承自PdfObject,后者的公用方法和属性同样能被前者调用。

三、PdfNameTree ,这个就是pdf“有名"的文档结构树了。


五、Resources ,是Dictionary 对象



posted on 2013-12-16 14:45  NLazyo  阅读(2027)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报