

Developing a well-rounded aesthetically pleasing website can be a daunting task even for the most seasoned web developer. You must identify current trends and standards and determine ways to incorporate them into your designs. Luckily, there are many more free tools which are available that can help you speed up your efforts and work in a more efficient manner. Below are 5 tools which are sure to benefit all developers.

Create a php form in seconds with this free and easy to use tool. If you need a little more power you can check out its parent program MachForm or great alternatives wufoo and formspring (both of which offer limited free versions and paid premium versions).


An international site created for color lovers. You can search the site for color palettes that you may use for projects or create new palettes which can be rated by peers. Great for inspiration or critique of design ideas.

Em Calculator

Em Calculator是个用来计算px与em换算的在线应用。有时还挺有用。
Em Calculator is a small JavaScript tool which allows you to enter a size in pixels and displays what the corresponding em value would be.This tool is extremely easy to use and handy for a quick reference.

Browser Shots

Browser Shots是用来检测你的网站跨平台能力的在线应用。4大类操作系统,超过100种浏览器,还有关于屏幕大小,javascript支持,java、flash支持的设定。输入url即可看到网站在不同平台下的效果。没见过这么全的。推荐!
Browser Shots allows you to view your website in around 100 different browsers on 4 different platforms to determine the ultimate cross browser support. Given how many different types of configurations exists today, it is important to ensure that your site looks its best on as many platforms as possible.

Icon Finder

Icon Finder是用来搜寻高质量图标的网站,用法和google一样,全站搜索出的资源都可免费下载使用。推荐!!
Iconfinder provides high quality icons for web designers and developers in an easy and efficient way. You simply type in a keyword into the search box and Iconfinder brings you back icons beautiful icons which you can freely use.

posted on 2009-09-21 11:16  超然台上仙  阅读(2727)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报


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