HTTP Status Codes

HTTP Status Codes
200 (OK) Standard success response, including PUT/PATCH
201 (Created) Standard success response for POST (create resource)
202 (Accepted) Standard response for long-running async processing
204 (No Content) Successful DELETE response
301 (Moved Permanently) URI for a resource was moved (different host name or even non-supported versions)
304 (Not Modified) Used with ETags
400 (Bad Request) Request badly-formatted or not following the correct schema
401 (Unauthorized) Not a valid access token
403 (Forbidden) Valid access token, but access is forbidden to requested resource
404 (Not Found) Resource not found
406 (Not Acceptable) Resource format/type not supported (e.g. XML)
409 (Conflict) Resource could not be updated due to other updates conflicting
412 (Preconditioned Failed) Request headers did not meet the requirements
413 (Request Entity too Large) Request body too large, like over 1 MB
429 (Too Many Requests) Number of allowed calls was exceeded per defined time interval (day or hour or minute)
500 (Internal Server Error) Server error (details provided in the body)
503 (Service Unavailable) Service is down
posted @ 2022-04-26 17:45  原子切割员  阅读(18)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报