mysql python image

cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='joe', database='test')


Argument NameDefaultDescription
user (username*)   The user name used to authenticate with the MySQL server.
password (passwd*)   The password to authenticate the user with the MySQL server.
database (db*)   The database name to use when connecting with the MySQL server.
host The host name or IP address of the MySQL server.
port 3306 The TCP/IP port of the MySQL server. Must be an integer.
unix_socket   The location of the Unix socket file.
use_unicode True Whether to use Unicode.
charset utf8 Which MySQL character set to use.
collation utf8_general_ci Which MySQL collation to use.
autocommit False Whether to autocommit transactions.
time_zone   Set the time_zone session variable at connection time.
sql_mode   Set the sql_mode session variable at connection time.
get_warnings False Whether to fetch warnings.
raise_on_warnings False Whether to raise an exception on warnings.
connection_timeout(connect_timeout*)   Timeout for the TCP and Unix socket connections.
client_flags   MySQL client flags.
buffered False Whether cursor objects fetch the results immediately after executing queries.
raw False Whether MySQL results are returned as is, rather than converted to Python types.
ssl_ca   File containing the SSL certificate authority.
ssl_cert   File containing the SSL certificate file.
ssl_key   File containing the SSL key.
ssl_verify_cert False When set to True, checks the server certificate against the certificate file specified by the ssl_ca option. Any mismatch causes a ValueError exception.
force_ipv6 False When set to True, uses IPv6 when an address resolves to both IPv4 and IPv6. By default, IPv4 is used in such cases.
dsn   Not supported (raises NotSupportedError when used).
posted @ 2013-08-08 11:05  bigbigtree  阅读(531)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报