4-8 同义词

雅思阅读:剑4~剑8阅读的所有同义词转换 雅思必考词汇

Cambridge 4




1. ignore=pay no attention=not pay any attention=take no notice=not take any notice忽略,无视v.


2. encounter=face=confront=meet遇见,遭遇v.


3. mistaken view=misconception错误的观点n.


4. easy to reach=accessible容易达到的adj.


5. change=modify(modification) 改变v.


6. destruction=destroy=loss毁坏n.


7. investigate=make inquiries=enquiries=go into=probe=look into 调查v.


8. where=geographical location 表地点


9. important=vital=essential=crucial重要的adj.


10. reason=cause=factor=origins=root=stimulus=impetus原因n.


11. protect=guard=safeguard=shield=conservation保护v.


12. newspapers, television=media媒体n.


13. where to live=habitat居住地n.


14. get warmer=global warming变暖n.


15. contribute to=play a part有助于v.


16. survive=continuing existence幸存,活下来v.


17. curriculum=course=syllabus课程n.


18. link to=be connected with=be linked with把…和…相联系v.


19. underdeveloped=degenerated=rudimentary不发达的adj.


20. poor=bad=badly=not very good=no good at something=weak贫穷的,可怜的adj.


21. exceptional=good=excellent=outstanding=brilliant=impressive=admirable超常的,例外的adj.


22. mating=courtship交配.


23. follow=track=tail=shadow=hound=stalk=stalker跟随,跟踪v.


24. good vision ability=vision is obviously more useful…好的视力


25. best=well=greatest=finest=ideal=top=number one =ultimate=optimum=definitive=unsurpassed=record-breaking极好的adj.


26. surprised=amazed=astonished=astounded=be taken aback=startled感到惊讶的adj.


27. volunteer=subject实验研究对象n.


28. similar=resemble=like=alike相似的adj.


29. blind=can not see瞎的adj.




1. initiative=on your own/by yourself=independently=on your own initiative=under your own steam=to be the person who starts something=plan=law主动的,自发的adj. 主动权n.


2. increase=go up=rise=grow=climb=gain=escalate=pick up=widen=be on the increase=intensify=expand=build up上升,增加v.


3. teach=educate=train=coach=instruct=bring up教学v.


4. more than one language=bilingual=sb's second language多种语言n.


5. determine=establish=identify=pinpoint=diagnose 决定v.


6. young people=teenager=youth=in your teens=adolescent=minor年轻人n.


7. community=all the people in a particular area, city, country etc.群体,团体,社区n.


8. traditional=old-fashioned=outdated=outmoded=unfashionable传统的adj.


9. fail=failure=not succeed=unsuccessful=vain=fruitless=unproductive=be a failure=go wrong=not work=do no good=fall through失败v.


10. endanger=to put someone or something in danger of being hurt=damaged=destroyed危及,使危险v.


11. diverse=varied=variety=wide-ranging=mixed各种各样的adj.


12. inevitable=certain to happen and impossible to avoid不可避免的adj.


13. differ from=unusual与…不同v.


14. reluctant=unwilling=not willing=drag your feet=be loath to do something=conservative勉强的adj.


15. consult=ask somebody's advice=seek advice=get/obtain advice资询v.


16. alternative=another=other=different=new=else=variation=variant另一个


17. therapist=someone who has been trained to give a particular form of treatment for physical or mental illness临床医学家n.


18. retrain=taking courses再教育v.


19. salary=pay=wage=income=earnings=fee工资,收入n.


20. long-term=chronic=long-running=long-standing=lasting=lifelong=prolonged=lingering=enduring=abiding=incurable长期的adj.


21. complaint=complain=make a complaint=protest=object=complain抱怨n.


22. illness=disease=virus=bug=infection疾病 n.


23. connection=relationship=link=correlation联系 n.


24. beneficial=be good for you/ do somebody good=wholesome=nutritious=nourishing=healthful有益的 adj.


25. insight=comprehension=understanding理解,见解 n.


26. physical=relating to the body=bodily身体的 adj.


27. hazard=risk=danger=threat障碍,危险n.


28. accompany=with=together=along with=come wit陪伴,伴随


29. mental=relating to the health or state of someone's mind精神上的,心理的 adj.


30. possible=possibility=can=potential=there is a chance/possibility可能的adj.


31. reduction=decrease=drop=fall=cut 减少 n.


32. class="type"=kind=sort=style=category=variety种类n.


33. rehearsal=practice=training=run-through=exercise排练,演习 n.


34. peer=your peers are the people who are the same age as you, or who have the same type of job, social class etc同伴 n.


35. defensive=used or intended to protect someone or something against attack 防御n.


36. strategy=way=method=approach=technique=system=tactics 方法,功略n.


37. assist=help=aid=with the aid of帮助 v.


38. specific=give (somebody) more details=expand on=enlarge on=go into more=greater detail=be more specific=be more explicit=elaborate特定的adj.


39. substance=a particular type of solid, liquid, or gas 物质 n.


40. surroundings=environment=circumstance 环境 n.


41. engage=give somebody a job=employ=take on=appoint=recruit=sign up雇佣 v.


42. combine=mix=stir=beat=blend=whisk=dilute联合v.


43. survival=the state of continuing to live or exist幸存n.




1. quotation= a sentence or phrase from a book, speech etc which you repeat in a speech or piece of writing because it is interesting or amusing 引言n.


2. exemplify= example=case=instance=to be a very typical example of something=to give an example of something 例证 v.


3. explain=tell=say what/why/where etc=show=demonstrate=go through=throw/shed light on=set out解释v.


4. outline= to describe something in a general way, giving the main points but not the details概述 v.


5. purpose=aim=point=idea=objective=object=goal= target=end目的 n.


6. encourage=persuade=persuasion=get somebody to do something=influence=encourage=talk somebody into=put somebody up to鼓励 v.


7. loan= an amount of money that you borrow from a bank etc. 贷款 n.


8. poverty= being poor贫穷n.


9. crime= illegal activities in general犯罪 n.


10. reject=to refuse to accept, believe in, or agree with something 拒绝 v.


11. employ=give somebody a job=take on=engage= appoint=recruit=sign up雇佣 v.


12. courier=a person or company that is paid to take packages somewhere快递员 n.


13. storage=keep=store=keep something in storage=preserve 存储n.


14. facility=rooms, equipment, or services that are provided for a particular purpose 设备n.


15. ambitious=ambition=power-hungry/power-mad=competitive= determined to be successful, rich, powerful etc.有志向的,雄心壮志的 adj.


16. effort=to try very hard to do something= attempt=campaign=drive努力 n.


17. feature= a part of something that you notice because it seems important, interesting, or typical;a part of the land, especially a part that you can see: a part of someone's face, such as their eyes, nose etc特点 n.


18. planet= the world=earth/Earth=the globe 地球 n.


19. unpredictable=can't say/tell=unforeseeable=it remains to be seen 无法预测的 adj.


20. machinery=machines, especially large ones= a system or set of processes for doing something=machine=device=robot=appliance=mechanism 机械 n.


21. ultimate=someone's ultimate aim is their main and most important aim, that they hope to achieve in the future= final最终的,根本的 adj.


22. atmosphere= the feeling that an event or place gives you= the mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth气氛; 大气n.


23. occur=happen=take place=there is=come about=come up=turn up=arise=strike发生v.


24. expand= get bigger=grow=swell up=stretch扩张,扩大v.


25. form= type= way something is/appears=shape形式 n.


26. emerge=appear=become visible=come into view/come into sight=come out=reappear 出现 v.


27. emit= to send out gas, heat, light, sound etc 发出,放射 n.


28. situation= circumstances=position=case=plight情况,状况 n.


29. self-conscious=worried and embarrassed about what you look like or what other people think of you自觉的 n.


30. generate= to make someone have a particular feeling= form=produce=create 产生 v.


31. various=there are several different types of that thing=different=a variety of something=differing=varying=an assortment of something=assorted=a mix of something=a mixture of something各种各样的 adj.


32. convenient= a thing or way of doing something that is easy and quick; a time or arrangement that is convenient 方便的 adj.


33. objective=impartial=neutral=not take sides=unbiased=disinterested客观的 adj.


34. enquiry=investigate=make inquiries/enquiries=go into=probe=look into=solve=be under investigation 调查


35. observe=notice=can see/can tell=see=spot=detect=note become aware/conscious=catch somebody's eye=perceive观察 v.


36. comment=remark=thing to say=point=statement= announcement=declaration=observation评论


37. include=consist of=comprise=be composed of= be made up of包含,包括 v.


38. focus on=deals only with=concentrate专注于 v.


39. affect=have an effect=have an impact=take effect= make a difference=impact影响 v.


40. gained from=come from=be based on=originate= go back to=have its origins in=have its roots in=derive from/be derived from=develop from/evolve from产生于…. V.


41. concern=worry=stress=anxiety=strain= a feeling of worry about something important关心,担心n.




1. official=formal=authorized=on (the) record官方的,正式的 adj.


2. athletic=physically strong and good at sport=fit=be in shape=be in good condition运动的 adj.


3. intensive=involving a lot of activity, effort, or careful attention in a short period of time=rapid=crash course密集的,加强的 adj.


4. burst=a short sudden effort or increase in activity=burst of anger/enthusiasm/temper etc 爆炸,突发


5. recognize=know=identify=pick out=tell认出,承认v.


6. inadequate=not enough=too little=few=scarce=insufficient=be in short supply=lack of something=be short 不足的 adj.


7. develop=come from=be based on=originate=go back to=have its origins in=have its roots in=derive from=be derived from=be founded on=grow out of=develop from=evolve from发展,生长 v.


8. enable=make something possible=allow=permit=pave the way for=clear the way for使能够 v.


9. predict=anticipate=forecast=foretell=prediction=projected=guess in advance预测 v.


10. specialist=someone who knows a lot about a particular subject, or is very skilled at it=expert专家 n.


11. theoretical=relating to the study of ideas, especially scientific ideas, rather than with practical uses of the ideas or practical experience理论的 adj.


12. basic=fundamental=essential=central=underlying=simple=crude=primitive=rudimentary=unsophisticated=low-tech基本的 adj.


13. nature=plants/animals etc=somebody's character=qualities of something=type自然 n.


14. aim=purpose=point=idea=objective=object=goal=target=end目的 n.


15. translate=change languages=interpret=put something into English/French/Japanese etc翻译 v.


16. ancient=belonging to a time long ago in history, especially thousands of years ago 古老的 adj.


17. realistic=when pictures, films etc make things seem real=lifelike=realism=true to life=vivid实际的,现实的


18. field=area=branch=world=domain=realm=sphere领域 n.


19. document=a piece of paper that has official information on it;a piece of written work that is stored on a computer文件 n.


20. equal=the same in number, amount, level etc as something else平等的 adj.


21. influence=effect=side effect=impact=what something does to=the implications 影响 n.


22. behavior=manner=conduct=behave=well-behaved=good=be on your best=stay out of trouble行为 n.


23. compare=to examine or judge two or more things in order to show how they are similar to or different from each other=liken=make a comparison=draw an analogy=draw a parallel=contrast 比较 v.


24. economically=in a way that is related to systems of money, trade, or business经济上地 adv.


25. establish=determine=identify=pinpoint=diagnose=to start a new business or organization.建立新的生意/组织 v.


26. sustainable=able to continue without causing damage to the environment; able to continue for a long time可持续的 adj.


27. realize=know=be/become aware=can tell=appreciate=be conscious=know perfectly well=know/learn from experience意识到 v.


28. limit=restrict=set/impose/put a limit=keep to/keep within=confine=fix 限制


29. produce=form=create=generate生产 v.


30. guarantee=promise=assure=give somebody your word=swear=vow=commit to=pledge保证 v.


31. liberty=freedom=a free hand自由 n.


32. independence=self-sufficiency=self-reliance 独立 n.


33. consistent=always behaving in the same way or having the same attitudes, standards etc - usually used to show approval持续的 adj.


34. underestimate=to think or guess that something is smaller, cheaper, easier etc than it really is=to think that someone is not as good, clever, or skilful, as they really are低估 v.


35. provision=when you provide something that someone needs now or in the future 提供 n.


Cambridge 5




1. produce=develop=manufacture生产 v.


2. central=middle中心的 adj.


3. did not have=without没有 v.


4. bring=confer=award=present=grant=confer=allocate=offer带来 v.


5. time limit=deadline时间限制,期限 n.


6. increase=go up/rise=grow=climb=gain=escalate=expand=pick up=widen=intensify=build up增加


7. assistant=helper=coach 助手 n.


8. immense=big=major=considerable=great=huge/enormous=tremendous=large scale/large-scale巨大的 adj.


9. illustrate=show=be a sign=demonstrate=mean=make clear=reflect=tell=be evidence=reveal 表明,显示 v.


10. quotation=a phrase or sentence that is well-known or often used 引用语 n.


11. predecessor=someone who had your job before you started doing it 前辈,前任n.


12. rival=a person, group, or organization that you compete with in sport, business, a fight etc=competitor 对手,竞争者 n.


13. distraction=something that stops you paying attention to what you are doing分心的事物 n.


14. fault=defect=problem=trouble=flaw=weakness =bug=virus=be something wrong with 错误,缺点


15. cornerstone=basis=foundation=the key 基石n.


16. confer=award=present=grant=allocate 给予 v.


17. stability=the condition of being steady and not changing稳定 n.


18. prevail=win=come out on top=prevail=carry the day流行,获胜v.


19. contract=agreement=understanding=compromise 合约 n.


20. grant=award=present=confer=allocate给予 v.


21. fascinate=if someone or something fascinates you, you are attracted to them and think they are extremely interesting吸引,使着迷 v.


22. disturb=interrupt=bother=distract=put somebody off 打扰 v.


23. expect=think=anticipate预期,期待 v.


24. psychology=the study of the mind and how it influences people's behavior 心理学 n.


25. obey=comply with=abide by=keep to=stick to the rules=conform to=observe=respect=toe the line=go by the book/do something by the book 服从,顺从v.


26. identity=someone's identity is their name or who they are 身份n.


27. severity=used of the degree of something undesirable 严重性 n.


28. unfold=open=happen=develop=expand 展开,发生 v.


29. deliberately=intentionally=on purpose=purposely故意地 adv.


30. moral=relating to the principles of what is right and wrong behavior, and with the difference between good and evil 道德上的,与道德有关的 adj.


31. prior to=before=previous在…前面


32. repetition=doing or saying the same thing many times重复 n.


33. genetic=relating to genes or genetics基因的,遗传学的 adj.


34. sacrifice=when you decide not to have something valuable, in order to get something that is more important牺牲 v.


35. victim=someone who has been attacked, robbed, or murdered受害者 n.


36. forge=form=counterfeit 形成;伪造 v.


37. persuade=convince=win over=talk around 说服 v.


38. surrender=give in 投降,放弃 v.


39. extinct=an extinct type of animal or plant does not exist anymore=disappear=vanish灭绝的,绝种的 adj.


40. abundant=plenty=ample 充裕的,丰富的 adj.


41. exaggerate=overstate夸张,夸大 v.


42. phenomenon=something that happens or exists in society, science, or nature, especially something that is studied because it is difficult to understand 现象 n.


43. perception=idea=notion=view=belief=insight 认识,观念,看法 n.


44. impression=infection=effect=influence=affection印象,感想 n.


45. entitle=to give someone the official right to do or have something 使某人有权利/资格 v.


46. distortion=a change for the worse=deformation扭曲,曲解 v.


47. dispose=to arrange things or put them in their places=arrange=settle=manage=cope with=deal with 安排,处理 v.


48. intuition=the ability to understand or know something because of a feeling rather than by considering the facts=instinct 直觉 n.


49. emission=a gas or other substance that is sent into the air排放物,散发物n.


50. diminish=reduce=decrease=fall=lessen=cut 减少,减小v.


51. postpone=put back=delay=adjourn 延期,推迟 v.


52. crucial=important=critical=vital=necessary=essential 至关重要的 adj.


53. pessimistic=expecting that bad things will happen in the future or that something will have a bad result=getting worse悲观的 adj.


54. attempt=purpose=order=effort 尝试,努力




1. similar=like=resemble相似的 adj.


2. derive=originate=come from=stem from起源 v.


3. impetus=momentum=stimulus=incentive=motivation=encouragement 动机,动力 n.


4. generate=produce=bring into existence=make=manufacture产生 v.


5. couple with=and=accompany=with 伴随 v.


6. factor=reason=element=component=ingredient 因素 n.


7. unique=have the distinction=distinct=different=extraordinary=special独特的 adj.


8. advance=progress=development=growth=increase进步 n.


9. field=domain=territory=industry=sector领域 n.


10. alternative=substitute=replacement替代物 n.


11. like=such as=for example=for instance 例如


12. resource=material=source资源,来源 n.


13. limited=restricted=exhaustible=finite有限的adj.


14. involve=rely on=contain=comprise 包含,牵涉 v.


15. current=modern=recent=present最近的adj.


16. particular=extraordinary=special=detail=specific=unique特别的,独有的adj.


17. draw on=absorb=do with吸收 v.


18. settle on=make choice of=decide on选定 v.


19. superiority=advantage=edge=high quality优势 n.


20. accompany=when=keep company=be associated with 陪伴,伴随v.


21. view=belief=opinion=insight=perception 观点 n.


22. artificial intelligence=reasoning in machine人工智能 n.


23. involve with=associate with=link to=relate to与…有关联 v.


24. release=issue=launch=convey=public=deliver 发行,发表v.


25. difficult=demanding=hard=tough困难的 adj.


26. task=job=work=labour 任务,工作 n.


27. instantly=rapidly=immediately立即地 adv.


28. react=respond 反应 v.


29. relate to=depend on=link to=associate with=involve with 与…有关系 v.


30. subject views=outlook=personal/individual views=personal/individual opinions 主观观点 n.


31. distort=to change the appearance, sound, or shape of something so that it is strange or unclear; to report something in a way that is not completely true or correct=misinterpret 扭曲,歪曲 v.


32. figure out=settle=decide=tell=understand 理解,想出 v.


33. assessment=appraisal=evaluation=estimate=judgment评估,估计 v.


34. emerge=appear=come forth出现 v.


35. remain=keep=stay=maintain保持 v.


36. exploitation=development=utilization=usage利用,使用n.


37. foster=cultivate=raise=nurture培养,养育 v.


38. overtake=catch up=sweep over赶上,压倒 v.


39. initial=original=premier最初的,开始的 adj.


40. whereas=however=while=nevertheless=but=yet然而,但是 adv.




1. outcome=product=result=conclusion=consequence 结果,后果 n.


2. overcome=win=get over=exceed克服,战胜 v.


3. insufficient=deficient=shortage=lack=scarcity不足的 adj.


4. supply=provide=furnish=give 提供 v.


5. launch=release=project=send=shot=emit 开始,投放 v.


6. suppose=expect=imagine=guess=speculate=think猜想,设想 v.


7. detect=perceive=explore=sense发觉,觉察v.


8. handicap=difficult=obstacle=hindrance=bar=deterrent 障碍,困难n.


9. peer=the people who are at the same age as you, or who have the same type of job, social class etc.同龄人,伙伴 n.


10. positive=optimistic=uplifting 积极的 adj.


11. administer=manage=conduct=implement=perform执行,管理 v.


12. funding=money=funds=financial resource 资金,基金 n.


13. interact=if people interact with each other, they talk to each other, work together etc. 互动 v.


14. irrigation=the supplement of land or crops with water 灌溉 n.


15. sedimentation=the natural process by which small pieces of rock, earth etc settle at the bottom of the sea etc and form a solid layer 积淀 n.


16. interrupt=break=violate=cut in打断,打扰 v.


17. process=procedure=method=approach过程 n.


18. threat=danger=intimidation 威胁 n.


19. valuable=precious=worthy宝贵的,珍贵的 adj.


20. construct=build=make=found 建造 v.


21. blame=to say or think that someone or something is responsible for something bad责备,怪罪 v.


22. stimulate=encourage=activate=motivate鼓励,刺激 v.


23. long-term=long-run=long-period长期的 adj.


24. impact=affect=influence=effect影响 v.&n.


25. occur=happen=exist=come发生 v.


26. contain=include=cover=possess 包含 v.


27. military=battlefield=martial军事的adj.


28. separate=disparate=distinct=different分开的,不同的adj.


29. vanish=extinct=disappear 消失 v.


30. consciousness=awareness 意识 n.


31. ignite=light=inflame点燃 v.


32. encompass=include=contain=cover包含,围绕 v.


33. reckon=think=suppose=believe=imagine=expect=feel认为 v.


34. widespread=universal=extensive=popular=general广泛的,普遍的adj.


35. launch=coin=project=release=issue创新,开辟 v.


36. contemporary=modern-day, present-day同时代的adj.


37. potential=possible=underlying=likely=expected=latent 潜在的,可能的adj.


38. prospect=expectation=outlook=chance展望,希望n.


39. perception=idea=insight=viewpoint感觉,领悟n.




1. community=organization=group=body团体n.


2. fragile=delicate脆弱的adj.


3. remote=distant 遥远的 adj.


4. require=desire=order=command要求 v.


5. inhabitant=resident=dweller居住者,居民 n.


6. consequently=thus=accordingly=hence=therefore=as a result 结果,因此 adv.


7. destination=goal=end point=terminus目的地n.


8. throughout=around=wholly=everywhere=end-to-end自始至终,到处,全部 adv.


9. operate=act=run运转 v.


10. output=product输出,产品 n.


11. decline=reduction=fall=slump=decrease=recession 下降n.


12. undermine=destroy=damage=hurt=ruin 破坏 v.


13. revive=renaissance复兴 v.


14. unusual=rare=strange=uncommon罕见的,不寻常的 adj.


15. ordinary=standard=common=usual=general普通的,平常的adj.


16. fragment=shard=debris=pieces=ruins碎片n.


17. break=shatter=crack打碎,打破 v.


18. interior=inner layer=inside 内部的n. &adj.


19. insist=claim=argue=believe=think坚持,坚称 v.


20. expand=extend=grow=boom=spread out=enhance扩张,扩大v.


21. suppress=control=restrain=repress=put down=oppress=inhibit=ban=forbid=stifle 压制 v.


22. speed up=increase speed=quicken up=accelerate speed加速 v.


23. examine=analyse=survey=inspect=study=detect=investigate检查,调查 v.


24. dispute=debate=controversy=disagree=argue争论,争执n.&v.


25. detect=analyse=explore=research=survey=investigate=inspect 察觉,发现 v.


26. claim=say=state=insist=argue=think=believe声称 v.


27. cue=implication=reminder=hint=evidence提示,信号,暗号n.


28. unpredictable=fluctuate=changeable无法预测的 adj.


29. be referred to as=be known as=be regarded as 被称为


30. encourage=induce=trigger=stimulate=boost=inspire鼓励,促使 v.


31. considerable=plenty=big=major=important数量可观的 adj.


32. regardless of=despite of=take no notice of 不管,不顾


33. adequate=plenty=proper=appropriate=suitable充足的,适当的 adj.


34. assure=make sure=guarantee=ensure=insure=secure=make certain of保证,确保 v.


35. suitable=appropriate=proper=adequate=matching 合适的 adj.


Cambridge 6




1.exchange=apply something learned in one to others=change 交流v.


2.expertise=skill 专门技术n.


3.employ=analyze=study 使用v.


4.investigation=analysis 调查n.


5.narrow=focus on 缩小范围v.


6.reproduce=copy=replicate=repeat 复制v.


7.funded support=finance 资金n.


8.athlete=sportsmen and women 运动员n.


9.calculate=measure 计算 v.


10.event=championship 赛事 n.


11.plan=prepare=design 计划 v.


12.improve=grow=get better 进步 v.


13.trade=economy 贸易n.


14.transport=import or export=deliver 运输 v.


15.local=domestic=native=indigenous 当地的adj.


16.weakening=less=reduced=decreased 下降的adj.


17.value=worth=price=credit=use=benefit=profit 价值n.


18.delivery=export or import 运输 n.


19.nearby nations=geographic neighbours 近邻 n.


20.international=ocean=global=worldwide 国际的 adj.


21.shipping=freight 船运 n.


22.cargo=freight=goods 货物 n.


23.tariff=charge=fee=tax 税费n.




25.difficult=harsh=demanding=tough=challenging 困难的 adj.


26.essential supplies=food and clothing=necessities 必需品 n.


27.supply=provision=support 供给 n.


28.grow=increase=rise=improve=go up=boost=expand=extend 增长 v.




30.understanding=knowledge 了解 n.


31.well-being=health 健康 n.


32.impossible=out of the question=unlikely 不可能 adj.


33.catch=exploit=capture 抓捕 v.


34.surrounding=environment=circumstance 环境 n.


35.push to one's limits=test one's limits 挑战极限


36.not unmanageable=can cope with 能处理的


37.present inhabitant=descendant 居民


38.give up=abandon 放弃


39.mainly=heavily=most 主要地


40.visit=venture 参观




1. successfully=spectacularly well=wonderfully 成功地adv.


2. people power=local pressure groups 群众力量n.


3. commute=travel 通勤 v.


4. higher=increasing=more 更高的 adj.


5. income=wealth=salary=wage=payment 收入n.


6. beneficial=valuable=profitable=good 有益的 adj.


7. together=face to face 共同


8. refute=not mean=rebut=deny 反驳v.


9. accommodation=live=living condition 住宿n.


10. usage=use=benefit=profit 用处n.


11. averagely good=reasonable but not special 较好的


12. limited=minimal 有限的adj.


13. move from one to another=adopt one over another 转移


14. show=reveal=uncover=indicate=point out=imply 表明


15. related=associated 有关联的 adj.


16. suffer=be afflicted 忍受(病痛)v.


17. research=study=investigation=survey 研究n.


18. affect=afflict=influence=change 影响v.


19. disease=medical complain=illness 病痛 n.


20. increase=surge=rise=gain=grow=go up=add=escalate 上升v.


21. link=correlation=connection=relationship 关系n.


22. considerable=significant=substantial=massive=marked大量的 adj.


23. reduction=drop=concession=fall=decrease 下降 n.


24. elderly people=old people 老人n.


25. independent=self-reliant 自立的 adj.


26. regular=daily 定期的adj.


27. exercise=physical activity 运动n.


28. challenging=difficult=tough=demanding 有挑战性的adj.


29. decline=deteriorate=reduce=drop=decrease 下降v.


30. lonely=emotionally isolated 孤独的adj.


31. hand signal=gesture=body language 手势n.


32. restricted=limited 有限的adj.


33. concept=abstract idea=definition 定义n.


34. specific=particular=detailed 特定的adj.


35. early=older 早期的adj.


36. fulfill=qualify=achieve=keep=satisfy 完成v.


37. sufficient=enough 足够的adj.


38. quantity=how many=amount 数量n.


39. misunderstanding=confusion 误解n.


40. prevent=resolve=forbid=stop 防止v.


41. poor=lack of=impoverished 贫穷adj.


42. newer=later=recent=present 新的adj.


43. ancestor=early people=predecessor 祖先n.




1. teach=educate=cultivate=nature 教育v.


2. actor=star 演员n.


3. first=initial=early=primary 最早的adj.


4. storyline=narrative=plot 故事情节n.


5. globe=world 世界n.


6. early=first=ancient 早期的adj.


7. passing of time=flow of time 时光的流逝


8. describe=tell 描述v.


9. realistic=achievable 现实的adj.


10. target=goal=aim 目标n.


11. feedback=comment=advice=criticism 反馈n.


12. match to=suit to 合适


13. reward=promotion or advancement=prize=benefit 奖励n.


14. link to=make something contingent on=associate with=connect with=relate to 联系起来


15. achievement=attainment=gain=success 成就n.


16. remuneration=payment 酬金n.


17. tend to=prone to 倾向于


18. feel=perceive=think=find=experience=notice=have an opinion 感觉v.


19. participate=be involved in=take part in=join 参加v.


20. staff=employee=worker 员工n.


21. visible=disclosed=obvious=noticeable 可见的adj.


22. clerical worker=clerk 书记员n.


23. judge=rate=criticize=assess=evaluate=gauge=appraise 评判v.


24. job=work=assignment 工作n.


25. delay=slow=prolong=postpone=procrastinate=shelve=put off延后v.


26. growing old=ageing 变老


27. people=mortal=people=individual 人n.


28. life=lifespan 生命


29. chance=likelihood=fortune=hope=possibility=opportunity=risk=luck 机会n.


30. production=generation=output 产量n.


31. theory=hypothesis=guess=guesswork 猜想n.


32. focus on=emphasize=aim at=concentrate on 集中于


33. short=scarce=limited=insufficient 短缺的adj.




1. drug company=pharmaceutical company 医药公司n.


2. promotion=marketing 营销n.


3. increase=escalate=rise=go up=grow 上升v.


4. research=study=survey=investigation 研究n.


5. work=be an effective way=be useful=help=achieve=succeed=have an effect=happen=turn out 奏效v.


6. technique=strategy=skill=expertise=method=way 技术n.


7. criticism=judgement=skepticism=disapproval=denunciation 批评n.


8. moral=ethical 道德的 adj.


9. legitimate=have every right to do=legal=right=authorized 合法的adj.


10. money=profit=benefit=income=currency 钱n.


11. adults=men and women 成人n.


12. maternal=mother=female 母亲的adj.


13. education=literacy=cultivation 教育n.


14. child=infant=kid 孩子n.


15. approximately=about=around=nearly 大约adv.


16. impressive=greatest=touching=unforgettable 印象深刻的 adj.


17. programme=campaign=project 项目n.


18. common=persistent=normal=usual=ordinary=everyday 常见的adj.


19. be halved=decline by 50% 减半


20. key=most important=crucial=critical=significant 关键的adj.


21. produce=develop=generate=engineer=manufacture 生产v.


22. detailed=explicit=specific 细节的adj.


23. on its own=alone 自身


24. however=but=yet 但是


25. self-confidence=assertiveness=confidence 自信n.


26. effective=useful=beneficial=good=needed 有效的 adj.


27. distinguish=recognize the difference=differentiate 区别v.


Cambridge 7




1. rely on=depend on 依靠v.


2. avoid=stay away=keep away=steer clear of=make a detour 避免v.


3. die out=extinct=disappear=no longer exist 灭绝 v.


4. hunt=search for=look for=try to find=in search of 打猎v.


5. limb=arm or leg=body=organ 四肢 n.


6. perceive=sense=see=spot=become aware of=observe 感知,感觉v.


7. calculate=measure=work out=figure=estimate=access 计算v.


8. detection=finding=observation 探测 n.


9. coin=invent=make=create=come up with 发明,创造 v.


10. inaccurate=incorrect=wrong=misleading 不精确的 adj.


11. revision=change=shift=reform=alteration 改进 n.


12. downward=fall=drop=downhill 下降的 adj.


13. increasing=soaring=growing=rising 上升的adj.


14. primarily=mainly=largely=chiefly=principally 主要地 adv.


15. due to=because of=as a result of=thanks to=owing to 因为


16. decrease=reduce=fall=drop 下降v.


17. radical=not traditional=new=unconventional 激进的adj.


18. prior to=beforehand=before=in advance=on the eve of 之前


19. demanding=difficult=hard=challenging=tough 要求高的,艰难的 adj.


20. well known=notorious=famous=renowned 著名的 adj.


21. admit=acknowledge=confess=to tell the truth 承认 v.


22. be similar to=like=resemble=bear a resemblance to=akin to 相似 v.


23. result in=lead to=cause=give rise to=bring about 引发,导致


24. sophisticated=advanced=high-tech=complex=complicated 复杂的


25. address=solve=deal with=handle 处理 v.


26. imitate=copy=impersonate=follow one's example 模仿 v.


27. maintain=continue=carry on=keep up=preserve 维持 v.


28. feed=eat=have=chew=swallow=consume 喂食 v.


29. illustrate=show=demonstrate=make clear=reflect 说明 v.


30. memorise=learn=commit something to memory 记忆 v.


31. conventional=traditional=conformist=conservative 传统的 v.


32. notice=see=spot=be aware of=be conscious of 注意到 v.

33. retain=keep=save=hold on to 保持 v.


34. convince=persuade=win sb. over=satisfy 使确信 v.


35. spectacular=impressive=imposing=striking=grand 壮观的 adj.




1. interior=inner=inside 内部的 adj.


2. change=shift=alter=transfer 改变v.


3. establish=build=found=set up=start 建立 v.


4. official=authority=leader=supervisor 官员 n.


5. isolated=inaccessible=distant=remote=faraway 隔离的, 边远的 adj.


6. collapse=fall=fall over=fall down 倒塌 v.


7. destroy=devastate=wreck=obliterate 毁灭 v.


8. absorb=digest=take in=assimilate 吸收 v.


9. severe=serious=stiff=heavy 严重的 adj.


10. purify=refine=distill 净化 v.


11. hidden=disguised=concealed=veiled 隐藏的 adj.


12. decline=decrease=reduce=fall=drop 下降 v.


13. deteriorate=get worse=go down=decline 变坏 v.


14. recognize=know=identify=pick out 认出 v.


15. conclude=summarize=come to/reach the conclusion 得出结论 v.


16. adapt to=get used to=become accustomed to=adjust to 适应 v.


17. initiate=start=launch=open=set in motion 开始,发起 v.


18. refer to=mention=allude to=touch on 提到 v.


19. identify=name=recognize=diagnose 确定,认同 v.


20. request=demand=claim=petition=appeal 要求 n.


21. be divided into=separate=split=break up=break down 分开 v.


22. consist of=be made up of=be composed of=comprise 由…组成


23. hinder=hamper=impede 阻碍 v.


24. objective=aim=purpose=goal=target 目标 n.


25. implement=carry on=execute=put sth. Into practice 实行 v.


26. promote=encourage=help=aid 促进 v.


27. warn=caution=alert=give sb. a warning 警告 v.


28. observation post=watchtower 瞭望塔 n.


29. access=entrance=entryway=way in 通路,进入 n.




1. cause=reason=factor=origin=root 原因 n.


2. measure=weigh=time=take=read 测量 v.


3. route=motorway=highway=expressway 车道 n.


4. exclude=omit=miss out=leave out=drop 排除在外 v.


5. renewable=sustainable=recycling=environmentally friendly 可再生的 adj.


6. exist=there is/are=be found=occur 存在 v.


7. limit=restrict=constrain=confine=keep to 限制 v.


8. boundary=border=edge=outskirts=frontier 边界 n.


9. allow for=make sth. Possible 使…成为可能


10. proposal=suggestion=recommendation=proposition 提议 n.


11. urban=city=town=municipal 城市的 adj.


12. odour=smell=stench=stink 味道 n.


13. find one's way=navigate 导航 v.


14. bearing=position=standing 方位 n.


15. exchange=share=distribute 分享 v.


16. waste=unwanted materials=rubbish=garbage=trash 废物 n.


17. dental=teeth 牙齿的 adj.


18. priority=preferential=the most important=overriding 优先 n.


19. encourage=promote=help=support=be supportive 鼓励 v.


20. explore=look for=discuss=think 探索 v.


21. factor=cause=reason=root=origin 因素 n.


22. cultivate=grow=raise 培养 v.


23. convert=modify=transfer=adapt=customize 转变 v.


24. digest=take in=absorb=assimilate 消化 v.


25. preserve=protect=keep=store=keep sth. In storage 保存,保护 v.


26. monitor=watch=keep an eye on 监视 v.


27. allocate=distribute=apportion=grant=confer 分配 v.


28. decline=decrease=reduce=fall=drop 下降 v.


29. fragile=weak=delicate=breakable=feeble 脆弱的 adj.


30. upgrade=improve=make sth.better=make improvements 改进,提高 v.


31. advanced=developed=sophisticated=high-tech 先进的 adj.


32. sustainable=renewable=recycling=environmentally friendly 可持续的 adj.


33. evidence=proof=documentation 证据 n.


34. long-standing=lengthy=long-running=lasting 长期的 adj.




1. large numbers of=tens of thousands of=many 大量的


2. large=massive=huge=enormous=vast 巨大的 adj.


3. resemble=look like=alike=much the same=akin to 相像 v.


4. foe=enemy=adversary=hostile 敌人 n.


5. more than=exceed=over=in excess of 超过 v.


6. decrease=crash=reduction=fall=drop 下降 n.


7. stop=halt=come to a halt 停止 v.


8. sufficient=abundant=enough=adequate 充足的 adj.


9. establish=found=build=set up 建立 v.


10. be Successful=prosper=do well=succeed=thrive 成功


11. recognize=certify=accept=acknowledge承认 v.


12. label=display=call=brand=hail 贴标签,命名 v.


13. adapt=adjust=get used to=become/grow accustomed to 适应 v.


14. mistake=error=fault=slip=mix-up 错误 n.


15. keep a check on=monitor=watch=keep an eye on 监视 v.


16. unexpected=unpredictable=unforeseeable 不可预见的 adj.


17. generally=in general=in the whole=all in all=all things considered 大体上的 adv.


18. previously=before=earlier=formerly 先前 adv.


19. apply=use=make use of=exercise=utilize 应用 v.


20. due to=because=since=owing to=thanks to=as a result of 因为


21. raise=lift=lift up=pick up=scoop up 使…上升 v.


22. in addition=besides=additionally=too=also=as well 除此之外


23. inhabitant=resident=population=citizen=local 居民 n.


24. collapse=failure=fall 崩塌,失败 n.


25. set up=establish=found=start=open 建立


26. ensure=make sure=make certain=see to it that 保证 v.


27. assist=help=aid=give a hand=do sth. For 协助 v.


28. deny=refuse=withhold 否认 v.


29. permit=allow=let=agree to=authorize 许可 v.


30. interfere=intrude=disrupt=meddle 干扰 v.


31. repeat=redo=retake=do sth. again 重复 v.


32. prevent=stop=restrain=hold back=discourage 阻止 v.


33. disrupt=disturb=upset=break up 打扰 v.


34. long-term=chronic=long=lengthy=long-running 长期的 adj.


35. expose=show=reveal=present=let sb. see 暴露,揭发 v.


36. intense=strong=passionate=powerful=fervent 强烈的adj.


37. random=arbitrary=at random 任意的,随机的 adj.


38. require=demand=need=call for 要求v.


39. fatigue=tiredness=exhaustion=drowsiness 疲劳 n.


40. manifest=show=reveal=present 显示 v.


41. concentrate=pay attention=put one's mind on=attentive 专注 v.


42. produce=make=manufacture=create=fashion 生产 v.


43. carry out=implement=put sth. into practice=execute 实行v.


44. perform=do=conduct=dabble in 执行 v.


Cambridge 8




1. agree=concur=go along with=fall in with=go with v.同意


2. sceptic and advocate=different attitude 不同的看法


3. significance=impressive=meaning=sense n.重要性


4. meditation: the practice of emptying your mind of thoughts and feelings, in order to relax completely or for religious reasons n.冥想,沉思


5. parapsychology: the scientific study of mysterious abilities that some people claim to have, such as knowing what will happen in the future n.通灵学


6. environment=condition=light, sound, warmth=situation=circumstance n.环境


7. alter=change=revise=make changes v. 改变


8. trial=experiment=test n.实验


9. success rate=positive result=achievement=progress=breakthrough=accomplishment n.成就


10. pick out=identify=recognize=know=tell v.认出,识别


11. limit=minimize=maximum=the most=ceiling=cut-off point v.限制


12. different=individual=not like=vary=not the same=contrast with=diverse adj.独特的


13. invention=device=creation=innovation n.发明,装置


14. cold temperature=freezing weather=chilly=frosty=wintry=cold snap adj.寒冷的


15. farming=agriculture n.农业


16. simultaneous=at the same time=together=at once=at one time adj.同时的


17. uniform=equal=homogeneous adj.均衡的


18. devise=formulate=invent=create=come up with=make up=conceive=coin=dream up v.创造


19. civil=municipal=metropolitan adj.城市的


20. divide=split=separate=break up=break down=take apart=take something to piece v. 分开


21. new=revolutionary=original=innovation=fresh=novel=be in its infancy adj.新的,革命的


22. create=introduce=invent=make sth. do sth.=be the cause=lead to sth. v..发明


23. organize=co-ordinate=arrange=set out=put something in order=line up v.组织,使协调


24. public event=communal activity 公众、社交活动


25. aviation disaster=sky accident=air crash 空难


26. prompt=result in=lead to=make somebody do something=cause somebody to do something=lead somebody to do something=motivate=induce somebody to do something v. 导致


27. resemble=like=similar=alike=much the same=comparable v.类似


28. oversimplify=incomplete=simplistic=generalize=see things in black and white adj. 过于简化的,不完整的


29. altitude=from…meters above the ground=height=how high=level n.高度


30. zone=airspace=region=area=district=quarter=block=suburb n.区域


31. weather=meteorological=climate=condition n.气候


32. categorize=class / type=sort=classify=be grouped=grade v.分类


33. create=establish=invent=start up=open=set up=found=inception v.创建


34. beacon and flashing=light=beam n.灯光


35. improve=develop=evolve=get better=catch up=pick up=things are looking up v.发展,进化


36. aircraft=plane=by air n.飞机


37. average-sized=medium-sized adj. 中等的


38. city=metropolitan=urban=town=village=civic=municipal=downtown n.城市


39. pendulum : a long metal stick with a weight at the bottom that swings regularly from side to side to control the working of a clock n.钟摆


40. coincidental : happening completely by chance without being planned adj.巧合的


41. disobey : to refuse to do what someone with authority tells you to do, or refuse to obey a rule or law v.不服从




1.drastically : extreme and sudden adv.彻底地


2.carry out : subject to : 使服从


3.remain=stay=keep=continue to be=still v.保持


4.detect=inspect=examine=notice=spot=become aware / conscious=note=conserve=perceive v.检查


5.fault=flaw=defect=trouble=bug=virus=be something wrong with=be something matter with n.缺陷,缺点


6.enough=sufficient=adequate=cover=meet somebody's need adj.足够的


7.main=largely=principal=chief=major=key=primary=prime=predominant=core adj.主要的:


8.documentation=written account=evidence=proof n.证明


9.shift=switch=transfer=move=jerk v.转换


10.consistent=lasting=stay the same=constant=unchanging adj.持续的


11.drought=no rain at all=dry=dusty adj.干旱的


12.period=cycle=era=age n.年代


13.random=arbitrary=at random adj.随机的


14.molten=hot=heat=boiling / boiling hot=scalding / scalding hot adj.熔化的


15.intense=strong=passionate=powerful=deep adj.强烈的


16.discover=explore=find / unearth=turn up v.开发,发现


18.pattern=trade / commodity=business n.贸易


19.relate to=associate with=link to / connect to=identify with 联系


20.feeling=emotional response / sensory=a sense of=passion n. 感觉


21.unappreciated=undervalued adj.低估的


22.difficult=elusive=hard / tough=easier said than done adj.困难的,难懂的


23.study=research=analyse=do/conduct research v.研究


24.4smell=odour=scent n.气味


25.interpretation=be considered to be=understanding=reading n.理解


26.define=distinguish=tell the difference v.使明确


27.damage=impair=break=do/cause damage=scratch v.损害


28.realize=consciously consider=occur to=become aware=sink in=strike=hit=wake up to the fact that v.想到


27.reveal=show=demonstrate=let somebody see=present=expose=let somebody take a look v.显示


28.to be defined=unanswered 无答案的


29.husbands and wives=marriage partner / spouse=couple=newlyweds夫妇


30.linguistic=language n.语言


31.describe=name=express=give a description of=talk about=write about=give an account of=tell of v.描述


32.lack=do not exist=not enough=scarce=inadequate=insufficient=in short supply v.缺乏的


33.do not smell=odorless 没有气味的


34.regard as=consider to 把…认作


35.unpleasant=offensive=horrible / disgusting / revolting=not very nice=nasty adj.极讨厌的


36.certain=some=a measure of adj.一些


37.correspond=be consist of=coincide=match up v.一致


38.relevance n.关联


39.float=afloat v.浮动




1. building=property=construction n.建筑


2. support=back=be behind=in support of=back somebody up v.支持


3. financial support=fund=financial aid 资助


4. stumbling block=difficulty=trouble n.麻烦


5. create=generate=form=produce v.形成


6. direct=guide=lead=instruct=give order/instruction v.指导


7. beam=laser=ray=glow=glare n.光线,激光


8. aim=direct at=purpose=point=idea=objective=goal=target n.目的


9. test in real=field test 实地测试


10. genius=giftedness / talent / intellectual=intelligence=brains=brilliant=wisdom n.天才


11. inherit=run in family=receive=get=be given=be awarded v.继承


12. talent=prodigy=skill=ability=craftsmanship=flair=have a knack=a natural ability to do something well n.才能,技能


13. lessen=minimize=subside=lighten=relieve=ease=allay v.减少


14. significance=supremacy=definition=meaning=sense=connotation n.重要性


15. achieve=make=succeed=manage=make progress=accomplish=get results v.达成


16. limitation=restricted=disadvantage=drawback=liability=the downside n.限制


17. inexorable=inevitable=unstoppable=remorseless adj.无法改变的


18. stable=characteristic=constant=steady=fixed=unchanging adj.稳定的


19. life span=duration of life 寿命


20. biological clock=internal clock 生物钟


21. prolong=extend=drag out=spin out v.延伸,延长


22. principle=law=conscience=scruples n.原则,法则


23. optimal=better=best adj.最佳的


24. conserve=save / frugal=reserve=keep back v.节约,保存


25. immortality : the state of living for ever or being remembered for ever adj.不朽的


26. organism=living thing=life form=wildlife =an animal, plant, human, or any other living thing n.有机的




1. middle-year education=lower secondary school 中学


2. format=pattern n.格式


3. less successful student=struggler 差等生


4. key=contributing factor=important=major=significant=critical n.关键


5. achievement=attainment=progress=breakthrough=accomplishment n.成就


6. spacious=largely=big=huge=vast=enormous=immense adj.广阔的


7. adapt=accessible=get used to=become/grow accustomed to=adjust to v.适应,可接近的


8. careful=elaborate=conscientious=thorough=meticulous=methodical adj.仔细的,精心的


9. supplementary=assist=additional=extra=further=added=spare=more=another n.补充,帮助


10. effort=hard work=work at=push yourself=labour n.努力


11. correct answer=accuracy n.精确


12. imbalance=disorder=unequal=disproportionate n.不平衡,紊乱


13. no longer respond=resistance=fight against 抵抗


14. cost=financial outlay=spend=charge=fare=rental=toll n.支出


15. innate=built-in adj.先天的


16. immunity=resistance n.免疫力


17. entail=involve v.包含


18. circumstance=system n.环境,系统


19. feed on=prey on 以…为食


20. blight=plague v.破坏


21. wipe out=eradicate=get rid of=abolish=scrap=do away with=eliminate 根除


22. plague=infest=troublesome v.折磨


23. compare=determination of variation=contrast=liken=make a comparison=draw an analogy=draw a parallel v.对比


24. criterion=identification=standard=scale n.标准,识别


25. compatible=use both method=well-matched=be made for each other=be a perfect match /pair/couple=be right for=be ideally suited adj.兼容的


26. specimen=individual n.标本


27. container=plastic or glass tube n.容器


28. wet=marshy=soaked=waterlogged=awash adj.湿的


29. habitat=area=the environment=ecosystem=ecology n.栖息地


30. pitfall=trap n.陷阱


31. little time and effort is required=minimal maintenance and intervention 最小程度的维修与介入


32. pesticide: a chemical substance used to kill insects and small animals that destroy crops n.杀虫剂


33. preservative: a chemical substance that is used to prevent things from decaying, for example food or wood n.防腐剂

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