该文章整理自 网易博客 http://blog.163.com/net_worm/blog/static/12770241920101831312381/
WebKit由三个模块组成:JavaScriptCore、WebCore 和 WebKit
¨XML- XML内容及解析
¨PCRE-Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions
¨KJS-Javascript Kernel
Unicode unicode 库
Tools tools库
CURL-url 客户端传输库
PlatForm- 与平台相关的功能,如图形图像,字体,Unicode, IO,输入法等.

1 QtWebKitd4.dll!WebCore::MainResourceLoader::loadNow(WebCore::ResourceRequest & r={...}) 行458 C++ 2 QtWebKitd4.dll!WebCore::MainResourceLoader::load(const WebCore::ResourceRequest & r={...}, const WebCore::SubstituteData & substituteData={...}) 行494 + 0x12 字节 C++ 3 QtWebKitd4.dll!WebCore::DocumentLoader::startLoadingMainResource(unsigned long identifier=0x00000004) 行807 + 0x32 字节 C++ 4 QtWebKitd4.dll!WebCore::FrameLoader::continueLoadAfterWillSubmitForm(WebCore::PolicyAction __formal=PolicyUse) 行3274 + 0x16 字节 C++ 5 QtWebKitd4.dll!WebCore::FrameLoader::continueLoadAfterNavigationPolicy(const WebCore::ResourceRequest & __formal={...}, WTF::PassRefPtr<WebCore::FormState> formState={...}, bool shouldContinue=true) 行3968 C++ 6 QtWebKitd4.dll!WebCore::FrameLoader::callContinueLoadAfterNavigationPolicy(void * argument=0x01d424e8, const WebCore::ResourceRequest & request={...}, WTF::PassRefPtr<WebCore::FormState> formState={...}, bool shouldContinue=true) 行3906 C++ 7 QtWebKitd4.dll!WebCore::PolicyCheck::call(bool shouldContinue=true) 行4963 + 0x3b 字节 C++ 8 QtWebKitd4.dll!WebCore::FrameLoader::continueAfterNavigationPolicy(WebCore::PolicyAction policy=PolicyUse) 行3899 C++ 9 QtWebKitd4.dll!WebCore::FrameLoaderClientQt::slotCallPolicyFunction(int action=0x00000000) 行194 C++ 10 QtWebKitd4.dll!WebCore::FrameLoaderClientQt::dispatchDecidePolicyForNavigationAction(void (WebCore::PolicyAction)* function=0x10018f0c, const WebCore::NavigationAction & action={...}, const WebCore::ResourceRequest & request={...}, WTF::PassRefPtr<WebCore::FormState> __formal={...}) 行938 C++ 11 QtWebKitd4.dll!WebCore::FrameLoader::checkNavigationPolicy(const WebCore::ResourceRequest & request={...}, WebCore::DocumentLoader * loader=0x00f63ff8, WTF::PassRefPtr<WebCore::FormState> formState={...}, void (void *, const WebCore::ResourceRequest &, WTF::PassRefPtr<WebCore::FormState>, bool)* function=0x1004e661, void * argument=0x01d424e8) 行3868 C++ 12 QtWebKitd4.dll!WebCore::FrameLoader::loadWithDocumentLoader(WebCore::DocumentLoader * loader=0x00f63ff8, WebCore::FrameLoadType type=FrameLoadTypeRedirectWithLockedHistory, WTF::PassRefPtr<WebCore::FormState> prpFormState={...}) 行2291 C++ 13 QtWebKitd4.dll!WebCore::FrameLoader::loadWithNavigationAction(const WebCore::ResourceRequest & request={...}, const WebCore::NavigationAction & action={...}, WebCore::FrameLoadType type=FrameLoadTypeRedirectWithLockedHistory, WTF::PassRefPtr<WebCore::FormState> formState={...}) 行2226 C++ 14 QtWebKitd4.dll!WebCore::FrameLoader::loadURL(const WebCore::KURL & newURL={...}, const WebCore::String & referrer={...}, const WebCore::String & frameName={...}, WebCore::FrameLoadType newLoadType=FrameLoadTypeRedirectWithLockedHistory, WebCore::Event * event=0x00000000, WTF::PassRefPtr<WebCore::FormState> prpFormState={...}) 行2174 C++ 15 QtWebKitd4.dll!WebCore::FrameLoaderClientQt::createFrame(const WebCore::KURL & url={...}, const WebCore::String & name={...}, WebCore::HTMLFrameOwnerElement * ownerElement=0x00f681a0, const WebCore::String & referrer={...}, bool allowsScrolling=false, int marginWidth=0xffffffff, int marginHeight=0xffffffff) 行981 + 0x70 字节 C++ 16 QtWebKitd4.dll!WebCore::FrameLoader::loadSubframe(WebCore::HTMLFrameOwnerElement * ownerElement=0x00f681a0, const WebCore::KURL & url={...}, const WebCore::String & name={...}, const WebCore::String & referrer={...}) 行472 + 0x74 字节 C++ 17 QtWebKitd4.dll!WebCore::FrameLoader::requestFrame(WebCore::HTMLFrameOwnerElement * ownerElement=0x00f681a0, const WebCore::String & urlString={...}, const WebCore::AtomicString & frameName={...}) 行442 + 0x29 字节 C++ 18 QtWebKitd4.dll!WebCore::HTMLFrameElementBase::openURL() 行105 C++ 19 QtWebKitd4.dll!WebCore::HTMLFrameElementBase::setNameAndOpenURL() 行161 C++ 20 QtWebKitd4.dll!WebCore::HTMLFrameElementBase::setNameAndOpenURLCallback(WebCore::Node * n=0x00f681a0) 行166 C++ 21 QtWebKitd4.dll!WebCore::ContainerNode::dispatchPostAttachCallbacks() 行572 + 0x7 字节 C++ 22 QtWebKitd4.dll!WebCore::ContainerNode::attach() 行587 C++ 23 QtWebKitd4.dll!WebCore::Element::attach() 行648 C++ 24 QtWebKitd4.dll!WebCore::HTMLFrameElementBase::attach() 行194 C++ 25 QtWebKitd4.dll!WebCore::HTMLFrameElement::attach() 行67 C++ 26 QtWebKitd4.dll!WebCore::HTMLParser::insertNode(WebCore::Node * n=0x00f681a0, bool flat=false) 行351 C++ 27 QtWebKitd4.dll!WebCore::HTMLParser::parseToken(WebCore::Token * t=0x00f65fd0) 行256 + 0x19 字节 C++ 28 > QtWebKitd4.dll!WebCore::HTMLTokenizer::processToken() 行1902 + 0x20 字节 C++ 29 QtWebKitd4.dll!WebCore::HTMLTokenizer::parseTag(WebCore::SegmentedString & src={...}, WebCore::HTMLTokenizer::State state={...}) 行1484 + 0x12 字节 C++ 30 QtWebKitd4.dll!WebCore::HTMLTokenizer::write(const WebCore::SegmentedString & str={...}, bool appendData=true) 行1730 + 0x23 字节 C++ 31 QtWebKitd4.dll!WebCore::FrameLoader::write(const char * str=0x01d3f5c0, int len=0x000001df, bool flush=false) 行1039 + 0x23 字节 C++ 32 QtWebKitd4.dll!WebCore::FrameLoader::addData(const char * bytes=0x01d3f5c0, int length=0x000001df) 行1891 C++ 33 QtWebKitd4.dll!WebCore::FrameLoaderClientQt::committedLoad(WebCore::DocumentLoader * loader=0x00f881e0, const char * data=0x01d3f5c0, int length=0x000001df) 行680 C++ 34 QtWebKitd4.dll!WebCore::FrameLoader::committedLoad(WebCore::DocumentLoader * loader=0x00f881e0, const char * data=0x01d3f5c0, int length=0x000001df) 行3513 C++ 35 QtWebKitd4.dll!WebCore::DocumentLoader::commitLoad(const char * data=0x01d3f5c0, int length=0x000001df) 行356 C++ 36 QtWebKitd4.dll!WebCore::DocumentLoader::receivedData(const char * data=0x01d3f5c0, int length=0x000001df) 行368 C++ 37 QtWebKitd4.dll!WebCore::FrameLoader::receivedData(const char * data=0x01d3f5c0, int length=0x000001df) 行2342 C++ 38 QtWebKitd4.dll!WebCore::MainResourceLoader::addData(const char * data=0x01d3f5c0, int length=0x000001df, bool allAtOnce=false) 行147 C++ 39 QtWebKitd4.dll!WebCore::ResourceLoader::didReceiveData(const char * data=0x01d3f5c0, int length=0x000001df, __int64 lengthReceived=0x00000000000001df, bool allAtOnce=false) 行267 C++ 40 QtWebKitd4.dll!WebCore::MainResourceLoader::didReceiveData(const char * data=0x01d3f5c0, int length=0x000001df, __int64 lengthReceived=0x00000000000001df, bool allAtOnce=false) 行342 C++ 41 QtWebKitd4.dll!WebCore::ResourceLoader::didReceiveData(WebCore::ResourceHandle * __formal=0x00fb9aa0, const char * data=0x01d3f5c0, int length=0x000001df, int lengthReceived=0x000001df) 行418 C++ 42 QtWebKitd4.dll!WebCore::QNetworkReplyHandler::forwardData() 行341 C++ 43 QtWebKitd4.dll!WebCore::QNetworkReplyHandler::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c=InvokeMetaMethod, int _id=0x00000002, void * * _a=0x00fba378) 行74 C++ 44 QtCored4.dll!QMetaCallEvent::placeMetaCall(QObject * object=0x00f810d0) 行478 C++ 45 QtCored4.dll!QObject::event(QEvent * e=0x01d3ee18) 行1102 + 0x14 字节 C++ 46 QtGuid4.dll!QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject * receiver=0x00f810d0, QEvent * e=0x01d3ee18) 行4065 + 0x11 字节 C++ 47 QtGuid4.dll!QApplication::notify(QObject * receiver=0x00f810d0, QEvent * e=0x01d3ee18) 行3605 + 0x10 字节 C++ 48 QtCored4.dll!QCoreApplication::notifyInternal(QObject * receiver=0x00f810d0, QEvent * event=0x01d3ee18) 行610 + 0x15 字节 C++ 49 QtCored4.dll!QCoreApplication::sendEvent(QObject * receiver=0x00f810d0, QEvent * event=0x01d3ee18) 行213 + 0x39 字节 C++ 50 QtCored4.dll!QCoreApplicationPrivate::sendPostedEvents(QObject * receiver=0x00000000, int event_type=0x00000000, QThreadData * data=0x00e78f60) 行1247 + 0xd 字节 C++ 51 QtCored4.dll!QEventDispatcherWin32::processEvents(QFlags<enum QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> flags={...}) 行679 + 0x10 字节 C++ 52 QtGuid4.dll!QGuiEventDispatcherWin32::processEvents(QFlags<enum QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> flags={...}) 行1182 + 0x15 字节 C++ 53 QtCored4.dll!QEventLoop::processEvents(QFlags<enum QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> flags={...}) 行150 C++ 54 QtCored4.dll!QEventLoop::exec(QFlags<enum QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> flags={...}) 行201 + 0x2d 字节 C++ 55 QtCored4.dll!QCoreApplication::exec() 行888 + 0x15 字节 C++ 56 QtGuid4.dll!QApplication::exec() 行3526 C++ 57 previewer.exe!main(int argc=0x00000001, char * * argv=0x00e78e20) 行51 + 0x6 字节 C++ 58 previewer.exe!WinMain(HINSTANCE__ * instance=0x00400000, HINSTANCE__ * prevInstance=0x00000000, char * __formal=0x001520d9, int cmdShow=0x00000001) 行137 + 0x12 字节 C++ 59 previewer.exe!__tmainCRTStartup() 行574 + 0x35 字节 C 60 previewer.exe!WinMainCRTStartup() 行399 C 61 kernel32.dll!7c82f23b()
[下面的框架可能不正确和/或缺失,没有为 kernel32.dll 加载符号]
1 QWebView -> QWebPage => QWebFrame(一个QWebPage含多个QWebFrame)
在界面中选择了Open URL,输入URL之后,调用的是:void MainWindow::openUrl()
1 void MainWindow::openUrl() 2 { 3 bool ok; 4 QString url = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("Enter a URL"), 5 tr("URL:"), QLineEdit::Normal, "http://", &ok); 6 7 if (ok && !url.isEmpty()) { 8 centralWidget->webView->setUrl(url); 9 } 10 }
1 void QWebView::setUrl(const QUrl &url) 2 { 3 page()->mainFrame()->setUrl(url); 4 }
1 void QWebFrame::setUrl(const QUrl &url) 2 { 3 d->frame->loader()->begin(ensureAbsoluteUrl(url)); 4 d->frame->loader()->end(); 5 load(ensureAbsoluteUrl(url)); 6 }
1 void FrameLoader::begin(const KURL& url, bool dispatch, SecurityOrigin* origin) 2 { 3 // We need to take a reference to the security origin because |clear| 4 // might destroy the document that owns it. 5 RefPtr<SecurityOrigin> forcedSecurityOrigin = origin; 6 7 bool resetScripting = !(m_isDisplayingInitialEmptyDocument && m_frame->document() && m_frame->document()->securityOrigin()->isSecureTransitionTo(url)); 8 clear(resetScripting, resetScripting); // 清除上一次的数据,为本次装载准备 9 if (resetScripting) 10 m_frame->script()->updatePlatformScriptObjects(); // 在Windows平台下,这是空函数 11 if (dispatch) 12 dispatchWindowObjectAvailable(); 13 14 m_needsClear = true; 15 m_isComplete = false; 16 m_didCallImplicitClose = false; 17 m_isLoadingMainResource = true; 18 m_isDisplayingInitialEmptyDocument = m_creatingInitialEmptyDocument; 19 20 KURL ref(url); 21 ref.setUser(String()); 22 ref.setPass(String()); 23 ref.setRef(String()); 24 m_outgoingReferrer = ref.string(); 25 m_URL = url; 26 27 RefPtr<Document> document; 28 29 if (!m_isDisplayingInitialEmptyDocument && m_client->shouldUsePluginDocument(m_responseMIMEType)) 30 document = PluginDocument::create(m_frame); 31 else 32 document = DOMImplementation::createDocument(m_responseMIMEType, m_frame, m_frame->inViewSourceMode()); // 创建DOM文件,m_responseMIMEType不同实体不同。 33 34 // 如果是"text/html"创建HTMLDocument实体;"application/xhtml+xml"创建Document实体 35 36 // 如果是"application/x-ftp-directory"则是FTPDirectoryDocument实体 37 38 // text/vnd.wap.wml 对应 WMLDocument 实体(无线) 39 40 // "application/pdf" /"text/plain" 对应 PluginDocument实体 41 42 // 如果是MediaPlayer::supportsType(type),创建的是MediaDocument实体 43 44 // "image/svg+xml" 对应 SVGDocument实体 45 m_frame->setDocument(document); 46 47 document->setURL(m_URL); 48 if (m_decoder) 49 document->setDecoder(m_decoder.get()); 50 if (forcedSecurityOrigin) 51 document->setSecurityOrigin(forcedSecurityOrigin.get()); 52 53 m_frame->domWindow()->setURL(document->url()); 54 m_frame->domWindow()->setSecurityOrigin(document->securityOrigin()); 55 56 updatePolicyBaseURL(); // 更新排布策略的基础URL 57 58 Settings* settings = document->settings(); 59 document->docLoader()->setAutoLoadImages(settings && settings->loadsImagesAutomatically()); 60 61 if (m_documentLoader) { 62 String dnsPrefetchControl = m_documentLoader->response().httpHeaderField("X-DNS-Prefetch-Control"); 63 if (!dnsPrefetchControl.isEmpty()) 64 document->parseDNSPrefetchControlHeader(dnsPrefetchControl); 65 } 66 67 #if FRAME_LOADS_USER_STYLESHEET 68 KURL userStyleSheet = settings ? settings->userStyleSheetLocation() : KURL(); 69 if (!userStyleSheet.isEmpty()) 70 m_frame->setUserStyleSheetLocation(userStyleSheet); 71 #endif 72 73 restoreDocumentState(); 74 75 document->implicitOpen(); 76 77 if (m_frame->view()) 78 m_frame->view()->setContentsSize(IntSize()); 79 80 #if USE(LOW_BANDWIDTH_DISPLAY) 81 // Low bandwidth display is a first pass display without external resources 82 // used to give an instant visual feedback. We currently only enable it for 83 // HTML documents in the top frame. 84 if (document->isHTMLDocument() && !m_frame->tree()->parent() && m_useLowBandwidthDisplay) { 85 m_pendingSourceInLowBandwidthDisplay = String(); 86 m_finishedParsingDuringLowBandwidthDisplay = false; 87 m_needToSwitchOutLowBandwidthDisplay = false; 88 document->setLowBandwidthDisplay(true); 89 } 90 #endif 91 }
1 void Document::implicitOpen() 2 { 3 cancelParsing(); 4 5 clear(); 6 m_tokenizer = createTokenizer(); 7 setParsing(true); 8 } 9 10 Tokenizer *HTMLDocument::createTokenizer() 11 { 12 bool reportErrors = false; 13 if (frame()) 14 if (Page* page = frame()->page()) 15 reportErrors = page->inspectorController()->windowVisible(); 16 17 return new HTMLTokenizer(this, reportErrors); 18 }
1 void FrameLoader::endIfNotLoadingMainResource() 2 { 3 if (m_isLoadingMainResource || !m_frame->page()) 4 return; 5 6 // http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10854 7 // The frame's last ref may be removed and it can be deleted by checkCompleted(), 8 // so we'll add a protective refcount 9 RefPtr<Frame> protector(m_frame); 10 11 // make sure nothing's left in there 12 if (m_frame->document()) { 13 write(0, 0, true); 14 m_frame->document()->finishParsing(); 15 } else 16 // WebKit partially uses WebCore when loading non-HTML docs. In these cases doc==nil, but 17 // WebCore is enough involved that we need to checkCompleted() in order for m_bComplete to 18 // become true. An example is when a subframe is a pure text doc, and that subframe is the 19 // last one to complete. 20 checkCompleted(); 21 }
1 void QWebFrame::load(const QUrl &url) 2 { 3 load(QNetworkRequest(ensureAbsoluteUrl(url))); 4 }
1 void load(const QNetworkRequest &request, 2 QNetworkAccessManager::Operation operation = QNetworkAccessManager::GetOperation, 3 const QByteArray &body = QByteArray());
1 void QWebFrame::load(const QNetworkRequest &req, 2 QNetworkAccessManager::Operation operation, 3 const QByteArray &body) 4 { 5 if (d->parentFrame()) 6 d->page->d->insideOpenCall = true; 7 8 QUrl url = ensureAbsoluteUrl(req.url()); 9 10 WebCore::ResourceRequest request(url); 11 12 switch (operation) { 13 case QNetworkAccessManager::HeadOperation: 14 request.setHTTPMethod("HEAD"); 15 break; 16 case QNetworkAccessManager::GetOperation: 17 request.setHTTPMethod("GET"); 18 break; 19 case QNetworkAccessManager::PutOperation: 20 request.setHTTPMethod("PUT"); 21 break; 22 case QNetworkAccessManager::PostOperation: 23 request.setHTTPMethod("POST"); 24 break; 25 case QNetworkAccessManager::UnknownOperation: 26 // eh? 27 break; 28 } 29 30 QList<QByteArray> httpHeaders = req.rawHeaderList(); 31 for (int i = 0; i < httpHeaders.size(); ++i) { 32 const QByteArray &headerName = httpHeaders.at(i); 33 request.addHTTPHeaderField(QString::fromLatin1(headerName), QString::fromLatin1(req.rawHeader(headerName))); 34 } 35 36 if (!body.isEmpty()) 37 request.setHTTPBody(WebCore::FormData::create(body.constData(), body.size())); 38 39 d->frame->loader()->load(request); 40 41 if (d->parentFrame()) 42 d->page->d->insideOpenCall = false; 43 }
1 void FrameLoader::load(const ResourceRequest& request) 2 { 3 load(request, SubstituteData()); 4 } 5 6 void FrameLoader::load(const ResourceRequest& request, const SubstituteData& substituteData) 7 { 8 if (m_inStopAllLoaders) 9 return; 10 11 // FIXME: is this the right place to reset loadType? Perhaps this should be done after loading is finished or aborted. 12 m_loadType = FrameLoadTypeStandard; 13 load(m_client->createDocumentLoader(request, substituteData).get()); 14 }
上面m_client对应的是FrameLoaderClientQt实体,m_client->createDocumentLoader()创建的是DocumentLoader对象。进一步看FrameLoader::load(DocumentLoader *)的代码:
1 void FrameLoader::load(DocumentLoader* newDocumentLoader) 2 { 3 ResourceRequest& r = newDocumentLoader->request(); 4 addExtraFieldsToMainResourceRequest(r); 5 FrameLoadType type; 6 7 if (shouldTreatURLAsSameAsCurrent(newDocumentLoader->originalRequest().url())) { 8 r.setCachePolicy(ReloadIgnoringCacheData); 9 type = FrameLoadTypeSame; 10 } else 11 type = FrameLoadTypeStandard; 12 13 if (m_documentLoader) 14 newDocumentLoader->setOverrideEncoding(m_documentLoader->overrideEncoding()); 15 16 // When we loading alternate content for an unreachable URL that we're 17 // visiting in the history list, we treat it as a reload so the history list 18 // is appropriately maintained. 19 // 20 // FIXME: This seems like a dangerous overloading of the meaning of "FrameLoadTypeReload" ... 21 // shouldn't a more explicit type of reload be defined, that means roughly 22 // "load without affecting history" ? 23 if (shouldReloadToHandleUnreachableURL(newDocumentLoader)) { 24 ASSERT(type == FrameLoadTypeStandard); 25 type = FrameLoadTypeReload; 26 } 27 28 loadWithDocumentLoader(newDocumentLoader, type, 0); 29 }
1 void FrameLoader::loadWithDocumentLoader(DocumentLoader* loader, FrameLoadType type, PassRefPtr<FormState> prpFormState) 2 { 3 ASSERT(m_client->hasWebView()); 4 5 // Unfortunately the view must be non-nil, this is ultimately due 6 // to parser requiring a FrameView. We should fix this dependency. 7 8 ASSERT(m_frame->view()); 9 10 m_policyLoadType = type; 11 RefPtr<FormState> formState = prpFormState; 12 bool isFormSubmission = formState; 13 14 const KURL& newURL = loader->request().url(); 15 16 if (shouldScrollToAnchor(isFormSubmission, m_policyLoadType, newURL)) { 17 RefPtr<DocumentLoader> oldDocumentLoader = m_documentLoader; 18 NavigationAction action(newURL, m_policyLoadType, isFormSubmission); 19 20 oldDocumentLoader->setTriggeringAction(action); 21 stopPolicyCheck(); 22 checkNavigationPolicy(loader->request(), oldDocumentLoader.get(), formState, 23 callContinueFragmentScrollAfterNavigationPolicy, this); 24 } else { 25 if (Frame* parent = m_frame->tree()->parent()) 26 loader->setOverrideEncoding(parent->loader()->documentLoader()->overrideEncoding()); 27 28 stopPolicyCheck(); 29 setPolicyDocumentLoader(loader); 30 31 checkNavigationPolicy(loader->request(), loader, formState, 32 callContinueLoadAfterNavigationPolicy, this); 33 } 34 }
1 void FrameLoader::checkNavigationPolicy(const ResourceRequest& request, DocumentLoader* loader, 2 PassRefPtr<FormState> formState, NavigationPolicyDecisionFunction function, void* argument) 3 { 4 NavigationAction action = loader->triggeringAction(); 5 if (action.isEmpty()) { 6 action = NavigationAction(request.url(), NavigationTypeOther); 7 loader->setTriggeringAction(action); 8 } 9 10 // Don't ask more than once for the same request or if we are loading an empty URL. 11 // This avoids confusion on the part of the client. 12 if (equalIgnoringHeaderFields(request, loader->lastCheckedRequest()) || (!request.isNull() && request.url().isEmpty())) { 13 function(argument, request, 0, true); 14 loader->setLastCheckedRequest(request); 15 return; 16 } 17 18 // We are always willing to show alternate content for unreachable URLs; 19 // treat it like a reload so it maintains the right state for b/f list. 20 if (loader->substituteData().isValid() && !loader->substituteData().failingURL().isEmpty()) { 21 if (isBackForwardLoadType(m_policyLoadType)) 22 m_policyLoadType = FrameLoadTypeReload; 23 function(argument, request, 0, true); 24 return; 25 } 26 27 loader->setLastCheckedRequest(request); 28 29 m_policyCheck.set(request, formState.get(), function, argument); 30 31 m_delegateIsDecidingNavigationPolicy = true; 32 m_client->dispatchDecidePolicyForNavigationAction(&FrameLoader::continueAfterNavigationPolicy, 33 action, request, formState); 34 m_delegateIsDecidingNavigationPolicy = false; 35 }
1 void FrameLoaderClientQt::dispatchDecidePolicyForNavigationAction(FramePolicyFunction function, const WebCore::NavigationAction& action, const WebCore::ResourceRequest& request, PassRefPtr<WebCore::FormState>) 2 { 3 Q_ASSERT(!m_policyFunction); 4 Q_ASSERT(m_webFrame); 5 m_policyFunction = function; 6 #if QT_VERSION < 0x040400 7 QWebNetworkRequest r(request); 8 #else 9 QNetworkRequest r(request.toNetworkRequest()); 10 #endif 11 QWebPage*page = m_webFrame->page(); 12 13 if (!page->d->acceptNavigationRequest(m_webFrame, r, QWebPage::NavigationType(action.type()))) { 14 if (action.type() == NavigationTypeFormSubmitted || action.type() == NavigationTypeFormResubmitted) 15 m_frame->loader()->resetMultipleFormSubmissionProtection(); 16 17 if (action.type() == NavigationTypeLinkClicked && r.url().hasFragment()) { 18 ResourceRequest emptyRequest; 19 m_frame->loader()->activeDocumentLoader()->setLastCheckedRequest(emptyRequest); 20 } 21 22 slotCallPolicyFunction(PolicyIgnore); 23 return; 24 } 25 slotCallPolicyFunction(PolicyUse); 26 } 27 void FrameLoaderClientQt::slotCallPolicyFunction(int action) 28 { 29 if (!m_frame || !m_policyFunction) 30 return; 31 FramePolicyFunction function = m_policyFunction; 32 m_policyFunction = 0; 33 (m_frame->loader()->*function)(WebCore::PolicyAction(action)); 34 }
用函数指针回调,FrameLoader::continueAfterNavigationPolicy(PolicyAction policy),参数为PolicyUse
1 void FrameLoader::continueAfterNavigationPolicy(PolicyAction policy) 2 { 3 PolicyCheck check = m_policyCheck; 4 m_policyCheck.clear(); 5 6 bool shouldContinue = policy == PolicyUse; 7 8 switch (policy) { 9 case PolicyIgnore: 10 check.clearRequest(); 11 break; 12 case PolicyDownload: 13 m_client->startDownload(check.request()); 14 check.clearRequest(); 15 break; 16 case PolicyUse: { 17 ResourceRequest request(check.request()); 18 19 if (!m_client->canHandleRequest(request)) { 20 handleUnimplementablePolicy(m_client->cannotShowURLError(check.request())); 21 check.clearRequest(); 22 shouldContinue = false; 23 } 24 break; 25 } 26 } 27 28 check.call(shouldContinue); 29 }
1 void PolicyCheck::call(bool shouldContinue) 2 { 3 if (m_navigationFunction) 4 m_navigationFunction(m_argument, m_request, m_formState.get(), shouldContinue); 5 if (m_newWindowFunction) 6 m_newWindowFunction(m_argument, m_request, m_formState.get(), m_frameName, shouldContinue); 7 ASSERT(!m_contentFunction); 8 }
1 void FrameLoader::callContinueLoadAfterNavigationPolicy(void* argument, 2 const ResourceRequest& request, PassRefPtr<FormState> formState, bool shouldContinue) 3 { 4 FrameLoader* loader = static_cast<FrameLoader*>(argument); 5 loader->continueLoadAfterNavigationPolicy(request, formState, shouldContinue); 6 } 7 8 void FrameLoader::continueLoadAfterNavigationPolicy(const ResourceRequest&, PassRefPtr<FormState> formState, bool shouldContinue) 9 { 10 // If we loaded an alternate page to replace an unreachableURL, we'll get in here with a 11 // nil policyDataSource because loading the alternate page will have passed 12 // through this method already, nested; otherwise, policyDataSource should still be set. 13 ASSERT(m_policyDocumentLoader || !m_provisionalDocumentLoader->unreachableURL().isEmpty()); 14 15 bool isTargetItem = m_provisionalHistoryItem ? m_provisionalHistoryItem->isTargetItem() : false; 16 17 // Two reasons we can't continue: 18 // 1) Navigation policy delegate said we can't so request is nil. A primary case of this 19 // is the user responding Cancel to the form repost nag sheet. 20 // 2) User responded Cancel to an alert popped up by the before unload event handler. 21 // The "before unload" event handler runs only for the main frame. 22 bool canContinue = shouldContinue && (!isLoadingMainFrame() || m_frame->shouldClose()); 23 24 if (!canContinue) { 25 // If we were waiting for a quick redirect, but the policy delegate decided to ignore it, then we 26 // need to report that the client redirect was cancelled. 27 if (m_quickRedirectComing) 28 clientRedirectCancelledOrFinished(false); 29 30 setPolicyDocumentLoader(0); 31 32 // If the navigation request came from the back/forward menu, and we punt on it, we have the 33 // problem that we have optimistically moved the b/f cursor already, so move it back. For sanity, 34 // we only do this when punting a navigation for the target frame or top-level frame. 35 if ((isTargetItem || isLoadingMainFrame()) && isBackForwardLoadType(m_policyLoadType)) 36 if (Page* page = m_frame->page()) { 37 Frame* mainFrame = page->mainFrame(); 38 if (HistoryItem* resetItem = mainFrame->loader()->m_currentHistoryItem.get()) { 39 page->backForwardList()->goToItem(resetItem); 40 Settings* settings = m_frame->settings(); 41 page->setGlobalHistoryItem((!settings || settings->privateBrowsingEnabled()) ? 0 : resetItem); 42 } 43 } 44 return; 45 } 46 47 FrameLoadType type = m_policyLoadType; 48 stopAllLoaders(); 49 50 // <rdar://problem/6250856> - In certain circumstances on pages with multiple frames, stopAllLoaders() 51 // might detach the current FrameLoader, in which case we should bail on this newly defunct load. 52 if (!m_frame->page()) 53 return; 54 55 setProvisionalDocumentLoader(m_policyDocumentLoader.get()); 56 m_loadType = type; 57 setState(FrameStateProvisional); 58 59 setPolicyDocumentLoader(0); 60 61 if (isBackForwardLoadType(type) && loadProvisionalItemFromCachedPage()) 62 return; 63 64 if (formState) 65 m_client->dispatchWillSubmitForm(&FrameLoader::continueLoadAfterWillSubmitForm, formState); 66 else 67 continueLoadAfterWillSubmitForm(); 68 } 69 70 void FrameLoader::continueLoadAfterWillSubmitForm(PolicyAction) 71 { 72 if (!m_provisionalDocumentLoader) 73 return; 74 75 // DocumentLoader calls back to our prepareForLoadStart 76 m_provisionalDocumentLoader->prepareForLoadStart(); 77 78 // The load might be cancelled inside of prepareForLoadStart(), nulling out the m_provisionalDocumentLoader, 79 // so we need to null check it again. 80 if (!m_provisionalDocumentLoader) 81 return; 82 // 先看活动的DocumentLoader能否装载 83 DocumentLoader* activeDocLoader = activeDocumentLoader(); 84 if (activeDocLoader && activeDocLoader->isLoadingMainResource()) 85 return; 86 // 看Cache中能否装载 87 m_provisionalDocumentLoader->setLoadingFromCachedPage(false); 88 89 unsigned long identifier = 0; 90 91 if (Page* page = m_frame->page()) { 92 identifier = page->progress()->createUniqueIdentifier(); 93 dispatchAssignIdentifierToInitialRequest(identifier, m_provisionalDocumentLoader.get(), m_provisionalDocumentLoader->originalRequest()); 94 } 95 96 if (!m_provisionalDocumentLoader->startLoadingMainResource(identifier)) 97 m_provisionalDocumentLoader->updateLoading(); 98 }
1 bool DocumentLoader::startLoadingMainResource(unsigned long identifier) 2 { 3 ASSERT(!m_mainResourceLoader); 4 m_mainResourceLoader = MainResourceLoader::create(m_frame); 5 m_mainResourceLoader->setIdentifier(identifier); 6 7 // FIXME: Is there any way the extra fields could have not been added by now? 8 // If not, it would be great to remove this line of code. 9 frameLoader()->addExtraFieldsToMainResourceRequest(m_request); 10 11 if (!m_mainResourceLoader->load(m_request, m_substituteData)) { 12 // FIXME: If this should really be caught, we should just ASSERT this doesn't happen; 13 // should it be caught by other parts of WebKit or other parts of the app? 14 LOG_ERROR("could not create WebResourceHandle for URL %s -- should be caught by policy handler level", m_request.url().string().ascii().data()); 15 m_mainResourceLoader = 0; 16 return false; 17 } 18 19 return true; 20 }
1 bool MainResourceLoader::load(const ResourceRequest& r, const SubstituteData& substituteData) 2 { 3 ASSERT(!m_handle); 4 5 m_substituteData = substituteData; 6 7 #if ENABLE(OFFLINE_WEB_APPLICATIONS) 8 // Check if this request should be loaded from the application cache 9 if (!m_substituteData.isValid() && frameLoader()->frame()->settings() && frameLoader()->frame()->settings()->offlineWebApplicationCacheEnabled()) { 10 ASSERT(!m_applicationCache); 11 12 m_applicationCache = ApplicationCacheGroup::cacheForMainRequest(r, m_documentLoader.get()); 13 14 if (m_applicationCache) { 15 // Get the resource from the application cache. By definition, cacheForMainRequest() returns a cache that contains the resource. 16 ApplicationCacheResource* resource = m_applicationCache->resourceForRequest(r); 17 m_substituteData = SubstituteData(resource->data(), 18 resource->response().mimeType(), 19 resource->response().textEncodingName(), KURL()); 20 } 21 } 22 #endif 23 24 ResourceRequest request(r); 25 bool defer = defersLoading(); 26 if (defer) { 27 bool shouldLoadEmpty = shouldLoadAsEmptyDocument(r.url()); 28 if (shouldLoadEmpty) 29 defer = false; 30 } 31 if (!defer) { 32 if (loadNow(request)) { 33 // Started as an empty document, but was redirected to something non-empty. 34 ASSERT(defersLoading()); 35 defer = true; 36 } 37 } 38 if (defer) 39 m_initialRequest = request; 40 41 return true; 42 }
1 bool MainResourceLoader::loadNow(ResourceRequest& r) 2 { 3 bool shouldLoadEmptyBeforeRedirect = shouldLoadAsEmptyDocument(r.url()); 4 5 ASSERT(!m_handle); 6 ASSERT(shouldLoadEmptyBeforeRedirect || !defersLoading()); 7 8 // Send this synthetic delegate callback since clients expect it, and 9 // we no longer send the callback from within NSURLConnection for 10 // initial requests. 11 willSendRequest(r, ResourceResponse()); 12 13 // <rdar://problem/4801066> 14 // willSendRequest() is liable to make the call to frameLoader() return NULL, so we need to check that here 15 if (!frameLoader()) 16 return false; 17 18 const KURL& url = r.url(); 19 bool shouldLoadEmpty = shouldLoadAsEmptyDocument(url) && !m_substituteData.isValid(); 20 21 if (shouldLoadEmptyBeforeRedirect && !shouldLoadEmpty && defersLoading()) 22 return true; 23 24 if (m_substituteData.isValid()) 25 handleDataLoadSoon(r); 26 else if (shouldLoadEmpty || frameLoader()->representationExistsForURLScheme(url.protocol())) 27 handleEmptyLoad(url, !shouldLoadEmpty); 28 else 29 m_handle = ResourceHandle::create(r, this, m_frame.get(), false, true, true); 30 31 return false; 32 }
1 void MainResourceLoader::willSendRequest(ResourceRequest& newRequest, const ResourceResponse& redirectResponse) 2 { 3 // Note that there are no asserts here as there are for the other callbacks. This is due to the 4 // fact that this "callback" is sent when starting every load, and the state of callback 5 // deferrals plays less of a part in this function in preventing the bad behavior deferring 6 // callbacks is meant to prevent. 7 ASSERT(!newRequest.isNull()); 8 9 // The additional processing can do anything including possibly removing the last 10 // reference to this object; one example of this is 3266216. 11 RefPtr<MainResourceLoader> protect(this); 12 13 // Update cookie policy base URL as URL changes, except for subframes, which use the 14 // URL of the main frame which doesn't change when we redirect. 15 if (frameLoader()->isLoadingMainFrame()) 16 newRequest.setMainDocumentURL(newRequest.url()); 17 18 // If we're fielding a redirect in response to a POST, force a load from origin, since 19 // this is a common site technique to return to a page viewing some data that the POST 20 // just modified. 21 // Also, POST requests always load from origin, but this does not affect subresources. 22 if (newRequest.cachePolicy() == UseProtocolCachePolicy && isPostOrRedirectAfterPost(newRequest, redirectResponse)) 23 newRequest.setCachePolicy(ReloadIgnoringCacheData); 24 25 ResourceLoader::willSendRequest(newRequest, redirectResponse); 26 27 // Don't set this on the first request. It is set when the main load was started. 28 m_documentLoader->setRequest(newRequest); 29 30 // FIXME: Ideally we'd stop the I/O until we hear back from the navigation policy delegate 31 // listener. But there's no way to do that in practice. So instead we cancel later if the 32 // listener tells us to. In practice that means the navigation policy needs to be decided 33 // synchronously for these redirect cases. 34 35 ref(); // balanced by deref in continueAfterNavigationPolicy 36 frameLoader()->checkNavigationPolicy(newRequest, callContinueAfterNavigationPolicy, this); 37 }
1 void ResourceLoader::willSendRequest(ResourceRequest& request, const ResourceResponse& redirectResponse) 2 { 3 // Protect this in this delegate method since the additional processing can do 4 // anything including possibly derefing this; one example of this is Radar 3266216. 5 RefPtr<ResourceLoader> protector(this); 6 7 ASSERT(!m_reachedTerminalState); 8 9 if (m_sendResourceLoadCallbacks) { 10 if (!m_identifier) { 11 m_identifier = m_frame->page()->progress()->createUniqueIdentifier(); 12 frameLoader()->assignIdentifierToInitialRequest(m_identifier, request); 13 } 14 15 frameLoader()->willSendRequest(this, request, redirectResponse); 16 } 17 18 m_request = request; 19 }
1 void FrameLoader::willSendRequest(ResourceLoader* loader, ResourceRequest& clientRequest, const ResourceResponse& redirectResponse) 2 { 3 applyUserAgent(clientRequest); 4 dispatchWillSendRequest(loader->documentLoader(), loader->identifier(), clientRequest, redirectResponse); 5 }
1 void FrameLoader::dispatchWillSendRequest(DocumentLoader* loader, unsigned long identifier, ResourceRequest& request, const ResourceResponse& redirectResponse) 2 { 3 StringImpl* oldRequestURL = request.url().string().impl(); 4 m_documentLoader->didTellClientAboutLoad(request.url()); 5 6 m_client->dispatchWillSendRequest(loader, identifier, request, redirectResponse); 7 8 // If the URL changed, then we want to put that new URL in the "did tell client" set too. 9 if (oldRequestURL != request.url().string().impl()) 10 m_documentLoader->didTellClientAboutLoad(request.url()); 11 12 if (Page* page = m_frame->page()) 13 page->inspectorController()->willSendRequest(loader, identifier, request, redirectResponse); 14 }
1 void InspectorController::willSendRequest(DocumentLoader*, unsigned long identifier, ResourceRequest& request, const ResourceResponse& redirectResponse) 2 { 3 if (!enabled()) 4 return; 5 6 InspectorResource* resource = m_resources.get(identifier).get(); 7 if (!resource) 8 return; 9 10 resource->startTime = currentTime(); 11 12 if (!redirectResponse.isNull()) { 13 updateResourceRequest(resource, request); 14 updateResourceResponse(resource, redirectResponse); 15 } 16 17 if (resource != m_mainResource && windowVisible()) { 18 if (!resource->scriptObject) 19 addScriptResource(resource); 20 else 21 updateScriptResourceRequest(resource); 22 23 updateScriptResource(resource, resource->startTime, resource->responseReceivedTime, resource->endTime); 24 25 if (!redirectResponse.isNull()) 26 updateScriptResourceResponse(resource); 27 } 28 }
1 PassRefPtr<ResourceHandle> ResourceHandle::create(const ResourceRequest& request, ResourceHandleClient* client, 2 Frame* frame, bool defersLoading, bool shouldContentSniff, bool mightDownloadFromHandle) 3 { 4 RefPtr<ResourceHandle> newHandle(adoptRef(new ResourceHandle(request, client, defersLoading, shouldContentSniff, mightDownloadFromHandle))); 5 6 if (!request.url().isValid()) { 7 newHandle->scheduleFailure(InvalidURLFailure); 8 return newHandle.release(); 9 } 10 // 检查端口号(port)是否合法 11 if (!portAllowed(request)) { 12 newHandle->scheduleFailure(BlockedFailure); 13 return newHandle.release(); 14 } 15 16 if (newHandle->start(frame)) 17 return newHandle.release(); 18 19 return 0; 20 }
1 bool ResourceHandle::start(Frame* frame) 2 { 3 if (!frame) 4 return false; 5 6 Page *page = frame->page(); 7 // If we are no longer attached to a Page, this must be an attempted load from an 8 // onUnload handler, so let's just block it. 9 if (!page) 10 return false; 11 12 getInternal()->m_frame = static_cast<FrameLoaderClientQt*>(frame->loader()->client())->webFrame(); 13 #if QT_VERSION < 0x040400 14 return QWebNetworkManager::self()->add(this, getInternal()->m_frame->page()->d->networkInterface); 15 #else 16 ResourceHandleInternal *d = getInternal(); 17 d->m_job = new QNetworkReplyHandler(this, QNetworkReplyHandler::LoadMode(d->m_defersLoading)); 18 return true; 19 #endif 20 }
1 void QNetworkReplyHandler::start() 2 { 3 m_shouldStart = false; 4 5 ResourceHandleInternal* d = m_resourceHandle->getInternal(); 6 7 QNetworkAccessManager* manager = d->m_frame->page()->networkAccessManager(); 8 9 const QUrl url = m_request.url(); 10 const QString scheme = url.scheme(); 11 // Post requests on files and data don't really make sense, but for 12 // fast/forms/form-post-urlencoded.html and for fast/forms/button-state-restore.html 13 // we still need to retrieve the file/data, which means we map it to a Get instead. 14 if (m_method == QNetworkAccessManager::PostOperation 15 && (!url.toLocalFile().isEmpty() || url.scheme() == QLatin1String("data"))) 16 m_method = QNetworkAccessManager::GetOperation; 17 18 m_startTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t(); 19 20 switch (m_method) { 21 case QNetworkAccessManager::GetOperation: 22 m_reply = manager->get(m_request); 23 break; 24 case QNetworkAccessManager::PostOperation: { 25 FormDataIODevice* postDevice = new FormDataIODevice(d->m_request.httpBody()); 26 m_reply = manager->post(m_request, postDevice); 27 postDevice->setParent(m_reply); 28 break; 29 } 30 case QNetworkAccessManager::HeadOperation: 31 m_reply = manager->head(m_request); 32 break; 33 case QNetworkAccessManager::PutOperation: { 34 FormDataIODevice* putDevice = new FormDataIODevice(d->m_request.httpBody()); 35 m_reply = manager->put(m_request, putDevice); 36 putDevice->setParent(m_reply); 37 break; 38 } 39 case QNetworkAccessManager::UnknownOperation: { 40 m_reply = 0; 41 ResourceHandleClient* client = m_resourceHandle->client(); 42 if (client) { 43 ResourceError error(url.host(), 400 /*bad request*/, 44 url.toString(), 45 QCoreApplication::translate("QWebPage", "Bad HTTP request")); 46 client->didFail(m_resourceHandle, error); 47 } 48 return; 49 } 50 } 51 52 m_reply->setParent(this); 53 54 connect(m_reply, SIGNAL(finished()), 55 this, SLOT(finish()), Qt::QueuedConnection); 56 57 // For http(s) we know that the headers are complete upon metaDataChanged() emission, so we 58 // can send the response as early as possible 59 if (scheme == QLatin1String("http") || scheme == QLatin1String("https")) 60 connect(m_reply, SIGNAL(metaDataChanged()), 61 this, SLOT(sendResponseIfNeeded()), Qt::QueuedConnection); 62 63 connect(m_reply, SIGNAL(readyRead()), 64 this, SLOT(forwardData()), Qt::QueuedConnection); 65 }
1 connect(m_reply, SIGNAL(finished()), 2 this, SLOT(finish()), Qt::QueuedConnection); 3 4 // For http(s) we know that the headers are complete upon metaDataChanged() emission, so we 5 // can send the response as early as possible 6 if (scheme == QLatin1String("http") || scheme == QLatin1String("https")) 7 connect(m_reply, SIGNAL(metaDataChanged()), 8 this, SLOT(sendResponseIfNeeded()), Qt::QueuedConnection); 9 10 connect(m_reply, SIGNAL(readyRead()), 11 this, SLOT(forwardData()), Qt::QueuedConnection);
1 void QNetworkReplyHandler::forwardData() 2 { 3 m_shouldForwardData = (m_loadMode == LoadDeferred); 4 if (m_loadMode == LoadDeferred) 5 return; 6 7 sendResponseIfNeeded(); 8 9 // don't emit the "Document has moved here" type of HTML 10 if (m_redirected) 11 return; 12 13 if (!m_resourceHandle) 14 return; 15 16 QByteArray data = m_reply->read(m_reply->bytesAvailable()); 17 18 ResourceHandleClient* client = m_resourceHandle->client(); 19 if (!client) 20 return; 21 22 if (!data.isEmpty()) 23 client->didReceiveData(m_resourceHandle, data.constData(), data.length(), data.length() /*FixMe*/); 24 }
ResourceHandleClient* client->didReceiveData()实际调用的是MainResourceLoader::didReceiveData()
1 void MainResourceLoader::didReceiveData(const char* data, int length, long long lengthReceived, bool allAtOnce) 2 { 3 ASSERT(data); 4 ASSERT(length != 0); 5 6 // There is a bug in CFNetwork where callbacks can be dispatched even when loads are deferred. 7 // See <rdar://problem/6304600> for more details. 8 #if !PLATFORM(CF) 9 ASSERT(!defersLoading()); 10 #endif 11 12 // The additional processing can do anything including possibly removing the last 13 // reference to this object; one example of this is 3266216. 14 RefPtr<MainResourceLoader> protect(this); 15 16 ResourceLoader::didReceiveData(data, length, lengthReceived, allAtOnce); 17 }
1 void ResourceLoader::didReceiveData(const char* data, int length, long long lengthReceived, bool allAtOnce) 2 { 3 // Protect this in this delegate method since the additional processing can do 4 // anything including possibly derefing this; one example of this is Radar 3266216. 5 RefPtr<ResourceLoader> protector(this); 6 7 addData(data, length, allAtOnce); 8 // FIXME: If we get a resource with more than 2B bytes, this code won't do the right thing. 9 // However, with today's computers and networking speeds, this won't happen in practice. 10 // Could be an issue with a giant local file. 11 if (m_sendResourceLoadCallbacks && m_frame) 12 frameLoader()->didReceiveData(this, data, length, static_cast<int>(lengthReceived)); 13 }
在ResourceLoader类中addData()是虚函数,client->didReceiveData()中client指针实际的实体为MainResourceLoader对象,所以addData()先调用 MainResourceLoader::addData()
1 void MainResourceLoader::addData(const char* data, int length, bool allAtOnce) 2 { 3 ResourceLoader::addData(data, length, allAtOnce); 4 frameLoader()->receivedData(data, length); 5 }
1 void FrameLoader::receivedData(const char* data, int length) 2 { 3 activeDocumentLoader()->receivedData(data, length); 4 } 5 6 void DocumentLoader::receivedData(const char* data, int length) 7 { 8 m_gotFirstByte = true; 9 if (doesProgressiveLoad(m_response.mimeType())) 10 commitLoad(data, length); 11 }
1 void DocumentLoader::commitLoad(const char* data, int length) 2 { 3 // Both unloading the old page and parsing the new page may execute JavaScript which destroys the datasource 4 // by starting a new load, so retain temporarily. 5 RefPtr<DocumentLoader> protect(this); 6 7 commitIfReady(); 8 if (FrameLoader* frameLoader = DocumentLoader::frameLoader()) 9 frameLoader->committedLoad(this, data, length); 10 }
1 void FrameLoader::committedLoad(DocumentLoader* loader, const char* data, int length) 2 { 3 if (ArchiveFactory::isArchiveMimeType(loader->response().mimeType())) 4 return; 5 m_client->committedLoad(loader, data, length); 6 }
1 void FrameLoaderClientQt::committedLoad(WebCore::DocumentLoader* loader, const char* data, int length) 2 { 3 if (!m_pluginView) { 4 if (!m_frame) 5 return; 6 FrameLoader *fl = loader->frameLoader(); 7 if (m_firstData) { 8 fl->setEncoding(m_response.textEncodingName(), false); 9 m_firstData = false; 10 } 11 fl->addData(data, length); 12 } 13 14 // We re-check here as the plugin can have been created 15 if (m_pluginView) { 16 if (!m_hasSentResponseToPlugin) { 17 m_pluginView->didReceiveResponse(loader->response()); 18 // didReceiveResponse sets up a new stream to the plug-in. on a full-page plug-in, a failure in 19 // setting up this stream can cause the main document load to be cancelled, setting m_pluginView 20 // to null 21 if (!m_pluginView) 22 return; 23 m_hasSentResponseToPlugin = true; 24 } 25 m_pluginView->didReceiveData(data, length); 26 } 27 }
1 void FrameLoader::addData(const char* bytes, int length) 2 { 3 ASSERT(m_workingURL.isEmpty()); 4 ASSERT(m_frame->document()); 5 ASSERT(m_frame->document()->parsing()); 6 write(bytes, length); 7 }
…… QtWebKitd4.dll!WebCore::HTMLTokenizer::write(const WebCore::SegmentedString & str={...}, bool appendData=true) 行1730 + 0x23 字节 C++ QtWebKitd4.dll!WebCore::FrameLoader::write(const char *
1 void write(const char* str, int len = -1, bool flush = false);
这里包含了两个缺省值调用定义,在前一篇,调用的形式是:write(bytes, length);
实际传递的的是:write(bytes, length,
1 void FrameLoader::write(const char* str, int len, bool flush) 2 { 3 if (len == 0 && !flush) 4 return; 5 6 if (len == -1) 7 len = strlen(str); 8 9 Tokenizer* tokenizer = m_frame->document()->tokenizer(); 10 if (tokenizer && tokenizer->wantsRawData()) { 11 if (len > 0) 12 tokenizer->writeRawData(str, len); 13 return; 14 } 15 16 if (!m_decoder) { 17 Settings* settings = m_frame->settings(); 18 m_decoder = TextResourceDecoder::create(m_responseMIMEType, settings ? settings->defaultTextEncodingName() : String()); 19 if (m_encoding.isEmpty()) { 20 Frame* parentFrame = m_frame->tree()->parent(); 21 if (parentFrame && parentFrame->document()->securityOrigin()->canAccess(m_frame->document()->securityOrigin())) 22 m_decoder->setEncoding(parentFrame->document()->inputEncoding(), TextResourceDecoder::DefaultEncoding); 23 } else { 24 m_decoder->setEncoding(m_encoding, 25 m_encodingWasChosenByUser ? TextResourceDecoder::UserChosenEncoding : TextResourceDecoder::EncodingFromHTTPHeader); 26 } 27 m_frame->document()->setDecoder(m_decoder.get()); 28 } 29 30 String decoded = m_decoder->decode(str, len); 31 if (flush) 32 decoded += m_decoder->flush(); 33 if (decoded.isEmpty()) 34 return; 35 36 #if USE(LOW_BANDWIDTH_DISPLAY) 37 if (m_frame->document()->inLowBandwidthDisplay()) 38 m_pendingSourceInLowBandwidthDisplay.append(decoded); 39 #endif 40 41 if (!m_receivedData) { 42 m_receivedData = true; 43 if (m_decoder->encoding().usesVisualOrdering()) 44 m_frame->document()->setVisuallyOrdered(); 45 m_frame->document()->recalcStyle(Node::Force); 46 } 47 48 if (tokenizer) { 49 ASSERT(!tokenizer->wantsRawData()); 50 tokenizer->write(decoded, true); 51 } 52 }
1 DOMImplementation::createDocument()
接着前面的分析,先看m_decoder->decode(str, len);
1 String TextResourceDecoder::decode(const char* data, size_t len) 2 { 3 if (!m_checkedForBOM) 4 checkForBOM(data, len); // 检查是否为Unicode编码 5 6 bool movedDataToBuffer = false; 7 8 if (m_contentType == CSS && !m_checkedForCSSCharset) 9 if (!checkForCSSCharset(data, len, movedDataToBuffer)) // 如果是CSS,则检查CSS的字符集 10 return ""; 11 12 if ((m_contentType == HTML || m_contentType == XML) && !m_checkedForHeadCharset) // HTML and XML 13 if (!checkForHeadCharset(data, len, movedDataToBuffer)) // 检查HTML/XML的字符集 14 return ""; 15 16 // Do the auto-detect if our default encoding is one of the Japanese ones. 17 // FIXME: It seems wrong to change our encoding downstream after we have already done some decoding. 18 if (m_source != UserChosenEncoding && m_source != AutoDetectedEncoding && encoding().isJapanese()) 19 detectJapaneseEncoding(data, len); // 检查日文编码(为什么没有检查中文编码的啊?) 20 21 ASSERT(encoding().isValid()); 22 23 if (m_buffer.isEmpty()) 24 return m_decoder.decode(data, len, false, m_contentType == XML, m_sawError); 25 26 if (!movedDataToBuffer) { 27 size_t oldSize = m_buffer.size(); 28 m_buffer.grow(oldSize + len); 29 memcpy(m_buffer.data() + oldSize, data, len); 30 } 31 32 String result = m_decoder.decode(m_buffer.data(), m_buffer.size(), false, m_contentType == XML, m_sawError); 33 m_buffer.clear(); 34 return result; 35 }
再回到tokenizer->write(decoded, true);看其具体实现:
1 bool HTMLTokenizer::write(const SegmentedString& str, bool appendData) 2 { 3 if (!m_buffer) 4 return false; 5 6 if (m_parserStopped) 7 return false; 8 9 SegmentedString source(str); 10 if (m_executingScript) 11 source.setExcludeLineNumbers(); 12 13 if ((m_executingScript && appendData) || !m_pendingScripts.isEmpty()) { 14 // don't parse; we will do this later 15 if (m_currentPrependingSrc) 16 m_currentPrependingSrc->append(source); 17 else { 18 m_pendingSrc.append(source); 19 #if PRELOAD_SCANNER_ENABLED 20 if (m_preloadScanner && m_preloadScanner->inProgress() && appendData) 21 m_preloadScanner->write(source); 22 #endif 23 } 24 return false; 25 } 26 27 #if PRELOAD_SCANNER_ENABLED 28 if (m_preloadScanner && m_preloadScanner->inProgress() && appendData) 29 m_preloadScanner->end(); 30 #endif 31 32 if (!m_src.isEmpty()) 33 m_src.append(source); 34 else 35 setSrc(source); 36 37 // Once a timer is set, it has control of when the tokenizer continues. 38 if (m_timer.isActive()) 39 return false; 40 41 bool wasInWrite = m_inWrite; 42 m_inWrite = true; 43 44 #ifdef INSTRUMENT_LAYOUT_SCHEDULING 45 if (!m_doc->ownerElement()) 46 printf("Beginning write at time %d ", m_doc->elapsedTime()); 47 #endif 48 49 int processedCount = 0; 50 double startTime = currentTime(); 51 52 Frame* frame = m_doc->frame(); 53 54 State state = m_state; 55 56 while (!m_src.isEmpty() && (!frame || !frame->loader()->isScheduledLocationChangePending())) { 57 if (!continueProcessing(processedCount, startTime, state)) 58 break; 59 60 // do we need to enlarge the buffer? 61 checkBuffer(); 62 63 UChar cc = *m_src; 64 65 bool wasSkipLF = state.skipLF(); 66 if (wasSkipLF) 67 state.setSkipLF(false); 68 69 if (wasSkipLF && (cc == ' ')) 70 m_src.advance(); 71 else if (state.needsSpecialWriteHandling()) { 72 // it's important to keep needsSpecialWriteHandling with the flags this block tests 73 if (state.hasEntityState()) 74 state = parseEntity(m_src, m_dest, state, m_cBufferPos, false, state.hasTagState()); 75 else if (state.inPlainText()) 76 state = parseText(m_src, state); 77 else if (state.inAnySpecial()) 78 state = parseSpecial(m_src, state); 79 else if (state.inComment()) 80 state = parseComment(m_src, state); 81 else if (state.inDoctype()) 82 state = parseDoctype(m_src, state); 83 else if (state.inServer()) 84 state = parseServer(m_src, state); 85 else if (state.inProcessingInstruction()) 86 state = parseProcessingInstruction(m_src, state); 87 else if (state.hasTagState()) 88 state = parseTag(m_src, state); 89 else if (state.startTag()) { 90 state.setStartTag(false); 91 92 switch(cc) { 93 case '/': 94 break; 95 case '!': { 96 // or 97 searchCount = 1; // Look for ' m_doctypeSearchCount = 1; 98 break; 99 } 100 case '?': { 101 // xml processing instruction 102 state.setInProcessingInstruction(true); 103 tquote = NoQuote; 104 state = parseProcessingInstruction(m_src, state); 105 continue; 106 107 break; 108 } 109 case '%': 110 if (!m_brokenServer) { 111 // <% server stuff, handle as comment %> 112 state.setInServer(true); 113 tquote = NoQuote; 114 state = parseServer(m_src, state); 115 continue; 116 } 117 // else fall through 118 default: { 119 if( ((cc >= 'a') && (cc <= 'z')) || ((cc >= 'A') && (cc <= 'Z'))) { 120 // Start of a Start-Tag 121 } else { 122 // Invalid tag 123 // Add as is 124 *m_dest = '<'; 125 m_dest++; 126 continue; 127 } 128 } 129 }; // end case 130 131 processToken(); 132 133 m_cBufferPos = 0; 134 state.setTagState(TagName); 135 state = parseTag(m_src, state); 136 } 137 } else if (cc == '&' && !m_src.escaped()) { 138 m_src.advancePastNonNewline(); 139 state = parseEntity(m_src, m_dest, state, m_cBufferPos, true, state.hasTagState()); 140 } else if (cc == '<' && !m_src.escaped()) { 141 m_currentTagStartLineNumber = m_lineNumber; 142 m_src.advancePastNonNewline(); 143 state.setStartTag(true); 144 state.setDiscardLF(false); 145 } else if (cc == ' ' || cc == ' ') { 146 if (state.discardLF()) 147 // Ignore this LF 148 state.setDiscardLF(false); // We have discarded 1 LF 149 else { 150 // Process this LF 151 *m_dest++ = ' '; 152 if (cc == ' ' && !m_src.excludeLineNumbers()) 153 m_lineNumber++; 154 } 155 156 /* Check for MS-DOS CRLF sequence */ 157 if (cc == ' ') 158 state.setSkipLF(true); 159 m_src.advance(m_lineNumber); 160 } else { 161 state.setDiscardLF(false); 162 *m_dest++ = cc; 163 m_src.advancePastNonNewline(); 164 } 165 } 166 167 #ifdef INSTRUMENT_LAYOUT_SCHEDULING 168 if (!m_doc->ownerElement()) 169 printf("Ending write at time %d ", m_doc->elapsedTime()); 170 #endif 171 172 m_inWrite = wasInWrite; 173 174 m_state = state; 175 176 if (m_noMoreData && !m_inWrite && !state.loadingExtScript() && !m_executingScript && !m_timer.isActive()) { 177 end(); // this actually causes us to be deleted 178 return true; 179 } 180 return false; 181 }
从指定一个HTML文本文件,到绘制出一幅布局复杂,字体多样,内含图片音频视频等等多媒体内容的网页,这是一个复杂的过程。在这个过程中Webkit所做的一切,都是围绕DOM Tree和Rendering Tree这两个核心。上一章我们谈到这两棵树各自的功用,这一章,我们借一个简单的HTML文件,展示一下DOM Tree和Rendering Tree的具体构成,同时解剖一下Webkit是如何构造这两棵树的。
Figure 1. From HTML to webpage, and the underlying DOM tree and rendering tree. Courtesy http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3351/3556972420_23a30366c2_o.jpg
1. DOM Tree 与 Rendering Tree 的结构
Figure 1中左上是一个简单的HTML文本文件,右上是Webkit rendering engine绘制出来的页面。页面的内容包括一个标题,“AI”,一行正 ,“Ape's Intelligence”,以及一幅照片。整个页面分成前后两个层面,标题和正文绘制在前一个层面,照片处于后一个层面。L君和我亦步亦趋地跟踪了,从解析这个HTML文本文件,到生成DOM Tree和Rendering Tree的整个流程,目的是为了了解DOM Tree和Rendering Tree的具体成份,以及构造的各个步骤。
先说Figure 1中左下角的DOM Tree。基本上HTML文本文件中每个tag,在webkit/webcore/html中都有一个class与之对应。譬如<HTML> tag 对应HTMLHtmlElement,<HEAD> tag 对应HTMLHeadElement,<STYLE> tag 对应HTMLStyleElement 等等。比较特别的是DOM Tree的根节点,HTMLDocument,在HTML文本文件中没有哪个tag与之对应。关于HTMLDocument的作用,我们稍后介绍。整个 DOM Tree的结构,与HTML文本文件中各个tags的嵌套关系也一一对应。一言以蔽之,DOM Tree就是把HTML文本文件翻译成object树状结构。
需要强调的是,DOM Tree是一个通用数据结构,任何XML文本文件都可以翻译成DOM Tree,而不仅仅限于HTML文本文件。webkit/webcore/html 中林林总总html classes,基本上都是webkit/webcore/dom 中的某个class的子类,也就是说,/html 是 /dom的一个特例。这样的设计,为将来把Webkit拓展到HTML格式以外的页面的布局和渲染,埋下了伏笔。所以严格地讲,Figure 1中左下的DOM Tree,实际上是一个HTML DOM Tree。
再看Rendering Tree,显著的特点在于,
a. 整个Rendering Tree树状结构,与HTML DOM Tree树状结构一一对应。也就是说,几乎每个HTML DOM Tree中的节点,在Rendering Tree中都有对应的节点。节点与节点之间的父子或兄弟关系也一一对应。
例外的是,在HTML DOM Tree有HTMLStyleElement叶子节点,而在Rendering Tree中,没有相应的叶子节点。原因是,Rendering Tree各个节点,都涉及页面中某块区域的布局和渲染。而HTMLStyleElement,并不直接涉及某块区域的布局和渲染,HTML DOM Tree中HTMLStyleElement叶子节点包含的内容,已经融入Rendering Tree中RenderImage叶子节点的属性中去了。另外,因为Rendering Tree中不存在与HTMLStyleElement相应的叶子节点,所以,与HTMLHeadElement对应的节点也没有必要存在。
b. webkit/webcore/rendering中各个class与HTML tags并没有一一对应的关系。
Rendering Tree是一个通用的规划页面布局和渲染的机制,这个通用机制可以服务于HTML页面,但是并不仅仅限于为HTML页面服务,我们可以用 Rendering Tree来规划其它格式的页面的布局和渲染。以DOM Tree和Rendering Tree为核心的Webkit渲染机,是一个功能强大,扩展性良好的通用渲染机。它不仅可以用来绘制HTML页面,也可以用来渲染其它格式的页面,譬如可以用它来制作email阅读和管理器,制作数据库管理工具,甚至制作游戏界面。
稍微让人有点吃惊的是,对于 HTMLHtmlElement,HTMLBodyElement,HTMLHeadingElement和HTMLParagraphElement,在Rendering Tree中通通以RenderBlock呼应。如果说HTMLHeadingElement和HTMLParagraphElement的区别不大,仅仅是字体和对齐方式有些微小的差别,所以Rendering Tree可以用RenderBlock来统一应对。那么问题是,HTMLHtmlElement和HTMLBodyElement是两种容器,总是出现在 DOM Tree的中部,而从来不会作为叶子节点出现,对应于这样的容器节点,为什么Rendering Tree不另设一种class,与RenderBlock有所区别呢?不过话又说回来,这不是个大问题,最多是个美感的问题。
Figure 2. The construction sequence of the root of the DOM tree.
Courtesy http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3010/3554310018_e34d271344_o.jpg
2. DOM Tree 与 Rendering Tree 的根节点
前一节中我们提到HTMLDocument是一个比较特殊的class,它是整个HTML DOM Tree的根节点,但是不对应任何HTML tag。JavaScript中经常出现的document,指的就是这个根。例如,
HTML文本文件,通常是以<HTML>开头,以</HTML>结尾。但是<HTML> tag并不对应DOM Tree的根节点,而是根以下的第一个子节点,即HTMLHtmlElement节点。
初看Figure 2 觉得有点意外,当用户在浏览器里打开一个空白页面的时候,立刻生成了DOM Tree的根节点HTMLDocument,与Rendering Tree的根节点RenderView。而这个时候,用户并没有给定URL,也就是说,对于浏览器来讲,这时候具体的HTML文本文件并不存在。根节点与具体HTML内容相脱节,或许暗示了Webkit的两个设计思路,
a. DOM Tree的根节点HTMLDocument,与Rendering Tree的根节点RenderView,可以重复利用。
当用户在同一个浏览器页面中,先后打开两个不同的URLs,也就是两个不同的HTML文本文时,HTMLDocument和RenderView两个根节点并没有发生改变,改变的是HTMLHtmlElement以下的子树,以及对应的Rendering Tree的子树。
b. 同一个DOM Tree的根节点可以悬挂多个HTML子树,同一个Rendering Tree的根节点可以悬挂多个RenderBlock子树。
在我们目前所见到的浏览器中,每一个页面通常只显示一个HTML文件。虽然一个HTML文件可以分割成多个frames,每个frame承载一个独立的 HTML文件,但是从DOM Tree结构来讲,HTMLDocument根节点以下,只有一个子节点,这个子节点是HTMLHtmlElement,它领衔某个HTML文本文件对应的子树。Rendering Tree也一样,目前我们见到的网页中,一个RenderView根节点以下,也只有一个RenderBlock子节点。
Figure 3. The construction sequence of the DOM Tree and the Rendering Tree.
Courtesy http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3627/3554182242_b0bec88534_b.jpg
3. DOM Tree 与 Rendering Tree 的构筑
HTMLDocument 根节点包含的最重要的构件是HTMLTokenizer,而HTMLTokenizer又包含HTMLParser这个构件。HTMLTokenizer 从前到后读取HTML文本文件中每一个字符,并从中提取出各个HTML tags以及它们的内容。而HTMLParser不仅负责HTML DOM Tree的构筑,而且也同时负责Rendering Tree的构筑。
在Figure 3中,从第8步到第11步,HTMLParser根据一个HTML Tag生成一个HTML DOM Tree节点。从第12步到第17步,生成相应的Rendering Tree的节点,并把它和HTML DOM Tree的节点勾连在一起。这张图的细节过多,读解不容易。Figure 4把第8步到第17步演示了一下。
Figure 4. An illustration of the construction of a DOM tree node and its corresponding Rendering tree node.
Courtesy http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3306/3554259140_3deb9736ea_o.jpg
值得注意的是,每当HTMLParser生成一个DOM Tree的节点的时候,相应地,也同时生成一个Rendering Tree节点。然后把它们两个新节点勾连在一起。换而言之,Rendering Tree与DOM Tree同步生长。
Webkit 值得赞赏的地方非常多,但是HTMLParser让DOM Tree和Rendering Tree同步生长的做法,却值得商榷。如果同步生长,那么Rendering Tree必然平铺直叙地刻板地忠实于DOM Tree。假设先生成DOM Tree,再生成Rendering Tree,把两者割裂开,就有机会让Webkit发挥更加奇妙的布局和渲染。平铺直叙固然符合大多数人在大多数时间里的阅读习惯,但是离经叛道的设计,也会有市场。一个例子就是上一章末尾处那张多视点的地图。如果让DOM Tree与Rendering Tree同步生长,这样的布局和渲染是难以想像的。
图像的印刷。起初不能印刷笔触丰富,层次复杂的图像,一直到1796年,石板印刷术(lithography)出现以后,才能印刷表现手段丰富的图像。 2.
Figure 1. Incunabulum, the end of 15'th century Courtesy
Figure 2. City of Words, by Vito Acconi, 1999 Courtesy
Figure 1 中显示的是1490年代的书籍,不难看出,现代书报中广泛使用的双列,边注,页码,首字母大写等等,都是继承了500多年以前的做法。而CSS规范,囊括了所有这些页面设计的要素。
要巧妙地 设计手机应用的UI设计,终极而言,需要突破传统的单一鸟瞰视角的方式,Figure 2 就是这方面的尝试。Webkit能不能做到这一点?原理上是可以做到的,但是必须修改源代码。但是在改造以前,我们还是先踏踏实实研究一下,Webkit 的布局排版的内部机制是什么。只有充分了解对方之长,才有可能改进对方之短。
Layout负责确定Render Tree中,每个叶子和中间节点的位置。每个节点在屏幕上的显示,都呈长方形格局。所谓位置,指的是这个长方形左上角起始坐标(X,Y),以及长方形的宽度和高度。每个中间节点的长方形,里面嵌套着若干小长方形,对应这个中间节点的后代节点等等。
在Layout过程结束以后,Webkit启动 Paint过程,负责把Render Tree中各个叶子节点,在相应的位置绘制出来。Webkit 把具体绘制的工作,交给第三方图形工具库(Graphics Library)去完成。常用的第三方图形工具库包括QT,GTK+,Wx,Skia,Cairo等等。
关于图形库,台湾的开源高手,黄敬群(Jim Huang / jserv),写过一篇介绍Google Skia 图形库的文章(http://blog.linux.org.tw/~jserv/archives/002095.html)。文中谈到,
Google 为了搭建Android平台,于2005年8月并购了Android公司。同年11月份,Google还收购了Skia公司。2007年11 月,Google发布Android,并公开部分源代码。当人们热衷于探究Android Dalvik VM的奥秘的时候,忽略了Skia的意义。
2008年9月,Google发布了以改良的Webkit为核心的Chrome PC浏览器。当人们热衷于探究V8 JavaScript引擎等等功能模块时,再次忽略了Skia的意义。
Skia 的创办人,Mike Reed,是图形技术方面的顶尖人物。Mike早年任职于Apple,参与QuickDraw GX项目,处理字型和图像显示。后来他跳槽到OpenWave,开发手机浏览器。在OpenWave工作期间,与Benoit Schillings合作,在50-300KB的内存空间内,提供图层之间alpha
blended方式的预览,以及全功能向量矩阵转换等等,真可谓螺丝壳里做道场。后来Benoit Schillings离开OpenWave,去Trolltech任职CTO。Trolltech的主打产品是大名鼎鼎的QT。再后来Trolltech 被Nokia并购,Benoit随之加入Nokia。Benoit Schillings离开OpenWave不久,Mike
Figure 3. Layout implementation in Webkit Courtesy
Figure 4. Paint implementation in Webkit Courtesy http://www.flickr.com/photos/87209438%40N00/3609632249/sizes/l/
Figure 3 和 Figure 4,分别显示了Webkit执行排版布局(layout),以及绘制(paint)的两个过程。仔细查看这两张sequence diagrams,会发现以下特点,
1. Layout 和 Paint 这两个过程完全分开。开始执行Paint过程以前,必然预先执行过Layout,否则图形库就不知道在哪里写字以及显示图像。但是这并不意味着,Layout执行结束后,随即就立刻执行Paint。实际上,Layout执行结束后,触发一个事件,这个事件启动Paint过程。但是Paint过程也可以被其它事件触发,譬如屏幕内容的切换,以及把隐藏的浏览器窗口复原等等。
2. Layout 涵盖了所有CSS规定的布局要素。包括页面边缘与内容之间的空白,文字对插入图像的避让(floating),单列与多列,上下层覆盖(z-index)等等。
3. 图像,视频播放器插件,Applet等等,在 Layout 被称作 Replaced Render Object。这些 Replaced 元素的宽度和高度可以由CSS规定。如果CSS没有规定,就解析这些元素的数据流,譬如一个JPG照片的metadata里,规定了这幅照片原件的宽度和高度。如果元素自己也没有规定宽度高度,就使用Webkit提供的缺省值。
4. 文字的宽度根据页面的排版来确定。譬如一页中包含多列文字,则每列文字宽度相等。每列文字的宽度,乘以列数,加上列与列之间的夹缝,加上页面边缘空白等等,应当等于页面总的宽度。假设页面总的宽度已知,边缘空白,和列与列之间的夹缝的宽度也已知,就可以反推文字的宽度。
5. Render Tree中每个节点在屏幕上的显示,都呈长方形格局。前面第3点和第4点,描述了宽度的确定。而高度的确定,取决于这个中间节点的所有后代节点的高度的总和。对于 Replaced 元素来说,它的高度相对比较容易确定,而文字段落的高度,需要根据字数,字型,以及字体大小计算得出。
6. 在 Layout 过程中,反复出现以 Repaint 为开头的子过程,例如 repaintAfterLayoutIfNeed
7. 相对于 Layout 过程,Paint 过程的逻辑要简单得多。Paint的过程,大致按照深度优先的顺序,遍历整棵RenderTree。也就是说,从最左边的叶子节点开始,从左向右逐个绘制 RenderTree所有可以显示的叶子节点。所谓“可以显示的叶子节点”,是因为CSS中可以规定,不显示某些叶子。
1. Layout 是一个计算量很繁重的过程。之所以繁重,主要体现在估算完每个RenderTree节点的宽度尤其是高度以后,需要相应调整这个节点的前辈节点以及左邻右舍兄弟节点的位置。对于文字段落而言,它的高度有赖于字数,字体和大小,所以估算不容易准确。
有没有可能把Layout 过程,与第一遍 Paint 过程合二为一?只要遍历一次RenderTree的所有叶子节点,绘制图像并码字。Paint过程结束后,各个叶子节点对应的长方形的起始位置的(X,Y)坐标,以及宽度和高度都自然迎刃而解。然后再由叶子节点开始,逐步确定RenderTree中,各个中间节点的起始位置和宽度高度。这样做的好处是,可以大大降低 Layout 过程的成本。
2. Layout 过程假设每个RenderTree 的节点都对应一个长方形屏幕区域。受限于这个规定,类似于Figure 2的效果,就显示不出来。有没有可能取消这个限制?SVG不仅提供了强大的绘图能力,而且也提供了强大的排版布局能力。能不能把CSS当着SVG格式的一个子集来看待?

Courtesy http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3302/3640149734_3268bf297f_o.jpg
1 <html> 2 <script type="text/javascript"> 3 function myfunction(v) 4 { 5 alert(v) 6 } 7 </script> 8 9 <body onclick="myfunction('Hello')"> 10 <p> 11 <img onclick="myfunction('World')" height="250" width="290" src="http://www.dirjournal.com/info/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/antarctica_mountain_mirrored.jpg"> 12 <p> 13 <img height="206" width="275" src="http://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/01/26/f4/eb/hua-shan-hua-mountain.jpg"> 14 </body> 15 </html>
1. 浏览器如何知道,是否鼠标的位置,在第一个照片的范围内?
2. 假如修改一下HTML文件,把第一张照片替换成另一张照片,前后两张照片的尺寸不同。在浏览器里打开修改后的文件,我们会发现,能够触发弹出窗口事件的区域面积,随着照片的改变而自动改变。浏览器内部,是通过什么样的机制,自动识别事件触发区域的?
3. Onclick 是HTML的元素属性(Element attribute),还是JavaScript的事件侦听器(EventListener)?换而言之,当用户点击鼠标以后,负责处理onclick事件的,是Webkit 还是JavaScript Engine?
4. Alert() 是HTML定义的方法,还是JavaScript提供的函数?谁负责生成那两个弹出的窗口,是Webkit还是JavaScript Engine?
5. 注意到有两个onclick="myfunction(...)",当用户在第一张照片里点击鼠标的时候,为什么是先后弹出,而不是同时弹出?
6. 除了PC上的浏览器以外,手机是否也可以完成同样的事件及其响应?假如手机上没有鼠标,但是有触摸屏,如何把onclick定义成用手指点击屏幕?
7. 为什么需要深入了解这些问题? 除了满足好奇心以外,还有没有其它目的?
Figure 2. Event callback stacks
Courtesy http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3611/3640149728_bc64397f60_o.gif
当用户点击鼠标,在OS语汇里,这叫发生了一次中断(interrupt)。系统内核(kernel) 如何侦听以及处理interrupt,不妨参阅“Programming Embedded Systems” 一书,Chapter 8. Interrupts。这里不展开介绍,有两个原因,1. 这些内容很庞杂,而且与本文主题不太相关。2. 从Webkit角度看,它不必关心interrupt 以及interrupt handling 的具体实现,因为Webkit建筑在GUI Toolkit之上,而GUI Toolkit已经把底层的interrupt handling,严密地封装起来。Webkit只需要调用GUI Toolkit 的相关APIs,就可以截获鼠标的点击和移动,键盘的输入等等诸多事件。所以,本文着重讨论Figure 2 中,位于顶部的Webkit和JavaScript两层。
不同的操作系统,有相应的GUI Toolkit。GUI Toolkit提供一系列APIs,方便应用程序去管理各色窗口和控件,以及鼠标和键盘等等UI事件的截获和响应。
1. 微软的Windows操作系统之上的GUI Toolkit,是MFC(Microsoft Fundation Classes)。
2. Linux操作系统GNOME环境的GUI Toolkit,是GTK+.
3. Linux KDE环境的,是QT。
4. Java的GUI Toolkit有两个,一个是Sun Microsystem的Java Swing,另一个是IBM Eclipse的SWT。
Swing对native的依赖较小,它依靠Java 2D来绘制窗口以及控件,而Java 2D对于native的依赖基本上只限于用native library画点画线着色。 SWT对native的依赖较大,很多人把SWT理解为Java通过JNI,对MFC,GTK+和QT进行的封装。这种理解虽然不是百分之百准确,但是大体上也没错。
有了GUI Toolkit,应用程序处理鼠标和键盘等等UI事件的方式,就简化了许多,只需要做两件事情。1. 把事件来源(event source),与事件处理逻辑(event listener) 绑定。2. 解析并执行事件处理逻辑。
Figure 3 显示的是Webkit如何绑定event source和event listener。Figure 4 显示的是Webkit如何调用JavaScript Engine,解析并执行事件处理逻辑。首先看看event source,注意到在HTML文件里有这么一句,
<img onclick="myfunction('World')" height="250" width="290" src=".../antarctica_mountain_mirrored.jpg">
这句话里“<img>”标识告诉Webkit,需要在浏览器页面里摆放一张照片,“src”属性明确了照片的来源,“height, width”明确了照片的尺寸。“onclick”属性提醒Webkit,当用户把鼠标移动到照片显示的区域,并点击鼠标时(onclick),需要有所响应。响应的方式定义在“onclick”属性的值里面,也就是“myfunction('World')”。
当Webkit解析这个HTML文件时,它依据这个HTML文件生成一棵DOM Tree,和一棵Render Tree。对应于这一句<img>语句,在DOM Tree里有一个HTMLElement节点,相应地,在Render Tree里有一个RenderImage节点。在layout() 过程结束后,根据<img>语句中规定的height和width,确定了RenderImage的大小和位置。由于 Render Tree的RenderImage节点,与DOM Tree的HTMLElement节点一一对应,所以HTMLElement节点所处的位置和大小也相应确定。
因为onclick事件与这个HTMLElement节点相关联,所以这个HTMLElement节点的位置和大小确定了以后,点击事件的触发区域也就自动确定。假如修改了HTML文件,替换了照片,经过layout() 过程以后,新照片对应的HTMLElement节点,它的位置和大小也自动相应变化,所以,点击事件的触发区域也就相应地自动变化。
在onclick属性的值里,定义了如何处理这个事件的逻辑。有两种处理事件的方式,1. 直接调用HTML DOM method,2. 间接调用外设的Script。onclick="alert('Hello')",是第一种方式。alert()是W3C制订的标准的 HTML DOM methods之一。除此以外,也有稍微复杂一点的methods,譬如可以把这一句改成,<img onclick="document.write('Hello')">。本文的例子,onclick="myfunction('world')",是第二种方式,间接调用外设的Script。
外设的script有多种,最常见的是JavaScript,另外,微软的VBScript和Adobe的ActionScript,在一些浏览器里也能用。即便是JavaScript,也有多种版本,各个版本之间,语法上存在一些差别。为了消弭这些差别,降低JavaScript使用者,以及 JavaScript Engine开发者的负担,ECMA(欧洲电脑产联)试图制订一套标准的JavaScript规范,称为ECMAScript。
各个浏览器使用的JavaScript Engine不同。
1. 微软的IE浏览器,使用的JavaScript Engine是JScript Engine,渲染机是Trident。
2. Firefox浏览器,使用的JavaScript Engine是TraceMonkey,TraceMonkey的前身是SpiderMonkey,渲染机是Gecko。TraceMonkey JavaScript Engine借用了Adobe的Tamarin的部分代码,尤其是Just-In-Time即时编译机的代码。而Tamarin也被用在Adobe Flash的Action Engine中。
3. Opera浏览器,使用的JavaScript Engine是Futhark,它的前身是Linear_b,渲染机是Presto。
4. Apple的Safari浏览器,使用的JavaScript Engine是SquirrelFish,渲染机是Webkit。
5. Google的Chrome浏览器,使用的JavaScript Engine是V8,渲染机也是Webkit。
6. Linux的KDE和GNOME环境中可以使用Konqueror浏览器,这个浏览器使用的JavaScript Engine是JavaScriptCore,前身是KJS,渲染机也是Webkit。
同样是Webkit渲染机,可以调用不同的JavaScript Engine。之所以能做到这一点,是因为Webkit的架构设计,在设置JavaScript Engine的时候,利用代理器,采取了松散的调用方式。
Figure 3. The listener binding of Webkit
Courtesy http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3659/3640149732_e55446f6b3_b.jpg
Figure 3 详细描绘了Webkit 设置JavaScript Engine 的全过程。在Webkit 解析HTML文件,生成DOM Tree 和Render Tree 的过程中,当解析到 <img onclick="..." src="..."> 这一句的时候,生成DOM Tree中的 HTMLElement 节点,以及Render Tree 中 RenderImage 节点。如前文所述。在生成HTMLElement 节点的过程中,因为注意到有onclick属性,Webkit决定需要给 HTMLElement 节点绑定一个 EventListener,参见Figure 3 中第7步。
Webkit 把所有EventListener 的创建工作,交给Document 统一处理,类似于 Design Patterns中,Singleton 的用法。也就是说,DOM Tree的根节点 Document,掌握着这个网页涉及的所有EventListeners。 有趣的是,当Document 接获请求后,不管针对的是哪一类事件,一律让代理器 (kjsProxy) 生成一个JSLazyEventListener。之所以说这个实现方式有趣,是因为有几个问题需要特别留意,
1. 一个HTMLElement节点,如果有多个类似于onclick的事件属性,那么就需要多个相应的EventListener object instances与之绑定。
2. 每个节点的每个事件属性,都对应一个独立的EventListener object instance。不同节点不共享同一个 EventListener object instance。即便同一个节点中,不同的事件属性,对应的也是不同的EventListener object instances。
这是一个值得商榷的地方。不同节点不同事件对应彼此独立的EventListener object instances,这种做法给不同节点之间的信息传递,造成了很大障碍。反过来设想一下,如果能够有一种机制,让同一个object instance,穿梭于多个HTMLElement Nodes之间,那么浏览器的表现能力将会大大增强,届时,将会出现大量的前所未有的匪夷所思的应用。
3. DOM Tree的根节点,Document,统一规定了用什么工具,去解析事件属性的值,以及执行这个属性值所定义的事件处理逻辑。如前文所述,事件属性的值,分成HTML DOM methods 和JavaScript 两类。但是不管某个HTMLElement节点的某个事件属性的值属于哪一类,Document一律让 kjsProxy代理器,生成一个 EventListener。
看看这个代理器的名字就知道,kjsProxy生成的 EventListener,一定是依托JavaScriptCore Engine,也就是以前的KJS JavaScript Engine,来执行事件处理逻辑的。核实一下源代码,这个猜想果然正确。
4. 如果想把JavaScriptCore 替换成其它JavaScript Engine,例如Google的V8,不能简单地更改configuration file,而需要修改一部分源代码。所幸的是,Webkit的架构设计相当清晰,所以需要改动部分不多,关键部位是把Document.{h,cpp} 以及其它少数源代码中,涉及kjsProxy 的部分,改成其它Proxy即可。
5. kjsProxy 生成的EventListener,是JSLazyEventListener。解释一下JSLazyEventListener 命名的寓意,JS容易理解,意思是把事件处理逻辑,交给JavaScript engine 负责。所谓 lazy 指的是,除非用户在照片显示区域点击了鼠标,否则,JavaScript Engine 不主动处理事件属性的值所规定的事件处理逻辑。
与 lazy做法相对应的是JIT即时编译,譬如有一些JavaScript Engine,在用户尚没有触发任何事件以前,预先编译了所有与该网页相关的JavaScript,这样,当用户触发了一个特定事件,需要调用某些 JavaScript functions时,运行速度就会加快。当然,预先编译会有代价,可能会有一些JavaScript functions,虽然编译过了,但是从来没有被真正执行过。
Figure 4. The event handling of Webkit
Courtesy http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3390/3640149730_0c98f0218d_b.jpg
当解析完HTML文件,生成了完整的DOM Tree 和Render Tree 以后,Webkit就准备好去响应和处理用户触发的事件了。响应和处理事件的整个流程,如Figure 4所描述。整个流程分成两个阶段,
1. 寻找 EventTargetNode。
当用户触发某个事件,例如点击鼠标,根据鼠标所在位置,从Render Tree的根节点开始,一路搜索到鼠标所在位置对应的叶子节点。Render Tree根节点对应的是整个浏览器页面,而叶子节点对应的区域面积最小。
从Render Tree根节点,到叶子节点,沿途每个Render Tree Node,都对应一个DOM Tree Node。这一串DOM Tree Nodes中,有些节点响应用户触发的事件,另一些不响应。例如在本文的例子中,<body> tag 对应的DOM Tree Node,和第一张照片的<img> tag 对应的DOM Tree Node,都对onclick事件有响应。
第一阶段结束时,Webkit得到一个EventTargetNode,这个节点是一个DOM Tree Node,而且是对事件有响应的DOM Tree Node。如果存在多个DOM Tree Nodes对事件有响应,EventTargetNode是那个最靠近叶子的中间节点。
2. 执行事件处理逻辑。
如果对于同一个事件,有多个响应节点,那么JavaScript Engine 依次处理这一串节点中,每一个节点定义的事件处理逻辑。事件处理逻辑,以字符串的形式定义在事件属性的值中。在本文的例子中,HTML文件包含<img onclick="myfunction('World')">,和<body onclick="myfunction('Hello')">,这意味着,有两个DOM Tree Nodes 对onclick事件有响应,它们的事件处理逻辑分别是myfunction('World') 和myfunction('Hello'),这两个字符串。
当JavaScript Engine 获得事件处理逻辑的字符串后,它把这个字符串,根据JavaScript的语法规则,解析为一棵树状结构,称作Parse Tree。有了这棵Parse Tree,JavaScript Engine就可以理解这个字符串中,哪些是函数名,哪些是变量,哪些是变量值。理解清楚以后,JavaScript Engine 就可以执行事件处理逻辑了。本文例子的事件处理过程,如Figure 4中第16步,到第35步所示。
本文的例子中,“myfunction('World')" 这个字符串本身并没有定义事件处理逻辑,而只是提供了一个JavaScript函数的函数名,以及函数的参数的值。当JavaScript Engine 得到这个字符串以后,解析,执行。执行的结果是得到函数实体的代码。函数实体的代码中,最重要的是alert(v) 这一句。JavaScript Engine 把这一句解析成Parse Tree,然后执行。
注意到本文例子中,对于同一个事件onclick,有两个不同的DOM Tree Nodes 有响应。处理这两个节点的先后顺序要么由capture path,要么由bubbling path决定,如Figure 5所示。(Figure 5中对应的HTML文件,不是本文所引的例子)。在HTML文件中,可以规定event.bubbles属性。如果没有规定,那就按照bubbling的顺序进行,所以本文的例子,是先执行<img>,弹出“World” 的窗口,关掉“World”窗口后,接着执行<body>,弹出“Hello” 的窗口。
Figure 5. The capture and bubbling of event by the DOM tree.
Courtesy http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Events/images/eventflow.png
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