chrome services and mojom
- 客户端:
是远程接口。另外一个根据remote生成个 pendingReceiver
. 这个receiver最终传递给实现端。pipe就建立好了。
// src/third_party/blink/example/public/pingable.h mojo::Remote<example::mojom::Pingable> pingable; mojo::PendingReceiver<example::mojom::Pingable> receiver = pingable.BindNewPipeAndPassReceiver();
RenderFrame* my_frame = GetMyFrame();
my_frame->GetBrowserInterfaceBroker().GetInterface(std::move(receiver)); //GetBrowserInterfaceBroker 是远程方法。
BrowserInterfaceBroker 位于renderer进程的浏览器接口代理。broker代理在对应的RenderFrameHost端有实现,是个工厂方法,通过GetInterface 去找到这个其他远程接口对应的实现。就连接上了。(所以服务端肯定需要加上,去注册上GetPingable接口实现对象)
- 对应服务端
map->Add<example::mojom::Pingable>(base::BindRepeating( &RenderFrameHostImpl::GetPingable, base::Unretained(host)));
... void GetPingable(mojo::PendingReceiver<example::mojom::Pingable> receiver); ... private: ... std::unique_ptr<PingableImpl> pingable_; ... }; // void RenderFrameHostImpl::GetPingable( mojo::PendingReceiver<example::mojom::Pingable> receiver) { pingable_ = std::make_unique<PingableImpl>(std::move(receiver)); }
一种bind就是添加到 ReceiverSet中。另一种是最终进入DocumentService,生成 一个receiver对象
void RenderFrameHostImpl::GetAudioContextManager( mojo::PendingReceiver<blink::mojom::AudioContextManager> receiver) { AudioContextManagerImpl::Create(this, std::move(receiver)); }//这里通过 receiver_(this, std::move(pending_receiver)); this是DocumentService : public Interface void RenderFrameHostImpl::GetFileSystemManager( mojo::PendingReceiver<blink::mojom::FileSystemManager> receiver) { // This is safe because file_system_manager_ is deleted on the IO thread GetIOThreadTaskRunner({})->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::BindOnce(&FileSystemManagerImpl::BindReceiver, base::Unretained(file_system_manager_.get()), storage_key(), std::move(receiver))); }// mojo::ReceiverSet<blink::mojom::FileSystemManager, blink::StorageKey> // receivers_; // receivers_.Add(this, std::move(receiver), storage_key); void RenderFrameHostImpl::GetGeolocationService( mojo::PendingReceiver<blink::mojom::GeolocationService> receiver) { if (!geolocation_service_) { auto* geolocation_context = delegate_->GetGeolocationContext(); if (!geolocation_context) return; geolocation_service_ = std::make_unique<GeolocationServiceImpl>(geolocation_context, this); } geolocation_service_->Bind(std::move(receiver)); }// std::unique_ptr<GeolocationServiceImpl> geolocation_service_; // Bind的实现也是 receiverSets: // receiver_set_.Add(this, std::move(receiver), // std::make_unique<GeolocationServiceImplContext>()); //其中类impl也是个mojom接口:class GeolocationServiceImpl: public blink::mojom::GeolocationService
Intro to Mojo & Services
This document contains the minimum amount of information needed for a developer to start using Mojo effectively in Chromium, with example Mojo interface usage, service definition and hookup, and a brief overview of the Content layer's core services.
See other Mojo & Services documentation for introductory guides, API references, and more.
Mojo Terminology
A message pipe is a pair of endpoints. Each endpoint has a queue of incoming messages, and writing a message at one endpoint effectively enqueues that message on the other (peer) endpoint. Message pipes are thus bidirectional.
A mojom file describes interfaces, which are strongly-typed collections of messages. Each interface message is roughly analogous to a single proto message, for developers who are familiar with Google protobufs.
Given a mojom interface and a message pipe, one of the endpoints can be designated as a Remote
and is used to send messages described by the interface. The other endpoint can be designated as a Receiver
and is used to receive interface messages.
*** aside NOTE: The above generalization is a bit oversimplified. Remember that the message pipe is still bidirectional, and it's possible for a mojom message to expect a reply. Replies are sent from the Receiver
endpoint and received by the Remote
The Receiver
endpoint must be associated with (i.e. bound to) an implementation of its mojom interface in order to process received messages. A received message is dispatched as a scheduled task invoking the corresponding interface method on the implementation object.
Another way to think about all this is simply that a Remote
makes calls on a remote implementation of its interface associated with a corresponding remote Receiver
这里的 remote ,就是指一个远程接口。客户端声明一个 远程接口,就可以调用远程方法(即发消息);receiver,是服务端,是对接口的实现。(其实pipe是双工的)
Example: Defining a New Frame Interface
Let's apply this to Chrome. Suppose we want to send a "Ping" message from a render frame to its corresponding RenderFrameHostImpl
instance in the browser process. We need to define a nice mojom interface for this purpose, create a pipe to use that interface, and then plumb one end of the pipe to the right place so the sent messages can be received and processed there. This section goes through that process in detail.
示例是从render进程要调用一个实现在browser进程的跨进程调用。所以render方需要一个浏览器方代理: BrowserInterfaceBroker
Defining the Interface
The first step involves creating a new .mojom
file with an interface definition, like so:
// src/example/public/mojom/pingable.mojom module example.mojom; interface Pingable { // Receives a "Ping" and responds with a random integer. Ping() => (int32 random); };
This should have a corresponding build rule to generate C++ bindings for the definition here:
# src/example/public/mojom/ import("//mojo/public/tools/bindings/mojom.gni") mojom("mojom") { sources = [ "pingable.mojom" ] }
Creating the Pipe
Now let's create a message pipe to use this interface.
*** aside As a general rule and as a matter of convenience when using Mojo, the client of an interface (i.e. the Remote
side) is typically the party who creates a new pipe. This is convenient because the Remote
may be used to start sending messages immediately without waiting for the InterfaceRequest endpoint to be transferred or bound anywhere.
This code would be placed somewhere in the renderer:
// src/third_party/blink/example/public/pingable.h mojo::Remote<example::mojom::Pingable> pingable; mojo::PendingReceiver<example::mojom::Pingable> receiver = pingable.BindNewPipeAndPassReceiver();
In this example, pingable
is the Remote
, and receiver
is a PendingReceiver
, which is a Receiver
precursor that will eventually be turned into a Receiver
. BindNewPipeAndPassReceiver
is the most common way to create a message pipe: it yields the PendingReceiver
as the return value.
*** aside NOTE: A PendingReceiver
doesn't actually do anything. It is an inert holder of a single message pipe endpoint. It exists only to make its endpoint more strongly-typed at compile-time, indicating that the endpoint expects to be bound by a Receiver
of the same interface type.
是个PendingReceiver,因为它最终会转变成真正的绑定到管道上的Receiver,但还没到时候 not yet。
PendingReceiver是通过 BindNewPipeAndPassReceiver 产生,其他它什么也没有做。
Sending a Message
Finally, we can call the Ping()
method on our Remote
to send a message:
// src/third_party/blink/example/public/pingable.h pingable->Ping(base::BindOnce(&OnPong));
*** aside IMPORTANT: If we want to receive the response, we must keep the pingable
object alive until OnPong
is invoked. After all, pingable
owns its message pipe endpoint. If it's destroyed then so is the endpoint, and there will be nothing to receive the response message.
void OnPong(int i){
}上面的函数参数i就是Ping函数返回值:int32 random。
Ping() => (int32 random);
We're almost done! Of course, if everything were this easy, this document wouldn't need to exist. We've taken the hard problem of sending a message from a renderer process to the browser process, and transformed it into a problem where we just need to take the receiver
object from above and pass it to the browser process somehow where it can be turned into a Receiver
that dispatches its received messages.
Sending a PendingReceiver
to the Browser
It's worth noting that PendingReceiver
s (and message pipe endpoints in general) are just another type of object that can be freely sent over mojom messages. The most common way to get a PendingReceiver
somewhere is to pass it as a method argument on some other already-connected interface.
One such interface which we always have connected between a renderer's RenderFrameImpl
and its corresponding RenderFrameHostImpl
in the browser is BrowserInterfaceBroker
. This interface is a factory for acquiring other interfaces. Its GetInterface
method takes a GenericPendingReceiver
, which allows passing arbitrary interface receivers.
interface BrowserInterfaceBroker { GetInterface(mojo_base.mojom.GenericPendingReceiver receiver); }
Since GenericPendingReceiver
can be implicitly constructed from any specific PendingReceiver
, it can call this method with the receiver
object it created earlier via BindNewPipeAndPassReceiver
RenderFrame* my_frame = GetMyFrame(); my_frame->GetBrowserInterfaceBroker().GetInterface(std::move(receiver));
This will transfer the PendingReceiver
endpoint to the browser process where it will be received by the corresponding BrowserInterfaceBroker
implementation. More on that below.
至 BrowserInterfaceBroker 工厂,通过GetInterface
找到远程 Pingable的实现。
Implementing the Interface
Finally, we need a browser-side implementation of our Pingable
#include "example/public/mojom/pingable.mojom.h" class PingableImpl : example::mojom::Pingable { public: explicit PingableImpl(mojo::PendingReceiver<example::mojom::Pingable> receiver) : receiver_(this, std::move(receiver)) {} PingableImpl(const PingableImpl&) = delete; PingableImpl& operator=(const PingableImpl&) = delete; // example::mojom::Pingable: void Ping(PingCallback callback) override { // Respond with a random 4, chosen by fair dice roll. std::move(callback).Run(4); } private: mojo::Receiver<example::mojom::Pingable> receiver_; };
owns an implementation of BrowserInterfaceBroker
. When this implementation receives a GetInterface
method call, it calls the handler previously registered for this specific interface.
. 当GetInterface
被调用时,它调用对这个特定接口的handler处理方法。通过PopulateFrameBinders将对Pingable的处理方法放入map中。以后有人调用GetInterface(Pingable)获取远程接口时,就会从map中找到对应的闭包方法 RenderFrameHostImpl::GetPingable。这个方法实现创建真正的PingableImpl实例。
// render_frame_host_impl.h class RenderFrameHostImpl ... void GetPingable(mojo::PendingReceiver<example::mojom::Pingable> receiver); ... private: ... std::unique_ptr<PingableImpl> pingable_; ... }; // void RenderFrameHostImpl::GetPingable( mojo::PendingReceiver<example::mojom::Pingable> receiver) { pingable_ = std::make_unique<PingableImpl>(std::move(receiver)); } // void PopulateFrameBinders(RenderFrameHostImpl* host, mojo::BinderMap* map) { ... // Register the handler for Pingable. map->Add<example::mojom::Pingable>(base::BindRepeating( &RenderFrameHostImpl::GetPingable, base::Unretained(host))); }
And we're done. This setup is sufficient to plumb a new interface connection between a renderer frame and its browser-side host object!
Assuming we kept our pingable
object alive in the renderer long enough, we would eventually see its OnPong
callback invoked with the totally random value of 4
, as defined by the browser-side implementation above.
Services Overview & Terminology
The previous section only scratches the surface of how Mojo IPC is used in Chromium. While renderer-to-browser messaging is simple and possibly the most prevalent usage by sheer code volume, we are incrementally decomposing the codebase into a set of services with a bit more granularity than the traditional Content browser/renderer/gpu/utility process split.
A service is a self-contained library of code which implements one or more related features or behaviors and whose interaction with outside code is done exclusively through Mojo interface connections, typically brokered by the browser process.
Each service defines and implements a main Mojo interface which can be used by the browser to manage an instance of the service.
Example: Building a Simple Out-of-Process Service
There are multiple steps typically involved to get a new service up and running in Chromium:
- Define the main service interface and implementation
- Hook up the implementation in out-of-process code
- Write some browser logic to launch a service process
This section walks through these steps with some brief explanations. For more thorough documentation of the concepts and APIs used herein, see the Mojo documentation.
Defining the Service
Typically service definitions are placed in a services
directory, either at the top level of the tree or within some subdirectory. In this example, we'll define a new service for use by Chrome specifically, so we'll define it within //chrome/services
We can create the following files. First some mojoms:
// src/chrome/services/math/public/mojom/math_service.mojom module math.mojom; interface MathService { Divide(int32 dividend, int32 divisor) => (int32 quotient); };
# src/chrome/services/math/public/mojom/ import("//mojo/public/tools/bindings/mojom.gni") mojom("mojom") { sources = [ "math_service.mojom", ] }
Then the actual MathService
// src/chrome/services/math/math_service.h #include "chrome/services/math/public/mojom/math_service.mojom.h" namespace math { class MathService : public mojom::MathService { public: explicit MathService(mojo::PendingReceiver<mojom::MathService> receiver); MathService(const MathService&) = delete; MathService& operator=(const MathService&) = delete; ~MathService() override; private: // mojom::MathService: void Divide(int32_t dividend, int32_t divisor, DivideCallback callback) override; mojo::Receiver<mojom::MathService> receiver_; }; } // namespace math
// src/chrome/services/math/ #include "chrome/services/math/math_service.h" namespace math { MathService::MathService(mojo::PendingReceiver<mojom::MathService> receiver) : receiver_(this, std::move(receiver)) {} MathService::~MathService() = default; void MathService::Divide(int32_t dividend, int32_t divisor, DivideCallback callback) { // Respond with the quotient! std::move(callback).Run(dividend / divisor); } } // namespace math
# src/chrome/services/math/ source_set("math") { sources = [ "", "math_service.h", ] deps = [ "//base", "//chrome/services/math/public/mojom", ] }
Now we have a fully defined MathService
implementation that we can make available in- or out-of-process.
Hooking Up the Service Implementation
For an out-of-process Chrome service, we simply register a factory function in //chrome/utility/
auto RunMathService(mojo::PendingReceiver<math::mojom::MathService> receiver) { return std::make_unique<math::MathService>(std::move(receiver)); } void RegisterMainThreadServices(mojo::ServiceFactory& services) { // Existing services... services.Add(RunFilePatcher); services.Add(RunUnzipper); // We add our own factory to this list services.Add(RunMathService); //...
With this done, it is now possible for the browser process to launch new out-of-process instances of MathService.
Launching the Service
If you're running your service in-process, there's really nothing interesting left to do. You can instantiate the service implementation just like any other object, yet you can also talk to it via a Mojo Remote as if it were out-of-process.
To launch an out-of-process service instance after the hookup performed in the previous section, use Content's ServiceProcessHost
mojo::Remote<math::mojom::MathService> math_service = content::ServiceProcessHost::Launch<math::mojom::MathService>( content::ServiceProcessHost::Options() .WithDisplayName("Math!") .Pass());
Except in the case of crashes, the launched process will live as long as math_service
lives. As a corollary, you can force the process to be torn down by destroying (or resetting) math_service
We can now perform an out-of-process division:
// NOTE: As a client, we do not have to wait for any acknowledgement or // confirmation of a connection. We can start queueing messages immediately and // they will be delivered as soon as the service is up and running. math_service->Divide( 42, 6, base::BindOnce([](int32_t quotient) { LOG(INFO) << quotient; }));
*** aside NOTE: To ensure the execution of the response callback, the mojo::Remote<math::mojom::MathService>
object must be kept alive (see this section and this note from an earlier section).
Specifying a sandbox
All services must specify a sandbox. Ideally services will run inside the kService
process sandbox unless they need access to operating system resources. For services that need a custom sandbox, a new sandbox type must be defined in consultation with
The preferred way to define the sandbox for your interface is by specifying a [ServiceSandbox=type]
attribute on your interface {}
in its .mojom
import "sandbox/policy/mojom/sandbox.mojom"; [ServiceSandbox=sandbox.mojom.Sandbox.kService] interface FakeService { ... };
Valid values are those in //sandbox/policy/mojom/sandbox.mojom
. Note that the sandbox is only applied if the interface is launched out-of-process using content::ServiceProcessHost::Launch()
As a last resort, dynamic or feature based mapping to an underlying platform sandbox can be achieved but requires plumbing through ContentBrowserClient (e.g. ShouldEnableNetworkServiceSandbox()
Content-Layer Services Overview
Interface Brokers
在renderer的进程中的 frame对象与对应的browser进程的
We define an explicit mojom interface with a persistent connection between a renderer's frame object and the corresponding RenderFrameHostImpl
in the browser process. This interface is called BrowserInterfaceBroker
and is fairly easy to work with: you add a new method on RenderFrameHostImpl
void RenderFrameHostImpl::GetGoatTeleporter( mojo::PendingReceiver<magic::mojom::GoatTeleporter> receiver) { goat_teleporter_receiver_.Bind(std::move(receiver)); }
and register this method in PopulateFrameBinders
function in
, which maps specific interfaces to their handlers in respective hosts:
// //content/browser/ void PopulateFrameBinders(RenderFrameHostImpl* host, mojo::BinderMap* map) { ... map->Add<magic::mojom::GoatTeleporter>(base::BindRepeating( &RenderFrameHostImpl::GetGoatTeleporter, base::Unretained(host))); }
It's also possible to bind an interface on a different sequence by specifying a task runner:
// //content/browser/ void PopulateFrameBinders(RenderFrameHostImpl* host, mojo::BinderMap* map) { ... map->Add<magic::mojom::GoatTeleporter>(base::BindRepeating( &RenderFrameHostImpl::GetGoatTeleporter, base::Unretained(host)), GetIOThreadTaskRunner({})); }
Workers also have BrowserInterfaceBroker
connections between the renderer and the corresponding remote implementation in the browser process. Adding new worker-specific interfaces is similar to the steps detailed above for frames, with the following differences:
- For Dedicated Workers, add a new method to
and register it inPopulateDedicatedWorkerBinders
- For Shared Workers, add a new method to
and register it inPopulateSharedWorkerBinders
- For Service Workers, add a new method to
and register it inPopulateServiceWorkerBinders
Interfaces can also be added at the process level using the BrowserInterfaceBroker
connection between the Blink Platform
object in the renderer and the corresponding RenderProcessHost
object in the browser process. This allows any thread (including frame and worker threads) in the renderer to access the interface, but comes with additional overhead because the BrowserInterfaceBroker
implementation used must be thread-safe. To add a new process-level interface, add a new method to RenderProcessHostImpl
and register it using a call to AddUIThreadInterface
in RenderProcessHostImpl::RegisterMojoInterfaces
. On the renderer side, use Platform::GetBrowserInterfaceBroker
to retrieve the corresponding BrowserInterfaceBroker
object to call GetInterface
render进程的Platform 对象与browser进程的
For binding an embedder-specific document-scoped interface, override ContentBrowserClient::RegisterBrowserInterfaceBindersForFrame()
and add the binders to the provided map.
*** aside NOTE: if BrowserInterfaceBroker cannot find a binder for the requested interface, it will call ReportNoBinderForInterface()
on the relevant context host, which results in a ReportBadMessage()
call on the host's receiver (one of the consequences is a termination of the renderer). To avoid this crash in tests (when content_shell doesn't bind some Chrome-specific interfaces, but the renderer requests them anyway), use the EmptyBinderForFrame
helper in
. However, it is recommended to have the renderer and browser sides consistent if possible.
参考 headless时一个超链接没有 visited变色 headless架构 - Bigben - 博客园 (
建立个binder 列表
mojo::BinderMap binders;
ExposeRendererInterfacesToBrowser(weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), &binders);
通过 ContentClinet类去拿位于renderer进程的具体实现,即 contentRendererClient。然后调用它的实现方法ExposeInterfacesToBrowser
:visited_link_reader_(new visitedlink::VisitedLinkReader){}
加了个 visited_link_reader_ 实例,初始化void HeadlessContentRendererClient::ExposeInterfacesToBrowser(mojo::BinderMap* binders) {
在VisitedLinkReader 的类中实现了上面的方法:
base::RepeatingCallback< void(mojo::PendingReceiver<mojom::VisitedLinkNotificationSink>)> VisitedLinkReader::GetBindCallback() { return base::BindRepeating(&VisitedLinkReader::Bind, //这个bind实现在下面 weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()); } void VisitedLinkReader::Bind( mojo::PendingReceiver<mojom::VisitedLinkNotificationSink> receiver) { receiver_.Bind(std::move(receiver)); }
mojo::Remote<mojom::VisitedLinkNotificationSink> sink_;
class VisitedLinkUpdater {
explicit VisitedLinkUpdater(int render_process_id)
render_process_id_(render_process_id) {
通过 RenderProcessHost 的 BindReceiver 是个虚方法,具体看实现:
// Asks the renderer process to bind |receiver|. |receiver| arrives in the // renderer process and is carried through the following flow, stopping if any // step decides to bind it: // // 1. IO thread, |ChildProcessImpl::BindReceiver()| ( // 2. IO thread ,|ContentClient::BindChildProcessInterface()| // 3. Main thread, |ChildThreadImpl::OnBindReceiver()| (virtual) // 4. Possibly more steps, depending on the ChildThreadImpl subclass. virtual void BindReceiver(mojo::GenericPendingReceiver receiver) = 0;
这里是主线程 main thread,它的实现是:
void RenderProcessHostImpl::BindReceiver( mojo::GenericPendingReceiver receiver) { child_process_->BindReceiver(std::move(receiver)); }
module visitedlink.mojom; import "mojo/public/mojom/base/shared_memory.mojom"; interface VisitedLinkNotificationSink { // Notification that the visited link database has been replaced. It has one // SharedMemoryHandle argument consisting of the table handle. UpdateVisitedLinks(mojo_base.mojom.ReadOnlySharedMemoryRegion table_region); // Notification that one or more links have been added and the link coloring // state for the given hashes must be re-calculated. AddVisitedLinks(array<uint64> link_hashes); // Notification that one or more history items have been deleted, which at // this point means that all link coloring state must be re-calculated. // |invalidate_cached_hashes| is used to inform renderer process to invalidate // cached visited links hashes. The flag is needed because the salt will // change after loading the visitedlink table from the database file. ResetVisitedLinks(bool invalidate_cached_hashes); };
Navigation-Associated Interfaces
For cases where the ordering of messages from different frames is important, and when messages need to be ordered correctly with respect to the messages implementing navigation, navigation-associated interfaces can be used. Navigation-associated interfaces leverage connections from each frame to the corresponding RenderFrameHostImpl
object and send messages from each connection over the same FIFO pipe that's used for messages relating to navigation. As a result, messages sent after a navigation are guaranteed to arrive in the browser process after the navigation-related messages, and the ordering of messages sent from different frames of the same document is preserved as well.
To add a new navigation-associated interface, create a new method for RenderFrameHostImpl
and register it with a call to associated_registry_->AddInterface
in RenderFrameHostImpl::SetUpMojoConnection
. From the renderer, use LocalFrame::GetRemoteNavigationAssociatedInterfaces
to get an object to call GetInterface
on (this call is similar to BrowserInterfaceBroker::GetInterface
except that it takes a pending associated receiver instead of a pending receiver).
接收 pending associated receiver,而不是pendingReceiver。
Additional Support
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