chrome单元测试 单独编译 chromium的Gtest
D:\dev\electron7\src>ninja -C out/Testing net_unittests
out\Testing\net_unittests.exe --gtest_filter=*HttpContentDispositionTest.Filename*
out/Debug/net_unittests --gtest_filter=*DiskCacheBackendTest.SparseEvict*
ninja -C out\Default blink_platform_unittests
out\Default\blink_platform_unittests.exe --gtest_filter=*JPEGImageDecoderTest.downsampleImageSizeMultipleOf8*
// Tests that the JPEG decoder can downsample image whose width and height are
// multiples of 8, to ensure we compute the correct DecodedSize and pass correct
// parameters to libjpeg to output the image with the expected size.
TEST(JPEGImageDecoderTest, downsampleImageSizeMultipleOf8) {
const char* jpeg_file = "/images/resources/gracehopper.jpg"; // 256x256
// 1/8 downsample.
Downsample(40 * 40 * 4, jpeg_file, gfx::Size(32, 32));
// 2/8 downsample.
IMPORTANT DEBUGGING NOTE: batches of tests are run inside their
own process. For debugging a test inside a debugger, use the
--gtest_filter=<your_test_name> flag along with
Using sharding settings from environment. This is shard 0/1
Using 1 parallel jobs.
Note: Google Test filter = JPEGImageDecoderTest.downsampleImageSizeMultipleOf8
[==========] Running 1 test from 1 test suite.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 1 test from JPEGImageDecoderTest
[ RUN ] JPEGImageDecoderTest.downsampleImageSizeMultipleOf8
[] 1
[] 2
[] 0.007389 s
[] 1
[] 2
[] 0.001333 s
[] 1
[] 2
[] 0.001572 s
[] 1
[] 2
[] 0.001469 s
[] 1
[] 2
[] 0.00205 s
[] 1
[] 2
[] 0.005453 s
[] 1
[] 2
[] 0.00262 s
[ OK ] JPEGImageDecoderTest.downsampleImageSizeMultipleOf8 (41 ms)
[----------] 1 test from JPEGImageDecoderTest (43 ms total)
[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 1 test from 1 test suite ran. (48 ms total)
[ PASSED ] 1 test.
[1/1] JPEGImageDecoderTest.downsampleImageSizeMultipleOf8 (41 ms)
SUCCESS: all tests passed.
Tests took 0 seconds.
- chromium的C++ unit test是所谓的GTest。
- 然后我们就去http://cs.chromium.org搜这个文件的名字,看看它在哪个gn target,发现这个东西是net_unittest的一部分。也可以查找本地机器上源码,搜索*.gn,找到它的gn target目录。
- 或者可以:获取所有构建目标:
gn ls out/Default
比如: //chrome/test:unit_tests
构建这个目标,去掉//: ninja -C out/Default chrome/test:unit_tests
- 最后运行test unit
- out/Debug/net_unittest --gtest_filter=*DiskCacheBackendTest.SparseEvict*
out\Default\unit_tests.exe --gtest_filter="PushClientTest.*"
(std中字符串字面常量,任意字符串都可以作为分割符:std:string s=fffxxxhahaha i'am here. she said:" no!"fffxxx
gn args out\Default gn gen out\Default --ide=vs2017 --fillter="//base:*;//chrome:*;//components:*;//net:*;//net:*;" --sln=chrome --no-deps ninja -C out\Default chrome #单元测试编译 ninja -C out\Default chrome\test:unit_tests
D:\dev\electron7\src>out\Testing\net_unittests.exe --gtest_filter=*HttpContentDispositionTest.Filename* ERROR: This build is more than 70 days out of date. This could indicate a problem with the device's clock, or the build is simply too old. See for why this is a problem base::Time::Now() --> 2020-09-21 03:04:09.533 UTC (13245131049533601) base::GetBuildTime() --> 2020-06-07 05:00:00.000 UTC (13235979600000000)