添加chromium mojom调用
1,外围调用的 js方法:
win.webContents.session.getCacheData("").then( result=>{ console.log("getCacheData resolve:"+result); }, result=>{ console.log("getCacheData reject:"+result); }); });
2,调用到对应的c++绑定: D:\dev\electron7\src\electron\shell\browser\api\atom_api_session.cc
v8::Local<v8::Promise> Session::GetCacheData(mate::Arguments* args, const std::string& url) { auto* isolate = v8::Isolate::GetCurrent(); auto promise = util::Promise(isolate); auto handle = promise.GetHandle(); content::BrowserContext::GetDefaultStoragePartition(browser_context_.get()) ->GetNetworkContext() ->ComputeHttpCacheData( base::Time(), base::Time::Max(), url, base::BindOnce( [](util::Promise promise, const std::vector<int8_t>& buffer, int64_t size_or_error) { if (size_or_error <= 0) { promise.RejectWithErrorMessage( "Not Found."); } else { promise.Resolve(node::Buffer::Copy(v8::Isolate::GetCurrent(), (const char*)buffer.data(), buffer.size()) .ToLocalChecked()); } }, std::move(promise))); return handle; }
ComputeHttpCacheData(mojo_base.mojom.Time start_time,
mojo_base.mojom.Time end_time,
string url
=> (array<int8> buffer, int64 size_or_error);
void ComputeHttpCacheSize0(::base::Time start_time, ::base::Time end_time, const std::string& url, ComputeHttpCacheSize0Callback callback) final; using ComputeHttpCacheSize0Callback = base::OnceCallback<void(const std::vector<int8_t>&, int64_t)>; virtual void ComputeHttpCacheSize0(::base::Time start_time, ::base::Time end_time, const std::string& url, ComputeHttpCacheSize0Callback callback) = 0;
void NetworkContext::ComputeHttpCacheData( base::Time start_time, base::Time end_time, const std::string& url, ComputeHttpCacheDataCallback callback) { //ComputeHttpCacheDataCallback: -> base::OnceCallback<void(const std::vector<uint8_t>&, int64_t)>; // It's safe to use Unretained below as the HttpCacheDataCounter is owned by // |this| and guarantees it won't call its callback if deleted. http_cache_data_counters_.push_back(HttpCacheDataCounter::CreateAndStart( url_request_context_, start_time, end_time,url, base::BindOnce(&NetworkContext::OnHttpCacheDataComputed, base::Unretained(this), std::move(callback)))); }
回调OnHttpCacheDataComputed 实现:这里的Run会回调回atom_api_session的调用
void NetworkContext::OnHttpCacheDataComputed( ComputeHttpCacheDataCallback callback, HttpCacheDataCounter* counter, const std::vector<int8_t>& buffer, int64_t result_or_error) { EraseIf(http_cache_data_counters_, base::MatchesUniquePtr(counter)); std::move(callback).Run(buffer, result_or_error); }
void ComputeHttpCacheData(base::Time start_time, base::Time end_time, const std::string& url, ComputeHttpCacheDataCallback callback) override; void OnHttpCacheDataComputed(ComputeHttpCacheDataCallback callback, HttpCacheDataCounter* counter, const std::vector<int8_t>& buffer, int64_t result_or_error);
using HttpCacheDataCounterCallback0 = base::OnceCallback<void(HttpCacheDataCounter*, const std::vector<int8_t>& buffer, int64_t size_or_error)>;
static std::unique_ptr<HttpCacheDataCounter> CreateAndStart(net::URLRequestContext* url_request_context,
base::Time start_time,
base::Time end_time,
const std::string& url,
HttpCacheDataCounterCallback0 callback);
HttpCacheDataCounter(base::Time start_time,
base::Time end_time,
const std::string& url,
HttpCacheDataCounterCallback0 callback);
std::unique_ptr<HttpCacheDataCounter> HttpCacheDataCounter::CreateAndStart(
net::URLRequestContext* url_request_context,
base::Time start_time,
base::Time end_time,
const std::string& url,
HttpCacheDataCounterCallback0 callback) {
HttpCacheDataCounter* instance =
new HttpCacheDataCounter(start_time, end_time, std::move(callback));
net::HttpCache* http_cache =
if (!http_cache) {
// No cache, no space used. Posts a task, so it will run after the return.
instance->PostResult(false, 0);
} else {
std::unique_ptr<disk_cache::Backend*> backend =
disk_cache::Backend** backend_ptr = backend.get();
auto get_backend_callback =
instance->GetWeakPtr(), base::Passed(&backend));
int rv = http_cache->GetBackend(backend_ptr, get_backend_callback);
if (rv != net::ERR_IO_PENDING) {
return base::WrapUnique(instance);
HttpCacheDataCounter::HttpCacheDataCounter( base::Time start_time, base::Time end_time,
const std::string& url, HttpCacheDataCounterCallback0 callback) : index_(0), next_state_(STATE_NONE), start_time_(start_time), end_time_(end_time), callback0_(std::move(callback)) { std::cout << "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX careate" << std::endl; }

// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef SERVICES_NETWORK_HTTP_CACHE_DATA_COUNTER_H_ #define SERVICES_NETWORK_HTTP_CACHE_DATA_COUNTER_H_ #include <memory> #include <vector> #include <utility> #include "base/callback.h" #include "base/component_export.h" #include "base/macros.h" #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h" #include "base/time/time.h" #include "net/disk_cache/disk_cache.h" namespace disk_cache { class Backend; } namespace net { class URLRequestContext; } namespace network { // Helper to count data in HTTP cache. // Export is for testing only. class COMPONENT_EXPORT(NETWORK_SERVICE) HttpCacheDataCounter { public: using HttpCacheDataCounterCallback = base::OnceCallback< void(HttpCacheDataCounter*, bool upper_bound, int64_t size_or_error)>; // Computes the amount of disk space taken up by entries last used between // [start_time, end_time), and return it, or error. Note that there may be // some approximation with respect to both bytes and dates. // // Furthermore, if there is no efficient way of computing this information, // a very loose upper bound (e.g. total disk space used by the cache) may be // returned; in that case |upper_bound| will be set to true. // // Once complete, invokes |callback|, passing |this| and result. // // If either |this| or |url_request_context| get destroyed, |callback| // will not be invoked. static std::unique_ptr<HttpCacheDataCounter> CreateAndStart( net::URLRequestContext* url_request_context, base::Time start_time, base::Time end_time, HttpCacheDataCounterCallback callback); #ifndef CUST_NO_FEATURE_CACHE_DATA // zhibin: using GetCacheDataCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(HttpCacheDataCounter*, const std::vector<int8_t>& buffer, int64_t size_or_error)>; static std::unique_ptr<HttpCacheDataCounter> CreateAndStart( net::URLRequestContext* url_request_context, base::Time start_time, base::Time end_time, const std::string& url, GetCacheDataCallback callback); #endif ~HttpCacheDataCounter(); private: HttpCacheDataCounter(base::Time start_time, base::Time end_time, HttpCacheDataCounterCallback callback); void GotBackend(std::unique_ptr<disk_cache::Backend*> backend, int error_code); void PostResult(bool is_upper_limit, int64_t result_or_error); base::WeakPtr<HttpCacheDataCounter> GetWeakPtr() { return weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(); } base::Time start_time_; base::Time end_time_; HttpCacheDataCounterCallback callback_; #ifndef CUST_NO_FEATURE_CACHE_DATA // zhibin: HttpCacheDataCounter(base::Time start_time, base::Time end_time, const std::string& url, GetCacheDataCallback callback); // This will trigger the completion callback if appropriate void PostResult0(); GetCacheDataCallback callback0_; int index_ = 0; // 0: http header response; 1: content; 2:js compiled. // Tricky here: if |this| gets deleted before |http_cache| gets deleted, // GetBackend may still write things out (even though the callback will // abort due to weak pointer), so the destination for the pointer can't be // owned by |this|. // // While it can be transferred to the callback to GetBackend, that callback // also needs to be kept alive for the duration of this method in order to // get at the backend pointer in the synchronous result case. // std::unique_ptr<disk_cache::Backend*> backend; disk_cache::Backend* backend_; scoped_refptr<net::GrowableIOBuffer> iobuffer_ = nullptr; std::unique_ptr<std::vector<int8_t>> cacheResult_ = std::make_unique<std::vector<int8_t>>(); disk_cache::EntryResult entryResult_; disk_cache::Entry* cache_entry_; std::string url_; enum Command { COMMAND_CACHE_SIZE, COMMAND_CACHE_DATA, COMMAND_CACHE_LIST, COMMAND_CACHE_HEAD, COMMAND_CACHE_CONTENT }; Command cmd_; enum State { STATE_NONE, STATE_GET_BACKEND, STATE_GET_BACKEND_COMPLETE, STATE_OPEN_NEXT_ENTRY, STATE_OPEN_NEXT_ENTRY_COMPLETE, STATE_OPEN_ENTRY, STATE_OPEN_ENTRY_COMPLETE, STATE_READ_RESPONSE, STATE_READ_RESPONSE_COMPLETE, STATE_READ_DATA, STATE_READ_DATA_COMPLETE }; State next_state_; //Runs the state transition loop. int DoLoop(int result); // Each of these methods corresponds to a State value. If there is an // argument, the value corresponds to the return of the previous state or // corresponding callback. // int DoGetBackend(); // int DoGetBackendComplete(int result); // int DoOpenNextEntry(); // int DoOpenNextEntryComplete(int result); int DoOpenEntry(); // int DoOpenEntryComplete(int result); void OpenEntryCallback(disk_cache::EntryResult result); int DoReadResponse(); int DoReadResponseComplete(int result); int DoReadData(); int DoReadDataComplete(int result); void HandleResult(int rv); // Called to signal completion of asynchronous IO. void OnIOComplete(int result); void copy(const char* const p, const int& len); #endif base::WeakPtrFactory<HttpCacheDataCounter> weak_factory_{this}; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(HttpCacheDataCounter); }; } // namespace network #endif // SERVICES_NETWORK_HTTP_CACHE_DATA_COUNTER_H_

// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "services/network/http_cache_data_counter.h" #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/callback.h" #include "base/location.h" #include "base/threading/sequenced_task_runner_handle.h" #include "net/disk_cache/disk_cache.h" #include "net/http/http_cache.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request_context.h" namespace network { std::unique_ptr<HttpCacheDataCounter> HttpCacheDataCounter::CreateAndStart( net::URLRequestContext* url_request_context, base::Time start_time, base::Time end_time, HttpCacheDataCounterCallback callback) { HttpCacheDataCounter* instance = new HttpCacheDataCounter(start_time, end_time, std::move(callback)); net::HttpCache* http_cache = url_request_context->http_transaction_factory()->GetCache(); if (!http_cache) { // No cache, no space used. Posts a task, so it will run after the return. instance->PostResult(false, 0); } else { // Tricky here: if |this| gets deleted before |http_cache| gets deleted, // GetBackend may still write things out (even though the callback will // abort due to weak pointer), so the destination for the pointer can't be // owned by |this|. // // While it can be transferred to the callback to GetBackend, that callback // also needs to be kept alive for the duration of this method in order to // get at the backend pointer in the synchronous result case. auto backend = std::make_unique<disk_cache::Backend*>(); disk_cache::Backend** backend_ptr = backend.get(); auto get_backend_callback = base::BindRepeating(&HttpCacheDataCounter::GotBackend, instance->GetWeakPtr(), base::Passed(&backend)); int rv = http_cache->GetBackend(backend_ptr, get_backend_callback); if (rv != net::ERR_IO_PENDING) { instance->GotBackend(std::make_unique<disk_cache::Backend*>(*backend_ptr), rv); } } return base::WrapUnique(instance); } #ifndef CUST_NO_FEATURE_CACHE_DATA // zhibin: std::unique_ptr<HttpCacheDataCounter> HttpCacheDataCounter::CreateAndStart( net::URLRequestContext* url_request_context, base::Time start_time, base::Time end_time, const std::string& url, GetCacheDataCallback callback) { HttpCacheDataCounter* instance = new HttpCacheDataCounter(start_time, end_time, url,std::move(callback)); net::HttpCache* http_cache = url_request_context->http_transaction_factory()->GetCache(); if (!http_cache) { // No cache, no space used. Posts a task, so it will run after the return. instance->PostResult(false, 0); } else { std::unique_ptr<disk_cache::Backend*> backend = std::make_unique<disk_cache::Backend*>(); disk_cache::Backend** backend_ptr = backend.get(); auto get_backend_callback = base::BindRepeating(&HttpCacheDataCounter::GotBackend, instance->GetWeakPtr(), base::Passed(&backend)); int rv = http_cache->GetBackend(backend_ptr, get_backend_callback); if (rv != net::ERR_IO_PENDING) { instance->GotBackend(std::make_unique<disk_cache::Backend*>(*backend_ptr), rv); } } return base::WrapUnique(instance); } #endif HttpCacheDataCounter::HttpCacheDataCounter( base::Time start_time, base::Time end_time, HttpCacheDataCounterCallback callback) : start_time_(start_time), end_time_(end_time), callback_(std::move(callback)) #ifdef CUST_NO_FEATURE_CACHE_DATA // zhibin: { } #else , index_(0), cmd_(COMMAND_CACHE_SIZE), next_state_(STATE_NONE) { LOG(INFO) << "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX careate" << std::endl; } HttpCacheDataCounter::HttpCacheDataCounter( base::Time start_time, base::Time end_time, const std::string& url, GetCacheDataCallback callback) : start_time_(start_time), end_time_(end_time), callback0_(std::move(callback)), index_(0), url_(url), cmd_(COMMAND_CACHE_DATA), next_state_(STATE_NONE) { LOG(INFO) << "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX careate" << std::endl; } #endif HttpCacheDataCounter::~HttpCacheDataCounter() { LOG(INFO) << "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX You got to kill me" << std::endl; } void HttpCacheDataCounter::GotBackend( std::unique_ptr<disk_cache::Backend*> backend, int error_code) { DCHECK_LE(error_code, 0); #ifndef CUST_NO_FEATURE_CACHE_DATA // zhibin: backend_ = *backend; if (cmd_ == COMMAND_CACHE_SIZE) { #endif bool is_upper_limit = false; if (error_code != net::OK) { PostResult(is_upper_limit, error_code); return; } if (!*backend) { PostResult(is_upper_limit, 0); return; } int64_t rv; disk_cache::Backend* cache = *backend; // Handle this here since some backends would DCHECK on this. if (start_time_ > end_time_) { PostResult(is_upper_limit, 0); return; } if (start_time_.is_null() && end_time_.is_max()) { rv = cache->CalculateSizeOfAllEntries(base::BindOnce( &HttpCacheDataCounter::PostResult, GetWeakPtr(), is_upper_limit)); } else { rv = cache->CalculateSizeOfEntriesBetween( start_time_, end_time_, base::BindOnce(&HttpCacheDataCounter::PostResult, GetWeakPtr(), is_upper_limit)); if (rv == net::ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) { is_upper_limit = true; rv = cache->CalculateSizeOfAllEntries(base::BindOnce( &HttpCacheDataCounter::PostResult, GetWeakPtr(), is_upper_limit)); } } if (rv != net::ERR_IO_PENDING) PostResult(is_upper_limit, rv); #ifndef CUST_NO_FEATURE_CACHE_DATA // zhibin: } else if (cmd_ == COMMAND_CACHE_DATA) { if (error_code != net::OK) { PostResult0(); return; } if (!*backend) { PostResult0(); return; } backend_ = *backend; // Handle this here since some backends would DCHECK on this. if (start_time_ > end_time_) { PostResult0(); return; } if (start_time_.is_null() && end_time_.is_max()) { next_state_ = STATE_OPEN_ENTRY; DoLoop(net::OK); } else { // todo: } } else if (cmd_ == COMMAND_CACHE_LIST) { // todo: } #endif } void HttpCacheDataCounter::PostResult(bool is_upper_limit, int64_t result_or_error) { base::SequencedTaskRunnerHandle::Get()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::BindOnce(std::move(callback_), this, is_upper_limit, result_or_error)); } #ifndef CUST_NO_FEATURE_CACHE_DATA // zhibin: int HttpCacheDataCounter::DoLoop(int result) { DCHECK(next_state_ != STATE_NONE); LOG(INFO) << "======== DoLoop begin result=" << result << std::endl; int rv = result; do { State state = next_state_; next_state_ = STATE_NONE; switch (state) { case STATE_GET_BACKEND: // DCHECK_EQ(net::OK, rv); // rv = DoGetBackend(); break; case STATE_GET_BACKEND_COMPLETE: // rv = DoGetBackendComplete(rv); break; case STATE_OPEN_NEXT_ENTRY: // DCHECK_EQ(net::OK, rv); // rv = DoOpenNextEntry(); break; case STATE_OPEN_NEXT_ENTRY_COMPLETE: // rv = DoOpenNextEntryComplete(rv); break; case STATE_OPEN_ENTRY: DCHECK_EQ(net::OK, rv); rv = DoOpenEntry(); break; case STATE_OPEN_ENTRY_COMPLETE: // rv = DoOpenEntryComplete(rv); break; case STATE_READ_RESPONSE: DCHECK_EQ(net::OK, rv); rv = DoReadResponse(); break; case STATE_READ_RESPONSE_COMPLETE: rv = DoReadResponseComplete(rv); break; case STATE_READ_DATA: DCHECK_EQ(net::OK, rv); rv = DoReadData(); break; case STATE_READ_DATA_COMPLETE: rv = DoReadDataComplete(rv); break; default: NOTREACHED() << "bad state"; rv = net::ERR_FAILED; break; } } while (rv != net::ERR_IO_PENDING && next_state_ != STATE_NONE); if (rv != net::ERR_IO_PENDING) HandleResult(rv); LOG(INFO) << "========DoLoop end " << std::endl; return rv; } int HttpCacheDataCounter::DoOpenEntry() { LOG(INFO) << "======== DoOpenEntry" << std::endl; entryResult_ = backend_->OpenEntry( url_, net::HIGHEST, base::BindOnce(&HttpCacheDataCounter::OpenEntryCallback, GetWeakPtr())); return net::ERR_IO_PENDING; } void HttpCacheDataCounter::OpenEntryCallback(disk_cache::EntryResult result) { next_state_ = STATE_READ_RESPONSE; LOG(INFO) << "=== OpenEntryCallback " << std::endl; cache_entry_ = result.ReleaseEntry(); LOG(INFO) << "=== OpenEntryCallback " << cache_entry_ << std::endl; if (!cache_entry_) PostResult0(); else DoLoop(net::OK); } int HttpCacheDataCounter::DoReadResponse() { LOG(INFO) << "======== STATE_READ_RESPONSE begin" << std::endl; next_state_ = STATE_READ_RESPONSE_COMPLETE; if (iobuffer_ == nullptr) { // init const int kInitBufferSize = cache_entry_->GetDataSize(0); if (kInitBufferSize < 1) { NOTREACHED() << "cache_entry_->GetDataSize(0) return less than 1."; return net::ERR_FAILED; } iobuffer_ = base::MakeRefCounted<net::GrowableIOBuffer>(); iobuffer_->SetCapacity(kInitBufferSize); // size of header } return cache_entry_->ReadData( index_, iobuffer_->offset(), iobuffer_.get(), iobuffer_->capacity() - iobuffer_->offset(), base::BindRepeating(&HttpCacheDataCounter::OnIOComplete, GetWeakPtr())); } int HttpCacheDataCounter::DoReadResponseComplete(int result) { if (result > 0) { iobuffer_->set_offset(iobuffer_->offset() + result); } // http response must be returned in once call. if (result && result == cache_entry_->GetDataSize(index_)) { net::HttpResponseInfo response_info; bool truncated_response_info = false; if (!net::HttpCache::ParseResponseInfo(iobuffer_->StartOfBuffer(), iobuffer_->offset(), &response_info, &truncated_response_info)) { // This can happen when reading data stored by content::CacheStorage. std::cerr << "WARNING: Returning empty response info for key: " << std::endl; return net::ERR_FAILED; } if (truncated_response_info) { std::cerr << "WARNING: Truncated HTTP response." << std::endl; return net::ERR_FAILED; } auto resp = net::HttpUtil::ConvertHeadersBackToHTTPResponse( response_info.headers->raw_headers()); copy(resp.data(), resp.length()); // LOG(INFO) << resp << std::endl; } // enter next loop directly. index_ = 1; // read content next_state_ = STATE_READ_DATA; return net::OK; } int HttpCacheDataCounter::DoReadData() { next_state_ = STATE_READ_DATA_COMPLETE; int buf_len_ = cache_entry_->GetDataSize(index_); if (!buf_len_) return buf_len_; iobuffer_->SetCapacity(buf_len_); // iobuffer_->capacity() + iobuffer_->set_offset(0); return cache_entry_->ReadData( index_, iobuffer_->offset(), iobuffer_.get(), iobuffer_->capacity() - iobuffer_->offset(), base::BindRepeating(&HttpCacheDataCounter::OnIOComplete, GetWeakPtr())); } int HttpCacheDataCounter::DoReadDataComplete(int result) { LOG(INFO) << "======== DoReadDataComplete len=" << result << std::endl; if (result > 0) { iobuffer_->set_offset(iobuffer_->offset() + result); } if (iobuffer_->capacity() <= iobuffer_->offset()) { return net::OK; } else { return net::ERR_FAILED; } } void HttpCacheDataCounter::OnIOComplete(int rv) { LOG(INFO) << "======== OnIOComplete len=" << rv << std::endl; DoLoop(rv); } #if 0 int ViewCacheHelper::DoReadResponseComplete(int result) { HandleResult(rv); index_ = 0; next_state_ = STATE_NONE; return OK; } int HttpCacheDataCounter::DoOpenEntryComplete(int result) { LOG(INFO) << "======== DoOpenEntryComplete" << std::endl; return OK; } #endif void HttpCacheDataCounter::HandleResult(int rv) { DCHECK_NE(net::ERR_IO_PENDING, rv); // DCHECK_NE(net::ERR_FAILED, rv); LOG(INFO) << "======== HandleResult" << std::endl; // LOG(INFO).write(iobuffer_->StartOfBuffer(), iobuffer_->offset()); if (cache_entry_) { LOG(INFO) << "======== XXX cache_entry_->Close()" << std::endl; cache_entry_->Close(); cache_entry_ = NULL; } if (rv == net::ERR_FAILED) { LOG(INFO) << "Stream read error.." << std::endl; } else if (rv == net::OK) { // suc copy(iobuffer_->StartOfBuffer(), iobuffer_->offset()); } PostResult0(); } void HttpCacheDataCounter::PostResult0() { base::SequencedTaskRunnerHandle::Get()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::BindOnce(std::move(callback0_), this, *(cacheResult_.get()), cacheResult_->size())); } void HttpCacheDataCounter::copy(const char* const p, const int& len) { LOG(INFO) << "======== copy len=" << len << std::endl; int8_t* initPtr = (int8_t*)(p); int8_t* ptr = (int8_t*)(p); while (ptr < initPtr + len) { cacheResult_->push_back(*ptr); ptr++; } } #endif } // namespace network
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