GN Reference
This page is automatically generated from gn help --markdown all
GN Reference
This page is automatically generated from gn help --markdown all
| Analyze which targets are affected by a list of files. |
| |
| This command takes three arguments: |
| |
| out_dir is the path to the build directory. |
| |
| input_path is a path to a file containing a JSON object with three fields: |
| |
| - "files": A list of the filenames to check. |
| |
| - "test_targets": A list of the labels for targets that are needed to run |
| the tests we wish to run. |
| |
| - "additional_compile_targets" (optional): A list of the labels for targets |
| that we wish to rebuild, but aren |
| important difference between this field and "test_targets" is that if an |
| item in the additional_compile_targets list refers to a group, then any |
| dependencies of that group will be returned if they are out of date, but |
| the group itself does not need to be. If the dependencies themselves are |
| groups, the same filtering is repeated. This filtering can be used to |
| avoid rebuilding dependencies of a group that are unaffected by the input |
| files. The list may also contain the string "all" to refer to a |
| pseudo-group that contains every root target in the build graph. |
| |
| This filtering behavior is also known as "pruning" the list of compile |
| targets. |
| |
| If "additional_compile_targets" is absent, it defaults to the empty list. |
| |
| If input_path is -, input is read from stdin. |
| |
| output_path is a path indicating where the results of the command are to be |
| written. The results will be a file containing a JSON object with one or more |
| of following fields: |
| |
| - "compile_targets": A list of the labels derived from the input |
| compile_targets list that are affected by the input files. Due to the way |
| the filtering works for compile targets as described above, this list may |
| contain targets that do not appear in the input list. |
| |
| - "test_targets": A list of the labels from the input test_targets list that |
| are affected by the input files. This list will be a proper subset of the |
| input list. |
| |
| - "invalid_targets": A list of any names from the input that do not exist in |
| the build graph. If this list is non-empty, the "error" field will also be |
| set to "Invalid targets". |
| |
| - "status": A string containing one of three values: |
| |
| - "Found dependency" |
| - "No dependency" |
| - "Found dependency (all)" |
| |
| In the first case, the lists returned in compile_targets and test_targets |
| should be passed to ninja to build. In the second case, nothing was |
| affected and no build is necessary. In the third case, GN could not |
| determine the correct answer and returned the input as the output in order |
| to be safe. |
| |
| - "error": This will only be present if an error occurred, and will contain |
| a string describing the error. This includes cases where the input file is |
| not in the right format, or contains invalid targets. |
| |
| If output_path is -, output is written to stdout. |
| |
| The command returns 1 if it is unable to read the input file or write the |
| output file, or if there is something wrong with the build such that gen |
| would also fail, and 0 otherwise. In particular, it returns 0 even if the |
| "error" key is non-empty and a non-fatal error occurred. In other words, it |
| tries really hard to always write something to the output JSON and convey |
| errors that way rather than via return codes. |
| Display or configure arguments declared by the build. |
| |
| gn args <out_dir> [--list] [--short] [--args] [--overrides-only] |
| |
| See also "gn help buildargs" for a more high-level overview of how |
| build arguments work. |
| gn args <out_dir> |
| Open the arguments for the given build directory in an editor. If the |
| given build directory doesn't exist, it will be created and an empty args |
| file will be opened in the editor. You would type something like this |
| into that file: |
| enable_doom_melon=false |
| os="android" |
| |
| To find your editor on Posix, GN will search the environment variables in |
| order: GN_EDITOR, VISUAL, and EDITOR. On Windows GN will open the command |
| associated with .txt files. |
| |
| Note: you can edit the build args manually by editing the file "" |
| in the build directory and then running "gn gen <out_dir>". |
| |
| gn args <out_dir> |
| Lists all build arguments available in the current configuration, or, if |
| an exact_arg is specified for the list flag, just that one build |
| argument. |
| |
| The output will list the declaration location, current value for the |
| build, default value (if different than the current value), and comment |
| preceding the declaration. |
| |
| If |
| printed. |
| |
| If |
| arguments that have been overridden (i.e. non-default arguments) will |
| be printed. Overrides come from the <out_dir>/ file and //.gn |
| |
| If |
| JSON schema for output: |
| [ |
| { |
| "name": variable_name, |
| "current": { |
| "value": overridden_value, |
| "file": file_name, |
| "line": line_no |
| }, |
| "default": { |
| "value": default_value, |
| "file": file_name, |
| "line": line_no |
| }, |
| "comment": comment_string |
| }, |
| ... |
| ] |
| gn args out/Debug |
| Opens an editor with the args for out/Debug. |
| |
| gn args out/Debug |
| Prints all arguments with their default values for the out/Debug |
| build. |
| |
| gn args out/Debug |
| Prints overridden arguments for the out/Debug build. |
| |
| gn args out/Debug |
| Prints information about the "target_cpu" argument for the " |
| "out/Debug |
| build. |
| |
| gn args |
| Prints all arguments with the default values for a build with the |
| given arguments set (which may affect the values of other |
| arguments). |
gn check <out_dir> [<label_pattern>] [--force] [--check-generated]
| GN |
| files match the build dependency graph. |
| |
| "gn check" is the same thing as "gn gen" with the "--check" flag except that |
| this command does not write out any build files. It |
| way to manually trigger include file checking. |
| |
| The <label_pattern> can take exact labels or patterns that match more than |
| one (although not general regular expressions). If specified, only those |
| matching targets will be checked. See "gn help label_pattern" for details. |
Command-specific switches
| |
| Generated files are normally not checked since they do not exist |
| until after a build. With this flag, those generated files that |
| can be found on disk are also checked. |
| |
| |
| Check system style includes (using <angle brackets>) in addition to |
| "double quote" includes. |
| |
| |
| Normally wildcard targets are matched in all toolchains. This |
| switch makes wildcard labels with no explicit toolchain reference |
| only match targets in the default toolchain. |
| |
| Non-wildcard inputs with no explicit toolchain specification will |
| always match only a target in the default toolchain if one exists. |
| |
| |
| Ignores specifications of "check_includes = false" and checks all |
| target's files that match the target label. |
| |
What gets checked
| The .gn file may specify a list of targets to be checked in the list |
| check_targets (see "gn help dotfile"). Alternatively, the .gn file may |
| specify a list of targets not to be checked in no_check_targets. If a label |
| pattern is specified on the command line, neither check_targets or |
| no_check_targets is used. |
| |
| Targets can opt-out from checking with "check_includes = false" (see |
| "gn help check_includes"). |
| |
| For targets being checked: |
| |
| - GN opens all C-like source files in the targets to be checked and scans |
| the top for includes. |
| |
| - Generated files (that might not exist yet) are ignored unless |
| the |
| |
| - Includes with a "nogncheck" annotation are skipped (see |
| "gn help nogncheck"). |
| |
| - Includes using "quotes" are always checked. |
| If system style checking is enabled, includes using <angle brackets> |
| are also checked. |
| |
| - Include paths are assumed to be relative to any of the "include_dirs" for |
| the target (including the implicit current dir). |
| |
| - GN does not run the preprocessor so will not understand conditional |
| includes. |
| |
| - Only includes matching known files in the build are checked: includes |
| matching unknown paths are ignored. |
| |
| For an include to be valid: |
| |
| - The included file must be in the current target, or there must be a path |
| following only public dependencies to a target with the file in it |
| ("gn path" is a good way to diagnose problems). |
| |
| - There can be multiple targets with an included file: only one needs to be |
| valid for the include to be allowed. |
| |
| - If there are only "sources" in a target, all are considered to be public |
| and can be included by other targets with a valid public dependency path. |
| |
| - If a target lists files as "public", only those files are able to be |
| included by other targets. Anything in the sources will be considered |
| private and will not be includable regardless of dependency paths. |
| |
| - Outputs from actions are treated like public sources on that target. |
| |
| - A target can include headers from a target that depends on it if the |
| other target is annotated accordingly. See "gn help |
| allow_circular_includes_from". |
Advice on fixing problems
| If you have a third party project that is difficult to fix or doesn |
| about include checks it |
| altogether via "check_includes = false". |
| |
| If you have conditional includes, make sure the build conditions and the |
| preprocessor conditions match, and annotate the line with "nogncheck" (see |
| "gn help nogncheck" for an example). |
| |
| If two targets are hopelessly intertwined, use the |
| "allow_circular_includes_from" annotation. Ideally each should have identical |
| dependencies so configs inherited from those dependencies are consistent (see |
| "gn help allow_circular_includes_from"). |
| |
| If you have a standalone header file or files that need to be shared between |
| a few targets, you can consider making a source_set listing only those |
| headers as public sources. With only header files, the source set will be a |
| no-op from a build perspective, but will give a central place to refer to |
| those headers. That source set |
| isolation. |
| |
| In rare cases it makes sense to list a header in more than one target if it |
| could be considered conceptually a member of both. |
| gn check out/Debug |
| Check everything. |
| |
| gn check out/Default //foo:bar |
| Check only the files in the //foo:bar target. |
| |
| gn check out/Default "//foo/* |
| Check only the files in targets in the //foo directory tree. |
gn clean <out_dir>...
| Deletes the contents of the output directory except for and |
| creates a Ninja build environment sufficient to regenerate the build. |
| |
gn clean_stale [--ninja-executable=...] <out_dir>...
| Removes the no longer needed output files from the build directory and prunes |
| their records from the ninja build log and dependency database. These are |
| output files that were generated from previous builds, but the current build |
| graph no longer references them. |
| |
| This command requires a ninja executable of at least version 1.10.0. The |
| executable must be provided by the --ninja-executable switch. |
| |
| |
| Can be used to specify the ninja executable to use. |
gn desc
| gn desc <out_dir> <label or pattern> [<what to show>] [--blame] |
| [--format=json] |
| |
| Displays information about a given target or config. The build parameters |
| will be taken for the build in the given <out_dir>. |
| |
| The <label or pattern> can be a target label, a config label, or a label |
| pattern (see "gn help label_pattern"). A label pattern will only match |
| targets. |
Possibilities for <what to show>
| (If unspecified an overall summary will be displayed.) |
| |
| all_dependent_configs |
| allow_circular_includes_from |
| arflags [ |
| args |
| cflags [ |
| cflags_c [ |
| cflags_cc [ |
| check_includes |
| configs [ |
| data_keys |
| defines [ |
| depfile |
| deps [ |
| framework_dirs |
| frameworks |
| include_dirs [ |
| inputs |
| ldflags [ |
| lib_dirs |
| libs |
| metadata |
| output_conversion |
| outputs |
| public_configs |
| public |
| rebase |
| script |
| sources |
| testonly |
| visibility |
| walk_keys |
| weak_frameworks |
| |
| runtime_deps |
| Compute all runtime deps for the given target. This is a computed list |
| and does not correspond to any GN variable, unlike most other values |
| here. |
| |
| The output is a list of file names relative to the build directory. See |
| "gn help runtime_deps" for how this is computed. This also works with |
| "--blame" to see the source of the dependency. |
Shared flags
| |
| Normally wildcard targets are matched in all toolchains. This |
| switch makes wildcard labels with no explicit toolchain reference |
| only match targets in the default toolchain. |
| |
| Non-wildcard inputs with no explicit toolchain specification will |
| always match only a target in the default toolchain if one exists. |
| |
| |
| Format the output as JSON instead of text. |
Target flags
| --blame |
| Used with any value specified on a config, this will name the config that |
| causes that target to get the flag. This doesn |
| lib_dirs, frameworks, weak_frameworks and framework_dirs because those are |
| inherited and are more complicated to figure out the blame (patches |
| welcome). |
| The "configs" section will list all configs that apply. For targets this will |
| include configs specified in the "configs" variable of the target, and also |
| configs pushed onto this target via public or "all dependent" configs. |
| |
| Configs can have child configs. Specifying --tree will show the hierarchy. |
Printing outputs
| The "outputs" section will list all outputs that apply, including the outputs |
| computed from the tool definition (eg for "executable", "static_library", ... |
| targets). |
Printing deps
| Deps will include all public, private, and data deps (TODO this could be |
| clarified and enhanced) sorted in order applying. The following may be used: |
| |
| |
| Collects all recursive dependencies and prints a sorted flat list. Also |
| usable with |
| |
| |
| How to print targets. |
| |
| buildfile |
| Prints the build files where the given target was declared as |
| file names. |
| label (default) |
| Prints the label of the target. |
| output |
| Prints the first output file for the target relative to the |
| root build directory. |
| |
| |
| Restrict outputs to targets with the testonly flag set |
| accordingly. When unspecified, the target's testonly flags are |
| ignored. |
| |
| |
| Print a dependency tree. By default, duplicates will be elided with "..." |
| but when |
| |
| The "deps", "public_deps", and "data_deps" will all be included in the |
| tree. |
| |
| Tree output can not be used with the filtering or output flags: |
| |
| |
| |
| source_set|static_library) |
| Restrict outputs to targets matching the given type. If |
| unspecified, no filtering will be performed. |
| This command will show the full name of directories and source files, but |
| when directories and source paths are written to the build file, they will be |
| adjusted to be relative to the build directory. So the values for paths |
| displayed by this command won't match (but should mean the same thing). |
| |
| gn desc out/Debug //base:base |
| Summarizes the given target. |
| |
| gn desc out/Foo :base_unittests deps |
| Shows a dependency tree of the "base_unittests" project in |
| the current directory. |
| |
| gn desc out/Debug //base defines |
| Shows defines set for the //base:base target, annotated by where |
| each one was set from. |
| Formats .gn file to a standard format. |
| |
| The contents of some lists ('sources', 'deps', etc.) will be sorted to a |
| canonical order. To suppress this, you can add a comment of the form "# |
| NOSORT" immediately preceding the assignment. e.g. |
| |
| # NOSORT |
| sources = [ |
| "", |
| "", |
| ] |
| |
| Prints the list of files that would be reformatted but does not write |
| anything to disk. This is useful for presubmit/lint-type checks. |
| - Exit code 0: successful format, matches on disk. |
| - Exit code 1: general failure (parse error, etc.) |
| - Exit code 2: successful format, but differs from on disk. |
| |
| |
| Dumps the parse tree to stdout and does not update the file or print |
| formatted output. If no format is specified, text format will be used. |
| |
| |
| Read input from stdin and write to stdout rather than update a file |
| in-place. |
| |
| |
| Reads an AST from stdin in the format output by |
| uses that as the parse tree. (The only read-tree format currently |
| supported is json.) The given .gn file will be overwritten. This can be |
| used to programmatically transform .gn files. |
| gn format //some/ //some/other/ //and/another/ |
| gn format some\\ |
| gn format /abspath/some/ |
| gn format |
| gn format |
gn gen [--check] [<ide options>] <out_dir>
| Generates ninja files from the current tree and puts them in the given output |
| directory. |
| |
| The output directory can be a source-repo-absolute path name such as: |
| |
| Or it can be a directory relative to the current directory such as: |
| out/foo |
| |
| "gn gen --check" is the same as running "gn check". "gn gen --check=system" is |
| the same as running "gn check --check-system". See "gn help check" for |
| documentation on that mode. |
| |
| See "gn help switches" for the common command-line switches. |
General options
| --ninja-executable=<string> |
| Can be used to specify the ninja executable to use. This executable will |
| be used as an IDE option to indicate which ninja to use for building. This |
| executable will also be used as part of the gen process for triggering a |
| restat on generated ninja files and for use with --clean-stale. |
| |
| --clean-stale |
| This option will cause no longer needed output files to be removed from |
| the build directory, and their records pruned from the ninja build log and |
| dependency database after the ninja build graph has been generated. This |
| option requires a ninja executable of at least version 1.10.0. It can be |
| provided by the --ninja-executable switch. Also see "gn help clean_stale". |
IDE options
| GN optionally generates files for IDE. Files won't be overwritten if their |
| contents don't change. Possibilities for <ide options> |
| |
| --ide=<ide_name> |
| Generate files for an IDE. Currently supported values: |
| "eclipse" - Eclipse CDT settings file. |
| "vs" - Visual Studio project/solution files. |
| (default Visual Studio version: 2019) |
| "vs2013" - Visual Studio 2013 project/solution files. |
| "vs2015" - Visual Studio 2015 project/solution files. |
| "vs2017" - Visual Studio 2017 project/solution files. |
| "vs2019" - Visual Studio 2019 project/solution files. |
| "xcode" - Xcode workspace/solution files. |
| "qtcreator" - QtCreator project files. |
| "json" - JSON file containing target information |
| |
| --filters=<path_prefixes> |
| Semicolon-separated list of label patterns used to limit the set of |
| generated projects (see "gn help label_pattern"). Only matching targets |
| and their dependencies will be included in the solution. Only used for |
| Visual Studio, Xcode and JSON. |
Visual Studio Flags
| |
| Override default sln file name ("all"). Solution file is written to the |
| root build directory. |
| |
| |
| Don't include targets dependencies to the solution. Changes the way how |
| |
| |
| |
| Use the specified Windows 10 SDK version to generate project files. |
| As an example, "10.0.15063.0" can be specified to use Creators Update SDK |
| instead of the default one. |
| |
| |
| Can be used to specify the ninja executable to use when building. |
| |
| |
| This string is passed without any quoting to the ninja invocation |
| command-line. Can be used to configure ninja flags, like "-j". |
Xcode Flags
| |
| Override default Xcode project file name ("all"). The project file is |
| written to the root build directory. |
| |
| |
| Configure the build system to use for the Xcode project. Supported |
| values are (default to "legacy"): |
| "legacy" - Legacy Build system |
| "new" - New Build System |
| |
| |
| Can be used to specify the ninja executable to use when building. |
| |
| |
| This string is passed without any quoting to the ninja invocation |
| command-line. Can be used to configure ninja flags, like "-j". |
| |
| |
| Name of the target corresponding to "All" target in Xcode. If unset, |
| "All" invokes ninja without any target and builds everything. |
QtCreator Flags
| --ide-root-target=<target_name> |
| Name of the root target for which the QtCreator project will be generated |
| to contain files of it and its dependencies. If unset, the whole build |
| graph will be emitted. |
Eclipse IDE Support
| GN DOES NOT generate Eclipse CDT projects. Instead, it generates a settings |
| file which can be imported into an Eclipse CDT project. The XML file contains |
| a list of include paths and defines. Because GN does not generate a full |
| .cproject definition, it is not possible to properly define includes/defines |
| for each file individually. Instead, one set of includes/defines is generated |
| for the entire project. This works fairly well but may still result in a few |
| indexer issues here and there. |
Generic JSON Output
| Dumps target information to a JSON file and optionally invokes a |
| python script on the generated file. See the comments at the beginning |
| of and for an overview of the JSON |
| file format. |
| |
| |
| Overrides default file name (project.json) of generated JSON file. |
| |
| |
| Executes python script after the JSON file is generated or updated with |
| new content. Path can be project absolute (//), system absolute (/) or |
| relative, in which case the output directory will be base. Path to |
| generated JSON file will be first argument when invoking script. |
| |
| |
| Optional second argument that will passed to executed script. |
Compilation Database
| |
| Produces a rust-project.json file in the root of the build directory |
| This is used for various tools in the Rust ecosystem allowing for the |
| replay of individual compilations independent of the build system. |
| This is an unstable format and likely to change without warning. |
| |
| |
| Produces a compile_commands.json file in the root of the build directory |
| containing an array of “command objects”, where each command object |
| specifies one way a translation unit is compiled in the project. If a list |
| of target_name is supplied, only targets that are reachable from any |
| target in any build file whose name is target_name will be used for |
| “command objects” generation, otherwise all available targets will be used. |
| This is used for various Clang-based tooling, allowing for the replay of |
| individual compilations independent of the build system. |
| e.g. "foo" will match: |
| - "//path/to/src:foo" |
| - "//other/path:foo" |
| - "//foo:foo" |
| and not match: |
| - "//foo:bar" |
gn help <anything>
| Yo dawg, I heard you like help on your help so I put help on the help in the |
| help. |
| |
| You can also use "all" as the parameter to get all help at once. |
| |
| Format output in markdown syntax. |
| gn help --markdown all |
| Dump all help to stdout in markdown format. |
| [ |
| |
| Lists all targets matching the given pattern for the given build directory. |
| By default, only targets in the default toolchain will be matched unless a |
| toolchain is explicitly supplied. |
| |
| If the label pattern is unspecified, list all targets. The label pattern is |
| not a general regular expression (see "gn help label_pattern"). If you need |
| more complex expressions, pipe the result through grep. |
| |
| How to print targets. |
| |
| buildfile |
| Prints the build files where the given target was declared as |
| file names. |
| label (default) |
| Prints the label of the target. |
| output |
| Prints the first output file for the target relative to the |
| root build directory. |
| |
| |
| Normally wildcard targets are matched in all toolchains. This |
| switch makes wildcard labels with no explicit toolchain reference |
| only match targets in the default toolchain. |
| |
| Non-wildcard inputs with no explicit toolchain specification will |
| always match only a target in the default toolchain if one exists. |
| |
| |
| Restrict outputs to targets with the testonly flag set |
| accordingly. When unspecified, the target's testonly flags are |
| ignored. |
| |
| |
| source_set|static_library) |
| Restrict outputs to targets matching the given type. If |
| unspecified, no filtering will be performed. |
| gn ls out/Debug |
| Lists all targets in the default toolchain. |
| |
| gn ls out/Debug "//base/*" |
| Lists all targets in the directory base and all subdirectories. |
| |
| gn ls out/Debug "//base:*" |
| Lists all targets defined in //base/ |
| |
| gn ls out/Debug //base |
| Lists the build output file for //base:base |
| |
| gn ls out/Debug |
| Lists all executables produced by the build. |
| |
| gn ls out/Debug "//base/*" |
| Builds all targets in //base and all subdirectories. |
| gn meta <out_dir> <target>* --data=<key>[,<key>*]* [--walk=<key>[,<key>*]*] |
| [--rebase=<dest dir>] |
| |
| Lists collected metaresults of all given targets for the given data key(s), |
| collecting metadata dependencies as specified by the given walk key(s). |
| |
| See `gn help generated_file` for more information on the walk. |
| <target(s)> |
| A list of target labels from which to initiate the walk. |
| |
| --data |
| A list of keys from which to extract data. In each target walked, its metadata |
| scope is checked for the presence of these keys. If present, the contents of |
| those variable in the scope are appended to the results list. |
| |
| --walk (optional) |
| A list of keys from which to control the walk. In each target walked, its |
| metadata scope is checked for the presence of any of these keys. If present, |
| the contents of those variables is checked to ensure that it is a label of |
| a valid dependency of the target and then added to the set of targets to walk. |
| If the empty string ("") is present in any of these keys, all deps and data_deps |
| are added to the walk set. |
| |
| --rebase (optional) |
| A destination directory onto which to rebase any paths found. If set, all |
| collected metadata will be rebased onto this path. This option will throw errors |
| if collected metadata is not a list of strings. |
| gn meta out/Debug "//base/foo" --data=files |
| Lists collected metaresults for the `files` key in the |
| target and all of its dependency tree. |
| |
| gn meta out/Debug "//base/foo" --data=files --data=other |
| Lists collected metaresults for the `files` and `other` keys in the |
| |
| |
| gn meta out/Debug "//base/foo" --data=files --walk=stop |
| Lists collected metaresults for the `files` key in the |
| target and all of the dependencies listed in the `stop` key (and so on). |
| |
| gn meta out/Debug "//base/foo" --data=files --rebase="/" |
| Lists collected metaresults for the `files` key in the |
| target and all of its dependency tree, rebasing the strings in the `files` |
| key onto the source directory of the target's declaration relative to "/". |
| |
gn outputs <out_dir> <list of target or file names...>
| Lists the output files corresponding to the given target(s) or file name(s). |
| There can be multiple outputs because there can be more than one output |
| generated by a build step, and there can be more than one toolchain matched. |
| You can also list multiple inputs which will generate a union of all the |
| outputs from those inputs. |
| |
| - The input target/file names are relative to the current directory. |
| |
| - The output file names are relative to the root build directory. |
| |
| This command is useful for finding a ninja command that will build only a |
| portion of the build. |
Target outputs
| If the parameter is a target name that includes a toolchain, it will match |
| only that target in that toolchain. If no toolchain is specified, it will |
| match all targets with that name in any toolchain. |
| |
| The result will be the outputs specified by that target which could be a |
| library, executable, output of an action, a stamp file, etc. |
File outputs
| If the parameter is a file name it will compute the output for that compile |
| step for all targets in all toolchains that contain that file as a source |
| file. |
| |
| If the source is not compiled (e.g. a header or text file), the command will |
| produce no output. |
| |
| If the source is listed as an "input" to a binary target or action will |
| resolve to that target's outputs. |
| gn outputs out/debug some/directory:some_target |
| Find the outputs of a given target. |
| |
| gn outputs out/debug src/project/ | xargs ninja -C out/debug |
| Compiles just the given source file in all toolchains it's referenced in. |
| |
| git diff |
| Compiles all files changed in git. |
gn path <out_dir> <target_one> <target_two>
| Finds paths of dependencies between two targets. Each unique path will be |
| printed in one group, and groups will be separate by newlines. The two |
| targets can appear in either order (paths will be found going in either |
| direction). |
| |
| By default, a single path will be printed. If there is a path with only |
| public dependencies, the shortest public path will be printed. Otherwise, the |
| shortest path using either public or private dependencies will be printed. If |
| --with-data is specified, data deps will also be considered. If there are |
| multiple shortest paths, an arbitrary one will be selected. |
Interesting paths
| In a large project, there can be 100 |
| very high level and a common low-level target. To make the output more useful |
| (and terminate in a reasonable time), GN will not revisit sub-paths |
| previously known to lead to the target. |
| --all |
| Prints all "interesting" paths found rather than just the first one. |
| Public paths will be printed first in order of increasing length, followed |
| by non-public paths in order of increasing length. |
| |
| --public |
| Considers only public paths. Can |
| |
| --with-data |
| Additionally follows data deps. Without this flag, only public and private |
| linked deps will be followed. Can |
gn refs
| gn refs <out_dir> (<label_pattern>|<label>|<file>|@<response_file>)* [ |
| [ |
| |
| Finds reverse dependencies (which targets reference something). The input is |
| a list containing: |
| |
| - Target label: The result will be which targets depend on it. |
| |
| - Config label: The result will be which targets list the given config in |
| its "configs" or "public_configs" list. |
| |
| - Label pattern: The result will be which targets depend on any target |
| matching the given pattern. Patterns will not match configs. These are not |
| general regular expressions, see "gn help label_pattern" for details. |
| |
| - File name: The result will be which targets list the given file in its |
| "inputs", "sources", "public", "data", or "outputs". Any input that does |
| not contain wildcards and does not match a target or a config will be |
| treated as a file. |
| |
| - Response file: If the input starts with an "@", it will be interpreted as |
| a path to a file containing a list of labels or file names, one per line. |
| This allows us to handle long lists of inputs without worrying about |
| command line limits. |
| |
| When used without |
| dependencies of the given targets. For example, if the input is a target, |
| this will output all targets that depend directly or indirectly on the |
| input. If the input is a file, this will output all targets that depend |
| directly or indirectly on that file. |
| |
| When used with |
| |
| |
| How to print targets. |
| |
| buildfile |
| Prints the build files where the given target was declared as |
| file names. |
| label (default) |
| Prints the label of the target. |
| output |
| Prints the first output file for the target relative to the |
| root build directory. |
| |
| |
| Normally wildcard targets are matched in all toolchains. This |
| switch makes wildcard labels with no explicit toolchain reference |
| only match targets in the default toolchain. |
| |
| Non-wildcard inputs with no explicit toolchain specification will |
| always match only a target in the default toolchain if one exists. |
| |
| -q |
| Quiet. If nothing matches, don't print any output. Without this option, if |
| there are no matches there will be an informational message printed which |
| might interfere with scripts processing the output. |
| |
| |
| Restrict outputs to targets with the testonly flag set |
| accordingly. When unspecified, the target's testonly flags are |
| ignored. |
| |
| |
| Outputs a reverse dependency tree from the given target. Duplicates will |
| be elided. Combine with |
| |
| Tree output can not be used with the filtering or output flags: |
| |
| |
| |
| source_set|static_library) |
| Restrict outputs to targets matching the given type. If |
| unspecified, no filtering will be performed. |
| gn refs out/Debug |
| Find all targets depending on the given exact target name. |
| |
| gn refs out/Debug |
| Edit all .gn files containing references to |
| |
| gn refs out/Debug |
| List all targets depending directly or indirectly on |
| |
| gn refs out/Debug "//base/*" |
| List all targets depending directly on any target in |
| its subdirectories. |
| |
| gn refs out/Debug "//base:*" |
| List all targets depending directly on any target in |
| |
| |
| gn refs out/Debug |
| Print a reverse dependency tree of |
| gn refs out/Debug |
| Print target(s) listing |
| |
| gn refs out/Debug |
| Display a reverse dependency tree to get to the given file. This |
| will show how dependencies will reference that file. |
| |
| gn refs out/Debug |
| Display all unique targets with some dependency path to a target |
| containing either of the given files as a source. |
| |
| gn refs out/Debug |
| --all --as=output |
| Display the executable file names of all test executables |
| potentially affected by a change to the given file. |
Target declarations
action: Declare a target that runs a script a single time.
| This target type allows you to run a script a single time to produce one or |
| more output files. If you want to run a script once for each of a set of |
| input files, see "gn help action_foreach". |
| In an action the "sources" and "inputs" are treated the same: they're both |
| input dependencies on script execution with no special handling. If you want |
| to pass the sources to your script, you must do so explicitly by including |
| them in the "args". Note also that this means there is no special handling of |
| paths since GN doesn't know which of the args are paths and not. You will |
| want to use rebase_path() to convert paths to be relative to the |
| root_build_dir. |
| |
| You can dynamically write input dependencies (for incremental rebuilds if an |
| input file changes) by writing a depfile when the script is run (see "gn help |
| depfile"). This is more flexible than "inputs". |
| |
| If the command line length is very long, you can use response files to pass |
| args to your script. See "gn help response_file_contents". |
| |
| It is recommended you put inputs to your script in the "sources" variable, |
| and stuff like other Python files required to run your script in the "inputs" |
| variable. |
| |
| The "deps" and "public_deps" for an action will always be |
| completed before any part of the action is run so it can depend on |
| the output of previous steps. The "data_deps" will be built if the |
| action is built, but may not have completed before all steps of the |
| action are started. This can give additional parallelism in the build |
| for runtime-only dependencies. |
| You should specify files created by your script by specifying them in the |
| "outputs". |
| |
| The script will be executed with the given arguments with the current |
| directory being that of the root build directory. If you pass files |
| to your script, see "gn help rebase_path" for how to convert |
| file names to be relative to the build directory (file names in the |
| sources, outputs, and inputs will be all treated as relative to the |
| current build file and converted as needed automatically). |
| |
| GN sets Ninja's flag 'restat = 1` for all action commands. This means |
| that Ninja will check the timestamp of the output after the action |
| completes. If output timestamp is unchanged, the step will be treated |
| as if it never needed to be rebuilt, potentially eliminating some |
| downstream steps for incremental builds. Scripts can improve build |
| performance by taking care not to change the timstamp of the output |
| file(s) if the contents have not changed. |
File name handling
| All output files must be inside the output directory of the build. |
| You would generally use |$target_out_dir| or |$target_gen_dir| to |
| reference the output or generated intermediate file directories, |
| respectively. |
| args, data, data_deps, depfile, deps, inputs, metadata, outputs*, pool, |
| response_file_contents, script*, sources |
| * = required |
| action("run_this_guy_once") { |
| script = "" |
| sources = [ "my_configuration.txt" ] |
| outputs = [ "$target_gen_dir/insightful_output.txt" ] |
| |
| |
| inputs = [ "" ] |
| |
| |
| |
| args = [ "--out", rebase_path(target_gen_dir, root_build_dir) ] + |
| rebase_path(sources, root_build_dir) |
| } |
action_foreach: Declare a target that runs a script over a set of files.
| This target type allows you to run a script once-per-file over a set of |
| sources. If you want to run a script once that takes many files as input, see |
| "gn help action". |
| The script will be run once per file in the "sources" variable. The "outputs" |
| variable should specify one or more files with a source expansion pattern in |
| it (see "gn help source_expansion"). The output file(s) for each script |
| invocation should be unique. Normally you use "{{source_name_part}}" in each |
| output file. |
| |
| If your script takes additional data as input, such as a shared configuration |
| file or a Python module it uses, those files should be listed in the "inputs" |
| variable. These files are treated as dependencies of each script invocation. |
| |
| If the command line length is very long, you can use response files to pass |
| args to your script. See "gn help response_file_contents". |
| |
| You can dynamically write input dependencies (for incremental rebuilds if an |
| input file changes) by writing a depfile when the script is run (see "gn help |
| depfile"). This is more flexible than "inputs". |
| |
| The "deps" and "public_deps" for an action will always be |
| completed before any part of the action is run so it can depend on |
| the output of previous steps. The "data_deps" will be built if the |
| action is built, but may not have completed before all steps of the |
| action are started. This can give additional parallelism in the build |
| for runtime-only dependencies. |
| The script will be executed with the given arguments with the current |
| directory being that of the root build directory. If you pass files |
| to your script, see "gn help rebase_path" for how to convert |
| file names to be relative to the build directory (file names in the |
| sources, outputs, and inputs will be all treated as relative to the |
| current build file and converted as needed automatically). |
| |
| GN sets Ninja's flag 'restat = 1` for all action commands. This means |
| that Ninja will check the timestamp of the output after the action |
| completes. If output timestamp is unchanged, the step will be treated |
| as if it never needed to be rebuilt, potentially eliminating some |
| downstream steps for incremental builds. Scripts can improve build |
| performance by taking care not to change the timstamp of the output |
| file(s) if the contents have not changed. |
File name handling
| All output files must be inside the output directory of the build. |
| You would generally use |$target_out_dir| or |$target_gen_dir| to |
| reference the output or generated intermediate file directories, |
| respectively. |
| args, data, data_deps, depfile, deps, inputs, metadata, outputs*, pool, |
| response_file_contents, script*, sources* |
| * = required |
| |
| |
| action_foreach("my_idl") { |
| script = "" |
| sources = [ "foo.idl", "bar.idl" ] |
| |
| |
| |
| inputs = [ "my_configuration.txt" ] |
| |
| |
| outputs = [ "$target_gen_dir/{{source_name_part}}.h", |
| "$target_gen_dir/{{source_name_part}}.cc" ] |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| args = [ |
| "{{source}}", |
| "-o", |
| rebase_path(target_gen_dir, root_build_dir) + |
| "/{{source_name_part}}.h" ] |
| } |
bundle_data: [iOS/macOS] Declare a target without output.
| This target type allows one to declare data that is required at runtime. It is |
| used to inform "create_bundle" targets of the files to copy into generated |
| bundle, see "gn help create_bundle" for help. |
| |
| The target must define a list of files as "sources" and a single "outputs". |
| If there are multiple files, source expansions must be used to express the |
| output. The output must reference a file inside of {{bundle_root_dir}}. |
| |
| This target can be used on all platforms though it is designed only to |
| generate iOS/macOS bundle. In cross-platform projects, it is advised to put it |
| behind iOS/macOS conditionals. |
| |
| See "gn help create_bundle" for more information. |
| sources*, outputs*, deps, data_deps, metadata, public_deps, visibility |
| * = required |
| bundle_data("icudata") { |
| sources = [ "sources/data/in/icudtl.dat" ] |
| outputs = [ "{{bundle_resources_dir}}/{{source_file_part}}" ] |
| } |
| |
| bundle_data("base_unittests_bundle_data]") { |
| sources = [ "test/data" ] |
| outputs = [ |
| "{{bundle_resources_dir}}/{{source_root_relative_dir}}/" + |
| "{{source_file_part}}" |
| ] |
| } |
| |
| bundle_data("material_typography_bundle_data") { |
| sources = [ |
| "src/MaterialTypography.bundle/Roboto-Bold.ttf", |
| "src/MaterialTypography.bundle/Roboto-Italic.ttf", |
| "src/MaterialTypography.bundle/Roboto-Regular.ttf", |
| "src/MaterialTypography.bundle/Roboto-Thin.ttf", |
| ] |
| outputs = [ |
| "{{bundle_resources_dir}}/MaterialTypography.bundle/" |
| "{{source_file_part}}" |
| ] |
| } |
copy: Declare a target that copies files.
File name handling
| All output files must be inside the output directory of the build. You would |
| generally use |$target_out_dir| or |$target_gen_dir| to reference the output |
| or generated intermediate file directories, respectively. |
| |
| Both "sources" and "outputs" must be specified. Sources can include as many |
| files as you want, but there can only be one item in the outputs list (plural |
| is used for the name for consistency with other target types). |
| |
| If there is more than one source file, your output name should specify a |
| mapping from each source file to an output file name using source expansion |
| (see "gn help source_expansion"). The placeholders will look like |
| "{{source_name_part}}", for example. |
| |
| copy("mydll") { |
| sources = [ "mydll.dll" ] |
| outputs = [ "$target_out_dir/mydll.dll" ] |
| } |
| |
| |
| copy("myfiles") { |
| sources = [ "data1.dat", "data2.dat", "data3.dat" ] |
| |
| |
| |
| outputs = [ "$target_gen_dir/{{source_file_part}}" ] |
| } |
create_bundle: [ios/macOS] Build an iOS or macOS bundle.
| This target generates an iOS or macOS bundle (which is a directory with a |
| well-know structure). This target does not define any sources, instead they |
| are computed from all "bundle_data" target this one depends on transitively |
| (the recursion stops at "create_bundle" targets). |
| |
| The "bundle_*_dir" are be used for the expansion of {{bundle_*_dir}} rules in |
| "bundle_data" outputs. The properties are optional but must be defined if any |
| of the "bundle_data" target use them. |
| |
| This target can be used on all platforms though it is designed only to |
| generate iOS or macOS bundle. In cross-platform projects, it is advised to put |
| it behind iOS/macOS conditionals. |
| |
| If a create_bundle is specified as a data_deps for another target, the bundle |
| is considered a leaf, and its public and private dependencies will not |
| contribute to any data or data_deps. Required runtime dependencies should be |
| placed in the bundle. A create_bundle can declare its own explicit data and |
| data_deps, however. |
Code signing
| Some bundle needs to be code signed as part of the build (on iOS all |
| application needs to be code signed to run on a device). The code signature |
| can be configured via the code_signing_script variable. |
| |
| If set, code_signing_script is the path of a script that invoked after all |
| files have been moved into the bundle. The script must not change any file in |
| the bundle, but may add new files. |
| |
| If code_signing_script is defined, then code_signing_outputs must also be |
| defined and non-empty to inform when the script needs to be re-run. The |
| code_signing_args will be passed as is to the script (so path have to be |
| rebased) and additional inputs may be listed with the variable |
| code_signing_sources. |
| bundle_root_dir, bundle_contents_dir, bundle_resources_dir, |
| bundle_executable_dir, bundle_deps_filter, deps, data_deps, public_deps, |
| visibility, product_type, code_signing_args, code_signing_script, |
| code_signing_sources, code_signing_outputs, xcode_extra_attributes, |
| xcode_test_application_name, partial_info_plist, metadata |
| |
| |
| |
| template("app") { |
| if (!is_ios && !is_mac) { |
| executable(target_name) { |
| forward_variables_from(invoker, "*") |
| } |
| } else { |
| app_name = target_name |
| gen_path = target_gen_dir |
| |
| action("${app_name}_generate_info_plist") { |
| script = [ "//build/ios/" ] |
| sources = [ "templates/Info.plist" ] |
| outputs = [ "$gen_path/Info.plist" ] |
| args = rebase_path(sources, root_build_dir) + |
| rebase_path(outputs, root_build_dir) |
| } |
| |
| bundle_data("${app_name}_bundle_info_plist") { |
| public_deps = [ ":${app_name}_generate_info_plist" ] |
| sources = [ "$gen_path/Info.plist" ] |
| outputs = [ "{{bundle_contents_dir}}/Info.plist" ] |
| } |
| |
| executable("${app_name}_generate_executable") { |
| forward_variables_from(invoker, "*", [ |
| "output_name", |
| "visibility", |
| ]) |
| output_name = |
| rebase_path("$gen_path/$app_name", root_build_dir) |
| } |
| |
| code_signing = |
| defined(invoker.code_signing) && invoker.code_signing |
| |
| if (!is_ios || !code_signing) { |
| bundle_data("${app_name}_bundle_executable") { |
| public_deps = [ ":${app_name}_generate_executable" ] |
| sources = [ "$gen_path/$app_name" ] |
| outputs = [ "{{bundle_executable_dir}}/$app_name" ] |
| } |
| } |
| |
| create_bundle("$") { |
| product_type = "" |
| |
| if (is_ios) { |
| bundle_root_dir = "$root_build_dir/$target_name" |
| bundle_contents_dir = bundle_root_dir |
| bundle_resources_dir = bundle_contents_dir |
| bundle_executable_dir = bundle_contents_dir |
| |
| xcode_extra_attributes = { |
| } |
| } else { |
| bundle_root_dir = "$root_build_dir/$target_name" |
| bundle_contents_dir = "$bundle_root_dir/Contents" |
| bundle_resources_dir = "$bundle_contents_dir/Resources" |
| bundle_executable_dir = "$bundle_contents_dir/MacOS" |
| } |
| deps = [ ":${app_name}_bundle_info_plist" ] |
| if (is_ios && code_signing) { |
| deps += [ ":${app_name}_generate_executable" ] |
| code_signing_script = "//build/config/ios/" |
| code_signing_sources = [ |
| invoker.entitlements_path, |
| "$target_gen_dir/$app_name", |
| ] |
| code_signing_outputs = [ |
| "$bundle_root_dir/$app_name", |
| "$bundle_root_dir/_CodeSignature/CodeResources", |
| "$bundle_root_dir/embedded.mobileprovision", |
| "$target_gen_dir/$app_name.xcent", |
| ] |
| code_signing_args = [ |
| "-i=" + ios_code_signing_identity, |
| "-b=" + rebase_path( |
| "$target_gen_dir/$app_name", root_build_dir), |
| "-e=" + rebase_path( |
| invoker.entitlements_path, root_build_dir), |
| "-e=" + rebase_path( |
| "$target_gen_dir/$app_name.xcent", root_build_dir), |
| rebase_path(bundle_root_dir, root_build_dir), |
| ] |
| } else { |
| deps += [ ":${app_name}_bundle_executable" ] |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
executable: Declare an executable target.
Language and compilation
| The tools and commands used to create this target type will be |
| determined by the source files in its sources. Targets containing |
| multiple compiler-incompatible languages are not allowed (e.g. a |
| target containing both C and C++ sources is acceptable, but a |
| target containing C and Rust sources is not). |
| Flags: cflags, cflags_c, cflags_cc, cflags_objc, cflags_objcc, |
| asmflags, defines, include_dirs, inputs, ldflags, lib_dirs, |
| libs, precompiled_header, precompiled_source, rustflags, |
| rustenv, swiftflags |
| Deps: data_deps, deps, public_deps |
| Dependent configs: all_dependent_configs, public_configs |
| General: check_includes, configs, data, friend, inputs, metadata, |
| output_name, output_extension, public, sources, testonly, |
| visibility |
| Rust variables: aliased_deps, crate_root, crate_name |
generated_file: Declare a generated_file target.
| Writes data value(s) to disk on resolution. This target type mirrors some |
| functionality of the write_file() function, but also provides the ability to |
| collect metadata from its dependencies on resolution rather than writing out |
| at parse time. |
| |
| The `outputs` variable is required to be a list with a single element, |
| specifying the intended location of the output file. |
| |
| The `output_conversion` variable specified the format to write the |
| value. See `gn help io_conversion`. |
| |
| One of `contents` or `data_keys` must be specified; use of `contents` will |
| write the contents of that value to file, while use of `data_keys` will |
| trigger a metadata collection walk based on the dependencies of the target and |
| the optional values of the `rebase` and `walk_keys` variables. See |
| `gn help metadata`. |
| |
| Collected metadata, if specified, will be returned in postorder of |
| dependencies. See the example for details. |
| Given the following targets defined in //base/, where A depends on B |
| and B depends on C and D: |
| |
| group("a") { |
| metadata = { |
| doom_melon = [ "enable" ] |
| my_files = [ "foo.cpp" ] |
| |
| |
| |
| my_barrier = [ "" ] |
| } |
| |
| deps = [ ":b" ] |
| } |
| |
| group("b") { |
| metadata = { |
| my_files = [ "bar.cpp" ] |
| my_barrier = [ ":c" ] |
| } |
| |
| deps = [ ":c", ":d" ] |
| } |
| |
| group("c") { |
| metadata = { |
| doom_melon = [ "disable" ] |
| my_files = [ "baz.cpp" ] |
| } |
| } |
| |
| group("d") { |
| metadata = { |
| my_files = [ "missing.cpp" ] |
| } |
| } |
| |
| If the following generated_file target is defined: |
| |
| generated_file("my_files_metadata") { |
| outputs = [ "$root_build_dir/my_files.json" ] |
| data_keys = [ "my_files" ] |
| |
| deps = [ "//base:a" ] |
| } |
| |
| The following will be written to "$root_build_dir/my_files.json" (less the |
| comments): |
| [ |
| "baz.cpp", // from //base:c via //base:b |
| "missing.cpp" // from //base:d via //base:b |
| "bar.cpp", // from //base:b via //base:a |
| "foo.cpp", // from //base:a |
| ] |
| |
| Alternatively, as an example of using walk_keys, if the following |
| generated_file target is defined: |
| |
| generated_file("my_files_metadata") { |
| outputs = [ "$root_build_dir/my_files.json" ] |
| data_keys = [ "my_files" ] |
| walk_keys = [ "my_barrier" ] |
| |
| deps = [ "//base:a" ] |
| } |
| |
| The following will be written to "$root_build_dir/my_files.json" (again less |
| the comments): |
| [ |
| "baz.cpp", // from //base:c via //base:b |
| "bar.cpp", // from //base:b via //base:a |
| "foo.cpp", // from //base:a |
| ] |
| |
| If `rebase` is used in the following generated_file target: |
| |
| generated_file("my_files_metadata") { |
| outputs = [ "$root_build_dir/my_files.json" ] |
| data_keys = [ "my_files" ] |
| walk_keys = [ "my_barrier" ] |
| rebase = root_build_dir |
| |
| deps = [ "//base:a" ] |
| } |
| |
| The following will be written to "$root_build_dir/my_files.json" (again less |
| the comments) (assuming root_build_dir = "//out"): |
| [ |
| "../base/baz.cpp", // from //base:c via //base:b |
| "../base/bar.cpp", // from //base:b via //base:a |
| "../base/foo.cpp", // from //base:a |
| ] |
| contents |
| data_keys |
| rebase |
| walk_keys |
| output_conversion |
| Deps: data_deps, deps, public_deps |
| Dependent configs: all_dependent_configs, public_configs |
group: Declare a named group of targets.
| This target type allows you to create meta-targets that just collect a set of |
| dependencies into one named target. Groups can additionally specify configs |
| that apply to their dependents. |
| Deps: data_deps, deps, public_deps |
| Dependent configs: all_dependent_configs, public_configs |
| group("all") { |
| deps = [ |
| "//project:runner", |
| "//project:unit_tests", |
| ] |
| } |
loadable_module: Declare a loadable module target.
| This target type allows you to create an object file that is (and can only |
| be) loaded and unloaded at runtime. |
| |
| A loadable module will be specified on the linker line for targets listing |
| the loadable module in its "deps". If you don't want this (if you don't need |
| to dynamically load the library at runtime), then you should use a |
| "shared_library" target type instead. |
Language and compilation
| The tools and commands used to create this target type will be |
| determined by the source files in its sources. Targets containing |
| multiple compiler-incompatible languages are not allowed (e.g. a |
| target containing both C and C++ sources is acceptable, but a |
| target containing C and Rust sources is not). |
| Flags: cflags, cflags_c, cflags_cc, cflags_objc, cflags_objcc, |
| asmflags, defines, include_dirs, inputs, ldflags, lib_dirs, |
| libs, precompiled_header, precompiled_source, rustflags, |
| rustenv, swiftflags |
| Deps: data_deps, deps, public_deps |
| Dependent configs: all_dependent_configs, public_configs |
| General: check_includes, configs, data, friend, inputs, metadata, |
| output_name, output_extension, public, sources, testonly, |
| visibility |
| Rust variables: aliased_deps, crate_root, crate_name, crate_type |
rust_library: Declare a Rust library target.
| A Rust library is an archive containing additional rust-c provided metadata. |
| These are the files produced by the rustc compiler with the `.rlib` |
| extension, and are the intermediate step for most Rust-based binaries. |
| |
Language and compilation
| The tools and commands used to create this target type will be |
| determined by the source files in its sources. Targets containing |
| multiple compiler-incompatible languages are not allowed (e.g. a |
| target containing both C and C++ sources is acceptable, but a |
| target containing C and Rust sources is not). |
| Flags: cflags, cflags_c, cflags_cc, cflags_objc, cflags_objcc, |
| asmflags, defines, include_dirs, inputs, ldflags, lib_dirs, |
| libs, precompiled_header, precompiled_source, rustflags, |
| rustenv, swiftflags |
| Deps: data_deps, deps, public_deps |
| Dependent configs: all_dependent_configs, public_configs |
| General: check_includes, configs, data, friend, inputs, metadata, |
| output_name, output_extension, public, sources, testonly, |
| visibility |
| Rust variables: aliased_deps, crate_root, crate_name |
rust_proc_macro: Declare a Rust procedural macro target.
| A Rust procedural macro allows creating syntax extensions as execution of a |
| function. They are compiled as dynamic libraries and used by the compiler at |
| runtime. |
| |
| Their use is the same as of other Rust libraries, but their build has some |
| additional restrictions in terms of supported flags. |
Language and compilation
| The tools and commands used to create this target type will be |
| determined by the source files in its sources. Targets containing |
| multiple compiler-incompatible languages are not allowed (e.g. a |
| target containing both C and C++ sources is acceptable, but a |
| target containing C and Rust sources is not). |
| Flags: cflags, cflags_c, cflags_cc, cflags_objc, cflags_objcc, |
| asmflags, defines, include_dirs, inputs, ldflags, lib_dirs, |
| libs, precompiled_header, precompiled_source, rustflags, |
| rustenv, swiftflags |
| Deps: data_deps, deps, public_deps |
| Dependent configs: all_dependent_configs, public_configs |
| General: check_includes, configs, data, friend, inputs, metadata, |
| output_name, output_extension, public, sources, testonly, |
| visibility |
| Rust variables: aliased_deps, crate_root, crate_name |
shared_library: Declare a shared library target.
| A shared library will be specified on the linker line for targets listing the |
| shared library in its "deps". If you don't want this (say you dynamically |
| load the library at runtime), then you should depend on the shared library |
| via "data_deps" or, on Darwin platforms, use a "loadable_module" target type |
| instead. |
Language and compilation
| The tools and commands used to create this target type will be |
| determined by the source files in its sources. Targets containing |
| multiple compiler-incompatible languages are not allowed (e.g. a |
| target containing both C and C++ sources is acceptable, but a |
| target containing C and Rust sources is not). |
| Flags: cflags, cflags_c, cflags_cc, cflags_objc, cflags_objcc, |
| asmflags, defines, include_dirs, inputs, ldflags, lib_dirs, |
| libs, precompiled_header, precompiled_source, rustflags, |
| rustenv, swiftflags |
| Deps: data_deps, deps, public_deps |
| Dependent configs: all_dependent_configs, public_configs |
| General: check_includes, configs, data, friend, inputs, metadata, |
| output_name, output_extension, public, sources, testonly, |
| visibility |
| Rust variables: aliased_deps, crate_root, crate_name, crate_type |
source_set: Declare a source set target.
| Only C-language source sets are supported at the moment. |
C-language source_sets
| A source set is a collection of sources that get compiled, but are not linked |
| to produce any kind of library. Instead, the resulting object files are |
| implicitly added to the linker line of all targets that depend on the source |
| set. |
| |
| In most cases, a source set will behave like a static library, except no |
| actual library file will be produced. This will make the build go a little |
| faster by skipping creation of a large static library, while maintaining the |
| organizational benefits of focused build targets. |
| |
| The main difference between a source set and a static library is around |
| handling of exported symbols. Most linkers assume declaring a function |
| exported means exported from the static library. The linker can then do dead |
| code elimination to delete code not reachable from exported functions. |
| |
| A source set will not do this code elimination since there is no link step. |
| This allows you to link many source sets into a shared library and have the |
| "exported symbol" notation indicate "export from the final shared library and |
| not from the intermediate targets." There is no way to express this concept |
| when linking multiple static libraries into a shared library. |
| Flags: cflags, cflags_c, cflags_cc, cflags_objc, cflags_objcc, |
| asmflags, defines, include_dirs, inputs, ldflags, lib_dirs, |
| libs, precompiled_header, precompiled_source, rustflags, |
| rustenv, swiftflags |
| Deps: data_deps, deps, public_deps |
| Dependent configs: all_dependent_configs, public_configs |
| General: check_includes, configs, data, friend, inputs, metadata, |
| output_name, output_extension, public, sources, testonly, |
| visibility |
static_library: Declare a static library target.
| Make a ".a" / ".lib" file. |
| |
| If you only need the static library for intermediate results in the build, |
| you should consider a source_set instead since it will skip the (potentially |
| slow) step of creating the intermediate library file. |
| complete_static_lib |
| Flags: cflags, cflags_c, cflags_cc, cflags_objc, cflags_objcc, |
| asmflags, defines, include_dirs, inputs, ldflags, lib_dirs, |
| libs, precompiled_header, precompiled_source, rustflags, |
| rustenv, swiftflags |
| Deps: data_deps, deps, public_deps |
| Dependent configs: all_dependent_configs, public_configs |
| General: check_includes, configs, data, friend, inputs, metadata, |
| output_name, output_extension, public, sources, testonly, |
| visibility |
| Rust variables: aliased_deps, crate_root, crate_name |
| |
| The tools and commands used to create this target type will be |
| determined by the source files in its sources. Targets containing |
| multiple compiler-incompatible languages are not allowed (e.g. a |
| target containing both C and C++ sources is acceptable, but a |
| target containing C and Rust sources is not). |
target: Declare an target with the given programmatic type.
| target(target_type_string, target_name_string) { ... } |
| |
| The target() function is a way to invoke a built-in target or template with a |
| type determined at runtime. This is useful for cases where the type of a |
| target might not be known statically. |
| |
| Only templates and built-in target functions are supported for the |
| target_type_string parameter. Arbitrary functions, configs, and toolchains |
| are not supported. |
| |
| The call: |
| target("source_set", "doom_melon") { |
| Is equivalent to: |
| source_set("doom_melon") { |
| if (foo_build_as_shared) { |
| my_type = "shared_library" |
| } else { |
| my_type = "source_set" |
| } |
| |
| target(my_type, "foo") { |
| ... |
| } |
Buildfile functions
assert: Assert an expression is true at generation time.
| assert(<condition> [, <error string>]) |
| |
| If the condition is false, the build will fail with an error. If the |
| optional second argument is provided, that string will be printed |
| with the error message. |
| assert(is_win) |
| assert(defined(sources), "Sources must be defined"); |
config: Defines a configuration object.
| Configuration objects can be applied to targets and specify sets of compiler |
| flags, includes, defines, etc. They provide a way to conveniently group sets |
| of this configuration information. |
| |
| A config is referenced by its label just like a target. |
| |
| The values in a config are additive only. If you want to remove a flag you |
| need to remove the corresponding config that sets it. The final set of flags, |
| defines, etc. for a target is generated in this order: |
| |
| 1. The values specified directly on the target (rather than using a config. |
| 2. The configs specified in the target |
| 3. Public_configs from a breadth-first traversal of the dependency tree in |
| the order that the targets appear in "deps". |
| 4. All dependent configs from a breadth-first traversal of the dependency |
| tree in the order that the targets appear in "deps". |
More background
| Configs solve a problem where the build system needs to have a higher-level |
| understanding of various compiler settings. For example, some compiler flags |
| have to appear in a certain order relative to each other, some settings like |
| defines and flags logically go together, and the build system needs to |
| de-duplicate flags even though raw command-line parameters can |
| operated on in that way. |
| |
| The config gives a name to a group of settings that can then be reasoned |
| about by GN. GN can know that configs with the same label are the same thing |
| so can be de-duplicated. It allows related settings to be grouped so they |
| are added or removed as a unit. And it allows targets to refer to settings |
| with conceptual names ("no_rtti", "enable_exceptions", etc.) rather than |
| having to hard-coding every compiler |
Variables valid in a config definition
| Flags: cflags, cflags_c, cflags_cc, cflags_objc, cflags_objcc, |
| asmflags, defines, include_dirs, inputs, ldflags, lib_dirs, |
| libs, precompiled_header, precompiled_source, rustflags, |
| rustenv, swiftflags |
| Nested configs: configs |
| General: visibility |
Variables on a target used to apply configs
| all_dependent_configs, configs, public_configs |
| config("myconfig") { |
| include_dirs = [ "include/common" ] |
| defines = [ "ENABLE_DOOM_MELON" ] |
| } |
| |
| executable("mything") { |
| configs = [ ":myconfig" ] |
| } |
declare_args: Declare build arguments.
| Introduces the given arguments into the current scope. If they are not |
| specified on the command line or in a toolchain's arguments, the default |
| values given in the declare_args block will be used. However, these defaults |
| will not override command-line values. |
| |
| See also "gn help buildargs" for an overview. |
| |
| The precise behavior of declare args is: |
| |
| 1. The declare_args() block executes. Any variable defined in the enclosing |
| scope is available for reading, but any variable defined earlier in |
| the current scope is not (since the overrides haven't been applied yet). |
| |
| 2. At the end of executing the block, any variables set within that scope |
| are saved, with the values specified in the block used as the "default value" |
| for that argument. Once saved, these variables are available for override |
| via |
| |
| 3. User-defined overrides are applied. Anything set in "gn args" now |
| overrides any default values. The resulting set of variables is promoted |
| to be readable from the following code in the file. |
| |
| This has some ramifications that may not be obvious: |
| |
| - You should not perform difficult work inside a declare_args block since |
| this only sets a default value that may be discarded. In particular, |
| don't use the result of exec_script() to set the default value. If you |
| want to have a script-defined default, set some default "undefined" value |
| like [], "", or -1, and after the declare_args block, call exec_script if |
| the value is unset by the user. |
| |
| - Because you cannot read the value of a variable defined in the same |
| block, if you need to make the default value of one arg depend |
| on the possibly-overridden value of another, write two separate |
| declare_args() blocks: |
| |
| declare_args() { |
| enable_foo = true |
| } |
| declare_args() { |
| # Bar defaults to same user-overridden state as foo. |
| enable_bar = enable_foo |
| } |
| declare_args() { |
| enable_teleporter = true |
| enable_doom_melon = false |
| } |
| |
| If you want to override the (default disabled) Doom Melon: |
| gn --args="enable_doom_melon=true enable_teleporter=true" |
| This also sets the teleporter, but it's already defaulted to on so it will |
| have no effect. |
defined: Returns whether an identifier is defined.
| Returns true if the given argument is defined. This is most useful in |
| templates to assert that the caller set things up properly. |
| |
| You can pass an identifier: |
| defined(foo) |
| which will return true or false depending on whether foo is defined in the |
| current scope. |
| |
| You can also check a named scope: |
| defined( |
| which will return true or false depending on whether bar is defined in the |
| named scope foo. It will throw an error if foo is not defined or is not a |
| scope. |
| template("mytemplate") { |
| |
| assert(defined(invoker.sources), "Sources must be defined") |
| |
| |
| |
| if (defined(invoker.values)) { |
| values = invoker.values |
| } else { |
| values = "some default value" |
| } |
| } |
exec_script: Synchronously run a script and return the output.
| exec_script(filename, |
| arguments = [], |
| input_conversion = "", |
| file_dependencies = []) |
| |
| Runs the given script, returning the stdout of the script. The build |
| generation will fail if the script does not exist or returns a nonzero exit |
| code. |
| |
| The current directory when executing the script will be the root build |
| directory. If you are passing file names, you will want to use the |
| rebase_path() function to make file names relative to this path (see "gn help |
| rebase_path"). |
| |
| The default script interpreter is Python ("python" on POSIX, "python.exe" or |
| "python.bat" on Windows). This can be configured by the script_executable |
| variable, see "gn help dotfile". |
| filename: |
| File name of script to execute. Non-absolute names will be treated as |
| relative to the current build file. |
| |
| arguments: |
| A list of strings to be passed to the script as arguments. May be |
| unspecified or the empty list which means no arguments. |
| |
| input_conversion: |
| Controls how the file is read and parsed. See `gn help io_conversion`. |
| |
| If unspecified, defaults to the empty string which causes the script |
| result to be discarded. exec script will return None. |
| |
| dependencies: |
| (Optional) A list of files that this script reads or otherwise depends |
| on. These dependencies will be added to the build result such that if any |
| of them change, the build will be regenerated and the script will be |
| re-run. |
| |
| The script itself will be an implicit dependency so you do not need to |
| list it. |
| all_lines = exec_script( |
| "", [some_input], "list lines", |
| [ rebase_path("data_file.txt", root_build_dir) ]) |
| |
| |
| |
| exec_script("//foo/bar/") |
filter_exclude: Remove values that match a set of patterns.
| filter_exclude(values, exclude_patterns) |
| |
| The argument values must be a list of strings. |
| |
| The argument exclude_patterns must be a list of file patterns (see |
| "gn help file_pattern"). Any elements in values matching at least one |
| of those patterns will be excluded. |
| values = [ "", "foo.h", "foo.proto" ] |
| result = filter_exclude(values, [ "*.proto" ]) |
| # result will be [ "", "foo.h" ] |
filter_include: Remove values that do not match a set of patterns.
| filter_include(values, include_patterns) |
| |
| The argument values must be a list of strings. |
| |
| The argument include_patterns must be a list of file patterns (see |
| "gn help file_pattern"). Only elements from values matching at least |
| one of the pattern will be included. |
| values = [ "", "foo.h", "foo.proto" ] |
| result = filter_include(values, [ "*.proto" ]) |
| |
foreach: Iterate over a list.
| foreach(<loop_var>, <list>) { |
| <loop contents> |
| } |
| |
| Executes the loop contents block over each item in the list, assigning the |
| loop_var to each item in sequence. The <loop_var> will be a copy so assigning |
| to it will not mutate the list. The loop will iterate over a copy of <list> |
| so mutating it inside the loop will not affect iteration. |
| |
| The block does not introduce a new scope, so that variable assignments inside |
| the loop will be visible once the loop terminates. |
| |
| The loop variable will temporarily shadow any existing variables with the |
| same name for the duration of the loop. After the loop terminates the loop |
| variable will no longer be in scope, and the previous value (if any) will be |
| restored. |
| mylist = [ "a", "b", "c" ] |
| foreach(i, mylist) { |
| print(i) |
| } |
| |
| Prints: |
| a |
| b |
| c |
forward_variables_from: Copies variables from a different scope.
| forward_variables_from(from_scope, variable_list_or_star, |
| variable_to_not_forward_list = []) |
| |
| Copies the given variables from the given scope to the local scope if they |
| exist. This is normally used in the context of templates to use the values of |
| variables defined in the template invocation to a template-defined target. |
| |
| The variables in the given variable_list will be copied if they exist in the |
| given scope or any enclosing scope. If they do not exist, nothing will happen |
| and they be left undefined in the current scope. |
| |
| As a special case, if the variable_list is a string with the value of "*", |
| all variables from the given scope will be copied. "*" only copies variables |
| set directly on the from_scope, not enclosing ones. Otherwise it would |
| duplicate all global variables. |
| |
| When an explicit list of variables is supplied, if the variable exists in the |
| current (destination) scope already, an error will be thrown. If "*" is |
| specified, variables in the current scope will be clobbered (the latter is |
| important because most targets have an implicit configs list, which means it |
| wouldn't work at all if it didn't clobber). |
| |
| If variables_to_not_forward_list is non-empty, then it must contains a list |
| of variable names that will not be forwarded. This is mostly useful when |
| variable_list_or_star has a value of "*". |
| |
| |
| assert(!defined(foo)) |
| if (defined( { |
| foo = |
| } |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| template("my_test") { |
| action(target_name) { |
| forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "data_deps", "deps", |
| "public_deps", "visibility"]) |
| |
| |
| if (defined(deps)) { |
| deps += [ "//tools/doom_melon" ] |
| } else { |
| deps = [ "//tools/doom_melon" ] |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| |
| |
| template("my_wrapper") { |
| target(my_wrapper_target_type, target_name) { |
| forward_variables_from(invoker, "*") |
| } |
| } |
| |
| |
| |
| template("my_ios_test_app") { |
| ios_test_app(target_name) { |
| forward_variables_from(invoker, "*", ["test_bundle_name"]) |
| if (!defined(extra_substitutions)) { |
| extra_substitutions = [] |
| } |
| extra_substitutions += [ "BUNDLE_ID_TEST_NAME=$test_bundle_name" ] |
| } |
| } |
get_label_info: Get an attribute from a target's label.
| get_label_info(target_label, what) |
| |
| Given the label of a target, returns some attribute of that target. The |
| target need not have been previously defined in the same file, since none of |
| the attributes depend on the actual target definition, only the label itself. |
| |
| See also "gn help get_target_outputs". |
Possible values for the "what" parameter
| "name" |
| The short name of the target. This will match the value of the |
| "target_name" variable inside that target's declaration. For the label |
| "//foo/bar:baz" this will return "baz". |
| |
| "dir" |
| The directory containing the target's definition, with no slash at the |
| end. For the label "//foo/bar:baz" this will return "//foo/bar". |
| |
| "target_gen_dir" |
| The generated file directory for the target. This will match the value of |
| the "target_gen_dir" variable when inside that target's declaration. |
| |
| "root_gen_dir" |
| The root of the generated file tree for the target. This will match the |
| value of the "root_gen_dir" variable when inside that target's |
| declaration. |
| |
| "target_out_dir |
| The output directory for the target. This will match the value of the |
| "target_out_dir" variable when inside that target's declaration. |
| |
| "root_out_dir" |
| The root of the output file tree for the target. This will match the |
| value of the "root_out_dir" variable when inside that target's |
| declaration. |
| |
| "label_no_toolchain" |
| The fully qualified version of this label, not including the toolchain. |
| For the input ":bar" it might return " |
| |
| "label_with_toolchain" |
| The fully qualified version of this label, including the toolchain. For |
| the input ":bar" it might return "//foo:bar(//toolchain:x64)". |
| |
| "toolchain" |
| The label of the toolchain. This will match the value of the |
| "current_toolchain" variable when inside that target's declaration. |
| get_label_info(":foo", "name") |
| # Returns string "foo". |
| |
| get_label_info("//foo/bar:baz", "target_gen_dir") |
| # Returns string "//out/Debug/gen/foo/bar". |
| get_path_info(input, what) |
| |
| The first argument is either a string representing a file or directory name, |
| or a list of such strings. If the input is a list the return value will be a |
| list containing the result of applying the rule to each item in the input. |
Possible values for the "what" parameter
| "file" |
| The substring after the last slash in the path, including the name and |
| extension. If the input ends in a slash, the empty string will be |
| returned. |
| "foo/bar.txt" => "bar.txt" |
| "bar.txt" => "bar.txt" |
| "foo/" => "" |
| "" => "" |
| |
| "name" |
| The substring of the file name not including the extension. |
| "foo/bar.txt" => "bar" |
| "foo/bar" => "bar" |
| "foo/" => "" |
| |
| "extension" |
| The substring following the last period following the last slash, or the |
| empty string if not found. The period is not included. |
| "foo/bar.txt" => "txt" |
| "foo/bar" => "" |
| |
| "dir" |
| The directory portion of the name, not including the slash. |
| "foo/bar.txt" => "foo" |
| "//foo/bar" => "//foo" |
| "foo" => "." |
| |
| The result will never end in a slash, so if the resulting is empty, the |
| system ("/") or source ("//") roots, a "." will be appended such that it |
| is always legal to append a slash and a filename and get a valid path. |
| |
| "out_dir" |
| The output file directory corresponding to the path of the given file, |
| not including a trailing slash. |
| "//foo/bar/baz.txt" => "//out/Default/obj/foo/bar" |
| |
| "gen_dir" |
| The generated file directory corresponding to the path of the given file, |
| not including a trailing slash. |
| "//foo/bar/baz.txt" => "//out/Default/gen/foo/bar" |
| |
| "abspath" |
| The full absolute path name to the file or directory. It will be resolved |
| relative to the current directory, and then the source- absolute version |
| will be returned. If the input is system- absolute, the same input will |
| be returned. |
| "foo/bar.txt" => "//mydir/foo/bar.txt" |
| "foo/" => "//mydir/foo/" |
| "//foo/bar" => "//foo/bar" (already absolute) |
| "/usr/include" => "/usr/include" (already absolute) |
| |
| If you want to make the path relative to another directory, or to be |
| system-absolute, see rebase_path(). |
| sources = [ "", "foo.h" ] |
| result = get_path_info(source, "abspath") |
| |
| |
| result = get_path_info("//foo/bar/", "dir") |
| |
| |
| |
| result = get_path_info(get_path_info(path, "dir"), "abspath") |
get_target_outputs: [file list] Get the list of outputs from a target.
| get_target_outputs(target_label) |
| |
| Returns a list of output files for the named target. The named target must |
| have been previously defined in the current file before this function is |
| called (it can |
| defined execution order, and it obviously can |
| defined after the function call). |
| |
| Only copy, generated_file, and action targets are supported. The outputs from |
| binary targets will depend on the toolchain definition which won |
| necessarily have been loaded by the time a given line of code has run, and |
| source sets and groups have no useful output file. |
Return value
| The names in the resulting list will be absolute file paths (normally like |
| "//out/Debug/bar.exe", depending on the build directory). |
| |
| action, copy, and generated_file targets: this will just return the files |
| specified in the "outputs" variable of the target. |
| |
| action_foreach targets: this will return the result of applying the output |
| template to the sources (see "gn help source_expansion"). This will be the |
| same result (though with guaranteed absolute file paths), as |
| process_file_template will return for those inputs (see "gn help |
| process_file_template"). |
| |
| source sets and groups: this will return a list containing the path of the |
| "stamp" file that Ninja will produce once all outputs are generated. This |
| probably isn't very useful. |
| |
| |
| action_foreach("my_action") { |
| sources = [ ... ] |
| outputs = [ ... ] |
| } |
| |
| |
| source_set("my_lib") { |
| sources = get_target_outputs(":my_action") |
| } |
getenv: Get an environment variable.
| value = getenv(env_var_name) |
| |
| Returns the value of the given environment variable. If the value is not |
| found, it will try to look up the variable with the "opposite" case (based on |
| the case of the first letter of the variable), but is otherwise |
| case-sensitive. |
| |
| If the environment variable is not found, the empty string will be returned. |
| Note: it might be nice to extend this if we had the concept of "none" in the |
| language to indicate lookup failure. |
| home_dir = getenv("HOME") |
import: Import a file into the current scope.
| The import command loads the rules and variables resulting from executing the |
| given file into the current scope. |
| |
| By convention, imported files are named with a .gni extension. |
| |
| An import is different than a C++ "include". The imported file is executed in |
| a standalone environment from the caller of the import command. The results |
| of this execution are cached for other files that import the same .gni file. |
| |
| Note that you can not import a file that's otherwise used in the |
| build. Files must either be imported or implicitly loaded as a result of deps |
| rules, but not both. |
| |
| The imported file's scope will be merged with the scope at the point import |
| was called. If there is a conflict (both the current scope and the imported |
| file define some variable or rule with the same name but different value), a |
| runtime error will be thrown. Therefore, it's good practice to minimize the |
| stuff that an imported file defines. |
| |
| Variables and templates beginning with an underscore '_' are considered |
| private and will not be imported. Imported files can use such variables for |
| internal computation without affecting other files. |
| import("//build/rules/idl_compilation_rule.gni") |
| |
| |
| import("my_vars.gni") |
not_needed: Mark variables from scope as not needed.
| not_needed(variable_list_or_star, variable_to_ignore_list = []) |
| not_needed(from_scope, variable_list_or_star, |
| variable_to_ignore_list = []) |
| |
| Mark the variables in the current or given scope as not needed, which means |
| you will not get an error about unused variables for these. The |
| variable_to_ignore_list allows excluding variables from "all matches" if |
| variable_list_or_star is "*". |
| not_needed("*", [ "config" ]) |
| not_needed([ "data_deps", "deps" ]) |
| not_needed(invoker, "*", [ "config" ]) |
| not_needed(invoker, [ "data_deps", "deps" ]) |
pool: Defines a pool object.
| Pool objects can be applied to a tool to limit the parallelism of the |
| build. This object has a single property "depth" corresponding to |
| the number of tasks that may run simultaneously. |
| |
| As the file containing the pool definition may be executed in the |
| context of more than one toolchain it is recommended to specify an |
| explicit toolchain when defining and referencing a pool. |
| |
| A pool named "console" defined in the root build file represents Ninja |
| console pool. Targets using this pool will have access to the console |
| stdin and stdout, and output will not be buffered. This special pool must |
| have a depth of 1. Pools not defined in the root must not be named "console". |
| The console pool can only be defined for the default toolchain. |
| Refer to the Ninja documentation on the console pool for more info. |
| |
| A pool is referenced by its label just like a target. |
| if (current_toolchain == default_toolchain) { |
| pool("link_pool") { |
| depth = 1 |
| } |
| } |
| |
| toolchain("toolchain") { |
| tool("link") { |
| command = "..." |
| pool = ":link_pool($default_toolchain)" |
| } |
| } |
print: Prints to the console.
| Prints all arguments to the console separated by spaces. A newline is |
| automatically appended to the end. |
| |
| This function is intended for debugging. Note that build files are run in |
| parallel so you may get interleaved prints. A buildfile may also be executed |
| more than once in parallel in the context of different toolchains so the |
| prints from one file may be duplicated or |
| interleaved with itself. |
| print("Hello world") |
| |
| print(sources, deps) |
process_file_template: Do template expansion over a list of files.
| process_file_template(source_list, template) |
| |
| process_file_template applies a template list to a source file list, |
| returning the result of applying each template to each source. This is |
| typically used for computing output file names from input files. |
| |
| In most cases, get_target_outputs() will give the same result with shorter, |
| more maintainable code. This function should only be used when that function |
| can't be used (like there's no target or the target is defined in another |
| build file). |
| The source_list is a list of file names. |
| |
| The template can be a string or a list. If it is a list, multiple output |
| strings are generated for each input. |
| |
| The template should contain source expansions to which each name in the |
| source list is applied. See "gn help source_expansion". |
| sources = [ |
| "foo.idl", |
| "bar.idl", |
| ] |
| myoutputs = process_file_template( |
| sources, |
| [ "$target_gen_dir/{{source_name_part}}.cc", |
| "$target_gen_dir/{{source_name_part}}.h" ]) |
| |
| The result in this case will be: |
| [ "//out/Debug/" |
| "//out/Debug/foo.h" |
| "//out/Debug/" |
| "//out/Debug/bar.h" ] |
read_file: Read a file into a variable.
| read_file(filename, input_conversion) |
| |
| Whitespace will be trimmed from the end of the file. Throws an error if the |
| file can not be opened. |
| filename |
| Filename to read, relative to the build file. |
| |
| input_conversion |
| Controls how the file is read and parsed. See `gn help io_conversion`. |
| lines = read_file("foo.txt", "list lines") |
rebase_path: Rebase a file or directory to another location.
| converted = rebase_path(input, |
| new_base = "", |
| current_base = ".") |
| |
| Takes a string argument representing a file name, or a list of such strings |
| and converts it/them to be relative to a different base directory. |
| |
| When invoking the compiler or scripts, GN will automatically convert sources |
| and include directories to be relative to the build directory. However, if |
| you're passing files directly in the "args" array or doing other manual |
| manipulations where GN doesn't know something is a file name, you will need |
| to convert paths to be relative to what your tool is expecting. |
| |
| The common case is to use this to convert paths relative to the current |
| directory to be relative to the build directory (which will be the current |
| directory when executing scripts). |
| |
| If you want to convert a file path to be source-absolute (that is, beginning |
| with a double slash like "//foo/bar"), you should use the get_path_info() |
| function. This function won't work because it will always make relative |
| paths, and it needs to support making paths relative to the source root, so |
| it can't also generate source-absolute paths without more special-cases. |
| input |
| A string or list of strings representing file or directory names. These |
| can be relative paths ("foo/bar.txt"), system absolute paths |
| ("/foo/bar.txt"), or source absolute paths ("//foo/bar.txt"). |
| |
| new_base |
| The directory to convert the paths to be relative to. This can be an |
| absolute path or a relative path (which will be treated as being relative |
| to the current BUILD-file's directory). |
| |
| As a special case, if new_base is the empty string (the default), all |
| paths will be converted to system-absolute native style paths with system |
| path separators. This is useful for invoking external programs. |
| |
| current_base |
| Directory representing the base for relative paths in the input. If this |
| is not an absolute path, it will be treated as being relative to the |
| current build file. Use "." (the default) to convert paths from the |
| current BUILD-file's directory. |
Return value
| The return value will be the same type as the input value (either a string or |
| a list of strings). All relative and source-absolute file names will be |
| converted to be relative to the requested output System-absolute paths will |
| be unchanged. |
| |
| Whether an output path will end in a slash will match whether the |
| corresponding input path ends in a slash. It will return "." or "./" |
| (depending on whether the input ends in a slash) to avoid returning empty |
| strings. This means if you want a root path ("//" or "/") not ending in a |
| slash, you can add a dot ("//."). |
| |
| |
| foo = rebase_path("myfile.txt", root_build_dir) |
| |
| |
| |
| foo = rebase_path("myfile.txt") |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| action("myscript") { |
| |
| |
| |
| sources = [ "foo.txt", "bar.txt" ] |
| |
| |
| |
| args = [ |
| "--data", |
| rebase_path("//mything/data/input.dat", root_build_dir), |
| "--rel", |
| rebase_path("relative_path.txt", root_build_dir) |
| ] + rebase_path(sources, root_build_dir) |
| } |
| set_default_toolchain(toolchain_label) |
| |
| The given label should identify a toolchain definition (see "gn help |
| toolchain"). This toolchain will be used for all targets unless otherwise |
| specified. |
| |
| This function is only valid to call during the processing of the build |
| configuration file. Since the build configuration file is processed |
| separately for each toolchain, this function will be a no-op when called |
| under any non-default toolchains. |
| |
| For example, the default toolchain should be appropriate for the current |
| environment. If the current environment is 32-bit and somebody references a |
| target with a 64-bit toolchain, we wouldn't want processing of the build |
| config file for the 64-bit toolchain to reset the default toolchain to |
| 64-bit, we want to keep it 32-bits. |
| |
| toolchain_label |
| Toolchain name. |
| |
| |
| |
| if (target_cpu == "x64") { |
| set_default_toolchain("//toolchains:64") |
| } else if (target_cpu == "x86") { |
| set_default_toolchain("//toolchains:32") |
| } |
set_defaults: Set default values for a target type.
| set_defaults(<target_type_name>) { <values...> } |
| |
| Sets the default values for a given target type. Whenever target_type_name is |
| seen in the future, the values specified in set_default's block will be |
| copied into the current scope. |
| |
| When the target type is used, the variable copying is very strict. If a |
| variable with that name is already in scope, the build will fail with an |
| error. |
| |
| set_defaults can be used for built-in target types ("executable", |
| "shared_library", etc.) and custom ones defined via the "template" command. |
| It can be called more than once and the most recent call in any scope will |
| apply, but there is no way to refer to the previous defaults and modify them |
| (each call to set_defaults must supply a complete list of all defaults it |
| wants). If you want to share defaults, store them in a separate variable. |
| set_defaults("static_library") { |
| configs = [ "//tools/mything:settings" ] |
| } |
| |
| static_library("mylib") { |
| |
| |
| configs -= [ "//tools/mything:settings" ] |
| } |
split_list: Splits a list into N different sub-lists.
| result = split_list(input, n) |
| |
| Given a list and a number N, splits the list into N sub-lists of |
| approximately equal size. The return value is a list of the sub-lists. The |
| result will always be a list of size N. If N is greater than the number of |
| elements in the input, it will be padded with empty lists. |
| |
| The expected use is to divide source files into smaller uniform chunks. |
| The code: |
| mylist = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] |
| print(split_list(mylist, 3)) |
| |
| Will print: |
| [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6] |
string_join: Concatenates a list of strings with a separator.
| result = string_join(separator, strings) |
| |
| Concatenate a list of strings with intervening occurrences of separator. |
| string_join("", ["a", "b", "c"]) --> "abc" |
| string_join("|", ["a", "b", "c"]) --> "a|b|c" |
| string_join(", ", ["a", "b", "c"]) --> "a, b, c" |
| string_join("s", ["", ""]) --> "s" |
string_replace: Replaces substring in the given string.
| result = string_replace(str, old, new[, max]) |
| |
| Returns a copy of the string str in which the occurrences of old have been |
| replaced with new, optionally restricting the number of replacements. The |
| replacement is performed sequentially, so if new contains old, it won't be |
| replaced. |
| |
| The code: |
| mystr = "Hello, world!" |
| print(string_replace(mystr, "world", "GN")) |
| |
| Will print: |
| Hello, GN! |
string_split: Split string into a list of strings.
| result = string_split(str[, sep]) |
| |
| Split string into all substrings separated by separator and returns a list |
| of the substrings between those separators. |
| |
| If the separator argument is omitted, the split is by any whitespace, and |
| any leading/trailing whitespace is ignored; similar to Python's str.split(). |
| |
Examples without a separator (split on whitespace):
| string_split("") --> [] |
| string_split("a") --> ["a"] |
| string_split(" aa bb") --> ["aa", "bb"] |
Examples with a separator (split on separators):
| string_split("", "|") --> [""] |
| string_split(" a b ", " ") --> ["", "", "a", "b", "", ""] |
| string_split("aa+-bb+-c", "+-") --> ["aa", "bb", "c"] |
template: Define a template rule.
| A template defines a custom name that acts like a function. It provides a way |
| to add to the built-in target types. |
| |
| The template() function is used to declare a template. To invoke the |
| template, just use the name of the template like any other target type. |
| |
| Often you will want to declare your template in a special file that other |
| files will import (see "gn help import") so your template rule can be shared |
| across build files. |
Variables and templates:
| When you call template() it creates a closure around all variables currently |
| in scope with the code in the template block. When the template is invoked, |
| the closure will be executed. |
| |
| When the template is invoked, the code in the caller is executed and passed |
| to the template code as an implicit "invoker" variable. The template uses |
| this to read state out of the invoking code. |
| |
| One thing explicitly excluded from the closure is the "current directory" |
| against which relative file names are resolved. The current directory will be |
| that of the invoking code, since typically that code specifies the file |
| names. This means all files internal to the template should use absolute |
| names. |
| |
| A template will typically forward some or all variables from the invoking |
| scope to a target that it defines. Often, such variables might be optional. |
| Use the pattern: |
| |
| if (defined(invoker.deps)) { |
| deps = invoker.deps |
| } |
| |
| The function forward_variables_from() provides a shortcut to forward one or |
| more or possibly all variables in this manner: |
| |
| forward_variables_from(invoker, ["deps", "public_deps"]) |
Target naming
| Your template should almost always define a built-in target with the name the |
| template invoker specified. For example, if you have an IDL template and |
| somebody does: |
| idl("foo") {... |
| you will normally want this to expand to something defining a source_set or |
| static_library named "foo" (among other things you may need). This way, when |
| another target specifies a dependency on "foo", the static_library or |
| source_set will be linked. |
| |
| It is also important that any other targets your template expands to have |
| unique names, or you will get collisions. |
| |
| Access the invoking name in your template via the implicit "target_name" |
| variable. This should also be the basis for how other targets that a template |
| expands to ensure uniqueness. |
| |
| A typical example would be a template that defines an action to generate some |
| source files, and a source_set to compile that source. Your template would |
| name the source_set "target_name" because that's what you want external |
| targets to depend on to link your code. And you would name the action |
| something like "${target_name}_action" to make it unique. The source set |
| would have a dependency on the action to make it run. |
| |
Overriding builtin targets
| You can use template to redefine a built-in target in which case your template |
| takes a precedence over the built-in one. All uses of the target from within |
| the template definition will refer to the built-in target which makes it |
| possible to extend the behavior of the built-in target: |
| |
| template("shared_library") { |
| shared_library(shlib) { |
| forward_variables_from(invoker, "*") |
| ... |
| } |
| } |
Example of defining a template
| template("my_idl") { |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| assert(defined(invoker.sources), |
| "Need sources in $target_name listing the idl files.") |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| code_gen_target_name = target_name + "_code_gen" |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| action_foreach(code_gen_target_name) { |
| |
| |
| sources = invoker.sources |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| script = "//tools/idl/" |
| |
| |
| |
| outputs = [ "$target_gen_dir/{{source_name_part}}.cc", |
| "$target_gen_dir/{{source_name_part}}.h" ] |
| } |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| source_set(target_name) { |
| |
| |
| sources = get_target_outputs(":$code_gen_target_name") |
| |
| |
| deps = [ ":$code_gen_target_name" ] |
| } |
| } |
Example of invoking the resulting template
| |
| |
| |
| my_idl("foo_idl_files") { |
| |
| sources = [ "foo.idl", "bar.idl" ] |
| } |
| |
| |
| executable("my_exe") { |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| deps = [ ":foo_idl_files" ] |
| } |
| tool(<tool type>) { |
| <tool variables...> |
| } |
| |
| Compiler tools: |
| "cc": C compiler |
| "cxx": C++ compiler |
| "cxx_module": C++ compiler used for Clang .modulemap files |
| "objc": Objective C compiler |
| "objcxx": Objective C++ compiler |
| "rc": Resource compiler (Windows .rc files) |
| "asm": Assembler |
| "swift": Swift compiler driver |
| |
| Linker tools: |
| "alink": Linker for static libraries (archives) |
| "solink": Linker for shared libraries |
| "link": Linker for executables |
| |
| Other tools: |
| "stamp": Tool for creating stamp files |
| "copy": Tool to copy files. |
| "action": Defaults for actions |
| |
| Platform specific tools: |
| "copy_bundle_data": [iOS, macOS] Tool to copy files in a bundle. |
| "compile_xcassets": [iOS, macOS] Tool to compile asset catalogs. |
| |
| Rust tools: |
| "rust_bin": Tool for compiling Rust binaries |
| "rust_cdylib": Tool for compiling C-compatible dynamic libraries. |
| "rust_dylib": Tool for compiling Rust dynamic libraries. |
| "rust_macro": Tool for compiling Rust procedural macros. |
| "rust_rlib": Tool for compiling Rust libraries. |
| "rust_staticlib": Tool for compiling Rust static libraries. |
| command [string with substitutions] |
| Valid for: all tools except "action" (required) |
| |
| The command to run. |
| |
| command_launcher [string] |
| Valid for: all tools except "action" (optional) |
| |
| The prefix with which to launch the command (e.g. the path to a Goma or |
| CCache compiler launcher). |
| |
| Note that this prefix will not be included in the compilation database or |
| IDE files generated from the build. |
| |
| default_output_dir [string with substitutions] |
| Valid for: linker tools |
| |
| Default directory name for the output file relative to the |
| root_build_dir. It can contain other substitution patterns. This will |
| be the default value for the {{output_dir}} expansion (discussed below) |
| but will be overridden by the "output_dir" variable in a target, if one |
| is specified. |
| |
| GN doesn't do anything with this string other than pass it along, |
| potentially with target-specific overrides. It is the tool's job to use |
| the expansion so that the files will be in the right place. |
| |
| default_output_extension [string] |
| Valid for: linker tools |
| |
| Extension for the main output of a linkable tool. It includes the |
| leading dot. This will be the default value for the |
| {{output_extension}} expansion (discussed below) but will be overridden |
| by by the "output extension" variable in a target, if one is specified. |
| Empty string means no extension. |
| |
| GN doesn't actually do anything with this extension other than pass it |
| along, potentially with target-specific overrides. One would typically |
| use the {{output_extension}} value in the "outputs" to read this value. |
| |
| Example: default_output_extension = ".exe" |
| |
| depfile [string with substitutions] |
| Valid for: compiler tools (optional) |
| |
| If the tool can write ".d" files, this specifies the name of the |
| resulting file. These files are used to list header file dependencies |
| (or other implicit input dependencies) that are discovered at build |
| time. See also "depsformat". |
| |
| Example: depfile = "{{output}}.d" |
| |
| depsformat [string] |
| Valid for: compiler tools (when depfile is specified) |
| |
| Format for the deps outputs. This is either "gcc" or "msvc". See the |
| ninja documentation for "deps" for more information. |
| |
| Example: depsformat = "gcc" |
| |
| description [string with substitutions, optional] |
| Valid for: all tools |
| |
| What to print when the command is run. |
| |
| Example: description = "Compiling {{source}}" |
| |
| exe_output_extension [string, optional, rust tools only] |
| rlib_output_extension [string, optional, rust tools only] |
| dylib_output_extension [string, optional, rust tools only] |
| cdylib_output_extension [string, optional, rust tools only] |
| rust_proc_macro_output_extension [string, optional, rust tools only] |
| Valid for: Rust tools |
| |
| These specify the default tool output for each of the crate types. |
| The default is empty for executables, shared, and static libraries and |
| ".rlib" for rlibs. Note that the Rust compiler complains with an error |
| if external crates do not take the form `lib<name>.rlib` or |
| `lib<name>.<shared_extension>`, where `<shared_extension>` is `.so`, |
| `.dylib`, or `.dll` as appropriate for the platform. |
| |
| lib_switch [string, optional, link tools only] |
| lib_dir_switch [string, optional, link tools only] |
| Valid for: Linker tools except "alink" |
| |
| These strings will be prepended to the libraries and library search |
| directories, respectively, because linkers differ on how to specify |
| them. |
| |
| If you specified: |
| lib_switch = "-l" |
| lib_dir_switch = "-L" |
| then the "{{libs}}" expansion for |
| [ "freetype", "expat" ] |
| would be |
| "-lfreetype -lexpat". |
| |
| framework_switch [string, optional, link tools only] |
| weak_framework_switch [string, optional, link tools only] |
| framework_dir_switch [string, optional, link tools only] |
| Valid for: Linker tools |
| |
| These strings will be prepended to the frameworks and framework search |
| path directories, respectively, because linkers differ on how to specify |
| them. |
| |
| If you specified: |
| framework_switch = "-framework " |
| weak_framework_switch = "-weak_framework " |
| framework_dir_switch = "-F" |
| and: |
| framework_dirs = [ "$root_out_dir" ] |
| frameworks = [ "UIKit.framework", "Foo.framework" ] |
| weak_frameworks = [ "MediaPlayer.framework" ] |
| would be: |
| "-F. -framework UIKit -framework Foo -weak_framework MediaPlayer" |
| |
| swiftmodule_switch [string, optional, link tools only] |
| Valid for: Linker tools except "alink" |
| |
| The string will be prependend to the path to the .swiftmodule files |
| that are embedded in the linker output. |
| |
| If you specified: |
| swiftmodule_swift = "-Wl,-add_ast_path," |
| then the "{{swiftmodules}}" expansion for |
| [ "obj/foo/Foo.swiftmodule" ] |
| would be |
| "-Wl,-add_ast_path,obj/foo/Foo.swiftmodule" |
| |
| outputs [list of strings with substitutions] |
| Valid for: Linker and compiler tools (required) |
| |
| An array of names for the output files the tool produces. These are |
| relative to the build output directory. There must always be at least |
| one output file. There can be more than one output (a linker might |
| produce a library and an import library, for example). |
| |
| This array just declares to GN what files the tool will produce. It is |
| your responsibility to specify the tool command that actually produces |
| these files. |
| |
| If you specify more than one output for shared library links, you |
| should consider setting link_output, depend_output, and |
| runtime_outputs. |
| |
| Example for a compiler tool that produces .obj files: |
| outputs = [ |
| "{{source_out_dir}}/{{source_name_part}}.obj" |
| ] |
| |
| Example for a linker tool that produces a .dll and a .lib. The use of |
| {{target_output_name}}, {{output_extension}} and {{output_dir}} allows |
| the target to override these values. |
| outputs = [ |
| "{{output_dir}}/{{target_output_name}}{{output_extension}}", |
| "{{output_dir}}/{{target_output_name}}.lib", |
| ] |
| |
| partial_outputs [list of strings with substitutions] |
| Valid for: "swift" only |
| |
| An array of names for the partial outputs the tool produces. These |
| are relative to the build output directory. The expansion will be |
| evaluated for each file listed in the "sources" of the target. |
| |
| This is used to deal with whole module optimization, allowing to |
| list one object file per source file when whole module optimization |
| is disabled. |
| |
| pool [label, optional] |
| Valid for: all tools (optional) |
| |
| Label of the pool to use for the tool. Pools are used to limit the |
| number of tasks that can execute concurrently during the build. |
| |
| See also "gn help pool". |
| |
| link_output [string with substitutions] |
| depend_output [string with substitutions] |
| Valid for: "solink" only (optional) |
| |
| These two files specify which of the outputs from the solink tool |
| should be used for linking and dependency tracking. These should match |
| entries in the "outputs". If unspecified, the first item in the |
| "outputs" array will be used for all. See "Separate linking and |
| dependencies for shared libraries" below for more. |
| |
| On Windows, where the tools produce a .dll shared library and a .lib |
| import library, you will want the first two to be the import library |
| and the third one to be the .dll file. On Linux, if you're not doing |
| the separate linking/dependency optimization, all of these should be |
| the .so output. |
| |
| output_prefix [string] |
| Valid for: Linker tools (optional) |
| |
| Prefix to use for the output name. Defaults to empty. This prefix will |
| be prepended to the name of the target (or the output_name if one is |
| manually specified for it) if the prefix is not already there. The |
| result will show up in the {{output_name}} substitution pattern. |
| |
| Individual targets can opt-out of the output prefix by setting: |
| output_prefix_override = true |
| (see "gn help output_prefix_override"). |
| |
| This is typically used to prepend "lib" to libraries on |
| Posix systems: |
| output_prefix = "lib" |
| |
| precompiled_header_type [string] |
| Valid for: "cc", "cxx", "objc", "objcxx" |
| |
| Type of precompiled headers. If undefined or the empty string, |
| precompiled headers will not be used for this tool. Otherwise use "gcc" |
| or "msvc". |
| |
| For precompiled headers to be used for a given target, the target (or a |
| config applied to it) must also specify a "precompiled_header" and, for |
| "msvc"-style headers, a "precompiled_source" value. If the type is |
| "gcc", then both "precompiled_header" and "precompiled_source" must |
| resolve to the same file, despite the different formats required for |
| each." |
| |
| See "gn help precompiled_header" for more. |
| |
| restat [boolean] |
| Valid for: all tools (optional, defaults to false) |
| |
| Requests that Ninja check the file timestamp after this tool has run to |
| determine if anything changed. Set this if your tool has the ability to |
| skip writing output if the output file has not changed. |
| |
| Normally, Ninja will assume that when a tool runs the output be new and |
| downstream dependents must be rebuild. When this is set to trye, Ninja |
| can skip rebuilding downstream dependents for input changes that don't |
| actually affect the output. |
| |
| Example: |
| restat = true |
| |
| rspfile [string with substitutions] |
| Valid for: all tools except "action" (optional) |
| |
| Name of the response file. If empty, no response file will be |
| used. See "rspfile_content". |
| |
| rspfile_content [string with substitutions] |
| Valid for: all tools except "action" (required when "rspfile" is used) |
| |
| The contents to be written to the response file. This may include all |
| or part of the command to send to the tool which allows you to get |
| around OS command-line length limits. |
| |
| This example adds the inputs and libraries to a response file, but |
| passes the linker flags directly on the command line: |
| tool("link") { |
| command = "link -o {{output}} {{ldflags}} @{{output}}.rsp" |
| rspfile = "{{output}}.rsp" |
| rspfile_content = "{{inputs}} {{solibs}} {{libs}} {{rlibs}}" |
| } |
| |
| runtime_outputs [string list with substitutions] |
| Valid for: linker tools |
| |
| If specified, this list is the subset of the outputs that should be |
| added to runtime deps (see "gn help runtime_deps"). By default (if |
| runtime_outputs is empty or unspecified), it will be the link_output. |
| |
| All paths are relative to the root build directory, which is the current |
| directory for running all tools. These expansions are available to all tools: |
| |
| {{label}} |
| The label of the current target. This is typically used in the |
| "description" field for link tools. The toolchain will be omitted from |
| the label for targets in the default toolchain, and will be included |
| for targets in other toolchains. |
| |
| {{label_name}} |
| The short name of the label of the target. This is the part after the |
| colon. For "//foo/bar:baz" this will be "baz". Unlike |
| {{target_output_name}}, this is not affected by the "output_prefix" in |
| the tool or the "output_name" set on the target. |
| |
| {{label_no_toolchain}} |
| The label of the current target, never including the toolchain |
| (otherwise, this is identical to {{label}}). This is used as the module |
| name when using .modulemap files. |
| |
| {{output}} |
| The relative path and name of the output(s) of the current build step. |
| If there is more than one output, this will expand to a list of all of |
| them. Example: "out/base/my_file.o" |
| |
| {{target_gen_dir}} |
| {{target_out_dir}} |
| The directory of the generated file and output directories, |
| respectively, for the current target. There is no trailing slash. See |
| also {{output_dir}} for linker tools. Example: "out/base/test" |
| |
| {{target_output_name}} |
| The short name of the current target with no path information, or the |
| value of the "output_name" variable if one is specified in the target. |
| This will include the "output_prefix" if any. See also {{label_name}}. |
| |
| Example: "libfoo" for the target named "foo" and an output prefix for |
| the linker tool of "lib". |
| |
| Compiler tools have the notion of a single input and a single output, along |
| with a set of compiler-specific flags. The following expansions are |
| available: |
| |
| {{asmflags}} |
| {{cflags}} |
| {{cflags_c}} |
| {{cflags_cc}} |
| {{cflags_objc}} |
| {{cflags_objcc}} |
| {{defines}} |
| {{include_dirs}} |
| Strings correspond that to the processed flags/defines/include |
| directories specified for the target. |
| Example: "--enable-foo --enable-bar" |
| |
| Defines will be prefixed by "-D" and include directories will be |
| prefixed by "-I" (these work with Posix tools as well as Microsoft |
| ones). |
| |
| {{module_deps}} |
| {{module_deps_no_self}} |
| Strings that correspond to the flags necessary to depend upon the Clang |
| modules referenced by the current target. The "_no_self" version doesn't |
| include the module for the current target, and can be used to compile |
| the pcm itself. |
| |
| {{source}} |
| The relative path and name of the current input file. |
| Example: "../../base/" |
| |
| {{source_file_part}} |
| The file part of the source including the extension (with no directory |
| information). |
| Example: "" |
| |
| {{source_name_part}} |
| The filename part of the source file with no directory or extension. |
| Example: "foo" |
| |
| {{source_gen_dir}} |
| {{source_out_dir}} |
| The directory in the generated file and output directories, |
| respectively, for the current input file. If the source file is in the |
| same directory as the target is declared in, they will will be the same |
| as the "target" versions above. Example: "gen/base/test" |
| |
| Linker tools have multiple inputs and (potentially) multiple outputs. The |
| static library tool ("alink") is not considered a linker tool. The following |
| expansions are available: |
| |
| {{inputs}} |
| {{inputs_newline}} |
| Expands to the inputs to the link step. This will be a list of object |
| files and static libraries. |
| Example: "obj/foo.o obj/bar.o obj/somelibrary.a" |
| |
| The "_newline" version will separate the input files with newlines |
| instead of spaces. This is useful in response files: some linkers can |
| take a "-filelist" flag which expects newline separated files, and some |
| Microsoft tools have a fixed-sized buffer for parsing each line of a |
| response file. |
| |
| {{ldflags}} |
| Expands to the processed set of ldflags and library search paths |
| specified for the target. |
| Example: "-m64 -fPIC -pthread -L/usr/local/mylib" |
| |
| {{libs}} |
| Expands to the list of system libraries to link to. Each will be |
| prefixed by the "lib_switch". |
| |
| Example: "-lfoo -lbar" |
| |
| {{output_dir}} |
| The value of the "output_dir" variable in the target, or the the value |
| of the "default_output_dir" value in the tool if the target does not |
| override the output directory. This will be relative to the |
| root_build_dir and will not end in a slash. Will be "." for output to |
| the root_build_dir. |
| |
| This is subtly different than {{target_out_dir}} which is defined by GN |
| based on the target's path and not overridable. {{output_dir}} is for |
| the final output, {{target_out_dir}} is generally for object files and |
| other outputs. |
| |
| Usually {{output_dir}} would be defined in terms of either |
| {{target_out_dir}} or {{root_out_dir}} |
| |
| {{output_extension}} |
| The value of the "output_extension" variable in the target, or the |
| value of the "default_output_extension" value in the tool if the target |
| does not specify an output extension. |
| Example: ".so" |
| |
| {{solibs}} |
| Extra libraries from shared library dependencies not specified in the |
| {{inputs}}. This is the list of link_output files from shared libraries |
| (if the solink tool specifies a "link_output" variable separate from |
| the "depend_output"). |
| |
| These should generally be treated the same as libs by your tool. |
| |
| Example: "" |
| |
| {{rlibs}} |
| Any Rust .rlibs which need to be linked into a final C++ target. |
| These should be treated as {{inputs}} except that sometimes |
| they might have different linker directives applied. |
| |
| Example: "obj/foo/libfoo.rlib" |
| |
| {{frameworks}} |
| Shared libraries packaged as framework bundle. This is principally |
| used on Apple's platforms (macOS and iOS). All name must be ending |
| with ".framework" suffix; the suffix will be stripped when expanding |
| {{frameworks}} and each item will be preceded by "-framework" or |
| "-weak_framework". |
| |
| {{swiftmodules}} |
| Swift .swiftmodule files that needs to be embedded into the binary. |
| This is necessary to correctly link with object generated by the |
| Swift compiler (the .swiftmodule file cannot be embedded in object |
| files directly). Those will be prefixed with "swiftmodule_switch" |
| value. |
| |
| The static library ("alink") tool allows {{arflags}} plus the common tool |
| substitutions. |
| |
| The copy tool allows the common compiler/linker substitutions, plus |
| {{source}} which is the source of the copy. The stamp tool allows only the |
| common tool substitutions. |
| |
| The copy_bundle_data and compile_xcassets tools only allows the common tool |
| substitutions. Both tools are required to create iOS/macOS bundles and need |
| only be defined on those platforms. |
| |
| The copy_bundle_data tool will be called with one source and needs to copy |
| (optionally optimizing the data representation) to its output. It may be |
| called with a directory as input and it needs to be recursively copied. |
| |
| The compile_xcassets tool will be called with one or more source (each an |
| asset catalog) that needs to be compiled to a single output. The following |
| substitutions are available: |
| |
| {{inputs}} |
| Expands to the list of .xcassets to use as input to compile the asset |
| catalog. |
| |
| {{bundle_product_type}} |
| Expands to the product_type of the bundle that will contain the |
| compiled asset catalog. Usually corresponds to the product_type |
| property of the corresponding create_bundle target. |
| |
| {{bundle_partial_info_plist}} |
| Expands to the path to the partial Info.plist generated by the |
| assets catalog compiler. Usually based on the target_name of |
| the create_bundle target. |
| |
| {{xcasset_compiler_flags}} |
| Expands to the list of flags specified in corresponding |
| create_bundle target. |
| |
| The Swift tool has multiple input and outputs. It must have exactly one |
| output of .swiftmodule type, but can have one or more object file outputs, |
| in addition to other type of outputs. The following expansions are available: |
| |
| {{module_name}} |
| Expands to the string representing the module name of target under |
| compilation (see "module_name" variable). |
| |
| {{module_dirs}} |
| Expands to the list of -I<path> for the target Swift module search |
| path computed from target dependencies. |
| |
| {{swiftflags}} |
| Expands to the list of strings representing Swift compiler flags. |
| |
| Rust tools have the notion of a single input and a single output, along |
| with a set of compiler-specific flags. The following expansions are |
| available: |
| |
| {{crate_name}} |
| Expands to the string representing the crate name of target under |
| compilation. |
| |
| {{crate_type}} |
| Expands to the string representing the type of crate for the target |
| under compilation. |
| |
| {{externs}} |
| Expands to the list of --extern flags needed to include addition Rust |
| libraries in this target. Includes any specified renamed dependencies. |
| |
| {{rustdeps}} |
| Expands to the list of -Ldependency=<path> strings needed to compile |
| this target. |
| |
| {{rustenv}} |
| Expands to the list of environment variables. |
| |
| {{rustflags}} |
| Expands to the list of strings representing Rust compiler flags. |
Separate linking and dependencies for shared libraries
| Shared libraries are special in that not all changes to them require that |
| dependent targets be re-linked. If the shared library is changed but no |
| imports or exports are different, dependent code needn't be relinked, which |
| can speed up the build. |
| |
| If your link step can output a list of exports from a shared library and |
| writes the file only if the new one is different, the timestamp of this file |
| can be used for triggering re-links, while the actual shared library would be |
| used for linking. |
| |
| You will need to specify |
| restat = true |
| in the linker tool to make this work, so Ninja will detect if the timestamp |
| of the dependency file has changed after linking (otherwise it will always |
| assume that running a command updates the output): |
| |
| tool("solink") { |
| command = "..." |
| outputs = [ |
| "{{output_dir}}/{{target_output_name}}{{output_extension}}", |
| "{{output_dir}}/{{target_output_name}}{{output_extension}}.TOC", |
| ] |
| link_output = |
| "{{output_dir}}/{{target_output_name}}{{output_extension}}" |
| depend_output = |
| "{{output_dir}}/{{target_output_name}}{{output_extension}}.TOC" |
| restat = true |
| } |
| toolchain("my_toolchain") { |
| |
| lib_switch = "-l" |
| lib_dir_switch = "-L" |
| |
| tool("cc") { |
| command = "gcc {{source}} -o {{output}}" |
| outputs = [ "{{source_out_dir}}/{{source_name_part}}.o" ] |
| description = "GCC {{source}}" |
| } |
| tool("cxx") { |
| command = "g++ {{source}} -o {{output}}" |
| outputs = [ "{{source_out_dir}}/{{source_name_part}}.o" ] |
| description = "G++ {{source}}" |
| } |
| }; |
| A toolchain is a set of commands and build flags used to compile the source |
| code. The toolchain() function defines these commands. |
| You can have more than one toolchain in use at once in a build and a target |
| can exist simultaneously in multiple toolchains. A build file is executed |
| once for each toolchain it is referenced in so the GN code can vary all |
| parameters of each target (or which targets exist) on a per-toolchain basis. |
| |
| When you have a simple build with only one toolchain, the build config file |
| is loaded only once at the beginning of the build. It must call |
| set_default_toolchain() (see "gn help set_default_toolchain") to tell GN the |
| label of the toolchain definition to use. The "toolchain_args" section of the |
| toolchain definition is ignored. |
| |
| When a target has a dependency on a target using different toolchain (see "gn |
| help labels" for how to specify this), GN will start a build using that |
| secondary toolchain to resolve the target. GN will load the build config file |
| with the build arguments overridden as specified in the toolchain_args. |
| Because the default toolchain is already known, calls to |
| set_default_toolchain() are ignored. |
| |
| To load a file in an alternate toolchain, GN does the following: |
| |
| 1. Loads the file with the toolchain definition in it (as determined by the |
| toolchain label). |
| 2. Re-runs the master build configuration file, applying the arguments |
| specified by the toolchain_args section of the toolchain definition. |
| 3. Loads the destination build file in the context of the configuration file |
| in the previous step. |
| |
| The toolchain configuration is two-way. In the default toolchain (i.e. the |
| main build target) the configuration flows from the build config file to the |
| toolchain. The build config file looks at the state of the build (OS type, |
| CPU architecture, etc.) and decides which toolchain to use (via |
| set_default_toolchain()). In secondary toolchains, the configuration flows |
| from the toolchain to the build config file: the "toolchain_args" in the |
| toolchain definition specifies the arguments to re-invoke the build. |
Functions and variables
| tool() |
| The tool() function call specifies the commands to run for a given step. See |
| "gn help tool". |
| |
| toolchain_args [scope] |
| Overrides for build arguments to pass to the toolchain when invoking it. |
| This is a variable of type "scope" where the variable names correspond to |
| variables in declare_args() blocks. |
| |
| When you specify a target using an alternate toolchain, the master build |
| configuration file is re-interpreted in the context of that toolchain. |
| toolchain_args allows you to control the arguments passed into this |
| alternate invocation of the build. |
| |
| Any default system arguments or arguments passed in via "gn args" will also |
| be passed to the alternate invocation unless explicitly overridden by |
| toolchain_args. |
| |
| The toolchain_args will be ignored when the toolchain being defined is the |
| default. In this case, it |
| |
| See also "gn help buildargs" for an overview of these arguments. |
| |
| propagates_configs [boolean, default=false] |
| Determines whether public_configs and all_dependent_configs in this |
| toolchain propagate to targets in other toolchains. |
| |
| When false (the default), this toolchain will not propagate any configs to |
| targets in other toolchains that depend on it targets inside this |
| toolchain. This matches the most common usage of toolchains where they |
| represent different architectures or compilers and the settings that apply |
| to one won |
| |
| When true, configs (public and all-dependent) will cross the boundary out |
| of this toolchain as if the toolchain boundary wasn |
| affects one direction of dependencies: a toolchain can |
| it accepts such configs, only whether it pushes them. The build is |
| responsible for ensuring that any external targets depending on targets in |
| this toolchain are compatible with the compiler flags, etc. that may be |
| propagated. |
| |
| deps [string list] |
| Dependencies of this toolchain. These dependencies will be resolved before |
| any target in the toolchain is compiled. To avoid circular dependencies |
| these must be targets defined in another toolchain. |
| |
| This is expressed as a list of targets, and generally these targets will |
| always specify a toolchain: |
| deps = [ "//foo/bar:baz(//build/toolchain:bootstrap)" ] |
| |
| This concept is somewhat inefficient to express in Ninja (it requires a lot |
| of duplicate of rules) so should only be used when absolutely necessary. |
| toolchain("32") { |
| tool("cc") { |
| command = "gcc {{source}}" |
| ... |
| } |
| |
| toolchain_args = { |
| use_doom_melon = true |
| current_cpu = "x86" |
| } |
| } |
| |
| toolchain("64") { |
| tool("cc") { |
| command = "gcc {{source}}" |
| ... |
| } |
| |
| toolchain_args = { |
| |
| current_cpu = "x64" |
| } |
| } |
| If a 64-bit target wants to depend on a 32-bit binary, it would specify a |
| dependency using data_deps (data deps are like deps that are only needed at |
| runtime and aren't linked, since you can't link a 32-bit and a 64-bit |
| library). |
| |
| executable("my_program") { |
| ... |
| if (target_cpu == "x64") { |
| |
| data_deps = [ ":helper(//toolchains:32)" ] |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (target_cpu == "x86") { |
| |
| shared_library("helper") { |
| ... |
| } |
| } |
write_file: Write a file to disk.
| write_file(filename, data, output_conversion = "") |
| |
| If data is a list, the list will be written one-item-per-line with no quoting |
| or brackets. |
| |
| If the file exists and the contents are identical to that being written, the |
| file will not be updated. This will prevent unnecessary rebuilds of targets |
| that depend on this file. |
| |
| One use for write_file is to write a list of inputs to an script that might |
| be too long for the command line. However, it is preferable to use response |
| files for this purpose. See "gn help response_file_contents". |
| filename |
| Filename to write. This must be within the output directory. |
| |
| data |
| The list or string to write. |
| |
| output_conversion |
| Controls how the output is written. See `gn help io_conversion`. |
Built-in predefined variables
| The build configuration usually sets this value based on the value of |
| "host_cpu" (see "gn help host_cpu") and then threads this through the |
| toolchain definitions to ensure that it always reflects the appropriate |
| value. |
| |
| This value is not used internally by GN for any purpose. It is set to the |
| empty string ("") by default but is declared so that it can be overridden on |
| the command line if so desired. |
| |
| See "gn help target_cpu" for a list of common values returned. |
| The build configuration usually sets this value based on the value of |
| "target_os" (see "gn help target_os"), and then threads this through the |
| toolchain definitions to ensure that it always reflects the appropriate |
| value. |
| |
| This value is not used internally by GN for any purpose. It is set to the |
| empty string ("") by default but is declared so that it can be overridden on |
| the command line if so desired. |
| |
| See "gn help target_os" for a list of common values returned. |
| A fully-qualified label representing the current toolchain. You can use this |
| to make toolchain-related decisions in the build. See also |
| "default_toolchain". |
| if (current_toolchain == "//build:64_bit_toolchain") { |
| executable("output_thats_64_bit_only") { |
| ... |
| A fully-qualified label representing the default toolchain, which may not |
| necessarily be the current one (see "current_toolchain"). |
gn_version: [number] The version of gn.
| Corresponds to the number printed by `gn --version`. |
| assert(gn_version >= 1700, "need GN version 1700 for the frobulate feature") |
host_cpu: The processor architecture that GN is running on.
| This is value is exposed so that cross-compile toolchains can access the host |
| architecture when needed. |
| |
| The value should generally be considered read-only, but it can be overridden |
| in order to handle unusual cases where there might be multiple plausible |
| values for the host architecture (e.g., if you can do either 32-bit or 64-bit |
| builds). The value is not used internally by GN for any purpose. |
Some possible values
host_os: [string] The operating system that GN is running on.
| This value is exposed so that cross-compiles can access the host build |
| system |
| |
| This value should generally be treated as read-only. It, however, is not used |
| internally by GN for any purpose. |
Some possible values
| - "linux" |
| - "mac" |
| - "win" |
invoker: [string] The invoking scope inside a template.
| Inside a template invocation, this variable refers to the scope of the |
| invoker of the template. Outside of template invocations, this variable is |
| undefined. |
| |
| All of the variables defined inside the template invocation are accessible as |
| members of the "invoker" scope. This is the way that templates read values |
| set by the callers. |
| |
| This is often used with "defined" to see if a value is set on the invoking |
| scope. |
| |
| See "gn help template" for more examples. |
| template("my_template") { |
| print(invoker.sources) |
| print(defined( |
| print(defined( |
| } |
| |
| my_template("doom_melon") { |
| sources = [ "", "" ] |
| bar = 123 |
| } |
python_path: Absolute path of Python.
| Normally used in toolchain definitions if running some command requires |
| Python. You will normally not need this when invoking scripts since GN |
| automatically finds it for you. |
root_build_dir: [string] Directory where build commands are run.
| This is the root build output directory which will be the current directory |
| when executing all compilers and scripts. |
| |
| Most often this is used with rebase_path (see "gn help rebase_path") to |
| convert arguments to be relative to a script's current directory. |
| |
| Absolute path to the root of the generated output directory tree for the |
| current toolchain. An example would be "//out/Debug/gen" for the default |
| toolchain, or "//out/Debug/arm/gen" for the "arm" toolchain. |
| |
| This is primarily useful for setting up include paths for generated files. If |
| you are passing this to a script, you will want to pass it through |
| rebase_path() (see "gn help rebase_path") to convert it to be relative to the |
| build directory. |
| |
| See also "target_gen_dir" which is usually a better location for generated |
| files. It will be inside the root generated dir. |
| |
| Absolute path to the root of the output directory tree for the current |
| toolchain. It will not have a trailing slash. |
| |
| For the default toolchain this will be the same as the root_build_dir. An |
| example would be "//out/Debug" for the default toolchain, or |
| "//out/Debug/arm" for the "arm" toolchain. |
| |
| This is primarily useful for setting up script calls. If you are passing this |
| to a script, you will want to pass it through rebase_path() (see "gn help |
| rebase_path") to convert it to be relative to the build directory. |
| |
| See also "target_out_dir" which is usually a better location for output |
| files. It will be inside the root output dir. |
| action("myscript") { |
| |
| args = [ "-o", rebase_path(root_out_dir, root_build_dir) ] |
| } |
target_cpu: The desired cpu architecture for the build.
| This value should be used to indicate the desired architecture for the |
| primary objects of the build. It will match the cpu architecture of the |
| default toolchain, but not necessarily the current toolchain. |
| |
| In many cases, this is the same as "host_cpu", but in the case of |
| cross-compiles, this can be set to something different. This value is |
| different from "current_cpu" in that it does not change based on the current |
| toolchain. When writing rules, "current_cpu" should be used rather than |
| "target_cpu" most of the time. |
| |
| This value is not used internally by GN for any purpose, so it may be set to |
| whatever value is needed for the build. GN defaults this value to the empty |
| string ("") and the configuration files should set it to an appropriate value |
| (e.g., setting it to the value of "host_cpu") if it is not overridden on the |
| command line or in the file. |
Possible values
| - "x86" |
| - "x64" |
| - "arm" |
| - "arm64" |
| - "mipsel" |
target_gen_dir: Directory for a target's generated files.
| Absolute path to the target's generated file directory. This will be the |
| "root_gen_dir" followed by the relative path to the current build file. If |
| your file is in "//tools/doom_melon" then target_gen_dir would be |
| "//out/Debug/gen/tools/doom_melon". It will not have a trailing slash. |
| |
| This is primarily useful for setting up include paths for generated files. If |
| you are passing this to a script, you will want to pass it through |
| rebase_path() (see "gn help rebase_path") to convert it to be relative to the |
| build directory. |
| |
| See also "gn help root_gen_dir". |
| action("myscript") { |
| |
| args = [ "-o", rebase_path(target_gen_dir, root_build_dir) ] |
| } |
target_name: [string] The name of the current target.
| Inside a target or template invocation, this variable refers to the name |
| given to the target or template invocation. Outside of these, this variable |
| is undefined. |
| |
| This is most often used in template definitions to name targets defined in |
| the template based on the name of the invocation. This is necessary both to |
| ensure generated targets have unique names and to generate a target with the |
| exact name of the invocation that other targets can depend on. |
| |
| Be aware that this value will always reflect the innermost scope. So when |
| defining a target inside a template, target_name will refer to the target |
| rather than the template invocation. To get the name of the template |
| invocation in this case, you should save target_name to a temporary variable |
| outside of any target definitions. |
| |
| See "gn help template" for more examples. |
| executable("doom_melon") { |
| print(target_name) # Prints "doom_melon". |
| } |
| |
| template("my_template") { |
| print(target_name) # Prints "space_ray" when invoked below. |
| |
| executable(target_name + "_impl") { |
| print(target_name) # Prints "space_ray_impl". |
| } |
| } |
| |
| my_template("space_ray") { |
| } |
target_os: The desired operating system for the build.
| This value should be used to indicate the desired operating system for the |
| primary object(s) of the build. It will match the OS of the default |
| toolchain. |
| |
| In many cases, this is the same as "host_os", but in the case of |
| cross-compiles, it may be different. This variable differs from "current_os" |
| in that it can be referenced from inside any toolchain and will always return |
| the initial value. |
| |
| This should be set to the most specific value possible. So, "android" or |
| "chromeos" should be used instead of "linux" where applicable, even though |
| Android and ChromeOS are both Linux variants. This can mean that one needs to |
| write |
| |
| if (target_os == "android" || target_os == "linux") { |
| |
| } |
| |
| and so forth. |
| |
| This value is not used internally by GN for any purpose, so it may be set to |
| whatever value is needed for the build. GN defaults this value to the empty |
| string ("") and the configuration files should set it to an appropriate value |
| (e.g., setting it to the value of "host_os") if it is not set via the command |
| line or in the file. |
Possible values
| - "android" |
| - "chromeos" |
| - "ios" |
| - "linux" |
| - "nacl" |
| - "mac" |
| - "win" |
target_out_dir: [string] Directory for target output files.
| Absolute path to the target |
| target is in "//tools/doom_melon" then this value might be |
| "//out/Debug/obj/tools/doom_melon". It will not have a trailing slash. |
| |
| This is primarily useful for setting up arguments for calling scripts. If you |
| are passing this to a script, you will want to pass it through rebase_path() |
| (see "gn help rebase_path") to convert it to be relative to the build |
| directory. |
| |
| See also "gn help root_out_dir". |
| action("myscript") { |
| |
| args = [ "-o", rebase_path(target_out_dir, root_build_dir) ] |
| } |
Variables you set in targets
aliased_deps: [scope] Set of crate-dependency pairs.
| Valid for `rust_library` targets and `executable`, `static_library`, and |
| `shared_library` targets that contain Rust sources. |
| |
| A scope, each key indicating the renamed crate and the corresponding value |
| specifying the label of the dependency producing the relevant binary. |
| |
| All dependencies listed in this field *must* be listed as deps of the target. |
| |
| executable("foo") { |
| sources = [ "" ] |
| deps = [ "//bar" ] |
| } |
| |
| This target would compile the `foo` crate with the following `extern` flag: |
| `rustc ...command... --extern bar=<build_out_dir>/obj/bar` |
| |
| executable("foo") { |
| sources = [ "" ] |
| deps = [ ":bar" ] |
| aliased_deps = { |
| bar_renamed = ":bar" |
| } |
| } |
| |
| With the addition of `aliased_deps`, above target would instead compile with: |
| `rustc ...command... --extern bar_renamed=<build_out_dir>/obj/bar` |
all_dependent_configs: Configs to be forced on dependents.
| A list of config labels. |
| |
| All targets depending on this one, and recursively, all targets depending on |
| those, will have the configs listed in this variable added to them. These |
| configs will also apply to the current target. |
| |
| This addition happens in a second phase once a target and all of its |
| dependencies have been resolved. Therefore, a target will not see these |
| force-added configs in their "configs" variable while the script is running, |
| and they can not be removed. As a result, this capability should generally |
| only be used to add defines and include directories necessary to compile a |
| target's headers. |
| |
| See also "public_configs". |
Ordering of flags and values
| 1. Those set on the current target (not in a config). |
| 2. Those set on the "configs" on the target in order that the |
| configs appear in the list. |
| 3. Those set on the "all_dependent_configs" on the target in order |
| that the configs appear in the list. |
| 4. Those set on the "public_configs" on the target in order that |
| those configs appear in the list. |
| 5. all_dependent_configs pulled from dependencies, in the order of |
| the "deps" list. This is done recursively. If a config appears |
| more than once, only the first occurrence will be used. |
| 6. public_configs pulled from dependencies, in the order of the |
| "deps" list. If a dependency is public, they will be applied |
| recursively. |
allow_circular_includes_from: Permit includes from deps.
| A list of target labels. Must be a subset of the target |
| targets will be permitted to include headers from the current target despite |
| the dependency going in the opposite direction. |
| |
| When you use this, both targets must be included in a final binary for it to |
| link. To keep linker errors from happening, it is good practice to have all |
| external dependencies depend only on one of the two targets, and to set the |
| visibility on the other to enforce this. Thus the targets will always be |
| linked together in any output. |
| Normally, for a file in target A to include a file from target B, A must list |
| B as a dependency. This invariant is enforced by the "gn check" command (and |
| the --check flag to "gn gen" -- see "gn help check"). |
| |
| Sometimes, two targets might be the same unit for linking purposes (two |
| source sets or static libraries that would always be linked together in a |
| final executable or shared library) and they each include headers from the |
| other: you want A to be able to include B's headers, and B to include A's |
| headers. This is not an ideal situation but is sometimes unavoidable. |
| |
| This list, if specified, lists which of the dependencies of the current |
| target can include header files from the current target. That is, if A |
| depends on B, B can only include headers from A if it is in A's |
| allow_circular_includes_from list. Normally includes must follow the |
| direction of dependencies, this flag allows them to go in the opposite |
| direction. |
| |
| In the above example, A's headers are likely to include headers from A's |
| dependencies. Those dependencies may have public_configs that apply flags, |
| defines, and include paths that make those headers work properly. |
| |
| With allow_circular_includes_from, B can include A's headers, and |
| transitively from A's dependencies, without having the dependencies that |
| would bring in the public_configs those headers need. The result may be |
| errors or inconsistent builds. |
| |
| So when you use allow_circular_includes_from, make sure that any compiler |
| settings, flags, and include directories are the same between both targets |
| (consider putting such things in a shared config they can both reference). |
| Make sure the dependencies are also the same (you might consider a group to |
| collect such dependencies they both depend on). |
| source_set("a") { |
| deps = [ ":b", ":a_b_shared_deps" ] |
| allow_circular_includes_from = [ ":b" ] |
| ... |
| } |
| |
| source_set("b") { |
| deps = [ ":a_b_shared_deps" ] |
| |
| ... |
| } |
| |
| group("a_b_shared_deps") { |
| public_deps = [ ":c" ] |
| } |
arflags: Arguments passed to static_library archiver.
| A list of flags passed to the archive/lib command that creates static |
| libraries. |
| |
| arflags are NOT pushed to dependents, so applying arflags to source sets or |
| any other target type will be a no-op. As with ldflags, you could put the |
| arflags in a config and set that as a public or "all dependent" config, but |
| that will likely not be what you want. If you have a chain of static |
| libraries dependent on each other, this can cause the flags to propagate up |
| to other static libraries. Due to the nature of how arflags are typically |
| used, you will normally want to apply them directly on static_library targets |
| themselves. |
Ordering of flags and values
| 1. Those set on the current target (not in a config). |
| 2. Those set on the "configs" on the target in order that the |
| configs appear in the list. |
| 3. Those set on the "all_dependent_configs" on the target in order |
| that the configs appear in the list. |
| 4. Those set on the "public_configs" on the target in order that |
| those configs appear in the list. |
| 5. all_dependent_configs pulled from dependencies, in the order of |
| the "deps" list. This is done recursively. If a config appears |
| more than once, only the first occurrence will be used. |
| 6. public_configs pulled from dependencies, in the order of the |
| "deps" list. If a dependency is public, they will be applied |
| recursively. |
args: (target variable) Arguments passed to an action.
| For action and action_foreach targets, args is the list of arguments to pass |
| to the script. Typically you would use source expansion (see "gn help |
| source_expansion") to insert the source file names. |
| |
| See also "gn help action" and "gn help action_foreach". |
asmflags: Flags passed to the assembler.
| A list of strings. |
| |
| "asmflags" are passed to any invocation of a tool that takes an .asm or .S |
| file as input. |
Ordering of flags and values
| 1. Those set on the current target (not in a config). |
| 2. Those set on the "configs" on the target in order that the |
| configs appear in the list. |
| 3. Those set on the "all_dependent_configs" on the target in order |
| that the configs appear in the list. |
| 4. Those set on the "public_configs" on the target in order that |
| those configs appear in the list. |
| 5. all_dependent_configs pulled from dependencies, in the order of |
| the "deps" list. This is done recursively. If a config appears |
| more than once, only the first occurrence will be used. |
| 6. public_configs pulled from dependencies, in the order of the |
| "deps" list. If a dependency is public, they will be applied |
| recursively. |
assert_no_deps: Ensure no deps on these targets.
| A list of label patterns. |
| |
| This list is a list of patterns that must not match any of the transitive |
| dependencies of the target. These include all public, private, and data |
| dependencies, and cross shared library boundaries. This allows you to express |
| that undesirable code isn |
| a way that might otherwise be difficult to notice. |
| |
| Checking does not cross executable boundaries. If a target depends on an |
| executable, it |
| of the build rather than something that is linked and distributed. This |
| allows assert_no_deps to express what is distributed in the final target |
| rather than depend on the internal build steps (which may include |
| non-distributable code). |
| |
| See "gn help label_pattern" for the format of the entries in the list. These |
| patterns allow blacklisting individual targets or whole directory |
| hierarchies. |
| |
| Sometimes it is desirable to enforce that many targets have no dependencies |
| on a target or set of targets. One efficient way to express this is to create |
| a group with the assert_no_deps rule on it, and make that group depend on all |
| targets you want to apply that assertion to. |
| executable("doom_melon") { |
| deps = [ "//foo:bar" ] |
| ... |
| assert_no_deps = [ |
| "//evil/*", |
| "//foo:test_support", |
| ] |
| } |
| Valid for binary targets that contain Swift sources. |
| |
| Path to an header that includes C/Objective-C functions and types that |
| needs to be made available to the Swift module. |
bundle_contents_dir: Expansion of {{bundle_contents_dir}} in
| create_bundle. |
| |
| A string corresponding to a path in $root_build_dir. |
| |
| This string is used by the "create_bundle" target to expand the |
| {{bundle_contents_dir}} of the "bundle_data" target it depends on. This must |
| correspond to a path under "bundle_root_dir". |
| |
| See "gn help bundle_root_dir" for examples. |
bundle_deps_filter: [label list] A list of labels that are filtered out.
| A list of target labels. |
| |
| This list contains target label patterns that should be filtered out when |
| creating the bundle. Any target matching one of those label will be removed |
| from the dependencies of the create_bundle target. |
| |
| This is mostly useful when creating application extension bundle as the |
| application extension has access to runtime resources from the application |
| bundle and thus do not require a second copy. |
| |
| See "gn help create_bundle" for more information. |
| create_bundle("today_extension") { |
| deps = [ |
| "//base" |
| ] |
| bundle_root_dir = "$root_out_dir/today_extension.appex" |
| bundle_deps_filter = [ |
| |
| |
| "//third_party/icu:icudata", |
| ] |
| } |
| bundle_executable_dir: Expansion of {{bundle_executable_dir}} in |
| create_bundle. |
| |
| A string corresponding to a path in $root_build_dir. |
| |
| This string is used by the "create_bundle" target to expand the |
| {{bundle_executable_dir}} of the "bundle_data" target it depends on. This |
| must correspond to a path under "bundle_root_dir". |
| |
| See "gn help bundle_root_dir" for examples. |
| bundle_resources_dir: Expansion of {{bundle_resources_dir}} in |
| create_bundle. |
| |
| A string corresponding to a path in $root_build_dir. |
| |
| This string is used by the "create_bundle" target to expand the |
| {{bundle_resources_dir}} of the "bundle_data" target it depends on. This must |
| correspond to a path under "bundle_root_dir". |
| |
| See "gn help bundle_root_dir" for examples. |
bundle_root_dir: Expansion of {{bundle_root_dir}} in create_bundle.
| A string corresponding to a path in root_build_dir. |
| |
| This string is used by the "create_bundle" target to expand the |
| {{bundle_root_dir}} of the "bundle_data" target it depends on. This must |
| correspond to a path under root_build_dir. |
| bundle_data("info_plist") { |
| sources = [ "Info.plist" ] |
| outputs = [ "{{bundle_contents_dir}}/Info.plist" ] |
| } |
| |
| create_bundle("") { |
| deps = [ ":info_plist" ] |
| bundle_root_dir = "${root_build_dir}/" |
| bundle_contents_dir = "${bundle_root_dir}/Contents" |
| bundle_resources_dir = "${bundle_contents_dir}/Resources" |
| bundle_executable_dir = "${bundle_contents_dir}/MacOS" |
| } |
cflags*: Flags passed to the C compiler.
| A list of strings. |
| |
| "cflags" are passed to all invocations of the C, C++, Objective C, and |
| Objective C++ compilers. |
| |
| To target one of these variants individually, use "cflags_c", "cflags_cc", |
| "cflags_objc", and "cflags_objcc", respectively. These variant-specific |
| versions of cflags* will be appended on the compiler command line after |
| "cflags". |
| |
| See also "asmflags" for flags for assembly-language files and "swiftflags" |
| for swift files. |
Ordering of flags and values
| 1. Those set on the current target (not in a config). |
| 2. Those set on the "configs" on the target in order that the |
| configs appear in the list. |
| 3. Those set on the "all_dependent_configs" on the target in order |
| that the configs appear in the list. |
| 4. Those set on the "public_configs" on the target in order that |
| those configs appear in the list. |
| 5. all_dependent_configs pulled from dependencies, in the order of |
| the "deps" list. This is done recursively. If a config appears |
| more than once, only the first occurrence will be used. |
| 6. public_configs pulled from dependencies, in the order of the |
| "deps" list. If a dependency is public, they will be applied |
| recursively. |
cflags*: Flags passed to the C compiler.
| A list of strings. |
| |
| "cflags" are passed to all invocations of the C, C++, Objective C, and |
| Objective C++ compilers. |
| |
| To target one of these variants individually, use "cflags_c", "cflags_cc", |
| "cflags_objc", and "cflags_objcc", respectively. These variant-specific |
| versions of cflags* will be appended on the compiler command line after |
| "cflags". |
| |
| See also "asmflags" for flags for assembly-language files and "swiftflags" |
| for swift files. |
Ordering of flags and values
| 1. Those set on the current target (not in a config). |
| 2. Those set on the "configs" on the target in order that the |
| configs appear in the list. |
| 3. Those set on the "all_dependent_configs" on the target in order |
| that the configs appear in the list. |
| 4. Those set on the "public_configs" on the target in order that |
| those configs appear in the list. |
| 5. all_dependent_configs pulled from dependencies, in the order of |
| the "deps" list. This is done recursively. If a config appears |
| more than once, only the first occurrence will be used. |
| 6. public_configs pulled from dependencies, in the order of the |
| "deps" list. If a dependency is public, they will be applied |
| recursively. |
cflags*: Flags passed to the C compiler.
| A list of strings. |
| |
| "cflags" are passed to all invocations of the C, C++, Objective C, and |
| Objective C++ compilers. |
| |
| To target one of these variants individually, use "cflags_c", "cflags_cc", |
| "cflags_objc", and "cflags_objcc", respectively. These variant-specific |
| versions of cflags* will be appended on the compiler command line after |
| "cflags". |
| |
| See also "asmflags" for flags for assembly-language files and "swiftflags" |
| for swift files. |
Ordering of flags and values
| 1. Those set on the current target (not in a config). |
| 2. Those set on the "configs" on the target in order that the |
| configs appear in the list. |
| 3. Those set on the "all_dependent_configs" on the target in order |
| that the configs appear in the list. |
| 4. Those set on the "public_configs" on the target in order that |
| those configs appear in the list. |
| 5. all_dependent_configs pulled from dependencies, in the order of |
| the "deps" list. This is done recursively. If a config appears |
| more than once, only the first occurrence will be used. |
| 6. public_configs pulled from dependencies, in the order of the |
| "deps" list. If a dependency is public, they will be applied |
| recursively. |
cflags*: Flags passed to the C compiler.
| A list of strings. |
| |
| "cflags" are passed to all invocations of the C, C++, Objective C, and |
| Objective C++ compilers. |
| |
| To target one of these variants individually, use "cflags_c", "cflags_cc", |
| "cflags_objc", and "cflags_objcc", respectively. These variant-specific |
| versions of cflags* will be appended on the compiler command line after |
| "cflags". |
| |
| See also "asmflags" for flags for assembly-language files and "swiftflags" |
| for swift files. |
Ordering of flags and values
| 1. Those set on the current target (not in a config). |
| 2. Those set on the "configs" on the target in order that the |
| configs appear in the list. |
| 3. Those set on the "all_dependent_configs" on the target in order |
| that the configs appear in the list. |
| 4. Those set on the "public_configs" on the target in order that |
| those configs appear in the list. |
| 5. all_dependent_configs pulled from dependencies, in the order of |
| the "deps" list. This is done recursively. If a config appears |
| more than once, only the first occurrence will be used. |
| 6. public_configs pulled from dependencies, in the order of the |
| "deps" list. If a dependency is public, they will be applied |
| recursively. |
cflags*: Flags passed to the C compiler.
| A list of strings. |
| |
| "cflags" are passed to all invocations of the C, C++, Objective C, and |
| Objective C++ compilers. |
| |
| To target one of these variants individually, use "cflags_c", "cflags_cc", |
| "cflags_objc", and "cflags_objcc", respectively. These variant-specific |
| versions of cflags* will be appended on the compiler command line after |
| "cflags". |
| |
| See also "asmflags" for flags for assembly-language files and "swiftflags" |
| for swift files. |
Ordering of flags and values
| 1. Those set on the current target (not in a config). |
| 2. Those set on the "configs" on the target in order that the |
| configs appear in the list. |
| 3. Those set on the "all_dependent_configs" on the target in order |
| that the configs appear in the list. |
| 4. Those set on the "public_configs" on the target in order that |
| those configs appear in the list. |
| 5. all_dependent_configs pulled from dependencies, in the order of |
| the "deps" list. This is done recursively. If a config appears |
| more than once, only the first occurrence will be used. |
| 6. public_configs pulled from dependencies, in the order of the |
| "deps" list. If a dependency is public, they will be applied |
| recursively. |
check_includes: [boolean] Controls whether a target's files are checked.
| When true (the default), the "gn check" command (as well as "gn gen" with the |
| --check flag) will check this target's sources and headers for proper |
| dependencies. |
| |
| When false, the files in this target will be skipped by default. This does |
| not affect other targets that depend on the current target, it just skips |
| checking the includes of the current target's files. |
| |
| If there are a few conditionally included headers that trip up checking, you |
| can exclude headers individually by annotating them with "nogncheck" (see "gn |
| help nogncheck"). |
| |
| The topic "gn help check" has general information on how checking works and |
| advice on how to pass a check in problematic cases. |
| source_set("busted_includes") { |
| |
| check_includes = false |
| ... |
| } |
code_signing_args: [string list] Arguments passed to code signing script.
| For create_bundle targets, code_signing_args is the list of arguments to pass |
| to the code signing script. Typically you would use source expansion (see "gn |
| help source_expansion") to insert the source file names. |
| |
| See also "gn help create_bundle". |
code_signing_outputs: [file list] Output files for code signing step.
| Outputs from the code signing step of a create_bundle target. Must refer to |
| files in the build directory. |
| |
| See also "gn help create_bundle". |
code_signing_script: [file name] Script for code signing."
| An absolute or buildfile-relative file name of a Python script to run for a |
| create_bundle target to perform code signing step. |
| |
| See also "gn help create_bundle". |
code_signing_sources: [file list] Sources for code signing step.
| A list of files used as input for code signing script step of a create_bundle |
| target. Non-absolute paths will be resolved relative to the current build |
| file. |
| |
| See also "gn help create_bundle". |
complete_static_lib: [boolean] Links all deps into a static library.
| A static library normally doesn |
| forwards the static libraries and source sets in its deps up the dependency |
| chain until a linkable target (an executable or shared library) is reached. |
| The final linkable target only links each static library once, even if it |
| appears more than once in its dependency graph. |
| |
| In some cases the static library might be the final desired output. For |
| example, you may be producing a static library for distribution to third |
| parties. In this case, the static library should include code for all |
| dependencies in one complete package. However, complete static libraries |
| themselves are never linked into other complete static libraries. All |
| complete static libraries are for distribution and linking them in would |
| cause code duplication in this case. If the static library is not for |
| distribution, it should not be complete. |
| |
| GN treats non-complete static libraries as source sets when they are linked |
| into complete static libraries. This is done because some tools like AR do |
| not handle dependent static libraries properly. This makes it easier to write |
| "alink" rules. |
| |
| In rare cases it makes sense to list a header in more than one target if it |
| could be considered conceptually a member of both. libraries. |
| static_library("foo") { |
| complete_static_lib = true |
| deps = [ "bar" ] |
| } |
configs: Configs applying to this target or config.
Configs on a target
| When used on a target, the include_dirs, defines, etc. in each config are |
| appended in the order they appear to the compile command for each file in the |
| target. They will appear after the include_dirs, defines, etc. that the |
| target sets directly. |
| |
| Since configs apply after the values set on a target, directly setting a |
| compiler flag will prepend it to the command line. If you want to append a |
| flag instead, you can put that flag in a one-off config and append that |
| config to the target |
| |
| The build configuration script will generally set up the default configs |
| applying to a given target type (see "set_defaults"). When a target is being |
| defined, it can add to or remove from this list. |
Configs on a config
| It is possible to create composite configs by specifying configs on a config. |
| One might do this to forward values, or to factor out blocks of settings from |
| very large configs into more manageable named chunks. |
| |
| In this case, the composite config is expanded to be the concatenation of its |
| own values, and in order, the values from its sub-configs *before* anything |
| else happens. This has some ramifications: |
| |
| - A target has no visibility into a config |
| sees the name of the composite config. It can |
| in to only parts of it. The composite config may not even be defined |
| before the target is. |
| |
| - You can get duplication of values if a config is listed twice, say, on a |
| target and in a sub-config that also applies. In other cases, the configs |
| applying to a target are de-duped. It |
| listed as a sub-config that it is only used in that context. (Note that |
| it |
| complicates the implementation.) |
Ordering of flags and values
| 1. Those set on the current target (not in a config). |
| 2. Those set on the "configs" on the target in order that the |
| configs appear in the list. |
| 3. Those set on the "all_dependent_configs" on the target in order |
| that the configs appear in the list. |
| 4. Those set on the "public_configs" on the target in order that |
| those configs appear in the list. |
| 5. all_dependent_configs pulled from dependencies, in the order of |
| the "deps" list. This is done recursively. If a config appears |
| more than once, only the first occurrence will be used. |
| 6. public_configs pulled from dependencies, in the order of the |
| "deps" list. If a dependency is public, they will be applied |
| recursively. |
| |
| source_set("foo") { |
| |
| configs -= [ "//build:no_rtti" ] |
| |
| |
| configs += [ ":mysettings" ] |
| } |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| config("super_optimization") { |
| cflags = [ ... ] |
| } |
| config("default_optimization") { |
| if (optimize_everything) { |
| configs = [ ":super_optimization" ] |
| } else { |
| configs = [ ":no_optimization" ] |
| } |
| } |
contents: Contents to write to file.
| The contents of the file for a generated_file target. |
| See "gn help generated_file". |
crate_name: [string] The name for the compiled crate.
| Valid for `rust_library` targets and `executable`, `static_library`, |
| `shared_library`, and `source_set` targets that contain Rust sources. |
| |
| If crate_name is not set, then this rule will use the target name. |
crate_root: [string] The root source file for a binary or library.
| Valid for `rust_library` targets and `executable`, `static_library`, |
| `shared_library`, and `source_set` targets that contain Rust sources. |
| |
| This file is usually the `` or `` for binaries and libraries, |
| respectively. |
| |
| If crate_root is not set, then this rule will look for a file (or |
| for executable) or a single file in sources, if sources contains |
| only one file. |
crate_type: [string] The type of linkage to use on a shared_library.
| Valid for `rust_library` targets and `executable`, `static_library`, |
| `shared_library`, and `source_set` targets that contain Rust sources. |
| |
| Options for this field are "cdylib", "staticlib", "proc-macro", and "dylib". |
| This field sets the `crate-type` attribute for the `rustc` tool on static |
| libraries, as well as the appropriate output extension in the |
| `rust_output_extension` attribute. Since outputs must be explicit, the `lib` |
| crate type (where the Rust compiler produces what it thinks is the |
| appropriate library type) is not supported. |
| |
| It should be noted that the "dylib" crate type in Rust is unstable in the set |
| of symbols it exposes, and most usages today are potentially wrong and will |
| be broken in the future. |
| |
| Static libraries, rust libraries, and executables have this field set |
| automatically. |
data: Runtime data file dependencies.
| Lists files or directories required to run the given target. These are |
| typically data files or directories of data files. The paths are interpreted |
| as being relative to the current build file. Since these are runtime |
| dependencies, they do not affect which targets are built or when. To declare |
| input files to a script, use "inputs". |
| |
| Appearing in the "data" section does not imply any special handling such as |
| copying them to the output directory. This is just used for declaring runtime |
| dependencies. Runtime dependencies can be queried using the "runtime_deps" |
| category of "gn desc" or written during build generation via |
| "--runtime-deps-list-file". |
| |
| GN doesn |
| files that are in turn runtime dependencies can list those generated files |
| both in the "outputs" list as well as the "data" list. |
| |
| By convention, directories are listed with a trailing slash: |
| data = [ "test/data/" ] |
| However, no verification is done on these so GN doesn |
| paths are just rebased and passed along when requested. |
| |
| Note: On iOS and macOS, create_bundle targets will not be recursed into when |
| gathering data. See "gn help create_bundle" for details. |
| |
| See "gn help runtime_deps" for how these are used. |
data_deps: Non-linked dependencies.
| A list of target labels. |
| |
| Specifies dependencies of a target that are not actually linked into the |
| current target. Such dependencies will be built and will be available at |
| runtime. |
| |
| This is normally used for things like plugins or helper programs that a |
| target needs at runtime. |
| |
| Note: On iOS and macOS, create_bundle targets will not be recursed into when |
| gathering data_deps. See "gn help create_bundle" for details. |
| |
| See also "gn help deps" and "gn help data". |
| executable("foo") { |
| deps = [ "//base" ] |
| data_deps = [ "//plugins:my_runtime_plugin" ] |
| } |
| These keys are used to identify metadata to collect. If a walked target |
| defines this key in its metadata, its value will be appended to the resulting |
| collection. |
| |
| See "gn help generated_file". |
defines: C preprocessor defines.
| A list of strings |
| |
| These strings will be passed to the C/C++ compiler as |
| may or may not include an "=" to assign a value. |
Ordering of flags and values
| 1. Those set on the current target (not in a config). |
| 2. Those set on the "configs" on the target in order that the |
| configs appear in the list. |
| 3. Those set on the "all_dependent_configs" on the target in order |
| that the configs appear in the list. |
| 4. Those set on the "public_configs" on the target in order that |
| those configs appear in the list. |
| 5. all_dependent_configs pulled from dependencies, in the order of |
| the "deps" list. This is done recursively. If a config appears |
| more than once, only the first occurrence will be used. |
| 6. public_configs pulled from dependencies, in the order of the |
| "deps" list. If a dependency is public, they will be applied |
| recursively. |
| defines = [ "AWESOME_FEATURE", "LOG_LEVEL=3" ] |
| If nonempty, this string specifies that the current action or action_foreach |
| target will generate the given ".d" file containing the dependencies of the |
| input. Empty or unset means that the script doesn't generate the files. |
| |
| A depfile should be used only when a target depends on files that are not |
| already specified by a target's inputs and sources. Likewise, depfiles should |
| specify only those dependencies not already included in sources or inputs. |
| |
| The .d file should go in the target output directory. If you have more than |
| one source file that the script is being run over, you can use the output |
| file expansions described in "gn help action_foreach" to name the .d file |
| according to the input. |
| |
| The format is that of a Makefile and all paths must be relative to the root |
| build directory. Only one output may be listed and it must match the first |
| output of the action. |
| |
| Although depfiles are created by an action, they should not be listed in the |
| action's "outputs" unless another target will use the file as an input. |
| action_foreach("myscript_target") { |
| script = "" |
| sources = [ ... ] |
| |
| |
| |
| depfile = "$relative_target_output_dir/{{source_name}}.d" |
| |
| |
| args = [ "{{source}}", "-o", depfile ] |
| } |
deps: Private linked dependencies.
| A list of target labels. |
| |
| Specifies private dependencies of a target. Private dependencies are |
| propagated up the dependency tree and linked to dependent targets, but do not |
| grant the ability to include headers from the dependency. Public configs are |
| not forwarded. |
Details of dependency propagation
| Source sets, shared libraries, and non-complete static libraries will be |
| propagated up the dependency tree across groups, non-complete static |
| libraries and source sets. |
| |
| Executables, shared libraries, and complete static libraries will link all |
| propagated targets and stop propagation. Actions and copy steps also stop |
| propagation, allowing them to take a library as an input but not force |
| dependents to link to it. |
| |
| Propagation of all_dependent_configs and public_configs happens independently |
| of target type. all_dependent_configs are always propagated across all types |
| of targets, and public_configs are always propagated across public deps of |
| all types of targets. |
| |
| Data dependencies are propagated differently. See "gn help data_deps" and |
| "gn help runtime_deps". |
| |
| See also "public_deps". |
externs: [scope] Set of Rust crate-dependency pairs.
| A list, each value being a scope indicating a pair of crate name and the path |
| to the Rust library. |
| |
| These libraries will be passed as `--extern crate_name=path` to compiler |
| invocation containing the current target. |
| executable("foo") { |
| sources = [ "" ] |
| externs = [{ |
| crate_name = "bar", |
| path = "path/to/bar.rlib" |
| }] |
| } |
| |
| This target would compile the `foo` crate with the following `extern` flag: |
| `--extern bar=path/to/bar.rlib`. |
framework_dirs: [directory list] Additional framework search directories.
| A list of source directories. |
| |
| The directories in this list will be added to the framework search path for |
| the files in the affected target. |
Ordering of flags and values
| 1. Those set on the current target (not in a config). |
| 2. Those set on the "configs" on the target in order that the |
| configs appear in the list. |
| 3. Those set on the "all_dependent_configs" on the target in order |
| that the configs appear in the list. |
| 4. Those set on the "public_configs" on the target in order that |
| those configs appear in the list. |
| 5. all_dependent_configs pulled from dependencies, in the order of |
| the "deps" list. This is done recursively. If a config appears |
| more than once, only the first occurrence will be used. |
| 6. public_configs pulled from dependencies, in the order of the |
| "deps" list. If a dependency is public, they will be applied |
| recursively. |
| framework_dirs = [ "src/include", "//third_party/foo" ] |
frameworks: [name list] Name of frameworks that must be linked.
| A list of framework names. |
| |
| The frameworks named in that list will be linked with any dynamic link |
| type target. |
Ordering of flags and values
| 1. Those set on the current target (not in a config). |
| 2. Those set on the "configs" on the target in order that the |
| configs appear in the list. |
| 3. Those set on the "all_dependent_configs" on the target in order |
| that the configs appear in the list. |
| 4. Those set on the "public_configs" on the target in order that |
| those configs appear in the list. |
| 5. all_dependent_configs pulled from dependencies, in the order of |
| the "deps" list. This is done recursively. If a config appears |
| more than once, only the first occurrence will be used. |
| 6. public_configs pulled from dependencies, in the order of the |
| "deps" list. If a dependency is public, they will be applied |
| recursively. |
| frameworks = [ "Foundation.framework", "Foo.framework" ] |
| A list of label patterns (see "gn help label_pattern") that allow dependent |
| targets to include private headers. Applies to all binary targets. |
| |
| Normally if a target lists headers in the "public" list (see "gn help |
| public"), other headers are implicitly marked as private. Private headers |
| can not be included by other targets, even with a public dependency path. |
| The "gn check" function performs this validation. |
| |
| A friend declaration allows one or more targets to include private headers. |
| This is useful for things like unit tests that are closely associated with a |
| target and require internal knowledge without opening up all headers to be |
| included by all dependents. |
| |
| A friend target does not allow that target to include headers when no |
| dependency exists. A public dependency path must still exist between two |
| targets to include any headers from a destination target. The friend |
| annotation merely allows the use of headers that would otherwise be |
| prohibited because they are private. |
| |
| The friend annotation is matched only against the target containing the file |
| with the include directive. Friend annotations are not propagated across |
| public or private dependencies. Friend annotations do not affect visibility. |
| static_library("lib") { |
| |
| friend = [ ":unit_tests" ] |
| |
| public = [ |
| "public_api.h", |
| ] |
| |
| |
| sources = [ |
| "", |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| "private_api.h", |
| ] |
| } |
| |
| executable("unit_tests") { |
| sources = [ |
| |
| |
| "", |
| ] |
| |
| deps = [ |
| ":lib", |
| ] |
| } |
include_dirs: Additional include directories.
| A list of source directories. |
| |
| The directories in this list will be added to the include path for the files |
| in the affected target. |
Ordering of flags and values
| 1. Those set on the current target (not in a config). |
| 2. Those set on the "configs" on the target in order that the |
| configs appear in the list. |
| 3. Those set on the "all_dependent_configs" on the target in order |
| that the configs appear in the list. |
| 4. Those set on the "public_configs" on the target in order that |
| those configs appear in the list. |
| 5. all_dependent_configs pulled from dependencies, in the order of |
| the "deps" list. This is done recursively. If a config appears |
| more than once, only the first occurrence will be used. |
| 6. public_configs pulled from dependencies, in the order of the |
| "deps" list. If a dependency is public, they will be applied |
| recursively. |
| include_dirs = [ "src/include", "//third_party/foo" ] |
| Inputs are compile-time dependencies of the current target. This means that |
| all inputs must be available before compiling any of the sources or executing |
| any actions. |
| |
| Inputs are typically only used for action and action_foreach targets. |
| For action and action_foreach targets, inputs should be the inputs to script |
| that don |
| imports (the main script itself will be an implicit dependency of the action |
| so need not be listed). |
| |
| For action targets, inputs and sources are treated the same, but from a style |
| perspective, it |
| put helper files in the inputs, and the data used by the script (if any) in |
| sources. |
| |
| Note that another way to declare input dependencies from an action is to have |
| the action write a depfile (see "gn help depfile"). This allows the script to |
| dynamically write input dependencies, that might not be known until actually |
| executing the script. This is more efficient than doing processing while |
| running GN to determine the inputs, and is easier to keep in-sync than |
| hardcoding the list. |
| It may be tempting to write a script that enumerates all files in a directory |
| as inputs. Don |
| sources in the GN target (or worse, enumerate the files in an exec_script |
| call when running GN, which will be slow), the dependencies will be broken. |
| |
| The problem happens if a file is ever removed because the inputs are not |
| listed on the command line to the script. Because the script hasn |
| and all inputs are up to date, the script will not re-run and you will get a |
| stale build. Instead, either list all inputs on the command line to the |
| script, or if there are many, create a separate list file that the script |
| reads. As long as this file is listed in the inputs, the build will detect |
| when it has changed in any way and the action will re-run. |
| Any input dependencies will be resolved before compiling any sources or |
| linking the target. Normally, all actions that a target depends on will be run |
| before any files in a target are compiled. So if you depend on generated |
| headers, you do not typically need to list them in the inputs section. |
| |
| Inputs for binary targets will be treated as implicit dependencies, meaning |
| that changes in any of the inputs will force all sources in the target to be |
| recompiled. If an input only applies to a subset of source files, you may |
| want to split those into a separate target to avoid unnecessary recompiles. |
| action("myscript") { |
| script = "" |
| inputs = [ "" ] |
| } |
ldflags: Flags passed to the linker.
| A list of strings. |
| |
| These flags are passed on the command-line to the linker and generally |
| specify various linking options. Most targets will not need these and will |
| use "libs" and "lib_dirs" instead. |
| |
| ldflags are NOT pushed to dependents, so applying ldflags to source sets or |
| static libraries will be a no-op. If you want to apply ldflags to dependent |
| targets, put them in a config and set it in the all_dependent_configs or |
| public_configs. |
Ordering of flags and values
| 1. Those set on the current target (not in a config). |
| 2. Those set on the "configs" on the target in order that the |
| configs appear in the list. |
| 3. Those set on the "all_dependent_configs" on the target in order |
| that the configs appear in the list. |
| 4. Those set on the "public_configs" on the target in order that |
| those configs appear in the list. |
| 5. all_dependent_configs pulled from dependencies, in the order of |
| the "deps" list. This is done recursively. If a config appears |
| more than once, only the first occurrence will be used. |
| 6. public_configs pulled from dependencies, in the order of the |
| "deps" list. If a dependency is public, they will be applied |
| recursively. |
lib_dirs: Additional library directories.
| A list of directories. |
| |
| Specifies additional directories passed to the linker for searching for the |
| required libraries. If an item is not an absolute path, it will be treated as |
| being relative to the current build file. |
| |
| libs and lib_dirs work differently than other flags in two respects. |
| First, they are inherited across static library boundaries until a |
| shared library or executable target is reached. Second, they are |
| uniquified so each one is only passed once (the first instance of it |
| will be the one used). |
Ordering of flags and values
| 1. Those set on the current target (not in a config). |
| 2. Those set on the "configs" on the target in order that the |
| configs appear in the list. |
| 3. Those set on the "all_dependent_configs" on the target in order |
| that the configs appear in the list. |
| 4. Those set on the "public_configs" on the target in order that |
| those configs appear in the list. |
| 5. all_dependent_configs pulled from dependencies, in the order of |
| the "deps" list. This is done recursively. If a config appears |
| more than once, only the first occurrence will be used. |
| 6. public_configs pulled from dependencies, in the order of the |
| "deps" list. If a dependency is public, they will be applied |
| recursively. |
| |
| For "libs" and "lib_dirs" only, the values propagated from |
| dependencies (as described above) are applied last assuming they |
| are not already in the list. |
| lib_dirs = [ "/usr/lib/foo", "lib/doom_melon" ] |
libs: Additional libraries to link.
| A list of library names or library paths. |
| |
| These libraries will be linked into the final binary (executable or shared |
| library) containing the current target. |
| |
| libs and lib_dirs work differently than other flags in two respects. |
| First, they are inherited across static library boundaries until a |
| shared library or executable target is reached. Second, they are |
| uniquified so each one is only passed once (the first instance of it |
| will be the one used). |
Types of libs
| There are several different things that can be expressed in libs: |
| |
| File paths |
| Values containing '/' will be treated as references to files in the |
| checkout. They will be rebased to be relative to the build directory and |
| specified in the "libs" for linker tools. This facility should be used |
| for libraries that are checked in to the version control. For libraries |
| that are generated by the build, use normal GN deps to link them. |
| |
| System libraries |
| Values not containing '/' will be treated as system library names. These |
| will be passed unmodified to the linker and prefixed with the |
| "lib_switch" attribute of the linker tool. Generally you would set the |
| "lib_dirs" so the given library is found. Your file should not |
| specify the switch (like "-l"): this will be encoded in the "lib_switch" |
| of the tool. |
Ordering of flags and values
| 1. Those set on the current target (not in a config). |
| 2. Those set on the "configs" on the target in order that the |
| configs appear in the list. |
| 3. Those set on the "all_dependent_configs" on the target in order |
| that the configs appear in the list. |
| 4. Those set on the "public_configs" on the target in order that |
| those configs appear in the list. |
| 5. all_dependent_configs pulled from dependencies, in the order of |
| the "deps" list. This is done recursively. If a config appears |
| more than once, only the first occurrence will be used. |
| 6. public_configs pulled from dependencies, in the order of the |
| "deps" list. If a dependency is public, they will be applied |
| recursively. |
| |
| For "libs" and "lib_dirs" only, the values propagated from |
| dependencies (as described above) are applied last assuming they |
| are not already in the list. |
| On Windows: |
| libs = [ "ctl3d.lib" ] |
| |
| On Linux: |
| libs = [ "ld" ] |
| Metadata is a collection of keys and values relating to a particular target. |
| Values must be lists, allowing for sane and predictable collection behavior. |
| Generally, these keys will include three types of lists: lists of ordinary |
| strings, lists of filenames intended to be rebased according to their |
| particular source directory, and lists of target labels intended to be used |
| as barriers to the walk. Verification of these categories occurs at walk time, |
| not creation time (since it is not clear until the walk which values are |
| intended for which purpose). |
| group("doom_melon") { |
| metadata = { |
| |
| |
| my_barrier = [] |
| my_files = [ "a.txt", "b.txt" ] |
| } |
| } |
module_name: [string] The name for the compiled module.
| Valid for binary targets that contain Swift sources. |
| |
| If module_name is not set, then this rule will use the target name. |
| Controls how the "contents" of a generated_file target is formatted. |
| See `gn help io_conversion`. |
output_dir: [directory] Directory to put output file in.
| For library and executable targets, overrides the directory for the final |
| output. This must be in the root_build_dir or a child thereof. |
| |
| This should generally be in the root_out_dir or a subdirectory thereof (the |
| root_out_dir will be the same as the root_build_dir for the default |
| toolchain, and will be a subdirectory for other toolchains). Not putting the |
| output in a subdirectory of root_out_dir can result in collisions between |
| different toolchains, so you will need to take steps to ensure that your |
| target is only present in one toolchain. |
| |
| Normally the toolchain specifies the output directory for libraries and |
| executables (see "gn help tool"). You will have to consult that for the |
| default location. The default location will be used if output_dir is |
| undefined or empty. |
| shared_library("doom_melon") { |
| output_dir = "$root_out_dir/plugin_libs" |
| ... |
| } |
output_extension: Value to use for the output's file extension.
| Normally the file extension for a target is based on the target type and the |
| operating system, but in rare cases you will need to override the name (for |
| example to use "" instead of on Linux). |
| |
| This value should not include a leading dot. If undefined, the default |
| specified on the tool will be used. If set to the empty string, no output |
| extension will be used. |
| |
| The output_extension will be used to set the "{{output_extension}}" expansion |
| which the linker tool will generally use to specify the output file name. See |
| "gn help tool". |
| shared_library("freetype") { |
| if (is_linux) { |
| # Call the output "" |
| output_extension = "so.6" |
| } |
| ... |
| } |
| |
| # On Windows, generate a "mysettings.cpl" control panel applet. Control panel |
| # applets are actually special shared libraries. |
| if (is_win) { |
| shared_library("mysettings") { |
| output_extension = "cpl" |
| ... |
| } |
| } |
output_name: Define a name for the output file other than the default.
| Normally the output name of a target will be based on the target name, so the |
| target "//foo/bar:bar_unittests" will generate an output file such as |
| "bar_unittests.exe" (using Windows as an example). |
| |
| Sometimes you will want an alternate name to avoid collisions or if the |
| internal name isn |
| |
| The output name should have no extension or prefixes, these will be added |
| using the default system rules. For example, on Linux an output name of "foo" |
| will produce a shared library "". There is no way to override the |
| output prefix of a linker tool on a per- target basis. If you need more |
| flexibility, create a copy target to produce the file you want. |
| |
| This variable is valid for all binary output target types. |
| static_library("doom_melon") { |
| output_name = "fluffy_bunny" |
| } |
output_prefix_override: Don't use prefix for output name.
| A boolean that overrides the output prefix for a target. Defaults to false. |
| |
| Some systems use prefixes for the names of the final target output file. The |
| normal example is "" on Linux for a target named "foo". |
| |
| The output prefix for a given target type is specified on the linker tool |
| (see "gn help tool"). Sometimes this prefix is undesired. |
| |
| See also "gn help output_extension". |
| shared_library("doom_melon") { |
| # Normally this will produce "" on Linux. Setting this flag |
| # will produce "". |
| output_prefix_override = true |
| ... |
| } |
outputs: Output files for actions and copy targets.
| Outputs is valid for "copy", "action", and "action_foreach" target types and |
| indicates the resulting files. Outputs must always refer to files in the |
| build directory. |
| |
| copy |
| Copy targets should have exactly one entry in the outputs list. If there is |
| exactly one source, this can be a literal file name or a source expansion. |
| If there is more than one source, this must contain a source expansion to |
| map a single input name to a single output name. See "gn help copy". |
| |
| action_foreach |
| Action_foreach targets must always use source expansions to map input files |
| to output files. There can be more than one output, which means that each |
| invocation of the script will produce a set of files (presumably based on |
| the name of the input file). See "gn help action_foreach". |
| |
| action |
| Action targets (excluding action_foreach) must list literal output file(s) |
| with no source expansions. See "gn help action". |
partial_info_plist: [filename] Path plist from asset catalog compiler.
| Valid for create_bundle target, corresponds to the path for the partial |
| Info.plist created by the asset catalog compiler that needs to be merged |
| with the application Info.plist (usually done by the code signing script). |
| |
| The file will be generated regardless of whether the asset compiler has |
| been invoked or not. See "gn help create_bundle". |
pool: Label of the pool used by the action.
| A fully-qualified label representing the pool that will be used for the |
| action. Pools are defined using the pool() {...} declaration. |
| action("action") { |
| pool = "//build:custom_pool" |
| ... |
| } |
| Precompiled headers will be used when a target specifies this value, or a |
| config applying to this target specifies this value. In addition, the tool |
| corresponding to the source files must also specify precompiled headers (see |
| "gn help tool"). The tool will also specify what type of precompiled headers |
| to use, by setting precompiled_header_type to either "gcc" or "msvc". |
| |
| The precompiled header/source variables can be specified on a target or a |
| config, but must be the same for all configs applying to a given target since |
| a target can only have one precompiled header. |
| |
| If you use both C and C++ sources, the precompiled header and source file |
| will be compiled once per language. You will want to make sure to wrap C++ |
| includes in __cplusplus #ifdefs so the file will compile in C mode. |
| When using GCC-style precompiled headers, "precompiled_source" contains the |
| path of a .h file that is precompiled and then included by all source files |
| in targets that set "precompiled_source". |
| |
| The value of "precompiled_header" is not used with GCC-style precompiled |
| headers. |
| When using MSVC-style precompiled headers, the "precompiled_header" value is |
| a string corresponding to the header. This is NOT a path to a file that GN |
| recognises, but rather the exact string that appears in quotes after |
| an #include line in source code. The compiler will match this string against |
| includes or forced includes (/FI). |
| |
| MSVC also requires a source file to compile the header with. This must be |
| specified by the "precompiled_source" value. In contrast to the header value, |
| this IS a GN-style file name, and tells GN which source file to compile to |
| make the .pch file used for subsequent compiles. |
| |
| For example, if the toolchain specifies MSVC headers: |
| |
| toolchain("vc_x64") { |
| ... |
| tool("cxx") { |
| precompiled_header_type = "msvc" |
| ... |
| |
| You might make a config like this: |
| |
| config("use_precompiled_headers") { |
| precompiled_header = "build/precompile.h" |
| precompiled_source = "//build/" |
| |
| # Either your source files should #include "build/precompile.h" |
| # first, or you can do this to force-include the header. |
| cflags = [ "/FI$precompiled_header" ] |
| } |
| |
| And then define a target that uses the config: |
| |
| executable("doom_melon") { |
| configs += [ ":use_precompiled_headers" ] |
| ... |
| See "gn help precompiled_header". |
precompiled_source: [file name] Source file to precompile.
| The source file that goes along with the precompiled_header when using |
| "msvc"-style precompiled headers. It will be implicitly added to the sources |
| of the target. See "gn help precompiled_header". |
product_type: Product type for Xcode projects.
| Correspond to the type of the product of a create_bundle target. Only |
| meaningful to Xcode (used as part of the Xcode project generation). |
| |
| When generating Xcode project files, only create_bundle target with a |
| non-empty product_type will have a corresponding target in Xcode project. |
| A list of files that other targets can include. These permissions are checked |
| via the "check" command (see "gn help check"). |
| |
| If no public files are declared, other targets (assuming they have visibility |
| to depend on this target) can include any file in the sources list. If this |
| variable is defined on a target, dependent targets may only include files on |
| this whitelist unless that target is marked as a friend (see "gn help |
| friend"). |
| |
| Header file permissions are also subject to visibility. A target must be |
| visible to another target to include any files from it at all and the public |
| headers indicate which subset of those files are permitted. See "gn help |
| visibility" for more. |
| |
| Public files are inherited through the dependency tree. So if there is a |
| dependency A -> B -> C, then A can include C's public headers. However, the |
| same is NOT true of visibility, so unless A is in C's visibility list, the |
| include will be rejected. |
| |
| GN only knows about files declared in the "sources" and "public" sections of |
| targets. If a file is included that is not known to the build, it will be |
| allowed. |
| |
| It is common for test targets to need to include private headers for their |
| associated code. In this case, list the test target in the "friend" list of |
| the target that owns the private header to allow the inclusion. See |
| "gn help friend" for more. |
| |
| When a binary target has no explicit or implicit public headers (a "public" |
| list is defined but is empty), GN assumes that the target can not propagate |
| any compile-time dependencies up the dependency tree. In this case, the build |
| can be parallelized more efficiently. |
| Say there are dependencies: |
| A (shared library) -> B (shared library) -> C (action). |
| Normally C must complete before any source files in A can compile (because |
| there might be generated includes). But when B explicitly declares no public |
| headers, C can execute in parallel with A's compile steps. C must still be |
| complete before any dependents link. |
| |
| These exact files are public: |
| public = [ "foo.h", "bar.h" ] |
| |
| No files are public (no targets may include headers from this one): |
| |
| public = [] |
public_configs: Configs to be applied on dependents.
| A list of config labels. |
| |
| Targets directly depending on this one will have the configs listed in this |
| variable added to them. These configs will also apply to the current target. |
| Generally, public configs are used to apply defines and include directories |
| necessary to compile this target |
| |
| See also "gn help all_dependent_configs". |
Propagation of public configs
| Public configs are applied to all targets that depend directly on this one. |
| These dependent targets can further push this target's public configs |
| higher in the dependency tree by depending on it via public_deps (see "gn |
| help public_deps"). |
| |
| static_library("toplevel") { |
| |
| |
| |
| deps = [ ":intermediate" ] |
| } |
| |
| static_library("intermediate") { |
| |
| |
| |
| public_deps = [ ":lower" ] |
| } |
| |
| static_library("lower") { |
| |
| public_configs = [ ":my_config" ] |
| } |
| |
| Public config propagation happens in a second phase once a target and all of |
| its dependencies have been resolved. Therefore, a target will not see these |
| force-added configs in their "configs" variable while the script is running, |
| and they can not be removed. As a result, this capability should generally |
| only be used to add defines and include directories rather than setting |
| complicated flags that some targets may not want. |
| |
| Public configs may or may not be propagated across toolchain boundaries |
| depending on the value of the propagates_configs flag (see "gn help |
| toolchain") on the toolchain of the target declaring the public_config. |
Avoiding applying public configs to this target
| If you want the config to apply to targets that depend on this one, but NOT |
| this one, define an extra layer of indirection using a group: |
| |
| |
| group("my_target") { |
| |
| public_configs = [ ":external_settings" ] |
| deps = [ ":internal_target" ] |
| } |
| |
| |
| static_library("internal_target") { |
| |
| |
| visibility = [ ":my_target" ] |
| ... |
| } |
Ordering of flags and values
| 1. Those set on the current target (not in a config). |
| 2. Those set on the "configs" on the target in order that the |
| configs appear in the list. |
| 3. Those set on the "all_dependent_configs" on the target in order |
| that the configs appear in the list. |
| 4. Those set on the "public_configs" on the target in order that |
| those configs appear in the list. |
| 5. all_dependent_configs pulled from dependencies, in the order of |
| the "deps" list. This is done recursively. If a config appears |
| more than once, only the first occurrence will be used. |
| 6. public_configs pulled from dependencies, in the order of the |
| "deps" list. If a dependency is public, they will be applied |
| recursively. |
public_deps: Declare public dependencies.
| Public dependencies are like private dependencies (see "gn help deps") but |
| additionally express that the current target exposes the listed deps as part |
| of its public API. |
| |
| This has several ramifications: |
| |
| - public_configs that are part of the dependency are forwarded to direct |
| dependents. |
| |
| - Public headers in the dependency are usable by dependents (includes do |
| not require a direct dependency or visibility). |
| |
| - If the current target is a shared library, other shared libraries that it |
| publicly depends on (directly or indirectly) are propagated up the |
| dependency tree to dependents for linking. |
| |
| See also "gn help public_configs". |
| Say you have three targets: A -> B -> C. C's visibility may allow B to depend |
| on it but not A. Normally, this would prevent A from including any headers |
| from C, and C's public_configs would apply only to B. |
| |
| If B lists C in its public_deps instead of regular deps, A will now inherit |
| C's public_configs and the ability to include C's public headers. |
| |
| Generally if you are writing a target B and you include C's headers as part |
| of B's public headers, or targets depending on B should consider B and C to |
| be part of a unit, you should use public_deps instead of deps. |
| |
| |
| executable("a") { |
| deps = [ ":b" ] |
| } |
| |
| shared_library("b") { |
| deps = [ ":super_secret_implementation_details" ] |
| public_deps = [ ":c" ] |
| } |
| A boolean that triggers a rebase of collected metadata strings based on their |
| declared file. Defaults to false. |
| |
| Metadata generally declares files as strings relative to the local build file. |
| However, this data is often used in other contexts, and so setting this flag |
| will force the metadata collection to be rebased according to the local build |
| file's location and thus allow the filename to be used anywhere. |
| |
| Setting this flag will raise an error if any target's specified metadata is |
| not a string value. |
| |
| See also "gn help generated_file". |
response_file_contents: Contents of a response file for actions.
| Sometimes the arguments passed to a script can be too long for the system's |
| command-line capabilities. This is especially the case on Windows where the |
| maximum command-line length is less than 8K. A response file allows you to |
| pass an unlimited amount of data to a script in a temporary file for an |
| action or action_foreach target. |
| |
| If the response_file_contents variable is defined and non-empty, the list |
| will be treated as script args (including possibly substitution patterns) |
| that will be written to a temporary file at build time. The name of the |
| temporary file will be substituted for "{{response_file_name}}" in the script |
| args. |
| |
| The response file contents will always be quoted and escaped according to |
| Unix shell rules. To parse the response file, the Python script should use |
| "shlex.split(file_contents)". |
| action("process_lots_of_files") { |
| script = "", |
| inputs = [ ... huge list of files ... ] |
| |
| |
| |
| response_file_contents = rebase_path(inputs, root_build_dir) |
| |
| |
| args = [ |
| "--enable-foo", |
| "--file-list={{response_file_name}}", |
| ] |
| } |
script: Script file for actions.
| An absolute or buildfile-relative file name of a Python script to run for a |
| action and action_foreach targets (see "gn help action" and "gn help |
| action_foreach"). |
sources: Source files for a target
| A list of files. Non-absolute paths will be resolved relative to the current |
| build file. |
Sources for binary targets
| For binary targets (source sets, executables, and libraries), the known file |
| types will be compiled with the associated tools. Unknown file types and |
| headers will be skipped. However, you should still list all C/C+ header files |
| so GN knows about the existence of those files for the purposes of include |
| checking. |
| |
| As a special case, a file ending in ".def" will be treated as a Windows |
| module definition file. It will be appended to the link line with a |
| preceding "/DEF:" string. There must be at most one .def file in a target |
| and they do not cross dependency boundaries (so specifying a .def file in a |
| static library or source set will have no effect on the executable or shared |
| library they're linked into). |
| |
| For Rust targets that do not specify a crate_root, then the crate_root will |
| look for a file (or for executable) or a single file in |
| sources, if sources contains only one file. |
Sources for non-binary targets
| action_foreach |
| The sources are the set of files that the script will be executed over. The |
| script will run once per file. |
| |
| action |
| The sources will be treated the same as inputs. See "gn help inputs" for |
| more information and usage advice. |
| |
| copy |
| The source are the source files to copy. |
swiftflags: Flags passed to the swift compiler.
| A list of strings. |
| |
| "swiftflags" are passed to any invocation of a tool that takes an .swift |
| file as input. |
Ordering of flags and values
| 1. Those set on the current target (not in a config). |
| 2. Those set on the "configs" on the target in order that the |
| configs appear in the list. |
| 3. Those set on the "all_dependent_configs" on the target in order |
| that the configs appear in the list. |
| 4. Those set on the "public_configs" on the target in order that |
| those configs appear in the list. |
| 5. all_dependent_configs pulled from dependencies, in the order of |
| the "deps" list. This is done recursively. If a config appears |
| more than once, only the first occurrence will be used. |
| 6. public_configs pulled from dependencies, in the order of the |
| "deps" list. If a dependency is public, they will be applied |
| recursively. |
testonly: Declares a target must only be used for testing.
| Boolean. Defaults to false. |
| |
| When a target is marked "testonly = true", it must only be depended on by |
| other test-only targets. Otherwise, GN will issue an error that the |
| depenedency is not allowed. |
| |
| This feature is intended to prevent accidentally shipping test code in a |
| final product. |
| source_set("test_support") { |
| testonly = true |
| ... |
| } |
visibility: A list of labels that can depend on a target.
| A list of labels and label patterns that define which targets can depend on |
| the current one. These permissions are checked via the "check" command (see |
| "gn help check"). |
| |
| If visibility is not defined, it defaults to public ("*"). |
| |
| If visibility is defined, only the targets with labels that match it can |
| depend on the current target. The empty list means no targets can depend on |
| the current target. |
| |
| Tip: Often you will want the same visibility for all targets in a BUILD file. |
| In this case you can just put the definition at the top, outside of any |
| target, and the targets will inherit that scope and see the definition. |
| See "gn help label_pattern" for more details on what types of patterns are |
| supported. If a toolchain is specified, only targets in that toolchain will |
| be matched. If a toolchain is not specified on a pattern, targets in all |
| toolchains will be matched. |
| Only targets in the current buildfile ("private"): |
| visibility = [ ":*" ] |
| |
| No targets (used for targets that should be leaf nodes): |
| visibility = [] |
| |
| Any target ("public", the default): |
| visibility = [ "*" ] |
| |
| All targets in the current directory and any subdirectory: |
| visibility = [ "./*" ] |
| |
| Any target in "//bar/": |
| visibility = [ "//bar:*" ] |
| |
| Any target in "//bar/" or any subdirectory thereof: |
| visibility = [ "//bar/*" ] |
| |
| Just these specific targets: |
| visibility = [ ":mything", "//foo:something_else" ] |
| |
| Any target in the current directory and any subdirectory thereof, plus |
| any targets in "//bar/" and any subdirectory thereof. |
| visibility = [ "./*", "//bar/*" ] |
| Defaults to [""]. |
| |
| These keys are used to control the next step in a collection walk, acting as |
| barriers. If a specified key is defined in a target |
| use the targets listed in that value to determine which targets are walked. |
| |
| If no walk_keys are specified for a generated_file target (i.e. "[""]"), the |
| walk will touch all deps and data_deps of the specified target recursively. |
| |
| See "gn help generated_file". |
weak_frameworks: [name list] Name of frameworks that must be weak linked.
| A list of framework names. |
| |
| The frameworks named in that list will be weak linked with any dynamic link |
| type target. Weak linking instructs the dynamic loader to attempt to load |
| the framework, but if it is not able to do so, it leaves any imported symbols |
| unresolved. This is typically used when a framework is present in a new |
| version of an SDK but not on older versions of the OS that the software runs |
| on. |
Ordering of flags and values
| 1. Those set on the current target (not in a config). |
| 2. Those set on the "configs" on the target in order that the |
| configs appear in the list. |
| 3. Those set on the "all_dependent_configs" on the target in order |
| that the configs appear in the list. |
| 4. Those set on the "public_configs" on the target in order that |
| those configs appear in the list. |
| 5. all_dependent_configs pulled from dependencies, in the order of |
| the "deps" list. This is done recursively. If a config appears |
| more than once, only the first occurrence will be used. |
| 6. public_configs pulled from dependencies, in the order of the |
| "deps" list. If a dependency is public, they will be applied |
| recursively. |
| weak_frameworks = [ "OnlyOnNewerOSes.framework" ] |
write_runtime_deps: Writes the target's runtime_deps to the given path.
| Does not synchronously write the file, but rather schedules it to be written |
| at the end of generation. |
| |
| If the file exists and the contents are identical to that being written, the |
| file will not be updated. This will prevent unnecessary rebuilds of targets |
| that depend on this file. |
| |
| Path must be within the output directory. |
| |
| See "gn help runtime_deps" for how the runtime dependencies are computed. |
| |
| The format of this file will list one file per line with no escaping. The |
| files will be relative to the root_build_dir. The first line of the file will |
| be the main output file of the target itself. The file contents will be the |
| same as requesting the runtime deps be written on the command line (see "gn |
| help --runtime-deps-list-file"). |
xcasset_compiler_flags: Flags passed to xcassets compiler.
| A list of strings. |
| |
| Valid for create_bundle target. Those flags are directly passed to |
| xcassets compiler, corresponding to {{xcasset_compiler_flags}} substitution |
| in compile_xcassets tool. |
| The value defined in this scope will be copied to the EXTRA_ATTRIBUTES |
| property of the generated Xcode project. They are only meaningful when |
| generating with |
| |
| See "gn help create_bundle" for more information. |
xcode_test_application_name: Name for Xcode test target.
| Each unit and ui test target must have a test application target, and this |
| value is used to specify the relationship. Only meaningful to Xcode (used as |
| part of the Xcode project generation). |
| |
| See "gn help create_bundle" for more information. |
| create_bundle("chrome_xctest") { |
| test_application_name = "chrome" |
| ... |
| } |
Other help topics
Build Arguments Overview
| Build arguments are variables passed in from outside of the build that build |
| files can query to determine how the build works. |
How build arguments are set
| First, system default arguments are set based on the current system. The |
| built-in arguments are: |
| - host_cpu |
| - host_os |
| - current_cpu |
| - current_os |
| - target_cpu |
| - target_os |
| |
| Next, project-specific overrides are applied. These are specified inside |
| the default_args variable of //.gn. See "gn help dotfile" for more. |
| |
| If specified, arguments from the |
| flag is not specified, args from previous builds in the build directory will |
| be used (this is in the file in the build directory). |
| |
| Last, for targets being compiled with a non-default toolchain, the toolchain |
| overrides are applied. These are specified in the toolchain_args section of a |
| toolchain definition. The use-case for this is that a toolchain may be |
| building code for a different platform, and that it may want to always |
| specify Posix, for example. See "gn help toolchain" for more. |
| |
| If you specify an override for a build argument that never appears in a |
| "declare_args" call, a nonfatal error will be displayed. |
| gn args out/FooBar |
| Create the directory out/FooBar and open an editor. You would type |
| something like this into that file: |
| enable_doom_melon=false |
| os="android" |
| |
| gn gen out/FooBar |
| This will overwrite the build directory with the given arguments. (Note |
| that the quotes inside the args command will usually need to be escaped |
| for your shell to pass through strings values.) |
How build arguments are used
| If you want to use an argument, you use declare_args() and specify default |
| values. These default values will apply if none of the steps listed in the |
| "How build arguments are set" section above apply to the given argument, but |
| the defaults will not override any of these. |
| |
| Often, the root build config file will declare global arguments that will be |
| passed to all buildfiles. Individual build files can also specify arguments |
| that apply only to those files. It is also useful to specify build args in an |
| "import"-ed file if you want such arguments to apply to multiple buildfiles. |
.gn file
| When gn starts, it will search the current directory and parent directories |
| for a file called ".gn". This indicates the source root. You can override |
| this detection by using the |
| |
| The .gn file in the source root will be executed. The syntax is the same as a |
| buildfile, but with very limited build setup-specific meaning. |
| |
| If you specify |
| directory. If you want to specify a different file, you can additionally pass |
| |
| |
| gn gen out/Debug |
| arg_file_template [optional] |
| Path to a file containing the text that should be used as the default |
| content when you run `gn args`. |
| |
| buildconfig [required] |
| Path to the build config file. This file will be used to set up the |
| build file execution environment for each toolchain. |
| |
| check_targets [optional] |
| A list of labels and label patterns that should be checked when running |
| "gn check" or "gn gen --check". If neither check_targets or |
| no_check_targets (see below) is specified, all targets will be checked. |
| It is an error to specify both check_targets and no_check_targets. If it |
| is the empty list, no targets will be checked. To bypass this list, |
| request an explicit check of targets, like "/ |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
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| |
Example .gn file contents
| buildconfig = "//build/config/" |
| |
| check_targets = [ |
| "//doom_melon/*", |
| "//tools:mind_controlling_ant", |
| ] |
| |
| root = "//:root" |
| |
| secondary_source = "//build/config/temporary_buildfiles/" |
| |
| default_args = { |
| |
| is_debug = false |
| is_component_build = false |
| } |
Build graph and execution overview
Overall build flow
| 1. Look for ".gn" file (see "gn help dotfile") in the current directory and |
| walk up the directory tree until one is found. Set this directory to be |
| the "source root" and interpret this file to find the name of the build |
| config file. |
| |
| 2. Execute the build config file identified by .gn to set up the global |
| variables and default toolchain name. Any arguments, variables, defaults, |
| etc. set up in this file will be visible to all files in the build. |
| |
| 3. Load the // (in the source root directory). |
| |
| 4. Recursively evaluate rules and load in other directories as |
| necessary to resolve dependencies. If a BUILD file isn't found in the |
| specified location, GN will look in the corresponding location inside |
| the secondary_source defined in the dotfile (see "gn help dotfile"). |
| |
| 5. When a target's dependencies are resolved, write out the `.ninja` |
| file to disk. |
| |
| 6. When all targets are resolved, write out the root file. |
| |
| Note that the file name may be modulated by .gn arguments such as |
| build_file_extension. |
Executing target definitions and templates
| Build files are loaded in parallel. This means it is impossible to |
| interrogate a target from GN code for any information not derivable from its |
| label (see "gn help label"). The exception is the get_target_outputs() |
| function which requires the target being interrogated to have been defined |
| previously in the same file. |
| |
| Targets are declared by their type and given a name: |
| |
| static_library("my_static_library") { |
| ... target parameter definitions ... |
| } |
| |
| There is also a generic "target" function for programmatically defined types |
| (see "gn help target"). You can define new types using templates (see "gn |
| help template"). A template defines some custom code that expands to one or |
| more other targets. |
| |
| Before executing the code inside the target's { }, the target defaults are |
| applied (see "gn help set_defaults"). It will inject implicit variable |
| definitions that can be overridden by the target code as necessary. Typically |
| this mechanism is used to inject a default set of configs that define the |
| global compiler and linker flags. |
Which targets are built
| All targets encountered in the default toolchain (see "gn help toolchain") |
| will have build rules generated for them, even if no other targets reference |
| them. Their dependencies must resolve and they will be added to the implicit |
| "all" rule (see "gn help ninja_rules"). |
| |
| Targets in non-default toolchains will only be generated when they are |
| required (directly or transitively) to build a target in the default |
| toolchain. |
| |
| See also "gn help ninja_rules". |
| The only difference between "public_deps" and "deps" except for pushing |
| configs around the build tree and allowing includes for the purposes of "gn |
| check". |
| |
| A target's "data_deps" are guaranteed to be built whenever the target is |
| built, but the ordering is not defined. The meaning of this is dependencies |
| required at runtime. Currently data deps will be complete before the target |
| is linked, but this is not semantically guaranteed and this is undesirable |
| from a build performance perspective. Since we hope to change this in the |
| future, do not rely on this behavior. |
Language and grammar for GN build files
| GN build files are read as sequences of tokens. While splitting the file |
| into tokens, the next token is the longest sequence of characters that form a |
| valid token. |
| White space is comprised of spaces (U+0020), horizontal tabs (U+0009), |
| carriage returns (U+000D), and newlines (U+000A). |
| |
| Comments start at the character "#" and stop at the next newline. |
| |
| White space and comments are ignored except that they may separate tokens |
| that would otherwise combine into a single token. |
| Identifiers name variables and functions. |
| |
| identifier = letter { letter | digit } . |
| letter = "A" ... "Z" | "a" ... "z" | "_" . |
| digit = "0" ... "9" . |
| The following keywords are reserved and may not be used as identifiers: |
| |
| else false if true |
Integer literals
| An integer literal represents a decimal integer value. |
| |
| integer = [ "-" ] digit { digit } . |
| |
| Leading zeros and negative zero are disallowed. |
| |
String literals
| A string literal represents a string value consisting of the quoted |
| characters with possible escape sequences and variable expansions. |
| |
| string = `"` { char | escape | expansion } `"` . |
| escape = `\` ( "$" | `"` | char ) . |
| BracketExpansion = "{" ( identifier | ArrayAccess | ScopeAccess ) "}" . |
| Hex = "0x" [0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f] |
| expansion = "$" ( identifier | BracketExpansion | Hex ) . |
| char = /* any character except "$", `"`, or newline */ . |
| |
| After a backslash, certain sequences represent special characters: |
| |
| \" U+0022 quotation mark |
| \$ U+0024 dollar sign |
| \\ U+005C backslash |
| |
| All other backslashes represent themselves. |
| |
| To insert an arbitrary byte value, use $0xFF. For example, to insert a |
| newline character: "Line one$0x0ALine two". |
| |
| An expansion will evaluate the variable following the '$' and insert a |
| stringified version of it into the result. For example, to concat two path |
| components with a slash separating them: |
| "$var_one/$var_two" |
| Use the "${var_one}" format to be explicitly deliniate the variable for |
| otherwise-ambiguous cases. |
| |
| The following character sequences represent punctuation: |
| |
| + += == != ( ) |
| - -= < <= [ ] |
| ! = > >= { } |
| && || . , |
| |
| The input tokens form a syntax tree following a context-free grammar: |
| |
| File = StatementList . |
| |
| Statement = Assignment | Call | Condition . |
| LValue = identifier | ArrayAccess | ScopeAccess . |
| Assignment = LValue AssignOp Expr . |
| Call = identifier "(" [ ExprList ] ")" [ Block ] . |
| Condition = "if" "(" Expr ")" Block |
| [ "else" ( Condition | Block ) ] . |
| Block = "{" StatementList "}" . |
| StatementList = { Statement } . |
| |
| ArrayAccess = identifier "[" Expr "]" . |
| ScopeAccess = identifier "." identifier . |
| Expr = UnaryExpr | Expr BinaryOp Expr . |
| UnaryExpr = PrimaryExpr | UnaryOp UnaryExpr . |
| PrimaryExpr = identifier | integer | string | Call |
| | ArrayAccess | ScopeAccess | Block |
| | "(" Expr ")" |
| | "[" [ ExprList [ "," ] ] "]" . |
| ExprList = Expr { "," Expr } . |
| |
| AssignOp = "=" | "+=" | "-=" . |
| UnaryOp = "!" . |
| BinaryOp = "+" | "-" // highest priority |
| | "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">=" |
| | "==" | "!=" |
| | "&&" |
| | "||" . // lowest priority |
| |
| All binary operators are left-associative. |
| The GN language is dynamically typed. The following types are used: |
| |
| - Boolean: Uses the keywords "true" and "false". There is no implicit |
| conversion between booleans and integers. |
| |
| - Integers: All numbers in GN are signed 64-bit integers. |
| |
| - Strings: Strings are 8-bit with no enforced encoding. When a string is |
| used to interact with other systems with particular encodings (like the |
| Windows and Mac filesystems) it is assumed to be UTF-8. See "String |
| literals" above for more. |
| |
| - Lists: Lists are arbitrary-length ordered lists of values. See "Lists" |
| below for more. |
| |
| - Scopes: Scopes are like dictionaries that use variable names for keys. See |
| "Scopes" below for more. |
| Lists are created with [] and using commas to separate items: |
| |
| mylist = [ 0, 1, 2, "some string" ] |
| |
| A comma after the last item is optional. Lists are dereferenced using 0-based |
| indexing: |
| |
| mylist[0] += 1 |
| var = mylist[2] |
| |
| Lists can be concatenated using the |
| not be concatenated with lists, to add a single item, it must be put into a |
| list of length one. |
| |
| Items can be removed from lists using the |
| remove all occurrences of every item in the right-hand list from the |
| left-hand list. It is an error to remove an item not in the list. This is to |
| prevent common typos and to detect dead code that is removing things that no |
| longer apply. |
| |
| It is an error to use |
| list. This is to prevent accidentally overwriting data when in most cases |
| |
| empty list: |
| |
| mylist = [] |
| mylist = otherlist |
| All execution happens in the context of a scope which holds the current state |
| (like variables). With the exception of loops and conditions, '{' introduces |
| a new scope that has a parent reference to the old scope. |
| |
| Variable reads recursively search all nested scopes until the variable is |
| found or there are no more scopes. Variable writes always go into the current |
| scope. This means that after the closing '}' (again excepting loops and |
| conditions), all local variables will be restored to the previous values. |
| This also means that "foo = foo" can do useful work by copying a variable |
| into the current scope that was defined in a containing scope. |
| |
| Scopes can also be assigned to variables. Such scopes can be created by |
| functions like exec_script, when invoking a template (the template code |
| refers to the variables set by the invoking code by the implicitly-created |
| "invoker" scope), or explicitly like: |
| |
| empty_scope = {} |
| myvalues = { |
| foo = 21 |
| bar = "something" |
| } |
| |
| Inside such a scope definition can be any GN code including conditionals and |
| function calls. After the close of the scope, it will contain all variables |
| explicitly set by the code contained inside it. After this, the values can be |
| read, modified, or added to: |
| |
| += 2 |
| empty_scope.new_thing = [ 1, 2, 3 ] |
| |
| Scope equality is defined as single-level scopes identical within the current |
| scope. That is, all values in the first scope must be present and identical |
| within the second, and vice versa. Note that this means inherited scopes are |
| always unequal by definition. |
| Input and output conversions are arguments to file and process functions |
| that specify how to convert data to or from external formats. The possible |
| values for parameters specifying conversions are: |
| |
| "" (the default) |
| input: Discard the result and return None. |
| |
| output: If value is a list, then "list lines"; otherwise "value". |
| |
| "list lines" |
| input: |
| Return the file contents as a list, with a string for each line. The |
| newlines will not be present in the result. The last line may or may |
| not end in a newline. |
| |
| After splitting, each individual line will be trimmed of whitespace on |
| both ends. |
| |
| output: |
| Renders the value contents as a list, with a string for each line. The |
| newlines will not be present in the result. The last line will end in |
| with a newline. |
| |
| "scope" |
| input: |
| Execute the block as GN code and return a scope with the resulting |
| values in it. If the input was: |
| a = [ "", "" ] |
| b = 26 |
| and you read the result into a variable named "val", then you could |
| access contents the "." operator on "val": |
| sources = val.a |
| some_count = val.b |
| |
| output: |
| Renders the value contents as a GN code block, reversing the input |
| result above. |
| |
| "string" |
| input: Return the file contents into a single string. |
| |
| output: |
| Render the value contents into a single string. The output is: |
| a string renders with quotes, e.g. "str" |
| an integer renders as a stringified integer, e.g. "6" |
| a boolean renders as the associated string, e.g. "true" |
| a list renders as a representation of its contents, e.g. "[\"str\", 6]" |
| a scope renders as a GN code block of its values. If the Value was: |
| Value val; |
| val.a = [ "", "" ]; |
| val.b = 26 |
| the resulting output would be: |
| "{ |
| a = [ \"\", \"\" ] |
| b = 26 |
| }" |
| |
| "value" |
| input: |
| Parse the input as if it was a literal rvalue in a buildfile. Examples of |
| typical program output using this mode: |
| [ "foo", "bar" ] (result will be a list) |
| or |
| "foo bar" (result will be a string) |
| or |
| 5 (result will be an integer) |
| |
| Note that if the input is empty, the result will be a null value which |
| will produce an error if assigned to a variable. |
| |
| output: |
| Render the value contents as a literal rvalue. Strings render with |
| escaped quotes. |
| |
| "json" |
| input: Parse the input as a JSON and convert it to equivalent GN rvalue. |
| |
| output: Convert the Value to equivalent JSON value. |
| |
| The data type mapping is: |
| a string in JSON maps to string in GN |
| an integer in JSON maps to integer in GN |
| a float in JSON is unsupported and will result in an error |
| an object in JSON maps to scope in GN |
| an array in JSON maps to list in GN |
| a boolean in JSON maps to boolean in GN |
| a null in JSON is unsupported and will result in an error |
| |
| Nota that the input dictionary keys have to be valid GN identifiers |
| otherwise they will produce an error. |
| |
| "trim ..." (input only) |
| Prefixing any of the other transformations with the word "trim" will |
| result in whitespace being trimmed from the beginning and end of the |
| result before processing. |
| |
| Examples: "trim string" or "trim list lines" |
| |
| Note that "trim value" is useless because the value parser skips |
| whitespace anyway. |
File patterns
| File patterns are VERY limited regular expressions. They must match the |
| entire input string to be counted as a match. In regular expression parlance, |
| there is an implicit "^...$" surrounding your input. If you want to match a |
| substring, you need to use wildcards at the beginning and end. |
| |
| There are only two special tokens understood by the pattern matcher. |
| Everything else is a literal. |
| |
| - "*" Matches zero or more of any character. It does not depend on the |
| preceding character (in regular expression parlance it is equivalent to |
| ".*"). |
| |
| - "\b" Matches a path boundary. This will match the beginning or end of a |
| string, or a slash. |
Pattern examples
| "*asdf*" |
| Matches a string containing "asdf" anywhere. |
| |
| "asdf" |
| Matches only the exact string "asdf". |
| |
| "*.cc" |
| Matches strings ending in the literal ".cc". |
| |
| "\bwin/*" |
| Matches "win/foo" and "foo/win/" but not "iwin/foo". |
Label patterns
| A label pattern is a way of expressing one or more labels in a portion of the |
| source tree. They are not general regular expressions. |
| |
| They can take the following forms only: |
| |
| - Explicit (no wildcard): |
| "//foo/bar:baz" |
| ":baz" |
| |
| - Wildcard target names: |
| "//foo/bar:*" (all targets in the //foo/bar/ file) |
| ":*" (all targets in the current build file) |
| |
| - Wildcard directory names ("*" is only supported at the end) |
| "*" (all targets) |
| "//foo/bar/*" (all targets in any subdir of //foo/bar) |
| "./*" (all targets in the current build file or sub dirs) |
| |
| Any of the above forms can additionally take an explicit toolchain |
| in parenthesis at the end of the label pattern. In this case, the |
| toolchain must be fully qualified (no wildcards are supported in the |
| toolchain name). |
| |
| "//foo:bar(//build/toolchain:mac)" |
| An explicit target in an explicit toolchain. |
| |
| ":*(//build/toolchain/linux:32bit)" |
| All targets in the current build file using the 32-bit Linux toolchain. |
| |
| "//foo/*(//build/toolchain:win)" |
| All targets in //foo and any subdirectory using the Windows |
| toolchain. |
About labels
| Everything that can participate in the dependency graph (targets, configs, |
| and toolchains) are identified by labels. A common label looks like: |
| |
| //base/test:test_support |
| |
| This consists of a source-root-absolute path, a colon, and a name. This means |
| to look for the thing named "test_support" in "base/test/". |
| |
| You can also specify system absolute paths if necessary. Typically such |
| paths would be specified via a build arg so the developer can specify where |
| the component is on their system. |
| |
| /usr/local/foo:bar (Posix) |
| /C:/Program Files/MyLibs:bar (Windows) |
| A canonical label includes the label of the toolchain being used. Normally, |
| the toolchain label is implicitly inherited from the current execution |
| context, but you can override this to specify cross-toolchain dependencies: |
| |
| //base/test:test_support(//build/toolchain/win:msvc) |
| |
| Here GN will look for the toolchain definition called "msvc" in the file |
| "//build/toolchain/win" to know how to compile this target. |
Relative labels
| If you want to refer to something in the same buildfile, you can omit |
| the path name and just start with a colon. This format is recommended for |
| all same-file references. |
| |
| :base |
| |
| Labels can be specified as being relative to the current directory. |
| Stylistically, we prefer to use absolute paths for all non-file-local |
| references unless a build file needs to be run in different contexts (like a |
| project needs to be both standalone and pulled into other projects in |
| difference places in the directory hierarchy). |
| |
| source/plugin:myplugin |
| ../net:url_request |
Implicit names
| If a name is unspecified, it will inherit the directory name. Stylistically, |
| we prefer to omit the colon and name when possible: |
| |
| |
| |
| Metadata is information attached to targets throughout the dependency tree. GN |
| allows for the collection of this data into files written during the generation |
| step, enabling users to expose and aggregate this data based on the dependency |
| tree. |
generated_file targets
| Similar to the write_file() function, the generated_file target type |
| creates a file in the specified location with the specified content. The |
| primary difference between write_file() and this target type is that the |
| write_file function does the file write at parse time, while the |
| generated_file target type writes at target resolution time. See |
| "gn help generated_file" for more detail. |
| |
| When written at target resolution time, generated_file enables GN to |
| collect and write aggregated metadata from dependents. |
| |
| A generated_file target can declare either 'contents' to write statically |
| known contents to a file or 'data_keys' to aggregate metadata and write the |
| result to a file. It can also specify 'walk_keys' (to restrict the metadata |
| collection), 'output_conversion', and 'rebase'. |
Collection and Aggregation
| Targets can declare a 'metadata' variable containing a scope, and this |
| metadata may be collected and written out to a file specified by |
| generated_file aggregation targets. The 'metadata' scope must contain |
| only list values since the aggregation step collects a list of these values. |
| |
| During the target resolution, generated_file targets will walk their |
| dependencies recursively, collecting metadata based on the specified |
| 'data_keys'. 'data_keys' is specified as a list of strings, used by the walk |
| to identify which variables in dependencies' 'metadata' scopes to collect. |
| |
| The walk begins with the listed dependencies of the 'generated_file' target. |
| The 'metadata' scope for each dependency is inspected for matching elements |
| of the 'generated_file' target's 'data_keys' list. If a match is found, the |
| data from the dependent's matching key list is appended to the aggregate walk |
| list. Note that this means that if more than one walk key is specified, the |
| data in all of them will be aggregated into one list. From there, the walk |
| will then recurse into the dependencies of each target it encounters, |
| collecting the specified metadata for each. |
| |
| For example: |
| |
| group("a") { |
| metadata = { |
| doom_melon = [ "enable" ] |
| my_files = [ "foo.cpp" ] |
| my_extra_files = [ "bar.cpp" ] |
| } |
| |
| deps = [ ":b" ] |
| } |
| |
| group("b") { |
| metadata = { |
| my_files = [ "baz.cpp" ] |
| } |
| } |
| |
| generated_file("metadata") { |
| outputs = [ "$root_build_dir/my_files.json" ] |
| data_keys = [ "my_files", "my_extra_files" ] |
| |
| deps = [ ":a" ] |
| } |
| |
| The above will produce the following file data: |
| |
| foo.cpp |
| bar.cpp |
| baz.cpp |
| |
| The dependency walk can be limited by using the 'walk_keys'. This is a list of |
| labels that should be included in the walk. All labels specified here should |
| also be in one of the deps lists. These keys act as barriers, where the walk |
| will only recurse into the targets listed. An empty list in all specified |
| barriers will end that portion of the walk. |
| |
| group("a") { |
| metadata = { |
| my_files = [ "foo.cpp" ] |
| my_files_barrier = [ ":b" ] |
| } |
| |
| deps = [ ":b", ":c" ] |
| } |
| |
| group("b") { |
| metadata = { |
| my_files = [ "bar.cpp" ] |
| } |
| } |
| |
| group("c") { |
| metadata = { |
| my_files = [ "doom_melon.cpp" ] |
| } |
| } |
| |
| generated_file("metadata") { |
| outputs = [ "$root_build_dir/my_files.json" ] |
| data_keys = [ "my_files" ] |
| walk_keys = [ "my_files_barrier" ] |
| |
| deps = [ ":a" ] |
| } |
| |
| The above will produce the following file data (note that `doom_melon.cpp` is |
| not included): |
| |
| foo.cpp |
| bar.cpp |
| |
| A common example of this sort of barrier is in builds that have host tools |
| built as part of the tree, but do not want the metadata from those host tools |
| to be collected with the target-side code. |
Common Uses
| Metadata can be used to collect information about the different targets in the |
| build, and so a common use is to provide post-build tooling with a set of data |
| necessary to do aggregation tasks. For example, if each test target specifies |
| the output location of its binary to run in a metadata field, that can be |
| collected into a single file listing the locations of all tests in the |
| dependency tree. A local build tool (or continuous integration infrastructure) |
| can then use that file to know which tests exist, and where, and run them |
| accordingly. |
| |
| Another use is in image creation, where a post-build image tool needs to know |
| various pieces of information about the components it should include in order |
| to put together the correct image. |
Ninja build rules
The "all" and "default" rules
| All generated targets (see "gn help execution") will be added to an implicit |
| build rule called "all" so "ninja all" will always compile everything. The |
| default rule will be used by Ninja if no specific target is specified (just |
| typing "ninja"). If there is a target named "default" in the root build file, |
| it will be the default build rule, otherwise the implicit "all" rule will be |
| used. |
Phony rules
| GN generates Ninja "phony" rules for targets in the default toolchain. The |
| phony rules can collide with each other and with the names of generated files |
| so are generated with the following priority: |
| |
| 1. Actual files generated by the build always take precedence. |
| |
| 2. Targets in the toplevel // file. |
| |
| 3. Targets in toplevel directories matching the names of the directories. |
| So "ninja foo" can be used to compile "//foo:foo". This only applies to |
| the first level of directories since usually these are the most |
| important (so this won't apply to "//foo/bar:bar"). |
| |
| 4. The short names of executables if there is only one executable with that |
| short name. Use "ninja doom_melon" to compile the |
| "//tools/fruit:doom_melon" executable. |
| |
| 5. The short names of all targets if there is only one target with that |
| short name. |
| |
| 6. Full label name with no leading slashes. So you can use |
| "ninja tools/fruit:doom_melon" to build "//tools/fruit:doom_melon". |
| |
| 7. Labels with an implicit name part (when the short names match the |
| directory). So you can use "ninja foo/bar" to compile "//foo/bar:bar". |
| |
| These "phony" rules are provided only for running Ninja since this matches |
| people's historical expectations for building. For consistency with the rest |
| of the program, GN introspection commands accept explicit labels. |
| |
| To explicitly compile a target in a non-default toolchain, you must give |
| Ninja the exact name of the output file relative to the build directory. |
nogncheck: Skip an include line from checking.
| GN's header checker helps validate that the includes match the build |
| dependency graph. Sometimes an include might be conditional or otherwise |
| problematic, but you want to specifically allow it. In this case, it can be |
| whitelisted. |
| |
| Include lines containing the substring "nogncheck" will be excluded from |
| header checking. The most common case is a conditional include: |
| |
| #if defined(ENABLE_DOOM_MELON) |
| #include "tools/doom_melon/doom_melon.h" |
| #endif |
| |
| If the build file has a conditional dependency on the corresponding target |
| that matches the conditional include, everything will always link correctly: |
| |
| source_set("mytarget") { |
| ... |
| if (enable_doom_melon) { |
| defines = [ "ENABLE_DOOM_MELON" ] |
| deps += [ "//tools/doom_melon" ] |
| } |
| |
| But GN's header checker does not understand preprocessor directives, won't |
| know it matches the build dependencies, and will flag this include as |
| incorrect when the condition is false. |
| The topic "gn help check" has general information on how checking works and |
| advice on fixing problems. Targets can also opt-out of checking, see |
| "gn help check_includes". |
Runtime dependencies
| Runtime dependencies of a target are exposed via the "runtime_deps" category |
| of "gn desc" (see "gn help desc") or they can be written at build generation |
| time via write_runtime_deps(), or |
| |
| |
| To a first approximation, the runtime dependencies of a target are the set of |
| "data" files, data directories, and the shared libraries from all transitive |
| dependencies. Executables, shared libraries, and loadable modules are |
| considered runtime dependencies of themselves. |
| Executable targets and those executable targets |
| not considered unless that executable is listed in "data_deps". Otherwise, GN |
| assumes that the executable (and everything it requires) is a build-time |
| dependency only. |
Actions and copies
| Action and copy targets that are listed as "data_deps" will have all of their |
| outputs and data files considered as runtime dependencies. Action and copy |
| targets that are "deps" or "public_deps" will have only their data files |
| considered as runtime dependencies. These targets can list an output file in |
| both the "outputs" and "data" lists to force an output file as a runtime |
| dependency in all cases. |
| |
| The different rules for deps and data_deps are to express build-time (deps) |
| vs. run-time (data_deps) outputs. If GN counted all build-time copy steps as |
| data dependencies, there would be a lot of extra stuff, and if GN counted all |
| run-time dependencies as regular deps, the build's parallelism would be |
| unnecessarily constrained. |
| |
| This rule can sometimes lead to unintuitive results. For example, given the |
| three targets: |
| A |
| GN would say that A does not have runtime deps on the result of the ACTION, |
| which is often correct. But the purpose of the B target might be to collect |
| many actions into one logic unit, and the "data"-ness of A's dependency is |
| lost. Solutions: |
| |
| - List the outputs of the action in its data section (if the results of |
| that action are always runtime files). |
| - Have B list the action in data_deps (if the outputs of the actions are |
| always runtime files). |
| - Have B list the action in both deps and data deps (if the outputs might be |
| used in both contexts and you don't care about unnecessary entries in the |
| list of files required at runtime). |
| - Split B into run-time and build-time versions with the appropriate "deps" |
| for each. |
Static libraries and source sets
| The results of static_library or source_set targets are not considered |
| runtime dependencies since these are assumed to be intermediate targets only. |
| If you need to list a static library as a runtime dependency, you can |
| manually compute the .a/.lib file name for the current platform and list it |
| in the "data" list of a target (possibly on the static library target |
| itself). |
Multiple outputs
| Linker tools can specify which of their outputs should be considered when |
| computing the runtime deps by setting runtime_outputs. If this is unset on |
| the tool, the default will be the first output only. |
How Source Expansion Works
| Source expansion is used for the action_foreach and copy target types to map |
| source file names to output file names or arguments. |
| |
| To perform source expansion in the outputs, GN maps every entry in the |
| sources to every entry in the outputs list, producing the cross product of |
| all combinations, expanding placeholders (see below). |
| |
| Source expansion in the args works similarly, but performing the placeholder |
| substitution produces a different set of arguments for each invocation of the |
| script. |
| |
| If no placeholders are found, the outputs or args list will be treated as a |
| static list of literal file names that do not depend on the sources. |
| |
| See "gn help copy" and "gn help action_foreach" for more on how this is |
| applied. |
| This section discusses only placeholders for actions. There are other |
| placeholders used in the definition of tools. See "gn help tool" for those. |
| |
| {{source}} |
| The name of the source file including directory (*). This will generally |
| be used for specifying inputs to a script in the "args" variable. |
| "//foo/bar/baz.txt" => "../../foo/bar/baz.txt" |
| |
| {{source_file_part}} |
| The file part of the source including the extension. |
| "//foo/bar/baz.txt" => "baz.txt" |
| |
| {{source_name_part}} |
| The filename part of the source file with no directory or extension. This |
| will generally be used for specifying a transformation from a source file |
| to a destination file with the same name but different extension. |
| "//foo/bar/baz.txt" => "baz" |
| |
| {{source_dir}} |
| The directory (*) containing the source file with no trailing slash. |
| "//foo/bar/baz.txt" => "../../foo/bar" |
| |
| {{source_root_relative_dir}} |
| The path to the source file's directory relative to the source root, with |
| no leading "//" or trailing slashes. If the path is system-absolute, |
| (beginning in a single slash) this will just return the path with no |
| trailing slash. This value will always be the same, regardless of whether |
| it appears in the "outputs" or "args" section. |
| "//foo/bar/baz.txt" => "foo/bar" |
| |
| {{source_gen_dir}} |
| The generated file directory (*) corresponding to the source file's path. |
| This will be different than the target's generated file directory if the |
| source file is in a different directory than the file. |
| "//foo/bar/baz.txt" => "gen/foo/bar" |
| |
| {{source_out_dir}} |
| The object file directory (*) corresponding to the source file's path, |
| relative to the build directory. this us be different than the target's |
| out directory if the source file is in a different directory than the |
| file. |
| "//foo/bar/baz.txt" => "obj/foo/bar" |
| |
| {{source_target_relative}} |
| The path to the source file relative to the target's directory. This will |
| generally be used for replicating the source directory layout in the |
| output directory. This can only be used in actions and bundle_data |
| targets. It is an error to use in process_file_template where there is no |
| "target". |
| "//foo/bar/baz.txt" => "baz.txt" |
(*) Note on directories
| Paths containing directories (except the source_root_relative_dir) will be |
| different depending on what context the expansion is evaluated in. Generally |
| it should "just work" but it means you can't concatenate strings containing |
| these values with reasonable results. |
| |
| Details: source expansions can be used in the "outputs" variable, the "args" |
| variable, and in calls to "process_file_template". The "args" are passed to a |
| script which is run from the build directory, so these directories will |
| relative to the build directory for the script to find. In the other cases, |
| the directories will be source- absolute (begin with a "//") because the |
| results of those expansions will be handled by GN internally. |
| Non-varying outputs: |
| action("hardcoded_outputs") { |
| sources = [ "input1.idl", "input2.idl" ] |
| outputs = [ "$target_out_dir/output1.dat", |
| "$target_out_dir/output2.dat" ] |
| } |
| The outputs in this case will be the two literal files given. |
| |
| Varying outputs: |
| action_foreach("varying_outputs") { |
| sources = [ "input1.idl", "input2.idl" ] |
| outputs = [ "{{source_gen_dir}}/{{source_name_part}}.h", |
| "{{source_gen_dir}}/{{source_name_part}}.cc" ] |
| } |
| Performing source expansion will result in the following output names: |
| //out/Debug/obj/mydirectory/input1.h |
| //out/Debug/obj/mydirectory/ |
| //out/Debug/obj/mydirectory/input2.h |
| //out/Debug/obj/mydirectory/ |
Available global switches
| Do "gn help --the_switch_you_want_help_on" for more. Individual commands may |
| take command-specific switches not listed here. See the help on your specific |
| command for more. |
| * |
| * |
| * |
| * |
| * |
| * |
| * |
| * -q: Quiet mode. Don't print output on success. |
| * |
| * |
| * |
| * |
| * |
| * |
| * |
| * -v: Verbose logging. |
| * |
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