How to communicate with an NFC reader

How to communicate with an NFC reader
NOTE: this is low level documentation if you want to understand how
to communicate with the PN532 in the ACS ACR122, it is not necessary to
understand this to use the library
To use a device with a PN532 in NFCIP mode (P2P) is rather straightforward as
is demonstrated by this library. This document will show you what APDUs to send
at which moment as briefly as possible. See [1,2,3,7] for more detailed
information on how everything is supposed to fit together. This document
describes the required commands for the PN532 to communicate in P2P mode. The
hardware I tested this with is the ACS ACR122 [4] with the NXP PN532 chip.
This is the (relatively cheap) reader sold by for example TikiTag [5].
There are two modes considered here. INITIATOR and TARGET. It is a matter of
sending the right APDUs to the reader. In Java 6 you can use the
"javax.smartcardio.*" API for this [6]. For other platforms there are probably
similar ways of communicating with readers.
Communicating with the reader happens through APDUs (which are byte arrays of
data) in which certain functionality of for example a smart card are accessed.
The ACS ACR122 is however a little bit different as it also supports "pseudo
APDUs" which talk to the reader itself rather then to a smart card. By sending
a specific (pseudo) APDU you can access the functionality of the PN532 chip
built in, or some reader specific functionality like modifying the status of
the LED.
The header for sending commands meant for the PN532 is:
0xff 0x00 0x00 0x00 0xii
Where "ii" is the size of the rest of the command including the command
instruction. An example of an actual APDU command sent to the terminal to send
data to a target (see below) looks like this (>>). The response is
also shown (<<)
>> 0xff 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x09 0xd4 0x40 0x01 0x30 0x31 0x32 0x33 0x34 0x00
<< 0xd5 0x41 0x00 0x30 0x31 0x32 0x33 0x34 0x00 0x90 0x00
This sends the data `0x30 0x31 0x32 0x33 0x34 0x00` which is a string
representation of `01234`. The response includes the same data in this example.
We also didn't mention that the responses to the commands all end with 0x90
0x00 as that is always the case with successfully executed APDUs. In case of a
wrong command the result will only be two bytes which indicate an error. See
for example [2] for a description of some errors for the ACR122.
NFCIP Initiator Mode
The first step is to set the mode to initiator and wait for a target to appear.
This is done by sending the command "InJumpForDEP" which is "0xd4 0x56". It has
a few parameters that are encoded in the APDU. A full example:
Configure as initiator and wait for targets
There are two ways to do this. You can ask for a target and the first one to
reply becomes your target, or the other method is to ask for multiple targets
and select the one you want (possibly alternating), so you can manage two
targets at the same time.
Activating one target
This is used to initialize and activate a target directly with one command, you
get one active target this way.
** Command to PN532 **
0xd4 0x56 InJumpForDEP instruction code
0x00 Look for Passive/Active Target
(0x00 = passive, 0x01 = active)
0x02 Baud Rate
(0x00 = 106kbps, 0x01 = 212kbps, 0x02 = 424kbps)
0x01 Whether or not there is a payload in this command
(0x01 = yes)
0x00 0xff 0xff 0x00 0x00 Polling Request?
Every command is answered with a response, in this case as soon as a target is
in range.
** Response from PN532 **
0xd5 0x57 InJumpForDEP response code
0x00 Status
(0x00 = no error)
0x01 Target number (used for sending data later)
This is followed by the ATR_RES bytes which we won't be using in the rest of
the protocol.
Initializing and activate one or more targets
There is also another way to select and initialize a target, or multiple
targets. The PN532 supports two targets at a time. This command is to list and
initialize one or more targets:
** Command to PN532 **
0xd4 0x4a InListPassivTargets instruction code
0x01 Look for this number of targets
0x02 Baud Rate
(0x00 = 106kbps, 0x01 = 212kbps, 0x02 = 424kbps)
0x00 0xff 0xff 0x00 0x00 Polling Request?
** Response from PN532 **
0xd5 0x4b InListPassivTargets response code
0x01 Number of targets found
(here 1 target found)
0x01 The following bytes describe target 1
0x12 The target information has 12 bytes including
this one
0x01 Maybe the real communication speed?
0x01 0xFE 0xDD 0x8E 0xCF 0x70 0x29 0xE2
This target NFCID3
(used for selecting it with InSelect later)
0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
Activate target:
** Command to PN532 **
0xd4 0x50 InATR instruction code
0x01 Activate target with this number
(here number 1)
0x01 0xFE 0xDD 0x8E 0xCF 0x70 0x29 0xE2
The NFCID3 from previous response
** Response from PN532 **
0xd5 0x51 InATR` response code
0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x0A 0x00
The sending and receiving of data is the same as with the other method (see
below). The advantage here is that you can scan for targets and select the one
you need, allowing for multiple targets at the same time!
Send data to a target
** Command to PN532 **
0xd4 0x40 InDataExchange instruction code
0x01 Target to send to
(see response from previous command)
... ... ... The rest are the bytes to be send to the target.
The maximum number of bytes seems to be 252?
** Response from PN532 **
0xd5 0x41 InDataExchange reponse code
0x00 Status
(0x00 = no error)
... ... ... The rest are the bytes received from the target,
this is how the target sends data to the
initiator by replying with it in the response
to the received data
Release a target
** Command to PN532 **
0xd4 0x52 InRelease instruction code
0x01 Target to release
(0x00 = release all targets)
** Response from PN532 **
0xd5 0x53 InRelease response code
0x00 Status
(0x00 = no error)
NFCIP Target Mode
Configure as target and wait for initiators
** Command to PN532 **
0xd4 0x8c TgInitAsTarget instruction code
0x00 Acceptable modes
(0x00 = allow all, 0x01 = only allow to be
initialized as passive, 0x02 = allow DEP only)
_6 bytes (_MIFARE_)_:
0x08 0x00 SENS_RES
0x12 0x34 0x56 NFCID1
0x40 SEL_RES
_18 bytes (_Felica_)_:
0x01 0xfe 0xa2 0xa3 0xa4 0xa5 0xa6 0xa7
0xc0 0xc1 0xc2 0xc3 0xc4 0xc5 0xc6 0xc7
0xff 0xff System parameters?
0xaa 0x99 0x88 0x77 0x66 0x55 0x44 0x33 0x22 0x11
0x00 ?
0x00 ?
This is the response when an initiator activated this target:
** Response from PN532 **
0xd5 0x8d TgInitAsTarget response code
0x04 Mode
(0x04 = DEP, 106kbps)
... ... ... ?
Receive data from initiator
** Command to PN532 **
0xd4 0x86 TgGetData instruction code
** Response from PN532 **
0xd5 0x87 TgGetData response code
0x00 Status
(0x00 = no error, bit 6 set: See "Meta Chaining")
... ... ... The rest are the bytes received from initiator
Send data to initiator
** Command to PN532 **
0xd4 0x8e TgSetData instruction code
... ... ... The rest are the bytes to be send to initiator
** Reponse from the PN532 **
0xd5 0x8f TgSetData response code
0x00 Status
(0x00 = no error)
Send data to initiator (Meta Chaining)
** Command to PN532 **
0xd4 0x94 TgSetMetaData instruction code
... ... ... The rest are the bytes to be send to initiator
** Reponse from the PN532 **
0xd5 0x95 TgSetMetaData response code
0x00 Status
(0x00 = no error)
Whenever you want to send more data then possible (the amount of data is
seemingly limited to 252 bytes) you have can use "chaining". There are two ways
to do this with the PN532. You can either implement it yourself completely or
use the "meta chaining" provided by the PN532. Below both techniques will be
Initiator Meta Chaining
First we look at the situation from the initiator. Using meta chaining the
initiator uses the InDataExchange command specifying the target and setting bit
6 of the target field to indicate that there is more data coming. This bit 6
remains set while there is more data and is removed in the last data block.
The response from the InDataExchange command can be ignored, except with the
last block where bit 6 is not set. At this point the returned data is the data
the target wants to send back. The status byte of the returned data indicates
whether also the target wants to send more data back than just one block. If
bit 6 is set in the status field the initiator can request the rest using an
empty InDataExchange command, just specifying the target.
InDataExchange(target byte with bit 6 set, block 1)
InDataExchange(target byte with bit 6 set, block 2)
: :
InDataExchange(target byte with bit 6 cleared, block n)
look at the response code from the last InDataExchange, if bit 6 is set
there is more data coming than just the data in this block
InDataExchange(target), while status byte has bit 6 set
Target Meta Chaining
The target looks at the status field of TgGetData to see whether or not more
data is coming in this transfer. While this bit is set the target can request
more data with TgGetData.
Once all data has been received the target can send back data. No bit needs to
be set when more data is being sent. Just a different command. For a single
block one uses TgSetData and for sending multiple blocks one uses TgSetMetaData.
*FIXME* What about the last block? This is done using TgSetData again?
Custom Chaining
When using custom chaining, so without setting or reading bit 6 or the target
and status fields the communication is a little bit different for the target.
Behavior for the initiator stays the same (except that bit 6 is not set
anymore). The target now can't send TgGetData repeatedly, but has to use
TgSetData without sending any actual data before using TgGetData again. In this
situation TgSetMetaData is not used.
(retrieved November 15th 2008)
(retrieved November 15th 2008)
(retrieved November 15th 2008)
(retrieved November 15th 2008)
(retrieved November 15th 2008)
(retrieved November 15th 2008)
[7] _Beyond Device Pairing: New Interactions on NFC Enabled Mobile Phones_
(retrieved November 17th 2008)
posted @ 2013-05-27 10:24  Bigben  阅读(1141)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报