大熊君JavaScript插件化开发------(实战篇之DXJ UI ------ Tab功能扩展完结版)
1 { 2 buttonText : "添加模块" , 3 result : [ 4 { 5 text : "向导提示" , 6 url : "help.html" , 7 showClose : "0" 8 } , 9 { 10 text : "学生信息" , 11 url : "info.html" , 12 showClose : "1" 13 } , 14 { 15 text : "学生分类" , 16 url : "category.html" , 17 showClose : "1" 18 } , 19 { 20 text : "大熊君{{bb}}" , 21 url : "bb.html" , 22 showClose : "1" 23 } , 24 { 25 text : "Beta测试模块" , 26 url : "test.html" , 27 showClose : "1" 28 } , 29 { 30 text : "三胖子" , 31 url : "help.html" , 32 showClose : "1" 33 } , 34 { 35 text : "四秃子" , 36 url : "help.html" , 37 showClose : "1" 38 } 39 ] , 40 displayMax : 5 // 最多显示项目 41 }
“bigbear.ui.createTab”里面包含两个参数,第一个是dom节点对象,第二个是插件参数选项,"buttonText "代表“Tab“插件中,操作按钮的文字描述。
1 $(function(){ 2 bigbear.ui.createTab($("#tab"),{ 3 buttonText : "添加模块" , 4 result : [ 5 { 6 text : "向导提示" , 7 url : "help.html" , 8 showClose : "0" 9 } , 10 { 11 text : "学生信息" , 12 url : "info.html" , 13 showClose : "1" 14 } , 15 { 16 text : "学生分类" , 17 url : "category.html" , 18 showClose : "1" 19 } , 20 { 21 text : "大熊君{{bb}}" , 22 url : "bb.html" , 23 showClose : "1" 24 } , 25 { 26 text : "Beta测试模块" , 27 url : "test.html" , 28 showClose : "1" 29 } , 30 { 31 text : "三胖子" , 32 url : "help.html" , 33 showClose : "1" 34 } , 35 { 36 text : "四秃子" , 37 url : "help.html" , 38 showClose : "1" 39 } 40 ] , 41 displayMax : 5 // 最多显示项目 42 }) ; 43 }) ;
1 tabProto.init = function(){ 2 if(this._isEmptyResult()){ 3 this._setContent("暂无任何模块!") ; 4 } 5 var that = this ; 6 this.getElem().find(".title .adder") 7 .text("+" + this.getOpts()["buttonText"]) 8 .on("click",function(){ 9 that.getElem().find(".console-panel").slideToggle(function(){ 10 that._renderConsolePanel("0") ; 11 }) ; 12 }) ; 13 $.each(this.getOpts()["result"],function(i,item){ 14 if(that._isDisplayMax(i + 1)){ 15 that._saveOrUpdateStatus(item,"1") ; 16 } 17 else{ 18 that._saveOrUpdateStatus(item,"2") ; 19 } 20 that._render(item) ; 21 }) ; 22 if(!that._isDisplayMax(this.getOpts()["result"].length)){ 23 this.getElem().find(".title .more-mod").fadeIn(function(){ 24 $(this).find(".tag").on("click",function(){ 25 var root = $(this).next() ; 26 root.empty() ; 27 $.each(that._getItemListByStatus("2"),function(i,data){ 28 $("<div></div>").text(data["text"]) 29 .on("click",function(){ 30 if(that._getItemListByStatus("1").length < that.getOpts()["displayMax"]){ 31 that.getElem().find(".title .items div").eq(data["index"]).fadeIn(function(){ 32 that._saveOrUpdateStatus(data,"1") ; 33 }) ; 34 } 35 else{ 36 alert("不能添加任何模块,目前已经是最大数量!") ; 37 } 38 }) 39 .appendTo(root) ; 40 }) ; 41 root.toggle() ; 42 }) ; 43 44 }); 45 } 46 this.getElem().find(".title .items div") 47 .eq(0) 48 .trigger("click") ; // 假定是必须有一项,否则插件意义就不大了! 49 } ;
1 tabProto._setCurrent = function(index){ 2 var items = this.getElem().find(".title .items div").removeClass("active") ; 3 items.eq(index).addClass("active") ; 4 var contents = this.getElem().find(".content .c").hide() ; 5 contents.eq(index).show() ; 6 } ;
1 item.on("click",function(){ 2 that._setCurrent($(this).index()) ; 3 that._getContent(data["url"]).done(function(result){ 4 that._setContent(result) ; 5 }) 6 .fail(function(){ 7 throw new Error("Net Error !") ; 8 }); 9 })
1 tabProto._setContent = function(html){ 2 this.getElem().find(".content").html(html) ; 3 } ; 4 tabProto._getContent = function(url){ 5 return $.ajax({ 6 url : url 7 }) ; 8 } ;
1 /* update time 2015 1/26 15:36 */ 2 tabProto._isDisplayMax = function(size){ 3 var displayMax = this.getOpts()["displayMax"] || 5 ; 4 return (size <= displayMax) ? true : false ; 5 } ; 6 tabProto._isEmptyResult = function(){ 7 if(!this.getOpts()["result"].length){ 8 return false ; 9 } 10 return true ; 11 } ; 12 tabProto._saveOrUpdateStatus = function(item,status){ 13 item["status"] = status ; 14 } ; 15 tabProto._getItemListByStatus = function(status){ 16 var list = [] ; 17 var result = this.getOpts()["result"] ; 18 $.each(result,function(i,item){ 19 if(status == item["status"]){ 20 list.push(item) ; 21 } 22 }) ; 23 return list ; 24 } ; 25 tabProto._getStatusByIndex = function(index){ 26 var status = null ; 27 var result = this.getOpts()["result"] ; 28 $.each(result,function(i,item){ 29 if(index == item["index"]){ 30 status = item["status"] ; 31 } 32 }) ; 33 return status ; 34 } ;
1 <body> 2 <div class="dxj-ui-hd"> 3 大熊君{{bb}} - DXJ UI ------ Tab 4 </div> 5 <div class="dxj-ui-bd"> 6 <div id="tab"> 7 <div class="title"> 8 <div class="adder"> 9 + 添加学生信息 10 </div> 11 <div class="items"> 12 <!--<div><span class="del">X</span>欢迎页</div> 13 <div><span class="del">X</span>用户管理</div> 14 <div><span class="del">X</span>Bigbear</div>--> 15 </div> 16 <div class="more-mod"> 17 <div class="tag">更多模块</div> 18 <div class="mods"> 19 20 </div> 21 </div> 22 </div> 23 <div class="console-panel"> 24 </div> 25 <div class="content"> 26 <!--<div class="c"> 27 28 <div class="input-content"><span>姓名:</span><input type="text" /></div> 29 <div class="input-content"><span>备注:</span><textarea></textarea></div> 30 31 </div> <div class="input-content"><input type="button" value="保存" /></div> 32 --> 33 </div> 34 </div> 35 </div> 36 </body>
1 .dxj-ui-hd { 2 padding:0px ; 3 margin : 0 auto; 4 margin-top:30px; 5 width:780px; 6 height:60px; 7 line-height: 60px; 8 background: #3385ff; 9 color:#fff; 10 font-family: "微软雅黑" ; 11 font-size: 28px; 12 text-align: center; 13 font-weight:bold; 14 } 15 .dxj-ui-bd { 16 padding:0px ; 17 margin : 0 auto; 18 width:778px; 19 padding-top : 30px ; 20 padding-bottom : 30px ; 21 overflow: hidden; 22 border:1px solid #3385ff; 23 } 24 .dxj-ui-bd #tab { 25 padding:0px ; 26 margin : 0 auto; 27 width:720px; 28 overflow: hidden; 29 position:relative; 30 } 31 .dxj-ui-bd #tab .title { 32 width:720px; 33 overflow: hidden; 34 border-bottom:2px solid #3385ff; 35 } 36 .dxj-ui-bd #tab .title .adder { 37 width:160px; 38 height:32px; 39 line-height: 32px; 40 background: #DC143C; 41 color:#fff; 42 font-family: "微软雅黑" ; 43 font-size: 14px; 44 text-align: center; 45 font-weight:bold; 46 float : left; 47 cursor:pointer; 48 } 49 .dxj-ui-bd #tab .title .more-mod { 50 overflow:hidden; 51 border:1px solid #DC143C; 52 width:70px; 53 position:absolute; 54 right:0; 55 margin-right:6px; 56 display:none; 57 } 58 .dxj-ui-bd #tab .title .more-mod .tag{ 59 height:32px; 60 line-height:32px; 61 width:70px; 62 background: #DC143C; 63 color:#fff; 64 font-family: arial ; 65 font-size: 12px; 66 text-align: center; 67 cursor:pointer; 68 } 69 .dxj-ui-bd #tab .title .more-mod .mods { 70 overflow:hidden; 71 width:70px; 72 display:none; 73 } 74 .dxj-ui-bd #tab .title .more-mod .mods div { 75 height:24px; 76 line-height:24px; 77 width:62px; 78 font-family: arial ; 79 font-size: 12px; 80 cursor:pointer; 81 padding-left:10px; 82 } 83 .dxj-ui-bd #tab .title .items { 84 height:32px; 85 86 width:480px; 87 overflow: hidden; 88 float : left; 89 } 90 .dxj-ui-bd #tab .title .items div { 91 padding:0px; 92 margin-left:10px; 93 width:84px; 94 height:32px; 95 line-height: 32px; 96 background: #3385ff; 97 color:#fff; 98 font-family: arial ; 99 font-size: 12px; 100 text-align: center; 101 position:relative; 102 float : left; 103 cursor:pointer; 104 } 105 .dxj-ui-bd #tab .title .items div span.del { 106 width:16px; 107 height:16px; 108 line-height: 16px; 109 display:block; 110 background: #DC143C; 111 position:absolute; 112 right:0 ; 113 top:0; 114 cursor:pointer; 115 } 116 .dxj-ui-bd #tab .content { 117 width:716px; 118 padding-top:30px; 119 overflow: hidden; 120 border:2px solid #3385ff; 121 border-top:0px; 122 min-height:130px; 123 text-align:center; 124 } 125 .dxj-ui-bd #tab .content table { 126 margin : 0 auto ; 127 } 128 .dxj-ui-bd #tab .content div.c { 129 padding-top : 20px ; 130 padding-left:20px; 131 background:#eee; 132 height:140px; 133 } 134 .dxj-ui-bd #tab .content div.c .input-content { 135 margin-top : 10px ; 136 font-family: arial ; 137 font-size: 12px; 138 } 139 .dxj-ui-bd #tab .console-panel { 140 width:716px; 141 padding-top:20px; 142 padding-bottom:20px; 143 overflow: hidden; 144 border:2px solid #3385ff; 145 border-top:0px; 146 border-bottom:2px solid #3385ff; 147 background:#fff; 148 display:none; 149 } 150 151 .active { 152 font-weight:bold ; 153 }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 | ( function ($){ var win = window ; var bb = win.bigbear = win.bigbear || { ui : {} } ; var ui = bb.ui = {} ; var Tab = function (elem,opts){ this .elem = elem ; this .opts = opts ; } ; var tabProto = Tab.prototype ; /* update time 2015 1/26 15:36 */ tabProto._isDisplayMax = function (size){ var displayMax = this .getOpts()[ "displayMax" ] || 5 ; return (size <= displayMax) ? true : false ; } ; tabProto._isEmptyResult = function (){ if (! this .getOpts()[ "result" ].length){ return false ; } return true ; } ; tabProto._saveOrUpdateStatus = function (item,status){ item[ "status" ] = status ; } ; tabProto._getItemListByStatus = function (status){ var list = [] ; var result = this .getOpts()[ "result" ] ; $.each(result, function (i,item){ if (status == item[ "status" ]){ list.push(item) ; } }) ; return list ; } ; tabProto._getStatusByIndex = function (index){ var status = null ; var result = this .getOpts()[ "result" ] ; $.each(result, function (i,item){ if (index == item[ "index" ]){ status = item[ "status" ] ; } }) ; return status ; } ; tabProto._renderConsolePanel = function (status){ var that = this ; var root = that.getElem().find( ".console-panel" ) ; this ._resetConsolePanel() ; $.each(that._getItemListByStatus(status), function (i,item){ var elem = $( "<div style='float:left';></div>" ).appendTo(root) ; $( "<input type='radio' name='addmod' />" ) .data( "item" ,item) .appendTo(elem) ; $( "<span></span>" ).text(item[ "text" ]).appendTo(elem) ; }) ; if (root.find( "div" ).size()){ $( "<input type='button' value='添加模块' style='margin-left:20px'/>" ) .on( "click" , function (){ var data = root.find( "input[type=radio]:checked" ).data( "item" ) ; if (that._getItemListByStatus( "1" ).length < that.getOpts()[ "displayMax" ]){ that.getElem().find( ".title .items div" ).eq(data[ "index" ]).fadeIn( function (){ that._saveOrUpdateStatus(data, "1" ) ; }) .trigger( "click" ) ; } else { that._saveOrUpdateStatus(data, "2" ) ; } that.getElem().find( ".title .adder" ).trigger( "click" ) ; }) .appendTo(root) ; } else { root.text( "暂无任何可添加的项目!" ) ; } } ; /* update time 2015 1/26 15:36 */ tabProto._setCurrent = function (index){ var items = this .getElem().find( ".title .items div" ).removeClass( "active" ) ; items.eq(index).addClass( "active" ) ; var contents = this .getElem().find( ".content .c" ).hide() ; contents.eq(index).show() ; } ; tabProto.getElem = function (){ return this .elem ; } ; tabProto.getOpts = function (){ return this .opts ; } ; tabProto._resetContent = function (){ this .getElem().find( ".content" ).html( "" ) ; } ; tabProto._setContent = function (html){ this .getElem().find( ".content" ).html(html) ; } ; tabProto._getContent = function (url){ return $.ajax({ url : url }) ; } ; tabProto._deleteItem = function (elem){ var that = this ; this .getElem().find( ".title .items div" ) .eq(elem.index()) .fadeOut( function (){ that._resetContent() ; that._saveOrUpdateStatus(elem.data( "item" ), "0" ) ; that._triggerItem(elem.index() + 1) ; }) ; } ; tabProto._triggerItem = function (next){ var nextStatus = this ._getStatusByIndex(next) ; var items = this .getElem().find( ".title .items div" ) ; next = items.eq(next) ; if (next.size() && "1" == nextStatus){ //后继dom节点存在 next.trigger( "click" ) ; } else { items.eq(0).trigger( "click" ) ; } } ; tabProto._resetConsolePanel = function (){ this .getElem().find( ".console-panel" ).empty() ; } ; tabProto.init = function (){ if ( this ._isEmptyResult()){ this ._setContent( "暂无任何模块!" ) ; } var that = this ; this .getElem().find( ".title .adder" ) .text( "+" + this .getOpts()[ "buttonText" ]) .on( "click" , function (){ that.getElem().find( ".console-panel" ).slideToggle( function (){ that._renderConsolePanel( "0" ) ; }) ; }) ; $.each( this .getOpts()[ "result" ], function (i,item){ if (that._isDisplayMax(i + 1)){ that._saveOrUpdateStatus(item, "1" ) ; } else { that._saveOrUpdateStatus(item, "2" ) ; } that._render(item) ; }) ; if (!that._isDisplayMax( this .getOpts()[ "result" ].length)){ this .getElem().find( ".title .more-mod" ).fadeIn( function (){ $( this ).find( ".tag" ).on( "click" , function (){ var root = $( this ).next() ; root.empty() ; $.each(that._getItemListByStatus( "2" ), function (i,data){ $( "<div></div>" ).text(data[ "text" ]) .on( "click" , function (){ if (that._getItemListByStatus( "1" ).length < that.getOpts()[ "displayMax" ]){ that.getElem().find( ".title .items div" ).eq(data[ "index" ]).fadeIn( function (){ that._saveOrUpdateStatus(data, "1" ) ; }) ; } else { alert( "不能添加任何模块,目前已经是最大数量!" ) ; } }) .appendTo(root) ; }) ; root.toggle() ; }) ; }); } this .getElem().find( ".title .items div" ) .eq(0) .trigger( "click" ) ; // 假定是必须有一项,否则插件意义就不大了! } ; tabProto._render = function (data){ var that = this ; var item = $( "<div></div>" ).text(data[ "text" ]).appendTo( this .getElem().find( ".title .items" )) ; data[ "index" ] = item.index() ; item.on( "click" , function (){ that._setCurrent($( this ).index()) ; that._getContent(data[ "url" ]).done( function (result){ that._setContent(result) ; }) .fail( function (){ throw new Error( "Net Error !" ) ; }); }) .data( "item" ,data) ; if ( "2" == data[ "status" ]){ item.hide() ; } if ( "1" == data[ "showClose" ]){ $( "<span class='del'>X</span>" ) .on( "click" , function (){ if (win.confirm( "是否删除此项?" )){ that._deleteItem(item) ; return false ; // 阻止冒泡 } }) .appendTo(item) ; } } ; ui.createTab = function (elem,opts){ var tab = new Tab(elem,opts) ; tab.init() ; return tab ; } ; })(jQuery) ; |
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