Daily Scrum M2 11-5

今天我们讨论的UI设计的一致性问题,因为我们的任务是分配给不同队员去完成的,所以最后需要整合工作的时候需要保持UI风格的一致。Jian Jiang正在处理我们UI的框架图,准备明天就联系UI组成员帮我们设计图标和按钮。

member today's task tomorrow's task

Junyuan Xie

absent/occupied occupied

Yishi Xing

get the time information from the interface of

video player and add a timeline to the spectrum

get the time information from the interface of

video player and add a timeline to the spectrum

Jian Jiang

design the script of our appearance design the script of our appearance

Jun Xu

Study the python grammer;Master the previous work of Tao;

Design the framework of the buffer

Liangjun Song

absent absent

Tao Wu

pack original work pack original work;code handover and translate

posted @ 2012-11-05 23:04  Msra-Ustc-灰太狼  阅读(166)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报