Daily Scrum M1 10-17





Today’s Task

Next Task

Junyuan Xie



Liangjun Song

Integrate the UI, task 1287

Integrate the UI, task 1287

Tao Wu

Test the player

Test the player

Yishi Xing

Add some new function in the frequency graph

Add some new function in the frequency graph

Yingwei Pan

Add the Xunfei api to the software

Do some test of the software


Jun Xu

Hold the meeting and make the daiy scrum and test the supported   format

Hold the meeting and make the daiy scrum and test the supported   format


Blocking event:UI联合各项功能迫在眉睫,不过现在也只是剩下最后一小部分了,要做的就是加紧把这块合并起来了。










posted @ 2012-10-17 20:19  Msra-Ustc-灰太狼  阅读(255)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报