Daily Scrum M1 10-12





Today’s Task

Next Task

Junyuan Xie

Improve the core algorithm

Improve the core algorithm

Liangjun Song

Integrate the UI, task 1287

enable subtitle embeding, task 1214

Integrate the UI, task 1287

Tao Wu

wrap the interface of vlc.py, task 1217

VLC UI design with wxpython, task 1218

Yishi Xing

Solve the task 1286, frequency Spectrum Display

Complete the frequency graph, task 1285

Jun Xu

Hold the meeting and make the daiy scrum

Hold the meeting and make the daiy scrum


Blocing event: 我们现在的集中精力在于把软件的界面给初步完善起来,然后在Milestone下继续改进自己的算法,现在主要是播放器模块的UI还需要一点时间完成,字幕模块已经基本完成了,播放器加载字幕对于中文还是有一些bug需要调试的,不过相信这一定能够最后解决好的,加油努力工作吧!










posted @ 2012-10-12 19:37  Msra-Ustc-灰太狼  阅读(321)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报