Daily Scrum M1 9-27


Today’s Task

Tomorrow’s Task

Junyuan Xie

Calculate log spectrum, task 1207

Data Stream Interface, task 1204

Liangjun Song

Parser for subtitles read, task 1199

Parser for subtitles write, task 1201

Tao Wu

analysis mplayer_python.py code, task 1341

Test mplayer_python library with movies, task 1342


Test mplayer_python library with movies, task 1342

implement mplayer in slave model, task 1212


Yishi Xing

Use the matplotlib to draw   a spectrogram, task 1316

Link a scrollbar to the   plotted spectrogram, task1317

Jun Xu

Finish the team spec

Master the way to pack the software, task 1300






posted @ 2012-09-28 08:59  Msra-Ustc-灰太狼  阅读(214)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报