
图1 input输入子系统
核心层负责连接驱动层和事件处理层,设备驱动(device driver)和处理程序(handler)的注册需要通过核心层来完成,核心层接收来自驱动层的数据信息,并将数据信息选择对应的handler去处理,最终handler将数据复制到用户空间。
struct input_dev { void *private; const char *name; const char *phys; const char *uniq; struct inBITS(KEY_MAX)]; //按键事件支持的子事件类型 unsigned long relbit[NBITS(REL_MAX)]; unsigned long absbit[NBITS(ABS_Mput_id id; //与input_handler匹配用的id unsigned long evbit[NBITS(EV_MAX)]; //设备支持的事件类型 unsigned long keybit[NAX)]; //绝对坐标事件支持的子事件类型 unsigned long mscbit[NBITS(MSC_MAX)]; unsigned long ledbit[NBITS(LED_MAX)]; unsigned long sndbit[NBITS(SND_MAX)]; unsigned long ffbit[NBITS(FF_MAX)]; unsigned long swbit[NBITS(SW_MAX)]; int ff_effects_max; unsigned int keycodemax; unsigned int keycodesize; void *keycode; unsigned int repeat_key; struct timer_list timer; struct pt_regs *regs; int state; int sync; int abs[ABS_MAX + 1]; int rep[REP_MAX + 1]; unsigned long key[NBITS(KEY_MAX)]; unsigned long led[NBITS(LED_MAX)]; unsigned long snd[NBITS(SND_MAX)]; unsigned long sw[NBITS(SW_MAX)]; int absmax[ABS_MAX + 1]; //绝对坐标事件的最大键值 int absmin[ABS_MAX + 1]; //绝对坐标事件的最小键值 int absfuzz[ABS_MAX + 1]; int absflat[ABS_MAX + 1]; int (*open)(struct input_dev *dev); void (*close)(struct input_dev *dev); int (*accept)(struct input_dev *dev, struct file *file); int (*flush)(struct input_dev *dev, struct file *file); int (*event)(struct input_dev *dev, unsigned int type, unsigned int code, int value); int (*upload_effect)(struct input_dev *dev, struct ff_effect *effect); int (*erase_effect)(struct input_dev *dev, int effect_id); struct input_handle *grab; //当前占有该设备的handle struct mutex mutex; /* serializes open and close operations */ unsigned int users; //打开该设备的用户量 struct class_device cdev; struct device *dev; /* will be removed soon */ int dynalloc; /* temporarily */ struct list_head h_list; //该链表头用于链接该设备所关联的input_handle struct list_head node; //该链表头用于将设备链接到input_dev_list };
struct list_head { struct list_head *next, *prev; };
该结构体内部并没有定义数据而只定义了两个指向本身结构体的指针,预先说明一下:★所有的input device在注册后会加入一个input_dev_list(输入 设备链表)。★所有的eventhandler在注册后会加入一个input_handler_list(输入处理程序链表),这里的list_head主要的作用是作为input_dev_list和input_handler_list的一个节点来保存地址。Input_dev_list和input_handler_list之间的对应关系由input_handle结构体桥接,具体后面说明。
struct input_handler { void *private; void (*event)(struct input_handle *handle, unsigned int type, unsigned int code, int value); struct input_handle* (*connect)(struct input_handler *handler, struct input_dev *dev, struct input_device_id *id); void (*disconnect)(struct input_handle *handle); const struct file_operations *fops; //提供给用户对设备操作的函数指针 int minor; char *name; struct input_device_id *id_table; //与input_dev匹配用的id struct input_device_id *blacklist; //标记的黑名单 struct list_head h_list; //用于链接和该handler相关的handle struct list_head node; //用于将该handler链入input_handler_list };
struct input_handle { void *private; int open; //记录设备打开次数 char *name; struct input_dev *dev; //指向所属的input_dev struct input_handler *handler; //指向所属的input_handler struct list_head d_node; //用于链入所指向的input_dev的handle链表 struct list_head h_node; //用于链入所指向的input_handler的handle链表 };
因为一个device可以对应多个handler,而一个handler也可处理多个device。就如一个触摸屏设备可以对应event handler也可以对应tseve handler。

图2 input_dev,input_handler,input_handle关系图
<input device的注册>
Input device的注册实际上仅仅只有几行代码,因为在input.c中已经将大量的代码封装好了,主需要调用几个关键的函数就能完成对input device的注册。
在xxx_ts.c中预先定义全局变量struct input_dev tsdev;然后进入到初始化函数
static int __init xxx_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) { … if (!(tsdev = input_allocate_device())) { printk(KERN_ERR "tsdev: not enough memory\n"); err = -ENOMEM; goto fail; } … tsdev->name = "xxx TouchScreen"; //xxx为芯片型号 tsdev ->phys = "xxx/event0"; tsdev ->id.bustype = BUS_HOST; //设备id,用于匹配handler的id tsdev ->id.vendor = 0x0005; tsdev ->id.product = 0x0001; tsdev ->id.version = 0x0100; tsdev ->open = xxx_open; tsdev ->close =xxx_close; tsdev ->evbit[0] = BIT(EV_KEY) | BIT(EV_ABS) | BIT(EV_SYN); //设置支持的事件类型 tsdev ->keybit[LONG(BTN_TOUCH)] = BIT(BTN_TOUCH); input_set_abs_params(tsdev, ABS_X, 0, 0x400, 0, 0); //限定绝对坐标X的取值范围 input_set_abs_params(tsdev, ABS_Y, 0, 0x400, 0, 0); //同上 input_set_abs_params(tsdev, ABS_PRESSURE, 0, 1000, 0, 0); //触摸屏压力值范围 … If(input_register_device(tsdev) == error) //注册设备 goto fail; … fail: input_free_device(tsdev); printk(“ts probe failed\n”); return err; }
先看该函数中的tsdev = input_allocate_device(),深入最终,该函数在input.c中有定义
struct input_dev *input_allocate_device(void)
struct input_dev *dev;
dev = kzalloc(sizeof(struct input_dev), GFP_KERNEL);
if (dev) {
dev->dynalloc = 1;
dev->cdev.class = &input_class;
return dev;
int input_register_device(struct input_dev *dev) { static atomic_t input_no = ATOMIC_INIT(0); //定义原子变量,禁止线程并发访问 struct input_handle *handle; //定义一些变量备后文使用 struct input_handler *handler; struct input_device_id *id; const char *path; int error; if (!dev->dynalloc) { printk(KERN_WARNING "input: device %s is statically allocated, will not register\n" "Please convert to input_allocate_device() or contact\n", dev->name ? dev->name : "<Unknown>"); return -EINVAL; } mutex_init(&dev->mutex); //互斥锁初始化,防止临界区代码被并发访问 set_bit(EV_SYN, dev->evbit); //设置支持同步事件,input设备全部默认支持同步事件 /* * If delay and period are pre-set by the driver, then autorepeating * is handled by the driver itself and we don't do it in input.c. */ init_timer(&dev->timer); if (!dev->rep[REP_DELAY] && !dev->rep[REP_PERIOD]) { dev-> = (long) dev; dev->timer.function = input_repeat_key; dev->rep[REP_DELAY] = 250; dev->rep[REP_PERIOD] = 33; } INIT_LIST_HEAD(&dev->h_list); //初始化需要关联的handle链表头 list_add_tail(&dev->node, &input_dev_list); //将设备添加到input_dev_list中 dev->cdev.class = &input_class; snprintf(dev->cdev.class_id, sizeof(dev->cdev.class_id), "input%ld", (unsigned long) atomic_inc_return(&input_no) - 1); error = class_device_add(&dev->cdev); if (error) return error; error = sysfs_create_group(&dev->cdev.kobj, &input_dev_attr_group); if (error) goto fail1; error = sysfs_create_group(&dev->cdev.kobj, &input_dev_id_attr_group); if (error) goto fail2; error = sysfs_create_group(&dev->cdev.kobj, &input_dev_caps_attr_group); if (error) goto fail3; __module_get(THIS_MODULE); path = kobject_get_path(&dev->cdev.kobj, GFP_KERNEL); printk(KERN_INFO "input: %s as %s\n", dev->name ? dev->name : "Unspecified device", path ? path : "N/A"); kfree(path); /*** 遍历input_handler_list上全部的handler,寻找与该设备匹配的handler ***/ list_for_each_entry(handler, &input_handler_list, node) if (!handler->blacklist || !input_match_device(handler->blacklist, dev)) if ((id = input_match_device(handler->id_table, dev))) if ((handle = handler->connect(handler, dev, id))) input_link_handle(handle); input_wakeup_procfs_readers(); return 0; fail3: sysfs_remove_group(&dev->cdev.kobj, &input_dev_id_attr_group); fail2: sysfs_remove_group(&dev->cdev.kobj, &input_dev_attr_group); fail1: class_device_del(&dev->cdev); return error; }
先看函数中前面代码加粗的部分mutex_init(&dev->mutex),与互斥锁相关的东西,set_bit(EV_SYN, dev->evbit)设置支持同步事件,linux的input子系统默认要支持同步事件。
static inline void INIT_LIST_HEAD(struct list_head *list) { list->next = list; list->prev = list; } static inline void list_add_tail(struct list_head *new, struct list_head *head) { __list_add(new, head->prev, head); } static inline void __list_add(struct list_head *new, struct list_head *prev, struct list_head *next) { next->prev = new; new->next = next; new->prev = prev; prev->next = new; }
可以看得出INIT_LIST_HEAD(struct list_head *list)就是让list指向结构体的成员再指向其本身完成初始化操作,list_add_tail(struct list_head *new, struct list_head *head)是将new所指向的结构体作为一节点插入到head所指向链表节点之前。因此函数中的list_add_tail(&dev->node, &input_dev_list)就是将该设备添加到input_dev_list中。而input_dev_list这个双向链表在什么时候被定义了呢,且看input.c源代码开始部分全局部分有定义:
static LIST_HEAD(input_dev_list); static LIST_HEAD(input_handler_list);
#define LIST_HEAD_INIT(name) { &(name), &(name) } #define LIST_HEAD(name) \ struct list_head name = LIST_HEAD_INIT(name)
显然这在最开始就已经定义了input_dev_list和input_handler_list这两个链表,且这两个链表都只有一个节点,而在device和handler注册的时候会在这两条链表中加入节点,list_add_tail(&dev->node, &input_dev_list)就是将该设备添加到input_dev_list中。
//先看list_for_each_entry(handler, &input_handler_list, node),list_for_each_entry在list.h中有定义,其作用相当于一个for循环。其约等价于:(个人理解)
for(handler = input_handler_list表头所属的input_handler结构体地址;handler != input_handler_list表尾所属的input_handler结构体地址;handler++)
if (!handler->blacklist || !input_match_device(handler->blacklist, dev))//判断该handler没有被列入黑名单或者黑名单匹配不成功的话则继续 if ((id = input_match_device(handler->id_table, dev))) //将设备id与handler的id进行匹配,成功则继续往下 if ((handle = handler->connect(handler, dev, id))) //链接device与handler,成功则继续往下 input_link_handle(handle); //将handle链入input_handler_list和input_dev_list 继续跟踪进这些函数 static struct input_device_id *input_match_device(struct input_device_id *id, struct input_dev *dev) { int i; for (; id->flags || id->driver_info; id++) { if (id->flags & INPUT_DEVICE_ID_MATCH_BUS) //匹配handler和device id的flag标志位 if (id->bustype != dev->id.bustype) continue; if (id->flags & INPUT_DEVICE_ID_MATCH_VENDOR) if (id->vendor != dev->id.vendor) continue; if (id->flags & INPUT_DEVICE_ID_MATCH_PRODUCT) if (id->product != dev->id.product) continue; if (id->flags & INPUT_DEVICE_ID_MATCH_VERSION) if (id->version != dev->id.version) continue; MATCH_BIT(evbit, EV_MAX); //匹配id相关标志位 MATCH_BIT(keybit, KEY_MAX); MATCH_BIT(relbit, REL_MAX); MATCH_BIT(absbit, ABS_MAX); MATCH_BIT(mscbit, MSC_MAX); MATCH_BIT(ledbit, LED_MAX); MATCH_BIT(sndbit, SND_MAX); MATCH_BIT(ffbit, FF_MAX); MATCH_BIT(swbit, SW_MAX); return id; } return NULL; }
再看handle = handler->connect(handler, dev, id),connect函数即为static struct input_handle *evdev_connect(struct input_handler *handler, struct input_dev *dev, struct input_device_id *id),为什么呢会是这个呢,我们先看evdev.c中的input_handler结构体定义:
static struct input_handler evdev_handler = { .event = evdev_event, .connect = evdev_connect, .disconnect = evdev_disconnect, .fops = &evdev_fops, .minor = EVDEV_MINOR_BASE, .name = "evdev", .id_table = evdev_ids, };
struct evdev {
int exist;
int open;
int minor;
char name[16];
struct input_handle handle; //关联input_handler和input_dev的input_handle
wait_queue_head_t wait;
struct evdev_list *grab;
struct list_head list;
evdev这个结构体就是拿来应用开发操作的,在这里就是触摸屏对应的设备文件实体,结构体前边定义了记录设备的一些信息(设备号,打开状态、设备名字等),这里还定义了一个input_handle的实体handle(再input_device 中定义并初始化该结构体,再input_handler中查找该结构体,并注册到其中),没错这个handle就是要用来关联input_dev和input_handler的,后面还有一行加粗的部分后面再做介绍。
#define EVDEV_MINORS 32 static struct evdev *evdev_table[EVDEV_MINORS];
后面的代码就是为evdev结构体变量赋初始值了,其中init_waitqueue_head(&evdev->wait)初始化等待队列,具体介绍结合/linux/wait.h和查看相关资料。函数最后得到evdev结构体内的hanlde地址并返回,此时返回到我们的int input_register_device(struct input_dev *dev)函数里面,最后一句
static void input_link_handle(struct input_handle *handle) { list_add_tail(&handle->d_node, &handle->dev->h_list); list_add_tail(&handle->h_node, &handle->handler->h_list); }
struct input_dev *tsdev;
w55fa95_dev = input_allocate_device();
static struct input_handler evdev_handler = { .event = evdev_event, .connect = evdev_connect, .disconnect = evdev_disconnect, .fops = &evdev_fops, .minor = EVDEV_MINOR_BASE, .name = "evdev", .id_table = evdev_ids, };
而关联input_dev和input_handler的input_handle则是在调用链接连接函数static struct input_handle *evdev_connect(struct input_handler *handler, struct input_dev *dev, struct input_device_id *id)的时候,在该函数的内部调用evdev = kzalloc(sizeof(struct evdev), GFP_KERNEL)开辟了一个evdev结构体的内存空间时创建了,input_handle就是使用了evdev结构体内部定义的input_handle。
static struct input_handler evdev_handler = { .event = evdev_event, .connect = evdev_connect, .disconnect = evdev_disconnect, .fops = &evdev_fops, //用户对设备操作的函数指针 .minor = EVDEV_MINOR_BASE, .name = "evdev", .id_table = evdev_ids, //指向一个evedev的指针数组 };
static struct file_operations evdev_fops = { .owner = THIS_MODULE, .read = evdev_read, .write = evdev_write, .poll = evdev_poll, .open = evdev_open, .release = evdev_release, .unlocked_ioctl = evdev_ioctl, #ifdef CONFIG_COMPAT .compat_ioctl = evdev_ioctl_compat, #endif .fasync = evdev_fasync, .flush = evdev_flush };
再看第二行代码加粗的部分.id_table = evdev_ids, id.table就是前面所说过要和input_dev的id匹配的这么一个结构体,这里让它初始化为evdev_ids,在看evdev_ids的定义:
static struct input_device_id evdev_ids[] = {
{ .driver_info = 1 }, /* Matches all devices */
{ }, /* Terminating zero entry */
MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(input, evdev_ids);
这里是一个结构体数组,令数组中第一个结构体的该成员变量driver_info的值为1,其他成员变量均未定义,说明这个handler对所有device的id都能匹配得上。数组中的第二个结构体为空表示结束,用来标识结束配合下面的MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(input, evdev_ids)使用,关于MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE宏定义介绍自行查看相关文献。
static int __init evdev_init(void) { input_register_handler(&evdev_handler); return 0; }
void input_register_handler(struct input_handler *handler) { struct input_dev *dev; struct input_handle *handle; struct input_device_id *id; if (!handler) return; INIT_LIST_HEAD(&handler->h_list); if (handler->fops != NULL) input_table[handler->minor >> 5] = handler; list_add_tail(&handler->node, &input_handler_list); list_for_each_entry(dev, &input_dev_list, node) if (!handler->blacklist || !input_match_device(handler->blacklist, dev)) if ((id = input_match_device(handler->id_table, dev))) if ((handle = handler->connect(handler, dev, id))) input_link_handle(handle); input_wakeup_procfs_readers(); }

图3 input子系统数据结构图
进行到这里,又多冒出来了一个struct evdev_list的结构体,这在之前并没有提到过,因为在注册input_dev和input_handler过程中并没有用到过,查看该结构体:
struct evdev_list { struct input_event buffer[EVDEV_BUFFER_SIZE]; //存放设备数据信息 int head; //buffer的下标,标识从设备中过来要存放到buffer的数据的位置 int tail; //buffer的下标,标识用户读取buffer中数据的下标位置 struct fasync_struct *fasync; struct evdev *evdev; struct list_head node; };
struct input_event { struct timeval time; __u16 type; __u16 code; __s32 value; };
static int evdev_open(struct inode * inode, struct file * file) { struct evdev_list *list; //定义一个evdev_list结构体 int i = iminor(inode) - EVDEV_MINOR_BASE; int accept_err; if (i >= EVDEV_MINORS || !evdev_table[ i] || !evdev_table[ i]->exist) return -ENODEV; if ((accept_err = input_accept_process(&(evdev_table[ i]->handle), file))) return accept_err; if (!(list = kzalloc(sizeof(struct evdev_list), GFP_KERNEL))) //开辟evdev_list结构体内存空间 return -ENOMEM; list->evdev = evdev_table[ i]; //令结构体中的evdev指针指向evdec_table[ i] list_add_tail(&list->node, &evdev_table[ i]->list); //加入链表 file->private_data = list; if (!list->evdev->open++) //如果设备没有被open,则继续if操作 if (list->evdev->exist) input_open_device(&list->evdev->handle); //打开设备 return 0; }
int input_open_device(struct input_handle *handle) { struct input_dev *dev = handle->dev; int err; err = mutex_lock_interruptible(&dev->mutex); if (err) return err; handle->open++; //handle的内部成员open++ if (!dev->users++ && dev->open) err = dev->open(dev); if (err) handle->open--; mutex_unlock(&dev->mutex); return err; }
input_report_key(tsdev, BTN_TOUCH, 1); //报告按键被按下事件 input_report_abs(tsdev, ABS_X, x); //报告触摸屏被按下的x坐标值 input_report_abs(tsdev, ABS_Y, y); //报告触摸屏被按下的y坐标值 input_report_abs(tsdev, ABS_PRESSURE, 1); //报告触摸屏被按下的压力值(0或者1) input_sync(tsdev); //报告同步事件,表示一次事件结束
input_report_key(tsdev, BTN_TOUCH, 0); //报告按键被松开事件 input_report_abs(tsdev, ABS_PRESSURE, 0); //报告触摸屏被按下的压力值(0或者1) input_sync(tsdev); //报告同步事件,表示一次事件结束
static inline void input_report_key(struct input_dev *dev, unsigned int code, int value) { input_event(dev, EV_KEY, code, !!value); } static inline void input_report_abs(struct input_dev *dev, unsigned int code, int value) { input_event(dev, EV_ABS, code, value); }
void input_event(struct input_dev *dev, unsigned int type, unsigned int code, int value) { struct input_handle *handle; if (type > EV_MAX || !test_bit(type, dev->evbit)) return; add_input_randomness(type, code, value); switch (type) { … case EV_KEY: //判断为按键事件 if (code > KEY_MAX || !test_bit(code, dev->keybit) || !!test_bit(code, dev->key) == value) return; if (value == 2) break; change_bit(code, dev->key); if (test_bit(EV_REP, dev->evbit) && dev->rep[REP_PERIOD] && dev->rep[REP_DELAY] && dev-> && value) { dev->repeat_key = code; mod_timer(&dev->timer, jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(dev->rep[REP_DELAY])); } case EV_ABS: //判断为绝对坐标事件 if (code > ABS_MAX || !test_bit(code, dev->absbit)) return; if (dev->absfuzz[code]) { if ((value > dev->abs[code] - (dev->absfuzz[code] >> 1)) && (value < dev->abs[code] + (dev->absfuzz[code] >> 1))) return; if ((value > dev->abs[code] - dev->absfuzz[code]) && (value < dev->abs[code] + dev->absfuzz[code])) value = (dev->abs[code] * 3 + value) >> 2; if ((value > dev->abs[code] - (dev->absfuzz[code] << 1)) && (value < dev->abs[code] + (dev->absfuzz[code] << 1))) value = (dev->abs[code] + value) >> 1; } if (dev->abs[code] == value) return; dev->abs[code] = value; break; … } if (type != EV_SYN) dev->sync = 0; if (dev->grab) //判断有没有声明自定义的处理函数(初始化过程中显然没有定义) dev->grab->handler->event(dev->grab, type, code, value); else list_for_each_entry(handle, &dev->h_list, d_node) //遍历handle链表 if (handle->open) //如果某节点上的处理程序被打开了 handle->handler->event(handle, type, code, value); //调用处理函数 }
static void evdev_event(struct input_handle *handle, unsigned int type, unsigned int code, int value) { struct evdev *evdev = handle->private; struct evdev_list *list; if (evdev->grab) { //显然grab并没有被设置,该条件为假 list = evdev->grab; do_gettimeofday(&list->buffer[list->head].time); list->buffer[list->head].type = type; list->buffer[list->head].code = code; list->buffer[list->head].value = value; list->head = (list->head + 1) & (EVDEV_BUFFER_SIZE - 1); kill_fasync(&list->fasync, SIGIO, POLL_IN); } else list_for_each_entry(list, &evdev->list, node) { do_gettimeofday(&list->buffer[list->head].time); //给buffer成员赋值 list->buffer[list->head].type = type; list->buffer[list->head].code = code; list->buffer[list->head].value = value; list->head = (list->head + 1) & (EVDEV_BUFFER_SIZE - 1); kill_fasync(&list->fasync, SIGIO, POLL_IN); } wake_up_interruptible(&evdev->wait); //用来唤醒一个等待队列(我也不懂) }
static ssize_t evdev_read(struct file * file, char __user * buffer, size_t count, loff_t *ppos) { struct evdev_list *list = file->private_data; int retval; if (count < evdev_event_size())//每次读取的字节数至少是input_event的大小 return -EINVAL; if (list->head == list->tail && list->evdev->exist && (file->f_flags & O_NONBLOCK)) //是否满足读取条件 return -EAGAIN; retval = wait_event_interruptible(list->evdev->wait, list->head != list->tail || (!list->evdev->exist)); //等待唤醒,和前面说的等待队列对应(我也不懂) if (retval) return retval; if (!list->evdev->exist) return -ENODEV; while (list->head != list->tail && retval + evdev_event_size() <= count) { struct input_event *event = (struct input_event *) list->buffer + list->tail; if (evdev_event_to_user(buffer + retval, event)) //复制数据到用户空间 return -EFAULT; list->tail = (list->tail + 1) & (EVDEV_BUFFER_SIZE - 1); retval += evdev_event_size(); } return retval; }
static int evdev_event_to_user(char __user *buffer, const struct input_event *event) { if (copy_to_user(buffer, event, sizeof(struct input_event))) return -EFAULT; return 0; }
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