yum update 报错 error: rpmdbNextIterator
在一次日常的yum update
error: rpmdbNextIterator: skipping h# 483 Header V3 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID f4a80eb5: BAD
Running transaction check
Running transaction testTransaction check error:
file /usr/lib64/libcpupower.so.0.0.0 from install of kernel-tools-libs-3.10.0-1127.19.1.el7.x86_64 conflicts with file from package kernel-tools-libs-3.10.0-1127.18.2.el7.x86_64
# cd /var/lib/rpm
# rm -rf __db.*
# rpm --rebuilddb
[root@bogon ~]# yum update
已加载插件:fastestmirror, product-id, search-disabled-repos, subscription-manager
This system is not registered with an entitlement server. You can use subscription-manager to register.
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* base: mirrors.njupt.edu.cn
* extras: mirrors.njupt.edu.cn
* updates: mirrors.njupt.edu.cn
--> 正在检查事务
---> 软件包 kernel.x86_64. 将被 安装
---> 软件包 kernel-tools.x86_64. 将被 升级
---> 软件包 kernel-tools.x86_64. 将被 更新
---> 软件包 kernel-tools-libs.x86_64. 将被 升级
---> 软件包 kernel-tools-libs.x86_64. 将被 更新
---> 软件包 python-perf.x86_64. 将被 升级
---> 软件包 python-perf.x86_64. 将被 更新
--> 解决依赖关系完成
Package 架构 版本 源 大小
kernel x86_64 3.10.0-1127.19.1.el7 updates 50 M
kernel-tools x86_64 3.10.0-1127.19.1.el7 updates 8.1 M
kernel-tools-libs x86_64 3.10.0-1127.19.1.el7 updates 8.0 M
python-perf x86_64 3.10.0-1127.19.1.el7 updates 8.1 M
安装 1 软件包
升级 3 软件包
总计:74 M
Is this ok [y/d/N]: y
Downloading packages:
error: rpmdbNextIterator: skipping h# 483 Header V3 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID f4a80eb5: BAD
Running transaction check
Running transaction test
Transaction check error:
file /usr/lib64/libcpupower.so.0.0.0 from install of kernel-tools-libs-3.10.0-1127.19.1.el7.x86_64 conflicts with file from package kernel-tools-libs-3.10.0-1127.18.2.el7.x86_64
[root@bogon ~]# cd /var/lib/rpm
[root@bogon rpm]# ls
Basenames __db.002 Group Obsoletename Requirename Triggername
Conflictname __db.003 Installtid Packages Sha1header
__db.001 Dirnames Name Providename Sigmd5
[root@bogon rpm]# rm -rf __db.*
[root@bogon rpm]# rpm --rebuilddb
错误:rpmdbNextIterator:跳过 h# 483 头 SHA1 摘要: BAD Expected(d7694f041bb165984e43a2f4654500b90d0f7d98) != (dffc59c50d6af999a82bb2eb9efc333eed0d1181)
[root@bogon rpm]# yum update
已加载插件:fastestmirror, product-id, search-disabled-repos, subscription-manager
This system is not registered with an entitlement server. You can use subscription-manager to register.
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* base: mirrors.njupt.edu.cn
* extras: mirrors.njupt.edu.cn
* updates: mirrors.njupt.edu.cn
--> 正在检查事务
---> 软件包 kernel.x86_64. 将被 安装
---> 软件包 kernel-tools.x86_64. 将被 升级
---> 软件包 kernel-tools.x86_64. 将被 更新
--> 正在处理依赖关系 kernel-tools-libs = 3.10.0-1127.19.1.el7,它被软件包 kernel-tools-3.10.0-1127.19.1.el7.x86_64 需要
--> 正在处理依赖关系 libcpupower.so.0()(64bit),它被软件包 kernel-tools-3.10.0-1127.19.1.el7.x86_64 需要
---> 软件包 python-perf.x86_64. 将被 升级
---> 软件包 python-perf.x86_64. 将被 更新
--> 正在检查事务
---> 软件包 kernel-tools-libs.x86_64. 将被 安装
--> 解决依赖关系完成
Package 架构 版本 源 大小
kernel x86_64 3.10.0-1127.19.1.el7 updates 50 M
kernel-tools x86_64 3.10.0-1127.19.1.el7 updates 8.1 M
python-perf x86_64 3.10.0-1127.19.1.el7 updates 8.1 M
kernel-tools-libs x86_64 3.10.0-1127.19.1.el7 updates 8.0 M
安装 1 软件包 (+1 依赖软件包)
升级 2 软件包
总计:74 M
Is this ok [y/d/N]: y
Downloading packages:
Running transaction check
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded
Running transaction
警告:RPM 数据库已被非 yum 程序修改。
正在安装 : kernel-tools-libs-3.10.0-1127.19.1.el7.x86_64 1/6
正在更新 : kernel-tools-3.10.0-1127.19.1.el7.x86_64 2/6
正在安装 : kernel-3.10.0-1127.19.1.el7.x86_64 3/6
正在更新 : python-perf-3.10.0-1127.19.1.el7.x86_64 4/6
清理 : kernel-tools-3.10.0-1127.18.2.el7.x86_64 5/6
清理 : python-perf-3.10.0-1127.18.2.el7.x86_64 6/6
验证中 : python-perf-3.10.0-1127.19.1.el7.x86_64 1/6
验证中 : kernel-3.10.0-1127.19.1.el7.x86_64 2/6
验证中 : kernel-tools-3.10.0-1127.19.1.el7.x86_64 3/6
验证中 : kernel-tools-libs-3.10.0-1127.19.1.el7.x86_64 4/6
验证中 : kernel-tools-3.10.0-1127.18.2.el7.x86_64 5/6
验证中 : python-perf-3.10.0-1127.18.2.el7.x86_64 6/6
kernel.x86_64 0:3.10.0-1127.19.1.el7
kernel-tools-libs.x86_64 0:3.10.0-1127.19.1.el7
kernel-tools.x86_64 0:3.10.0-1127.19.1.el7
python-perf.x86_64 0:3.10.0-1127.19.1.el7