Redis源码解析(十六)--- config配置文件

          每个系统都会有类似一个config配置文件,config文件里的内容想想都知道,一定就是那么一些固定的一行行的属性代码了,今天在看redis代码中的config属性,那拉下来的一笔,的确多,目测在50至100个属性左右。如果就此将config每个属性代表什么意思不是我的风格,也一定是很乏味的,所以我的特点就是在代码中去理解程序员在写这类代码时的思路,和茫茫代码中的亮点。我们知道,redis运行的环境包括很多种的,windows,Linux,mac os等等,不同的操作系统,当然有些属性就不能支持了,所以在redis中的config.h头文件中跟据计算机所属于的操作系统,做了很多的预处理,比如说,在Linux等系统上,是可以支持修改进程名称的:

/* Check if we can use setproctitle().
 * BSD systems have support for it, we provide an implementation for
 * Linux and osx. */
/* 检查是否能调用setproctitle(),这个方法是Linux上修改进程名称的方法 */
/* 这里通过判断是否是BSD系统,BSD是Berkeley Systems Distrobution的缩写,是一种UNIX版本 */
#if (defined __NetBSD__ || defined __FreeBSD__ || defined __OpenBSD__)

#if (defined __linux || defined __APPLE__)
void spt_init(int argc, char *argv[]);
void setproctitle(const char *fmt, ...);

 /* Config file API */
int yesnotoi(char *s) /* 判断字符是否为yes */
void appendServerSaveParams(time_t seconds, int changes) /* 追加server save参数 */
void resetServerSaveParams(void) /* 重置server的save参数,即释放server的serverParams */
void loadServerConfigFromString(char *config) /* 从字符串中加载server属性配置 */
void loadServerConfig(char *filename, char *options) /* 从文件中加载server配置 */
void configSetCommand(redisClient *c) /* 根据redisClient中的参数设置server的配置 */
#define config_get_string_field(_name,_var) /* 宏定义了获取字符串值域的方法 */
#define config_get_bool_field(_name,_var) /* 宏定义了获取布尔值域的方法,值在这里值为yes或no */
#define config_get_numerical_field(_name,_var) /* 宏定义了获取数字类型值域的方法 */
void configGetCommand(redisClient *c) /* 获取配置信息命令,以Replay给客户端的方式 */
void rewriteConfigAppendLine(struct rewriteConfigState *state, sds line) /* 添加配置字符串行 */
void rewriteConfigAddLineNumberToOption(struct rewriteConfigState *state, sds option, int linenum) /* 添加字典line-option */
void rewriteConfigMarkAsProcessed(struct rewriteConfigState *state, char *option) /* rewriteConfigState重写option选项 */
struct rewriteConfigState *rewriteConfigReadOldFile(char *path) /* 读取老配置文件信息,文件如果不可读或不存在,返回NULL */
void rewriteConfigRewriteLine(struct rewriteConfigState *state, char *option, sds line, int force) /* 是否覆盖configline */
int rewriteConfigFormatMemory(char *buf, size_t len, long long bytes) /* 格式化byte大小的显示,避免long long 类型超长的显示 */
void rewriteConfigBytesOption(struct rewriteConfigState *state, char *option, long long value, long long defvalue) /* 往config中写入某类型配置,后面的几个方法类似 */
void rewriteConfigYesNoOption(struct rewriteConfigState *state, char *option, int value, int defvalue) /* 同上 */
void rewriteConfigStringOption(struct rewriteConfigState *state, char *option, char *value, char *defvalue) /* 同上 */
void rewriteConfigNumericalOption(struct rewriteConfigState *state, char *option, long long value, long long defvalue) /* 同上 */
void rewriteConfigOctalOption(struct rewriteConfigState *state, char *option, int value, int defvalue) /* 同上 */
void rewriteConfigEnumOption(struct rewriteConfigState *state, char *option, int value, ...) /* 同上 */
void rewriteConfigSyslogfacilityOption(struct rewriteConfigState *state) /* 同上 */
void rewriteConfigSaveOption(struct rewriteConfigState *state) /* 同上 */
void rewriteConfigDirOption(struct rewriteConfigState *state) /* 同上 */
void rewriteConfigSlaveofOption(struct rewriteConfigState *state) /* 同上 */
void rewriteConfigNotifykeyspaceeventsOption(struct rewriteConfigState *state) /* 同上 */
void rewriteConfigClientoutputbufferlimitOption(struct rewriteConfigState *state) /* 同上 */
void rewriteConfigBindOption(struct rewriteConfigState *state) /* 同上 */
sds rewriteConfigGetContentFromState(struct rewriteConfigState *state) /* confifstate中获取配置信息字符串 */
void rewriteConfigReleaseState(struct rewriteConfigState *state) /* configstate释放空间 */
void rewriteConfigRemoveOrphaned(struct rewriteConfigState *state) /* 置空state 的line配置 */
int rewriteConfigOverwriteFile(char *configfile, sds content) /* 字符串属性写入覆盖源文件 */
int rewriteConfig(char *path) /* 将当前的属性读入到文件中,步骤:(1).将当前server属性读入configstate(2).configstate属性变为字符串(3).将字符串写入文件 */
void configCommand(redisClient *c) /* 客户端config命令调用方法 */




int rewriteConfig(char *path) /* 将当前的属性读入到文件中,步骤:(1).将当前server属性读入configstate(2).configstate属性变为字符串(3).将字符串写入文件 */

/* The config rewrite state. */
struct rewriteConfigState {
    dict *option_to_line; /* Option -> list of config file lines map */
    dict *rewritten;      /* Dictionary of already processed options */
    int numlines;         /* Number of lines in current config */
    sds *lines;           /* Current lines as an array of sds strings */
    int has_tail;         /* True if we already added directives that were
                             not present in the original config file. */

/* We use the following dictionary type to store where a configuration
 * option is mentioned in the old configuration file, so it's
 * like "maxmemory" -> list of line numbers (first line is zero). */
/* 下面定义了几个字典类型用来保存老的配置文件中的一些信息,像历史记录类似,like "maxmemory" */

/* Read the old file, split it into lines to populate a newly created
 * config rewrite state, and return it to the caller.
 * If it is impossible to read the old file, NULL is returned.
 * If the old file does not exist at all, an empty state is returned. */
/* 读取老配置文件信息,文件如果不可读或不存在,返回NULL */
struct rewriteConfigState *rewriteConfigReadOldFile(char *path) {
    FILE *fp = fopen(path,"r");
    struct rewriteConfigState *state = zmalloc(sizeof(*state));
    char buf[REDIS_CONFIGLINE_MAX+1];
    int linenum = -1;

    if (fp == NULL && errno != ENOENT) return NULL;

    state->option_to_line = dictCreate(&optionToLineDictType,NULL);
    state->rewritten = dictCreate(&optionSetDictType,NULL);
    state->numlines = 0;
    state->lines = NULL;
    state->has_tail = 0;
    if (fp == NULL) return state;

    /* Read the old file line by line, populate the state. */
    while(fgets(buf,REDIS_CONFIGLINE_MAX+1,fp) != NULL) {
        int argc;
        sds *argv;
        sds line = sdstrim(sdsnew(buf),"\r\n\t ");

        linenum++; /* Zero based, so we init at -1 */

        /* Handle comments and empty lines. */
        if (line[0] == '#' || line[0] == '\0') {
            if (!state->has_tail && !strcmp(line,REDIS_CONFIG_REWRITE_SIGNATURE))
                state->has_tail = 1;

        /* Not a comment, split into arguments. */
        argv = sdssplitargs(line,&argc);
        if (argv == NULL) {
            /* Apparently the line is unparsable for some reason, for
             * instance it may have unbalanced quotes. Load it as a
             * comment. */
            sds aux = sdsnew("# ??? ");
            aux = sdscatsds(aux,line);

        sdstolower(argv[0]); /* We only want lowercase config directives. */

        /* Now we populate the state according to the content of this line.
         * Append the line and populate the option -> line numbers map. */

    return state;
posted @ 2020-01-12 19:09  回眸,境界  阅读(103)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报