Redis源码分析(三十一)--- latency延迟分析处理
/* The latency monitor allows to easily observe the sources of latency
* in a Redis instance using the LATENCY command. Different latency
* sources are monitored, like disk I/O, execution of commands, fork
* system call, and so forth.
* 延时监听器可以对Redis中很多简单的资源进行监听,比如I/O磁盘操作,执行一些指令,
* fork创建子线程操作等的监听。
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
在Redis中的延时操作中,整个过程原理非常简单,他是针对每种事件维护了一个统计列表,每个列表中包括了了采集的一系列样本,每个样本包括,此样本的创建时间和此样本的延时时间。event==》对SampleSeriesList 是一个字典的映射关系。下面看看,里面关键的采集点,名叫latencySample采集点的结构定义:
/* Representation of a latency sample: the sampling time and the latency
* observed in milliseconds. */
/* 延时样品例子 */
struct latencySample {
int32_t time; /* We don't use time_t to force 4 bytes usage everywhere. */
//延时的具体时间, 单位为毫秒
uint32_t latency; /* Latency in milliseconds. */
/* The latency time series for a given event. */
/* 针对某个事件采集的一系列延时sample */
struct latencyTimeSeries {
int idx; /* Index of the next sample to store. */
uint32_t max; /* Max latency observed for this event. */
struct latencySample samples[LATENCY_TS_LEN]; /* Latest history. */
/* Latency statistics structure. */
/* 延时sample的数据统计结果结构体 */
struct latencyStats {
uint32_t all_time_high; /* Absolute max observed since latest reset. */
uint32_t avg; /* Average of current samples. */
uint32_t min; /* Min of current samples. */
uint32_t max; /* Max of current samples. */
uint32_t mad; /* Mean absolute deviation. */
uint32_t samples; /* Number of non-zero samples. */
time_t period; /* Number of seconds since first event and now. */
/* Start monitoring an event. We just set the current time. */
/* 对某个事件设置监听,就是设置一下当前的时间 */
#define latencyStartMonitor(var) if (server.latency_monitor_threshold) { \
var = mstime(); \
} else { \
var = 0; \
/* End monitoring an event, compute the difference with the current time
* to check the amount of time elapsed. */
/* 结束监听,算出过了多少时间 */
#define latencyEndMonitor(var) if (server.latency_monitor_threshold) { \
var = mstime() - var; \
/* Add the sample only if the elapsed time is >= to the configured threshold. */
/* 如果延时时间超出server.latency_monitor_threshold,则将Sample加入延时列表中 */
#define latencyAddSampleIfNeeded(event,var) \
if (server.latency_monitor_threshold && \
(var) >= server.latency_monitor_threshold) \
1.根据传入的event事件,在server.latency_events找到key为event事件 的val,即一个latencyTimeSeries
2.在这个latencyTimeSeries的struct latencySample samples[LATENCY_TS_LEN]中添加一个新的Sample
/* Add the specified sample to the specified time series "event".
* This function is usually called via latencyAddSampleIfNeeded(), that
* is a macro that only adds the sample if the latency is higher than
* server.latency_monitor_threshold. */
/* 添加Sample到指定的Event对象的Sample列表中 */
void latencyAddSample(char *event, mstime_t latency) {
struct latencyTimeSeries *ts = dictFetchValue(server.latency_events,event);
time_t now = time(NULL);
int prev;
/* Create the time series if it does not exist. */
if (ts == NULL) {
ts = zmalloc(sizeof(*ts));
ts->idx = 0;
ts->max = 0;
/* If the previous sample is in the same second, we update our old sample
* if this latency is > of the old one, or just return. */
prev = (ts->idx + LATENCY_TS_LEN - 1) % LATENCY_TS_LEN;
if (ts->samples[prev].time == now) {
if (latency > ts->samples[prev].latency)
ts->samples[prev].latency = latency;
ts->samples[ts->idx].time = time(NULL);
ts->samples[ts->idx].latency = latency;
if (latency > ts->max) ts->max = latency;
if (ts->idx == LATENCY_TS_LEN) ts->idx = 0;
/* Analyze the samples avaialble for a given event and return a structure
* populate with different metrics, average, MAD, min, max, and so forth.
* Check latency.h definition of struct latenctStat for more info.
* If the specified event has no elements the structure is populate with
* zero values. */
/* 分析某个时间Event的延时结果,结果信息存入latencyStats结构体中 */
void analyzeLatencyForEvent(char *event, struct latencyStats *ls) {
struct latencyTimeSeries *ts = dictFetchValue(server.latency_events,event);
int j;
uint64_t sum;
ls->all_time_high = ts ? ts->max : 0;
ls->avg = 0;
ls->min = 0;
ls->max = 0;
ls->mad = 0;
ls->samples = 0;
ls->period = 0;
if (!ts) return;
/* First pass, populate everything but the MAD. */
sum = 0;
for (j = 0; j < LATENCY_TS_LEN; j++) {
if (ts->samples[j].time == 0) continue;
if (ls->samples == 1) {
ls->min = ls->max = ts->samples[j].latency;
} else {
if (ls->min > ts->samples[j].latency)
ls->min = ts->samples[j].latency;
if (ls->max < ts->samples[j].latency)
ls->max = ts->samples[j].latency;
sum += ts->samples[j].latency;
/* Track the oldest event time in ls->period. */
if (ls->period == 0 || ts->samples[j].time < ls->period)
ls->period = ts->samples[j].time;
/* So far avg is actually the sum of the latencies, and period is
* the oldest event time. We need to make the first an average and
* the second a range of seconds. */
if (ls->samples) {
ls->avg = sum / ls->samples;
ls->period = time(NULL) - ls->period;
if (ls->period == 0) ls->period = 1;
/* Second pass, compute MAD. */
sum = 0;
for (j = 0; j < LATENCY_TS_LEN; j++) {
int64_t delta;
if (ts->samples[j].time == 0) continue;
delta = (int64_t)ls->avg - ts->samples[j].latency;
if (delta < 0) delta = -delta;
sum += delta;
if (ls->samples) ls->mad = sum / ls->samples;
/* 利用延时的Sample点,画出对应的微线图 */
sds latencyCommandGenSparkeline(char *event, struct latencyTimeSeries *ts) {
int j;
struct sequence *seq = createSparklineSequence();
sds graph = sdsempty();
uint32_t min = 0, max = 0;
for (j = 0; j < LATENCY_TS_LEN; j++) {
int i = (ts->idx + j) % LATENCY_TS_LEN;
int elapsed;
char *label;
char buf[64];
if (ts->samples[i].time == 0) continue;
/* Update min and max. */
if (seq->length == 0) {
min = max = ts->samples[i].latency;
} else {
if (ts->samples[i].latency > max) max = ts->samples[i].latency;
if (ts->samples[i].latency < min) min = ts->samples[i].latency;
/* Use as label the number of seconds / minutes / hours / days
* ago the event happened. */
elapsed = time(NULL) - ts->samples[i].time;
if (elapsed < 60)
else if (elapsed < 3600)
else if (elapsed < 3600*24)
label = zstrdup(buf);
graph = sdscatprintf(graph,
"%s - high %lu ms, low %lu ms (all time high %lu ms)\n", event,
(unsigned long) max, (unsigned long) min, (unsigned long) ts->max);
for (j = 0; j < LATENCY_GRAPH_COLS; j++)
graph = sdscatlen(graph,"-",1);
graph = sdscatlen(graph,"\n",1);
graph = sparklineRender(graph,seq,LATENCY_GRAPH_COLS,4,SPARKLINE_FILL);
return graph;
/* ---------------------------- Latency API --------------------------------- */
void latencyMonitorInit(void) /* 延时监听初始化操作,创建Event字典对象 */
void latencyAddSample(char *event, mstime_t latency) /* 添加Sample到指定的Event对象的Sample列表中 */
int latencyResetEvent(char *event_to_reset) /* 重置Event事件的延迟,删除字典中的event的记录 */
void analyzeLatencyForEvent(char *event, struct latencyStats *ls) /* 分析某个时间Event的延时结果,结果信息存入latencyStats结构体中 */
sds createLatencyReport(void) /* 根据延时Sample的结果,创建阅读性比较好的分析报告 */
void latencyCommandReplyWithSamples(redisClient *c, struct latencyTimeSeries *ts)
void latencyCommandReplyWithLatestEvents(redisClient *c)
sds latencyCommandGenSparkeline(char *event, struct latencyTimeSeries *ts)
void latencyCommand(redisClient *c)
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