



 * Consistent hash ring to distribute items across nodes (locations). If we add
 * or remove nodes, it minimizes the item migration.
 * 一致性哈希环,分散化实体项的节点位置选择,减少因为节点的变更导致的其上所属实体项的迁移。
public class ConsistentHashRing {
  private static final String SEPERATOR = "/";
  private static final String VIRTUAL_NODE_FORMAT = "%s" + SEPERATOR + "%d";

  /** Hash ring 哈希环. */
  private SortedMap<String, String> ring = new TreeMap<String, String>();
  /** 虚拟节点信息 -> 节点数 映射信息 */
  /** Entry -> num virtual nodes on ring. */
  private Map<String, Integer> entryToVirtualNodes =
      new HashMap<String, Integer>();

  /** Synchronization 锁同步. */
  private final ReadWriteLock readWriteLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
  private final Lock readLock = readWriteLock.readLock();
  private final Lock writeLock = readWriteLock.writeLock();

  public ConsistentHashRing(Set<String> locations) {
    for (String location : locations) {
      // 在环内添加位置信息

   * Add entry to consistent hash ring.
   * 添加实体项到哈希环内
   * @param location Node to add to the ring.
  public void addLocation(String location) {
    // 虚拟出100个节点插入
    addLocation(location, 100);

   * Add entry to consistent hash ring.
   * 添加具体项到哈希环内
   * @param location 需要添加的节点.
   * @param numVirtualNodes 需要添加的虚拟节点数。
  public void addLocation(String location, int numVirtualNodes) {
    try {
      // 更新虚拟节点列表信息
      entryToVirtualNodes.put(location, numVirtualNodes);
      for (int i = 0; i < numVirtualNodes; i++) {
        // 得到虚拟节点名
        String key = String.format(VIRTUAL_NODE_FORMAT, location, i);
        // 取其哈希值
        String hash = getHash(key);
        // 加入到哈希环内
        ring.put(hash, key);
    } finally {

   * Remove specified entry from hash ring.
   * 从哈希环内移除实体项
   * @param location Node to remove from the ring.
  public void removeLocation(String location) {
    try {
      // 移除给定节点位置,并获取其对应的虚拟节点数
      Integer numVirtualNodes = entryToVirtualNodes.remove(location);
      for (int i = 0; i < numVirtualNodes; i++) {
        // 得到虚拟节点key,并从哈希环内移除
        String key = String.format(VIRTUAL_NODE_FORMAT, location, i);
        String hash = getHash(key);
    } finally {

   * Return location (owner) of specified item. Owner is the next
   * entry on the hash ring (with a hash value > hash value of item).
   * 从哈希环内去得其最近的节点位置
   * @param item Item to look for.
   * @return The location of the item.
  public String getLocation(String item) {
    try {
      if (ring.isEmpty()) {
        return null;
      // 计算输入路径的哈希值
      String hash = getHash(item);
      // 如果哈希环内不恰好包含此节点
      if (!ring.containsKey(hash)) {
        // 将哈希环定位到大于此key的首个位置
        SortedMap<String, String> tailMap = ring.tailMap(hash);
        // 并得到第一个大于此key的项目的key,也就是距离最近的key
        hash = tailMap.isEmpty() ? ring.firstKey() : tailMap.firstKey();
      // 根据此key得到对应的虚拟节点信息
      String virtualNode = ring.get(hash);
      // 然后从虚拟节点信息中得到实际位置信息
      int index = virtualNode.lastIndexOf(SEPERATOR);
      if (index >= 0) {
        return virtualNode.substring(0, index);
      } else {
        return virtualNode;
    } finally {

  public String getHash(String key) {
    return MD5Hash.digest(key).toString();

   * Get the locations in the ring.
   * @return Set of locations in the ring.
  public Set<String> getLocations() {
    return entryToVirtualNodes.keySet();
posted @ 2020-01-12 19:08  回眸,境界  阅读(164)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报