[荐] 推荐RSL(Radar Software Library,雷达软件库)

HDF 1B-51 and 1C-51、Lassen (Darwin)、WSR-88d (Nexrad)、UF (Universal Format from NCAR)、SIGMET (Version 1)、SIGMET (Version 2)、McGill、TOGA、RAPIC (Berrimah)、RADTEC (SPANDAR)、EDGE …

The best feature of RSL is the ability to ingest many different RADAR data file formats with a single
library call. It can, also, read compressed files — compressed with GZIP or the older COMPRESS.
The routine is called RSL_anyformat_to_radar. You give it a filename and it will return a pointer to
a C structure called Radar. The structure Radar contains all the information found in the input file.
The structure is intended to represent a superset of all RADAR data formats.

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. 标签: RSL, 格式, 雷达

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posted @ 2009-09-30 20:36  便便嘘嘘  阅读(439)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报