[原] Total Commander Service to show/hide TC by hotkey/boss key/shortcut key

Total Commander Service is a NT service, which supports:
1. Auto-launch TC when starting Windows
2. Hotkey: Win+Q to show/hide TC, or start TC when exit

Please put the TotalCMDService.exe (52K) in TC’s directory, and run to install/uninstall the NT service.

Tips, the best configuration:
Check “Allow only 1 copy of Total Commander at a time”
Uncheck “Move icon to system tray when minimized”

Feel free to modify or distribute this code in any medium as long as these following two lines remain unchanged:
Total Commander Service, by bianbian.org@gmail.com

Download exe:TotalCmdService.zip (22K) , and src:TotalCmdServiceSrc.zip (10K, VC++6.0)

©2012 便便代码人生. All Rights Reserved.

. 标签: Service, TC, Total Commander

遵守创作共用协议,转载请链接形式注明来自http://bianbian.org 做人要厚道


posted @ 2009-03-17 02:49  便便嘘嘘  阅读(287)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报