Here is a sample about delegate and event.
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace TestHeaterDelegateSample { public class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) { Heater heater = new Heater(); Monitor monitor = new Monitor(); //The below can be modified with the below solution1. //HeaterEventHander hander = new HeaterEventHander(monitor.OnBoil); //heater.HeaterEvent += hander; heater.HeaterEvent += new HeaterEventHander(monitor.OnBoil); heater.OnHeater(); Console.ReadLine(); } } public delegate void HeaterEventHander(object sender, HeaterEventArgs e); // EventArgs doesn't have real data. public class HeaterEventArgs : EventArgs { private string alertText; public string AlertText { get { return ("The Temperatur is 100 degree now."); } // set { alertText = value; } } } public class Heater { private int temperature; private string alterText; private int Temperature { get { return temperature; } set { temperature = value; } } private string AlterText { get { return alterText; } set { alterText = value; } } public event HeaterEventHander HeaterEvent; public void OnHeater() { this.temperature = 0; for (;;Temperature++ ) { if (Temperature >= 100) { Console.WriteLine("Thie is the event sender."); HeaterEventArgs e = new HeaterEventArgs(); HeaterEvent(this, e); break; // Raise the water has boiled. } } } } public class Monitor { public void OnBoil(object sender, HeaterEventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine("The sender data is: "+e.AlertText); Console.WriteLine("The water has boiled. And we have monitored it."); } } }
And the below is the msdn sample. It's more perfect and ofcourse more difficult.
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace TestClockAlarmSample { // Class that contains the data for // the alarm event. Derives from System.EventArgs. // public class AlarmEventArgs : EventArgs { private bool snoozePressed; private int nrings; //Constructor. // public AlarmEventArgs(bool snoozePressed, int nrings) { this.snoozePressed = snoozePressed; this.nrings = nrings; } // The NumRings property returns the number of rings // that the alarm clock has sounded when the alarm event // is generated. // public int NumRings { get { return nrings; } } // The SnoozePressed property indicates whether the snooze // button is pressed on the alarm when the alarm event is generated. // public bool SnoozePressed { get { return snoozePressed; } } // The AlarmText property that contains the wake-up message. // public string AlarmText { get { if (snoozePressed) { return ("Wake Up!!! Snooze time is over."); } else { return ("Wake Up!"); } } } } // Delegate declaration. // public delegate void AlarmEventHandler(object sender, AlarmEventArgs e); // The Alarm class that raises the alarm event. // public class AlarmClock { private bool snoozePressed = false; private int nrings = 0; private bool stop = false; // The Stop property indicates whether the // alarm should be turned off. // public bool Stop { get { return stop; } set { stop = value; } } // The SnoozePressed property indicates whether the snooze // button is pressed on the alarm when the alarm event is generated. // public bool SnoozePressed { get { return snoozePressed; } set { snoozePressed = value; } } // The event member that is of type AlarmEventHandler. // public event AlarmEventHandler Alarm; // The protected OnAlarm method raises the event by invoking // the delegates. The sender is always this, the current instance // of the class. // protected virtual void OnAlarm(AlarmEventArgs e) { AlarmEventHandler handler = Alarm; if (handler != null) { // Invokes the delegates. handler(this, e); } } // This alarm clock does not have // a user interface. // To simulate the alarm mechanism it has a loop // that raises the alarm event at every iteration // with a time delay of 300 milliseconds, // if snooze is not pressed. If snooze is pressed, // the time delay is 1000 milliseconds. // public void Start() { for (; ; ) { nrings++; if (stop) { break; } else { if (snoozePressed) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); } else { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(300); } AlarmEventArgs e = new AlarmEventArgs(snoozePressed, nrings); OnAlarm(e); } } } } // The WakeMeUp class has a method AlarmRang that handles the // alarm event. // public class WakeMeUp { public void AlarmRang(object sender, AlarmEventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine(e.AlarmText + "\n"); if (!(e.SnoozePressed)) { if (e.NumRings % 10 == 0) { Console.WriteLine(" Let alarm ring? Enter Y"); Console.WriteLine(" Press Snooze? Enter N"); Console.WriteLine(" Stop Alarm? Enter Q"); String input = Console.ReadLine(); if (input.Equals("Y") || input.Equals("y")) { return; } else if (input.Equals("N") || input.Equals("n")) { ((AlarmClock)sender).SnoozePressed = true; return; } else { ((AlarmClock)sender).Stop = true; return; } } } else { Console.WriteLine(" Let alarm ring? Enter Y"); Console.WriteLine(" Stop Alarm? Enter Q"); String input = Console.ReadLine(); if (input.Equals("Y") || input.Equals("y")) { return; } else { ((AlarmClock)sender).Stop = true; return; } } } } // The driver class that hooks up the event handling method of // WakeMeUp to the alarm event of an Alarm object using a delegate. // In a forms-based application, the driver class is the // form. // public class AlarmDriver { public static void Main(string[] args) { // Instantiates the event receiver. WakeMeUp w = new WakeMeUp(); // Instantiates the event source. AlarmClock clock = new AlarmClock(); // Wires the AlarmRang method to the Alarm event. clock.Alarm += new AlarmEventHandler(w.AlarmRang); clock.Start(); } } }
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