链表逆序操作笔试的时候真的不要写的太多, 上次还来了个递归实现链表逆序。

就当利用这个题复习下单链表的常用操作了, 下面的单链表(ADT)参考了《数据结构和算法分析---C语言描述》中的写法, 稍有改动。

增加了一些自己觉得会经常用到的函数。链表的主要操作在 linklist.h 文件中, 链表函数的实现主要在 linklist.c 文件中。 test_linklist.c 是一个简单的测试用例。

下面再具体看看链表逆序函数的实现(非递归) :

在函数ReverseList()当中, 定义了4个指针,

1.  pReversedList 指向反转以后的链表头 。

2.  pNode指向的是当前要反转的结点

3.  pPrev是指向的是要反转结点(pNode)的前一个结点(也就是已经反转好的链表的尾结点)

4.  pNext指向的是pNode的下一个结点。主要通过下面几条语句进行反转, 直到链表尾为止。

pNode->Next = pPrev;

pPrev = pNode;

pNode = pNext;

pNext = pNode->Next;

/*  linklist.h  */

/* Copyright (C) SA14226214, USTC, 2014-2015               */
/*                                                         */
/*  FILE NAME             :  linklist.h                       */
/*  PRINCIPAL AUTHOR      :  GaoZhipeng                    */
/*  SUBSYSTEM NAME        :  LinkList                      */
/*  MODULE NAME           :  LinkList                      */
/*  LANGUAGE              :  C                             */
/*  TARGET ENVIRONMENT    :  ANY                           */
/*  DATE OF FIRST RELEASE :  2015/04/13                    */
/*  DESCRIPTION           :  This is a linklist program    */

 *Revision log:
 *Ceated by GaoZhipeng, 2015/04/13

#ifndef LINK_LIST_H
#define LINK_LIST_H

#define ElementType char
#define boolean int
#define true 1
#define false 0

typedef struct Node
    ElementType Element;
    struct Node *Next;

//typedef struct Node;
typedef struct Node *PtrToNode;
/*List是一个固定的链表,Position是链表中的位置可以移动 */
typedef PtrToNode List;
typedef PtrToNode Position;

List MakeEmpty(List L);
int IsEmpty(List L);
int IsLast(Position P, List L);
Position Find(ElementType X, List L);
Position FindPreviousElement(ElementType X, List L);
Position FindPreviousPosition(int K, List L);
void DeleteByElement(ElementType X, List L);
Position DeleteByPosition(int i, List L);
Position InsertByPosition(ElementType X, int i, List L);

List CreateListR();
void PrintList(List L);
void DeleteList(List L);
List ReverseList(List L);
List ReverseList_DG(List L);
//Position Header(List L);
//Position First(List L);
//Posttion Advance(Position P);
//ElementType Retrieve(Position P);

View Code

/*  linklist.c  */

/* Copyright (C) SA14226214, USTC, 2014-2015               */
/*                                                         */
/*  FILE NAME             :  linklist.c                   */
/*  PRINCIPAL AUTHOR      :  GaoZhipeng                    */
/*  SUBSYSTEM NAME        :  LinkList                      */
/*  MODULE NAME           :  LinkList                      */
/*  LANGUAGE              :  C                             */
/*  TARGET ENVIRONMENT    :  ANY                           */
/*  DATE OF FIRST RELEASE :  2015/04/13                    */
/*  DESCRIPTION           :  This is a linklist program    */

 *Revision log:
 *Ceated by GaoZhipeng, 2015/04/13


List MakeEmpty(List L)
    List P = L;
    P->Next = NULL;
    return P;

boolean IsEmpty(List L) 
    Position P = L;
    if(P->Next == NULL) 
        return true;
    else return false;

boolean IsLast(Position P, List L) 
    Position p = P;
    if(p->Next == NULL) 
        return true;
        return false;

Position Find(ElementType X, List L)
    Position p = L->Next;
    while(p != NULL && p->Element != X) 
        p = p->Next;
    return p;

Position FindPreviousElement(ElementType X, List L)
    Position p = L;
    while(p->Next != NULL && p->Element != X) 
        p = p->Next;
    return p;

Position FindPreviousPosition(int K, List L)
    Position P = L;
    int i = 1;
    while(P != NULL && i<K )
        P = P->Next;
    if(i == K) return P;
    else return NULL;

void DeleteByElement(ElementType X, List L)
    Position P, TmpCell;
    P = FindPreviousElement(X, L);
    if( !IsLast(P, L) )
        TmpCell = P->Next;
        P->Next = TmpCell->Next;

/*删除第i个节点, i从1开始*/
Position DeleteByPosition(int i, List L)
    Position P, TmpCell;
        TmpCell = L;
        if(L != NULL) L = L->Next;
        else return NULL;
        return L;
    P = FindPreviousPosition(i-1, L);
        printf("第%d个节点不存在", i-1);
    else if(P->Next == NULL)
        printf("第%d个节点不存在", i);
        TmpCell = P->Next;
        P->Next = TmpCell->Next;
        return P;

Position InsertByPosition(ElementType X, int i, List L)
    Position P, TmpCell;
    if( i==1 )
        TmpCell = (Position)malloc(sizeof(Node));
        TmpCell->Element = X;
        TmpCell->Next= L;
        return TmpCell;
    P = FindPreviousPosition(i-1, L);
    if(P == NULL)
        printf("第%d个节点不存在", i-1);
        return NULL;
        TmpCell = (List)malloc(sizeof(Node));
        TmpCell->Element = X;
        TmpCell->Next = P->Next;
        P->Next = TmpCell;
        return TmpCell;

void DeleteList(List L)
    Position P, Tmp;
    P = L->Next;
    L->Next = NULL;
    while(P != NULL) 
        Tmp = P->Next;
        P = Tmp;

List CreateListR()
    List Head, TmpCell, P;
    ElementType Tmp;
    Head = (List)malloc(sizeof(Node));
    P = Head;
    Tmp = getchar();
    P->Element = Tmp;
    Tmp = getchar();
    while(Tmp != '$')
        TmpCell = (Position)malloc(sizeof(Node));
        TmpCell->Element = Tmp;
        P->Next = TmpCell;
        P = TmpCell;
        Tmp = getchar();
    P->Next = NULL;
    return Head;

void PrintList(List L)
    Position P = L;
    while(P != NULL) 
        printf("%c", P->Element);
        if( !IsLast(P, L) ) 
        P = P->Next;


List ReverseList(List L)
    List ReverseList = NULL;
    Position pNode = L;
    Position pPre = NULL;
    Position pNext ;

    while(pNode != NULL) 
        pNext = pNode->Next;
        if(pNext == NULL) 
            ReverseList = pNode;
        pNode->Next = pPre;
        pPre = pNode;
        pNode = pNext;
    return ReverseList;


List ReverseList_DG(Position Head)


    if(Head==NULL || Head->Next == NULL) 
        return Head;

    Position NewHead = ReverseList_DG(Head->Next);
    Head->Next->Next = Head;
    Head->Next = NULL;
    return NewHead;

View Code

/*  test_linklist.c  */

/* Copyright (C) SA14226214, USTC, 2014-2015               */
/*                                                         */
/*  FILE NAME             :  test_linklist.c           */
/*  PRINCIPAL AUTHOR      :  GaoZhipeng                    */
/*  SUBSYSTEM NAME        :  LinkList                      */
/*  MODULE NAME           :  LinkList                      */
/*  LANGUAGE              :  C                             */
/*  TARGET ENVIRONMENT    :  ANY                           */
/*  DATE OF FIRST RELEASE :  2015/04/13                    */
/*  DESCRIPTION           :  This is a linklist program    */

 *Revision log:
 *Ceated by GaoZhipeng, 2015/04/13


#define MaxData 65535

int main()
    ElementType Num;
    List L, R1, R2;
    L = CreateListR();
    InsertByPosition('a', 7, L);
    DeleteByPosition(7, L);
    R1 = ReverseList(L);

    R2 = ReverseList_DG(R1);
View Code

/*  makefile  */

#this is a makefile

all : test

test : test.o linklist.o 
    gcc $^ -o $@

test.o : test_linklist.c linklist.c linklist.h
    gcc -c test_linklist.c -o test.o

linklist.o : linklist.c linklist.h
    gcc -c linklist.c -o linklist.o

clean :
    -rm test *.o

.PHONY: clean
View Code

执行make,运行的结果如下所示 :

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