HTML5 Canvas-Oreilly.Canvas.Pocket.Reference (4)



c.moveTo(300,100); // Begin a new subpath at (300,100)
c.lineTo(300,200); // Draw a vertical line to (300,200)



Example 1-1. Regular polygons with moveTo(), lineTo(), and
// Define a regular polygon with n sides, centered at (x,y)
// with radius r. The vertices are equally spaced along the
// circumference of a circle. Put the first vertex straight
// up or at the specified angle. Rotate clockwise, unless
// the last argument is true.
function polygon(c,n,x,y,r,angle,counterclockwise) {
angle = angle || 0;
counterclockwise = counterclockwise || false;
// Compute vertex position and begin a subpath there
c.moveTo(x + r*Math.sin(angle),
y - r*Math.cos(angle));
var delta = 2*Math.PI/n; // Angle between vertices
for(var i = 1; i < n; i++) { // For remaining vertices
// Compute angle of this vertex
angle += counterclockwise?-delta:delta;
// Compute position of vertex and add a line to it
c.lineTo(x + r*Math.sin(angle),
y - r*Math.cos(angle));
c.closePath(); // Connect last vertex back to the first
// Start a new path and add polygon subpaths
polygon(c, 3, 50, 70, 50); // Triangle
polygon(c, 4, 150, 60, 50, Math.PI/4); // Square
polygon(c, 5, 255, 55, 50); // Pentagon
polygon(c, 6, 365, 53, 50, Math.PI/6); // Hexagon
// Add a small counterclockwise square inside the hexagon
polygon(c, 4, 365, 53, 20, Math.PI/4, true);
// Set properties that control how the graphics will look
c.fillStyle = "#ccc"; // Light-gray interiors
c.strokeStyle = "#008"; // outlined with dark-blue lines
c.lineWidth = 5; // five pixels wide.
// Now draw all the polygons (each in its own subpath)
c.fill(); // Fill the shapes
c.stroke(); // And stroke their outlines

                                                                Figure 1-3. Regular polygons








posted @ 2012-07-27 12:13  博尔特希  阅读(159)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报