LeetCode 151 reverse word in a string
Given an input string, reverse the string word by word.
For example, Given s = "the sky is blue
", return "blue is sky the
Update (2015-02-12): For C programmers: Try to solve it in-place in O(1) space.
class Solution { public: void reverseWords(string &s) { int n = s.size() - 1; int wHead = 0; int wTail = n ; char cPunct = ' '; if(s.size() == 0) { return; } if( n == 0 ) { if(s[0] == ' ') { s.clear(); } return; } while( wHead < wTail ) { char temp = s[wTail]; s[wTail] = s[wHead]; s[wHead] = temp; wHead++; wTail--; } wTail = wHead = 0; string sRet; bool wordHead = true; while(wTail <= n) { if(!isspace(s[wTail]) && wordHead) { wHead = wTail; wordHead = false; } if( ( s[wTail] == ' ' || wTail == n) && !isspace(s[wHead])) { if(wTail == n && !isspace(s[wTail])) wTail++; sRet += SwapWord(s, wHead, wTail - 1) + " "; wHead = wTail + 1; wordHead = true; } wTail++; } s = sRet; if(s.size() > 0) s.erase(s.size()-1, 1); } string SwapWord(string &s, int wHead, int wTail) { int wStart = wHead; int wEnd = wTail; while( wStart < wEnd ) { char temp = s[wStart]; s[wStart] = s[wEnd]; s[wEnd] = temp; wStart++; wEnd--; } return s.substr(wHead, wTail - wHead + 1); } };