1.1 模块的导入
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import sys
print sys.path #利于path的理解,是来自sys
print sys.argv
from sys import path
from sys import argv
print path
print argv
1.2 代码块的分割
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
class A:
def funX(self):
print "funY()"
def funY(self):
print "funY()"
if __name__ == "__main__":
a = A()
1.3 注释的使用
# Copyright (C) 2008 bigmarten *****版权
# This program is free software. you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *******说明
# the Free Software Foundation
# Version is 1.0 *******版本
# Its contents are calculate payment.
# 规范的变量命名
sumPay = 0 # 年薪
bonusOfYear = 2000 # 年终奖金
monthPay = 1200 # 月薪
sumPay = bonusOfYear + 12 * monthPay # 年薪 = 年终奖金 + 12 * 月薪
# 注释在调试程序中的作用----通过注释某些行或函数来确定问题
def compareNum(num1, num2):
if(num1 > num2):
return str(num1)+" > "+str(num2)
elif(num1 < num2):
return str(num1)+" < "+str(num2)
elif(num1 == num2):
return str(num1)+" = "+str(num2)
return ""
num1 = 2
num2 = 1
print compareNum(num1, num2)
num1 = 2
num2 = 2
print compareNum(num1, num2)
num1 = 1
num2 = 2
print compareNum(num1, num2)
1.4 语句的分隔
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# 下面两条语句是等价的
print "hello world!"
print "hello world!"; #也可以加分号
# 使用分号分隔语句
x = 1; y = 1; z = 1
# 一条语句写在多行
print \
"hello world!"
# 字符串的换行
# 写法一
sql = "select id,name \ #一串换行
from dept \
where name = 'A'"
print sql
# 写法二
sql = "select id,name " \ #分成多串
"from dept " \
"where name = 'A' "
print sql
sql = '''select id,name \
from dept \
where name = 'A' ''' #采用 ‘’‘ ’‘’‘
print sql
hello world!
hello world!
hello world!
select id,name from dept where name = 'A'
select id,name from dept where name = 'A'
1.5 变量和常量
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# 下面的两个i并不是同一个对象
i = 1
print id(i)
i = 2
print id(i)
# 正确的变量命名
var_1 = 1
print var_1
_var1 = 2
print _var1
# 错误的变量命名 #需要以字母或下划线开头
1_var = 3
print 1_var
$var = 4
print $var
1.6 变量的赋值
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# 一次新的赋值操作,将创建一个新的变量
x = 1
print id(x)
x = 2
print id(x)
#print y # y无定义,错误
# 使用元组给多个变量赋值
a = (1, 2, 3)
(x, y, z) = a
print "x =", x
print "y =", y
print "z =", z
# 局部变量
def fun():
local = 1
print local
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# 全局变量
global _a # 用global 声明
_a = 1
_b = 2
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import gl #导入 gl 模块
def fun():
print gl._a
print gl._b
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# 在文件的开头定义全局变量
_a = 1
_b = 2
def add():
global _a #引用全局变量
_a = 3
return "_a + _b =", _a + _b
def sub():
global _b #引用全局变量
_b = 4
return "_a - _b =", _a - _b
print add()
print sub() # 输出:('_a + _b =', 5) 3+ 2 = 5
('_a - _b =', -1) 3-4 = -1
# 错误的使用全局变量
_a = 1
_b = 2
def add():
_a = 3
return "_a + _b =", _a + _b
def sub():
_b = 4
return "_a - _b =", _a - _b
print add()
print sub() # 输出:('_a + _b =', 5) 3 +2 =5
('_a - _b =', -3) 1-4 = -3
文件 1
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import const
const.magic = 23
const.magic = 33 #常量被第二次赋值,会报错
文件 2
class _const: #定义类
class ConstError(TypeError): pass #重复赋值时抛出错误类型
def __setattr__(self,name,value):
if self.__dict__.has_key(name): #检查name是否是常量
raise self.ConstError, "Can't rebind const(%s)"%name
import sys