python 的可以参考:
linux 参考:
Expect语言是基于Tcl的。Tcl实际上是一个子程序库,这些子程序库可以嵌入到程序里从而提供语言服务。 最终的语言有点象一个典型的Shell语言。里面有给变量赋值的set命令,控制程序执行的if,for,continue等命令,还能进行普通的数学和字符串操作。
4 spawn echo "######running to generate a ssh-public-key######"
5 spawn ssh-keygen -t rsa
6 expect " Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa):"
7 send "\r"
9 expect "Overwrite (y/n)"
10 send "y\r"
11 expect "Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):"
12 send "123456\r"
13 expect "Enter same passphrase again:"
14 send "123456\r"
15 expect eof
16 exit
Loong:~/ssh_test# ./ssh_modle.sh
spawn echo ######running to generate a ssh-public-key######
spawn ssh-keygen -t rsa
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa):
/root/.ssh/id_rsa already exists.
Overwrite (y/n)? y
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.
The key fingerprint is:
df:2f:47:5b:49:df:1e:88:97:b4:d2:77:20:d1:c2:30 root@Loong
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ RSA 2048]----+
| Eo . |
| .+ . |
| o |
| .... |
| S +.=.+|
| . + *.+=|
| . +..+o|
| ..o .|
| o. |
直接用apt-get install expect 即可;
2、linux man中关于expect的用法说明:
Expect reads cmdfile for a list of commands to execute. Expect may also beinvoked implicitly on systems which support the #! notation by marking the script executable, and making the first line in your script:#!/usr/local/bin/expect -f
Of course, the path must accurately describe where Expect lives. /usr/local/bin is just an example.
The -c flag prefaces a command to be executed before any in the script. The command should be quoted to prevent being broken up by the shell. Thisoption may be used multiple times. Multiple commands may be executed with a single-c by separating them with semicolons. Commands are executed in theorder they appear. (When using Expectk, this option is specified as-command.)
The -d flag enables some diagnostic output, which primarily reports internal activity of commands such asexpect andinteract. Thisflag has the same effect as "exp_internal 1" at the beginning of anExpect script, plus the version ofExpect is printed. (Thestrace command isuseful for tracing statements, and thetrace command is useful for tracing variable assignments.) (When using Expectk, this option is specified as-diag.)
The -D flag enables an interactive debugger. An integer value should follow. The debugger will take control before the next Tcl procedure if thevalue is non-zero or if a ^C is pressed (or a breakpoint is hit, or other appropriate debugger command appears in the script). See the README file or SEE ALSO(below) for more information on the debugger. (When using Expectk, this option is specified as-Debug.)
The -f flag prefaces a file from which to read commands from. The flag itself is optional as it is only useful when using the #! notation (seeabove), so that other arguments may be supplied on the command line. (When using Expectk, this option is specified as -file.)
By default, the command file is read into memory and executed in its entirety. It is occasionally desirable to read files one line at a time. For example,stdin is read this way. In order to force arbitrary files to be handled this way, use the-b flag. (When using Expectk, this option is specified as-buffer.)Notethatstdio-bufferingmaystilltakeplacehoweverthisshouldn'tcauseproblemswhenreadingfromafifoorstdin.
If the string "-" is supplied as a filename, standard input is read instead. (Use "./-" to read from a file actually named "-".)
The -i flag causes Expect to interactively prompt for commands instead of reading them from a file. Prompting is terminated via theexit command or upon EOF. Seeinterpreter (below) for more information. -i is assumed if neither a command file nor-c is used.(When using Expectk, this option is specified as-interactive.)
-- may be used to delimit the end of the options. This is useful if you want to pass an option-like argument to your script without it beinginterpreted byExpect. This can usefully be placed in the #! line to prevent any flag-like interpretation byExpect. For example, the following willleave the original arguments (including the script name) in the variableargv.
#!/usr/local/bin/expect --
Note that the usual getopt(3) andexecve(2) conventions must be observed when adding arguments to the #! line.
The file $exp_library/expect.rc is sourced automatically if present, unless the-N flag is used. (When using Expectk, this option is specified as-NORC.) Immediately after this, the file ~/.expect.rc is sourced automatically, unless the-n flag is used. If the environment variable DOTDIR isdefined, it is treated as a directory and .expect.rc is read from there. (When using Expectk, this option is specified as-norc.) This sourcing occursonly after executing any -c flags.
-v causes Expect to print its version number and exit. (The corresponding flag in Expectk, which uses long flag names, is -version.)
Optional args are constructed into a list and stored in the variable namedargv.argc is initialized to the length of argv.
argv0 is defined to be the name of the script (or binary if no script is used). For example, the following prints out the name of the script and thefirst three arguments:
send_user "$argv0 [lrange $argv 0 2]\n"
/local/bin/expect –f“,并赋予脚本文件可执行权限,执行脚本文件就可以(隐含方式或是默认)调用Expect。
-c 选项用来标明需要在执行脚本内容之前来执行的命令。
-d 选项允许输出调试性信息。这些信息主要报告像expect和interact等命令执行时的内部行为。这个选项与写在脚本开头的”exp_internal1”具有同样的效果,同时还会打印出Expect的版本。(strace命令用在跟踪变量声明,trace命令用于跟踪变量的赋值)(在Expectk中,”-d”相当于”-diag”)
调试器会在进行下一次Tcl Procedure前取得控制权。想了解更多信息请参见README文件或是下面的SEE
- f 选项指明从哪个文件中读取命令。这个选项是可选的,因为只有当使用”#!”时它才有可能被用到。而其他选项可以写在命令行中。(在Expectk中,它相当于”-file”)。
如果”-“被一个文件名替代,那么脚本就会用读指定文件的方式来替代从标准输入读的方式。(例如:”./ -“就表示从一个名为”-”的文件中读所需的信息)。
-- 是用来为划定选项尾的。当你需要像使用选项一样传一个参数,但希望这个参数不要被当作选项解释时,就需要用到这个选项。当阻止其他选项时,可以把它放在”#!”行中。例如:下面的例子会让所有参数(包括脚本文件名)都存储在argv中。
#!/usr/local/bin/expect --
-v 选项用来打印出版本号,然后退出。(在Expectk中的相应选项是-version)。
可选的参数汇成一列,存放在变量argv中。Argc被初始化为argv的长度(变量个数)。Argv0被设置为脚本名称(or binary if no script is used)。例如:下面的例子打印出脚本的名称和前三个参数。
Send_user “$argv0 [lrang $argv 0 2 ]\n”
Expect uses Tcl (Tool Command Language). Tcl provides control flow (e.g., if, for,break), expression evaluation and several other features such as recursion, procedure definition, etc. Commands used here but not defined (e.g., set, if, exec) are Tcl commands (see tcl(3)). Expect supports additional commands, described below. Unless otherwise specified, commandsreturn the empty string.Commands are listed alphabetically so that they can be quickly located. However, new users may find it easier to start by reading the descriptions ofspawn,send,expect, andinteract, in that order.
Note that the best introduction to the language (both Expect and Tcl) is provided in the book "Exploring Expect" (see SEE ALSO below). Examples are includedin this man page but they are very limited since this man page is meant primarily as reference material.
Note that in the text of this man page, "Expect" with an uppercase "E" refers to theExpect program while "expect" with a lower-case "e" refers totheexpect command within the Expect program.)
[-slave] [-onexec 0|1] [-i spawn_id]
closes the connection to the current process. Most interactive programs will detect EOF on their stdin and exit; thus
close usually suffices to killthe process as well. The
-i flag declares the process to close corresponding to the named spawn_id.
Both expect and interact will detect when the current process exits and implicitly do aclose. But if you kill the process by, say,"exec kill $pid", you will need to explicitly callclose.
The -onexec flag determines whether the spawn id will be closed in any new spawned processes or if the process is overlayed. To leave a spawn idopen, use the value 0. A non-zero integer value will force the spawn closed (the default) in any new processes.
The -slave flag closes the slave associated with the spawn id. (See "spawn -pty".) When the connection is closed, the slave is automatically closedas well if still open.
No matter whether the connection is closed implicitly or explicitly, you should callwait to clear up the corresponding kernel process slot.close does not callwait since there is no guarantee that closing a process connection will cause it to exit. Seewait below for moreinfo.
[[-now] 0|1]
controls a Tcl debugger allowing you to step through statements, set breakpoints, etc.
With no arguments, a 1 is returned if the debugger is not running, otherwise a 0 is returned.
With a 1 argument, the debugger is started. With a 0 argument, the debugger is stopped. If a 1 argument is preceded by the-now flag, the debugger isstarted immediately (i.e., in the middle of thedebug command itself). Otherwise, the debugger is started with the next Tcl statement.
The debug command does not change any traps. Compare this to startingExpect with the-D flag (see above).
See the README file or SEE ALSO (below) for more information on the debugger.
- disconnects a forked process from the terminal. It continues running in the background. The process is given its own process group (if possible). StandardI/O is redirected to /dev/null. The following fragment uses
disconnect to continue running the script in the background.
if {[fork]!=0} exit disconnect . . .
The following script reads a password, and then runs a program every hour that demands a password each time it is run. The script supplies the password so thatyou only have to type it once. (See the stty command which demonstrates how to turn off password echoing.)send_user "password?\ " expect_user -re "(.*)\n" for {} 1 {} { if {[fork]!=0} {sleep 3600;continue} disconnect spawn priv_prog expect Password: send "$expect_out(1,string)\r" . . . exit }
An advantage to using disconnect over the shell asynchronous process feature (&) is that Expect can save the terminal parameters prior todisconnection, and then later apply them to new ptys. With &, Expect does not have a chance to read the terminal's parameters since the terminal isalready disconnected by the time Expect receives control.
[-opts] [status]
Expect to exit or otherwise prepare to do so.
The -onexit flag causes the next argument to be used as an exit handler. Without an argument, the current exit handler is returned.
The -noexit flag causes Expect to prepare to exit but stop short of actually returning control to the operating system. The user-defined exithandler is run as well asExpect's own internal handlers. No further Expect commands should be executed. This is useful if you are runningExpect with otherTcl extensions. The current interpreter (and main window if in the Tk environment) remain so that other Tcl extensions can clean up. IfExpect'sexit iscalled again (however this might occur), the handlers are not rerun.
Upon exiting, all connections to spawned processes are closed. Closure will be detected as an EOF by spawned processes.exit takes no other actionsbeyond what the normal_exit(2) procedure does. Thus, spawned processes that do not check for EOF may continue to run. (A variety of conditions are importantto determining, for example, what signals a spawned process will be sent, but these are system-dependent, typically documented underexit(3).) Spawnedprocesses that continue to run will be inherited by init.
status (or 0 if not specified) is returned as the exit status of Expect. exit is implicitly executed if the end of the script isreached.
exp_continue [-continue_timer]
- The command exp_continue allows expect itself to continue executing rather than returning as it normally would. By default exp_continue resets the timeout timer. The -continue_timer flag prevents timer from being restarted. (See expect for more information.) exp_internal [-f file] value
- causes further commands to send diagnostic information internal to Expect to stderr if value is non-zero. This output is disabled if value is 0. The diagnostic information includes every character received, and every attempt made to match the current output against the patterns. If the optional
file is supplied, all normal and debugging output is written to that file (regardless of the value of
value). Any previous diagnostic outputfile is closed.
The -info flag causes exp_internal to return a description of the most recent non-info arguments given.
[args] [-i spawn_id]
returns a Tcl file identifier that corresponds to the original spawn id. The file identifier can then be used as if it were opened by Tcl's
opencommand. (The spawn id should no longer be used. A
wait should not be executed.
The -leaveopen flag leaves the spawn id open for access throughExpect commands. Await must be executed on the spawn id.
[-i spawn_id]
- returns the process id corresponding to the currently spawned process. If the -i flag is used, the pid returned corresponds to that of the givenspawn id. exp_send
- is an alias for send. exp_send_error
- is an alias for send_error. exp_send_log
- is an alias for send_log. exp_send_tty
- is an alias for send_tty. exp_send_user
- is an alias for send_user. exp_version [[-exit] version]
- is useful for assuring that the script is compatible with the current version of Expect. With no arguments, the current version of
- Expect is returned. This version may then be encoded in your script. If you actually know that you are not using features of recent versions, youcan specify an earlier version. Versions consist of three numbers separated by dots. First
- is the major number. Scripts written for versions of Expect with a different major number will almost certainly not work. exp_version returnsan error if the major numbers do not match. Second is the minor number. Scripts written for a version with a
- greater minor number than the current version may depend upon some new feature and might not run. exp_version returns an error if the major numbersmatch, but the script minor number is greater than that of the running Expect. Third is a number that plays no part in the version comparison.
- However, it is incremented when the Expect software distribution is changed in any way, such as by additional documentation or optimization. It isreset to 0 upon each new minor version. With the
- -exit flag, Expect prints an error and exits if the version is out of date. expect [[-opts] pat1 body1] ... [-opts] patn [bodyn]
- waits until one of the patterns matches the output of a spawned process, a specified time period has passed, or an end-of-file is seen. If the final bodyis empty, it may be omitted. Patterns from the most recent
- expect_before command are implicitly used before any other patterns. Patterns from the most recent expect_after command are implicitly usedafter any other patterns. If the arguments to the entire
- expect statement require more than one line, all the arguments may be "braced" into one so as to avoid terminating each line with a backslash. Inthis one case, the usual Tcl substitutions will occur despite the braces. If a pattern is the keyword
- eof, the corresponding body is executed upon end-of-file. If a pattern is the key word timeout, the corresponding body is executed upon timeout. If no timeout keyword is used, an implicit null action is executed upon timeout. The default timeout period is 10 seconds but may be set, for example to 30, by the command "set timeout 30". An infinite timeout may be designated by the value -1. If a pattern is the key word default, the corresponding body is executed upon either timeout or end-of-file. If a pattern matches, then the corresponding body is executed.
- expect returns the result of the body (or the empty string if no pattern matched). In the event that multiple patterns match, the one appearingfirst is used to select a body. Each time new output arrives, it is compared to each pattern in the order
- they are listed. Thus, you may test for absence of a match by making the last pattern something guaranteed to appear, such as a prompt. In situations where there is no prompt, you must use timeout (just like you would if you were interacting manually). Patterns are specified in three ways. By default,
- patterns are specified as with Tcl's string match command. (Such patterns are also similar to C-shell regular expressions usually referred to as"glob" patterns). The -gl flag may may be used to protect patterns that might otherwise match expect flags from doing so. Any pattern beginningwith a "-" should be protected this way. (All strings starting with "-" are reserved for future options.) For example, the following fragment looks for a successful login.
(Note that
abort is presumed to be a procedure defined elsewhere in the script.)
expect { busy {puts busy\n ; exp_continue} failed abort "invalid password" abort timeout abort connected }
Quotes are necessary on the fourth pattern since it contains a space, which would otherwise separate the pattern from the action. Patterns with the same action(such as the 3rd and 4th) require listing the actions again. This can be avoid by using regexp-style patterns (see below). More information on formingglob-style patterns can be found in the Tcl manual.
Regexp-style patterns follow the syntax defined by Tcl's
regexp (short for "regular expression") command. regexp patterns are introduced with the flag
-re. The previous example can be rewrittenusing a regexp as:
expect { busy {puts busy\n ; exp_continue} -re "failed|invalid password" abort timeout abort connected }
Both types of patterns are "unanchored". This means that patterns do not have to match the entire string, but can begin and end the match anywhere in thestring (as long as everything else matches). Use ^ to match the beginning of a string, and $ to match the end. Note that if you do not wait for the end of astring, your responses can easily end up in the middle of the string as they are echoed from the spawned process. While still producing correct results, theoutput can look unnatural. Thus, use of $ is encouraged if you can exactly describe the characters at the end of a string.Note that in many editors, the ^ and $ match the beginning and end of lines respectively. However, becauseexpect is not line oriented, these charactersmatch the beginning and end of the data (as opposed to lines) currently in theexpect matching buffer. (Also, see the note below on "system indigestion.")
The -ex flag causes the pattern to be matched as an "exact" string. No interpretation of *, ^, etc is made (although the usual Tcl conventions muststill be observed). Exact patterns are always unanchored.
- -nocase flag causes uppercase characters of the output to compare as if they were lowercase characters. The pattern is not affected. While reading output,
more than 2000 bytes can force earlier bytes to be "forgotten". This may be changed with the function
match_max. (Note that excessively large valuescan slow down the pattern matcher.) If
patlist is
full_buffer, the corresponding body is executed if
match_max bytes have been receivedand no other patterns have matched. Whether or not the
full_buffer keyword is used, the forgotten characters are written to expect_out(buffer).
If patlist is the keyword null, and nulls are allowed (via theremove_nulls command), the corresponding body is executed if a singleASCII 0 is matched. It is not possible to match 0 bytes via glob or regexp patterns.
Upon matching a pattern (or eof or full_buffer), any matching and previously unmatched output is saved in the variableexpect_out(buffer). Up to 9regexp substring matches are saved in the variablesexpect_out(1,string) throughexpect_out(9,string). If the -indices flag is used beforea pattern, the starting and ending indices (in a form suitable forlrange) of the 10 strings are stored in the variablesexpect_out(X,start) andexpect_out(X,end) where X is a digit, corresponds to the substring position in the buffer. 0 refers to strings which matched the entire pattern and isgenerated for glob patterns as well as regexp patterns. For example, if a process has produced output of "abcdefgh\n", the result of:
expect "cd"
is as if the following statements had executed:set expect_out(0,string) cd set expect_out(buffer) abcd
and "efgh\n" is left in the output buffer. If a process produced the output "abbbcabkkkka\n", the result of:expect -indices -re "b(b*).*(k+)"
is as if the following statements had executed:set expect_out(0,start) 1 set expect_out(0,end) 10 set expect_out(0,string) bbbcabkkkk set expect_out(1,start) 2 set expect_out(1,end) 3 set expect_out(1,string) bb set expect_out(2,start) 10 set expect_out(2,end) 10 set expect_out(2,string) k set expect_out(buffer) abbbcabkkkk
and "a\n" is left in the output buffer. The pattern "*" (and -re ".*") will flush the output buffer without reading any more output from the process.
Normally, the matched output is discarded from
Expect's internal buffers.
This may be prevented by prefixing a pattern with the
-notransfer flag. This flag is especially useful in experimenting (and can be abbreviated to"-not" for convenience while experimenting).
The spawn id associated with the matching output (or eof or full_buffer) is stored inexpect_out(spawn_id).
The -timeout flag causes the current expect command to use the following value as a timeout instead of using the value of the timeout variable.
By default, patterns are matched against output from the current process, however the-i flag declares the output from the named spawn_id list bematched against any following patterns (up to the next-i). The spawn_id list should either be a whitespace separated list of spawn_ids or a variablereferring to such a list of spawn_ids.
For example, the following example waits for "connected" from the current process, or "busy", "failed" or "invalid password" from the spawn_id named by$proc2.
expect { -i $proc2 busy {puts busy\n ; exp_continue} -re "failed|invalid password" abort timeout abort connected }
The value of the global variable any_spawn_id may be used to match patterns to any spawn_ids that are named with all other -i flags in thecurrent expect command. The spawn_id from a -i flag with no associated pattern (i.e., followed immediately by another -i) is madeavailable to any other patterns in the same expect command associated with any_spawn_id.The -i flag may also name a global variable in which case the variable is read for a list of spawn ids. The variable is reread whenever it changes.This provides a way of changing the I/O source while the command is in execution. Spawn ids provided this way are called "indirect" spawn ids.
Actions such as break and continue cause control structures (i.e.,for,proc) to behave in the usual way. The commandexp_continue allowsexpect itself to continue executing rather than returning as it normally would.
This is useful for avoiding explicit loops or repeated
expect statements.
The following example is part of a fragment to automate rlogin. The
exp_continue avoids having to write a second
expect statement (to lookfor the prompt again) if the rlogin prompts for a password.
expect { Password: { stty -echo send_user "password (for $user) on $host: " expect_user -re "(.*)\n" send_user "\n" send "$expect_out(1,string)\r" stty echo exp_continue } incorrect { send_user "invalid password or account\n" exit } timeout { send_user "connection to $host timed out\n" exit } eof { send_user \ "connection to host failed: $expect_out(buffer)" exit } -re $prompt }
For example, the following fragment might help a user guide an interaction that is already totally automated. In this case, the terminal is put into raw mode.If the user presses "+", a variable is incremented. If "p" is pressed, several returns are sent to the process, perhaps to poke it in some way, and "i" letsthe user interact with the process, effectively stealing away control from the script. In each case, the exp_continue allows the current expectto continue pattern matching after executing the current action.stty raw -echo expect_after { -i $user_spawn_id "p" {send "\r\r\r"; exp_continue} "+" {incr foo; exp_continue} "i" {interact; exp_continue} "quit" exit }
By default,
- exp_continue resets the timeout timer. The timer is not restarted, if exp_continue is called with the -continue_timer flag. expect_after [expect_args]
- works identically to the expect_before except that if patterns from both expect and expect_after can match, the expect patternis used. See the expect_before command for more information. expect_background [expect_args]
takes the same arguments as
expect, however it returns immediately. Patterns are tested whenever new input arrives. The pattern
timeout and
default are meaningless to
expect_background and are silently discarded. Otherwise, the
expect_background command uses
expect_before and
expect_after patterns just like
expect does.
When expect_background actions are being evaluated, background processing for the same spawn id is blocked. Background processing is unblocked whenthe action completes. While background processing is blocked, it is possible to do a (foreground)expect on the same spawn id.
It is not possible to execute an expect while anexpect_background is unblocked.expect_background for a particular spawn id is deletedby declaring a new expect_background with the same spawn id. Declaringexpect_background with no pattern removes the given spawn id from the ability tomatch patterns in the background.
takes the same arguments as
expect, however it returns immediately. Pattern-action pairs from the most recent
expect_before with the samespawn id are implicitly added to any following
expect commands. If a pattern matches, it is treated as if it had been specified in the
expectcommand itself, and the associated body is executed in the context of the
expect command. If patterns from both
expect_before and
expectcan match, the
expect_before pattern is used.
If no pattern is specified, the spawn id is not checked for any patterns.
Unless overridden by a -i flag, expect_before patterns match against the spawn id defined at the time that theexpect_before commandwas executed (not when its pattern is matched).
The -info flag causes expect_before to return the current specifications of what patterns it will match. By default, it reports on the current spawnid. An optional spawn id specification may be given for information on that spawn id. For example
expect_before -info -i $proc
At most one spawn id specification may be given. The flag -indirect suppresses direct spawn ids that come only from indirect specifications.Instead of a spawn id specification, the flag "-all" will cause "-info" to report on all spawn ids.
The output of the -info flag can be reused as the argument to expect_before.
- is like expect but it reads characters from /dev/tty (i.e. keystrokes from the user). By default, reading is performed in cooked mode. Thus, linesmust end with a return in order for expect to see them. This may be changed via stty (see the stty command below). expect_user [expect_args]
- is like expect but it reads characters from stdin (i.e. keystrokes from the user). By default, reading is performed in cooked mode. Thus, lines mustend with a return in order for expect to see them. This may be changed via stty (see the stty command below). fork
- creates a new process. The new process is an exact copy of the current Expect process. On success, fork returns 0 to the new (child) processand returns the process ID of the child process to the parent process. On failure (invariably due to lack of resources, e.g., swap space, memory), forkreturns -1 to the parent process, and no child process is created. Forked processes exit via the
- exit command, just like the original process. Forked processes are allowed to write to the log files. If you do not disable debugging or logging inmost of the processes, the result can be confusing. Some pty implementations may be confused by multiple readers and writers,
- even momentarily. Thus, it is safest to fork before spawning processes. interact [string1 body1] ... [stringn [bodyn]]
- gives control of the current process to the user, so that keystrokes are sent to the current process, and the stdout and stderr of the current process arereturned. String-body pairs may be specified as arguments, in which case the
- body is executed when the corresponding string is entered. (By default, the string is not sent to the current process.) The interpreter command isassumed, if the final body is missing. If the arguments to the entire
- interact statement require more than one line, all the arguments may be "braced" into one so as to avoid terminating each line with a backslash. Inthis one case, the usual Tcl substitutions will occur despite the braces. For example, the following command runs interact with the following
string-body pairs defined: When ^Z is pressed,
Expect is suspended. (The
-reset flag restores the terminal modes.) When ^A is pressed, theuser sees "you typed a control-A" and the process is sent a ^A. When $ is pressed, the user sees the date. When ^C is pressed,
Expect exits. If "foo" isentered, the user sees "bar". When ~~ is pressed, the
Expect interpreter runs interactively.
set CTRLZ \032 interact { -reset $CTRLZ {exec kill -STOP [pid]} \001 {send_user "you typed a control-A\n"; send "\001" } $ {send_user "The date is [clock format [clock seconds]]."} \003 exit foo {send_user "bar"} ~~ }
In string-body pairs, strings are matched in the order they are listed
- as arguments. Strings that partially match are not sent to the current process in anticipation of the remainder coming. If characters are then entered suchthat there can no longer possibly be a match, only the part of the string will be sent to the process that cannot possibly begin another match. Thus, stringsthat are substrings of partial matches can match later, if the original strings that was attempting to be match ultimately fails. By default, string matching is exact with no wild cards. (In contrast,
expect command uses glob-style patterns by default.) The
-ex flag may be used to protect patterns that might otherwise match
interact flags from doing so. Any pattern beginning with a "-" should be protected this way. (All strings starting with "-" are reserved for futureoptions.)
The -re flag forces the string to be interpreted as a regexp-style pattern. In this case, matching substrings are stored in the variableinteract_out similarly to the wayexpect stores its output in the variableexpect_out. The -indices flag is similarly supported.
The pattern eof introduces an action that is executed upon end-of-file. A separateeof pattern may also follow the-output flag inwhich case it is matched if an eof is detected while writing output. The defaulteof action is "return", so thatinteract simply returns upon anyEOF.
The pattern timeout introduces a timeout (in seconds) and action that is executed after no characters have been read for a given time. Thetimeout pattern applies to the most recently specified process. There is no default timeout. The special variable "timeout" (used by the expectcommand) has no affect on this timeout.
For example, the following statement could be used to autologout users who have not typed anything for an hour but who still get frequent systemmessages:
interact -input $user_spawn_id timeout 3600 return -output \ $spawn_id
If the pattern is the keyword null, and nulls are allowed (via the remove_nulls command), the corresponding body is executed if a single ASCII0 is matched. It is not possible to match 0 bytes via glob or regexp patterns.Prefacing a pattern with the flag -iwrite causes the variableinteract_out(spawn_id) to be set to the spawn_id which matched the pattern (oreof).
Actions such as break and continue cause control structures (i.e.,for,proc) to behave in the usual way. Howeverreturncauses interact to return to its caller, whileinter_return causesinteract to cause a return in its caller. For example, if "proc foo" calledinteract which then executed the actioninter_return,proc foo would return. (This means that ifinteract callsinterpreterinteractively typingreturn will cause the interact to continue, whileinter_return will cause the interact to return to its caller.)
- interact, raw mode is used so that all characters may be passed to the current process. If the current process does not catch job control signals,it will stop if sent a stop signal (by default ^Z). To restart it, send a continue signal (such as by "kill -CONT <pid>"). If you really want to send aSIGSTOP to such a process (by ^Z), consider spawning csh first and then running your program. On the other hand, if you want to send a SIGSTOP to Expectitself, first call interpreter (perhaps by using an escape character), and then press ^Z. String-body pairs can be used as a shorthand for avoiding having
- to enter the interpreter and execute commands interactively. The previous terminal mode is used while the body of a string-body pair is being executed. For speed, actions execute in raw mode by default. The
- -reset flag resets the terminal to the mode it had before interact was executed (invariably, cooked mode). Note that characters entered whenthe mode is being switched may be lost (an unfortunate feature of the terminal driver on some systems). The only reason to use -reset is if your actiondepends on running in cooked mode. The
- -echo flag sends characters that match the following pattern back to the process that generated them as each character is read. This may be usefulwhen the user needs to see feedback from partially typed patterns. If a pattern is being echoed but eventually fails to match,
the characters are sent to the spawned process. If the spawned process then echoes them, the user will see the characters twice.
-echo is probablyonly appropriate in situations where the user is unlikely to not complete the pattern. For example, the following excerpt is from rftp, the recursive-ftpscript, where the user is prompted to enter ~g, ~p, or ~l, to get, put, or list the current directory recursively. These are so far away from the normal ftpcommands, that the user is unlikely to type ~ followed by anything else, except mistakenly, in which case, they'll probably just ignore the result anyway.
interact { -echo ~g {getcurdirectory 1} -echo ~l {getcurdirectory 0} -echo ~p {putcurdirectory} }
The -nobuffer flag sends characters that match the following pattern on to the output process as characters are read.This is useful when you wish to let a program echo back the pattern. For example, the following might be used to monitor where a person is dialing (aHayes-style modem). Each time "atd" is seen the script logs the rest of the line.
proc lognumber {} { interact -nobuffer -re "(.*)\r" return puts $log "[clock format [clock seconds]]: dialed $interact_out(1,string)" } interact -nobuffer "atd" lognumber
- interact, previous use of log_user is ignored. In particular, interact will force its output to be logged (sent to the standardoutput) since it is presumed the user doesn't wish to interact blindly. The
- -o flag causes any following key-body pairs to be applied to the output of the current process. This can be useful, for example, when dealing withhosts that send unwanted characters during a telnet session. By default,
- interact expects the user to be writing stdin and reading stdout of the Expect process itself. The -u flag (for "user") makes interact look for the user as the process named by its argument (which must be a spawned id). This allows two unrelated processes to be joined
- together without using an explicit loop. To aid in debugging, Expect diagnostics always go to stderr (or stdout for certain logging and debugginginformation). For the same reason, the interpreter command will read interactively from stdin. For example, the following fragment creates a login process.
Then it dials the user (not shown), and finally connects the two together. Of course, any process may be substituted for login. A shell, for example, wouldallow the user to work without supplying an account and password.
spawn login set login $spawn_id spawn tip modem # dial back out to user # connect user to login interact -u $login
To send output to multiple processes, list each spawn id list prefaced by a -output flag. Input for a group of output spawn ids may be determined by aspawn id list prefaced by a -input flag. (Both -input and -output may take lists in the same form as the -i flag in the expect command, except that any_spawn_id is not meaningful in interact.) All following flags and strings (or patterns) apply to this input untilanother -input flag appears. If no -input appears, -output implies "-input $user_spawn_id -output". (Similarly, with patterns that do not have -input.) If one -input is specified, it overrides $user_spawn_id. If a second -input is specified, it overrides $spawn_id. Additional -input flags may be specified.The two implied input processes default to having their outputs specified as $spawn_id and $user_spawn_id (in reverse). If a-input flag appears withno-output flag, characters from that process are discarded.
The -i flag introduces a replacement for the current spawn_id when no other-input or-output flags are used. A -i flag implies a -oflag.
It is possible to change the processes that are being interacted with by using indirect spawn ids. (Indirect spawn ids are described in the section on theexpect command.) Indirect spawn ids may be specified with the -i, -u, -input, or -output flags.
interpreter " [args]"
- causes the user to be interactively prompted for Expect and Tcl commands. The result of each command is printed. Actions such as
- break and continue cause control structures (i.e., for, proc) to behave in the usual way. However return causesinterpreter to return to its caller, while inter_return causes interpreter to cause a return in its caller. For example, if "proc foo" called interpreter which then executed the action inter_return, proc foo would return. Any other command causes interpreter to continueprompting for new commands. By default, the prompt contains two integers.
- The first integer describes the depth of the evaluation stack (i.e., how many times Tcl_Eval has been called). The second integer is the Tcl historyidentifier. The prompt can be set by defining a procedure called "prompt1" whose return value becomes the next prompt. If a statement has open quotes, parens,braces, or brackets, a secondary prompt (by default "+> ") is issued upon newline. The secondary prompt may be set by defining a procedure called "prompt2". During
- interpreter, cooked mode is used, even if the its caller was using raw mode. If stdin is closed,
- interpreter will return unless the -eof flag is used, in which case the subsequent argument is invoked. log_file [args] [[-a] file]
If a filename is provided,
log_file will record a transcript of the session (beginning at that point) in the file.
log_file will stoprecording if no argument is given. Any previous log file is closed.
Instead of a filename, a Tcl file identifier may be provided by using the -open or -leaveopen flags. This is similar to the spawncommand. (See spawn for more info.)
The -a flag forces output to be logged that was suppressed by thelog_user command.
By default, the log_file command appends to old files rather than truncating them, for the convenience of being able to turn logging off andon multiple times in one session. To truncate files, use the-noappend flag.
The -info flag causes log_file to return a description of the most recent non-info arguments given.
By default, the send/
expect dialogue is logged to stdout (and a logfile if open). The logging to stdout is disabled by the command "log_user 0" andreenabled by "log_user 1". Logging to the logfile is unchanged.
The -info flag causes log_user to return a description of the most recent non-info arguments given.
[-d] [-i spawn_id] [size]
- defines the size of the buffer (in bytes) used internally by expect. With no size argument, the current size is returned. With the
- -d flag, the default size is set. (The initial default is 2000.) With the -i flag, the size is set for the named spawn id, otherwise it isset for the current process. overlay [-# spawn_id] [-# spawn_id] [...] program [args]
- executes program args in place of the current Expect program, which terminates. A bare hyphen argument forces a hyphen in front of thecommand name as if it was a login shell. All spawn_ids are closed except for those named as arguments. These are mapped onto the named file identifiers. Spawn_ids are mapped to file identifiers for the new program to inherit.
For example, the following line runs chess and allows it to be controlled by the current process - say, a chess master.
overlay -0 $spawn_id -1 $spawn_id -2 $spawn_id chess
This is more efficient than "interact -u", however, it sacrifices the ability to do programmed interaction since the Expect process is no longer incontrol.
Note that no controlling terminal is provided. Thus, if you
- disconnect or remap standard input, programs that do job control (shells, login, etc) will not function properly. parity [-d] [-i spawn_id] [value]
- defines whether parity should be retained or stripped from the output of spawned processes. If value is zero, parity is stripped, otherwise it isnot stripped. With no value argument, the current value is returned. With the
- -d flag, the default parity value is set. (The initial default is 1, i.e., parity is not stripped.) With the -i flag, the parity value is setfor the named spawn id, otherwise it is set for the current process. remove_nulls [-d] [-i spawn_id] [value]
- defines whether nulls are retained or removed from the output of spawned processes before pattern matching or storing in the variable expect_out or interact_out. If value is 1, nulls are removed. If value is 0, nulls are not removed. With no value argument, the current value isreturned.
Expect使用Tcl语言(Tool Command Language).Tcl提供诸如流控制,表达式值和一些其他的特性。像递归调用,定义函数等等。在这里用到的没有说明的命令都是Tcl命令。
Expect支持一些额外的命令。下面具体描述。除非另外声明,否则命令返回空字符串。命令按字母顺序排序,这样便于查找。仅管如此,初学者还是觉得按照”spawn , send , expect , interact”这种方式来读比较容易。
注意,Exploring Expect这本书中提供了关于”Expect和Tcl”的介绍.这本Manpage手册中也提供了一些例子.但数量有限,因为这本是做为入门的教材手册使用的.
close [-slave] [-onexec 0|1] [-i spawn_id]
执行”exec kill $pid”来杀死进程的话,那么你就需要再显式的调用一下close.
debug [[-now] 0|1]
要了解更多关于debugger的内容,请参见README文件和下面的SEE ALSO。
if [fork]!=0 exit
send_user "password?\ "
expect_user -re "(.*)\n"
for {} 1 {} {
if [fork]!=0 {sleep 3600;continue}
spawn priv_prog
expect Password:
send "$expect_out(1,string)\r"
. . .
exit [-opts] [status]
Exp_continue [-continue_timer]
Exp_internal [-f file] value
Exp_open [args] [-I spawn_id]
id将不再使用,wait指令将不能用在这个进程.).-leaveopen选项使spawn id保持打开,以便供Expect命令使用.
Exp_pid [-i spawn_id]
它将返回对应于当前被跟踪进程的ID.如果使用-i选项,将返回对应于指定的spawn id的进程ID.
Exp_version [[-exit] version]
expect [[-opts] pat1 body1] ... [-opts] patn [bodyn]
”set timeout30”,可以将超时时钟设定为30秒.如果设定为-1的话,那么超时时钟将是无穷大,如果一个模式设定为default,那么相应的语句将会在遇到文件尾
expect {
busy {puts busy\n ; exp_continue}
failed abort
"invalid password" abort
timeout abort
expect {
busy {puts busy\n ; exp_continue}
-re "failed|invalid password" abort
timeout abort
要遵守Tcl的规则)。Expect patterns are always unanchored.
Set expect_out(0,string) cd
Set expect_out(buffer) abcd
“efgh\n”被丢弃到输出缓冲区了。如果一个进程的输出是”abbbcabkkkka\n”,那么expect –indices –re “b(b*).*(k+)”的执行结果和下面语句的执行结果是相同的。
set expect_out(0,start) 1
set expect_out(0,end) 10
set expect_out(0,string) bbbcabkkkk
set expect_out(1,start) 2
set expect_out(1,end) 3
set expect_out(1,string) bb
set expect_out(2,start) 10
set expect_out(2,end) 10
set expect_out(2,string) k
set expect_out(buffer) abbbcabkkkk
-timeout 选项使得Expect使用选项后面的数值做为超时时间,而不是timeout变量中设置的时间.
expect {
-i $proc2 busy {puts busy\n ; exp_continue}
-re "failed|invalid password" abort
timeout abort
-i选项还可以定义一个全局变量,里面存储着spawn_id列.当变量内容发生变化时,它会被重新读取.这样就可以在程序执行的时候改变I/O源.以这种方式提供的spawn_id被称为”indirect spawn_id”.
expect {
Password: {
stty -echo
send_user "password (for $user) on $host: "
expect_user -re "(.*)\n"
send_user "\n"
send "$expect_out(1,string)\r"
stty echo
} incorrect {
send_user "invalid password or account\n"
} timeout {
send_user "connection to $host timed out\n"
} eof {
send_user \
"connection to host failed: $expect_out(buffer)"
} -re $prompt
stty raw -echo
expect_after {
-i $user_spawn_id
"p" {send "\r\r\r"; exp_continue}
"+" {incr foo; exp_continue}
"i" {interact; exp_continue}
"quit" exit
Expect_background [expect_args]
Expect_before [expect_args]
例如: expect_before –info –I $proc
这样最多返回一个spawn_id的详细信息. The flag -indirect suppresses direct spawn ids that come only from indirect specifications.
expect_tty [expect_args ]
expect_user [expect_args]
interact [string1 body1] ... [stringn [bodyn]]
行时,标准输出和标准错误输出是被重定向到Expect的,因为执行spawn之后,expect会等待进程的输出,包括错误输出)。String-body被指定为参数。在这种情况下,当有指定的string输入时,对应的body就会被执行(默认情况,string不会被传给当前进程)。如果没有最后的body部分,那么将执行interact命令。如果整个interact语句参数过长,超过一行,这些参数会用反斜线连接,分隔在多行,这样避免了语句在执行时被隔断。这种情况下,在Tcl进行语法解释的时候会忽略这些反斜线,把这多行做为一条语句来执行。例如,下面的代码举例说明了以string-body方式执行interact命令。String-body是这样设定的:当你按下Ctrl+Z时,Expect将挂起,按下Ctrl+A时,用户将会看到屏幕显示“you typed a control A”,并且也向当前进程发送一个Ctrl+A。当用户按下$时,用户会看到屏幕上显示系统日期。按下Ctrl+C时Expect将退出。如果输入”foo” ,用户将在屏幕上看到“bar”,如果输入~~,那么Expect解释器交互执行。
set CTRLZ \032
interact {
-reset $CTRLZ {exec kill -STOP [pid]}
\001 {send_user "you typed a control-A\n";
send "\001"
$ {send_user "The date is [exec date]."}
\003 exit
foo {send_user "bar"}
interact -input $user_spawn_id timeout 3600 return –output $spawn_id
Ctrl+Z会使其中止。如果想重启这个进程,可以给它发送一个“继续”信号(如执行:"kill -CONT
interact {
-echo ~g {getcurdirectory 1}
-echo ~l {getcurdirectory 0}
-echo ~p {putcurdirectory}
proc lognumber {} {
interact -nobuffer -re "(.*)\r" return
puts $log "[exec date]: dialed $interact_out(1,string)"
interact -nobuffer "atd" lognumber
spawn login
set login $spawn_id
spawn tip modem
# dial back out to user
# connect user to login
interact -u $login
input $user_spawn_id
使用“间接”spawn_id列可以改变交互进程 (“间接”spawn_id列已经在expect命令里面讲过) 。“间接”spawn_id列可以通过-i,-u,-input或是-output选项指定。
interpreter [args]
函数foo会返回。其他命令使interpreter继续提示输入新的命令。默认情况下,提示包含两个整数。第一个表示the depth of
evaluation stack嵌套的层数(也就是Tcl_Eval被调用了多少次)。第二个参数是Tcl的history
log_file [args] [[-a] file]
log_user -info|0|1
默认时,send/expect对话会被记录到标准输出中,可以通过log_user 0来禁止,通过log_user 1来恢复。输出到日志文件维持不变。-info选项使log_user命令返回关于最近的non-info(非info选项)参数的描述。
match_max [-d] [-i spawn_id] [size]
2000 Bytes)。如果使用了-i选项,那么设置的是对应于spawn_id的进程的缓冲区大小。否则设置的是当前进程的。
overlay [-# spawn_id] [-# spawn_id] [...] program [args]
承。例如,下面的命令运行chess程序,而且允许当前程序--chess master(chess控制者)来控制。
overlay -0 $spawn_id -1 $spawn_id -2 $spawn_id chess
虽然它牺牲了执行程序化交互的能力,因为Expect已经失去控制权,但还是要比”interact –u”更有效率。注:在这里,没有提供控制终端,因此,如果你断开或是重定向了标准输入,那么控制作业的程序(Shell,login等等)将不能正常访问。
parity [-d] [-i spawn_id] [value]
remove_nulls [-d] [-i spawn_id] [value]
此命令用来定义null在匹配模式或是存储到变量expect_out或是interact_out之前,是否需要与监视进程的输出分隔开。如果设为 1,则分开,如果为0,则不;
[root@localhost ~]# expectautoexpect.exp -p
tkpasswd: 这个脚本提供了修改用户密码的GUI工具,包括可以检查密码是否是基于字典模式。这个工具同时是一个学习expect和tk的好实例。