
SED(1)                                     User Commands                                     SED(1)

       sed - stream editor for filtering and transforming text

       sed [OPTION]... {script-only-if-no-other-script} [input-file]...

    当sed由标准输入读入一行资料并放入pattern space时,sed依照sed script 的编辑指令逐一对pattern space内的资料执行编辑,之後,再由pattern space内的结果送到标准输出,接着再将下一行资料读入,如此重复执行上述动作,直至读完所有资料行为止.

    sed 编辑指令的格式如下 :
其中 , 位址参数 address1 、address2 为行数或 regular expression 字串 , 表示所执行编辑的资料行; 函数参数 function[argument] 为 sed 的内定函数 , 表示执行的编辑动作。


(1) sed -e '1d' file (删除第一行)

Loong:/home/yee/lottery# cat b.txt 
08,12,13,26,29,33|01 2012-10-23
06,07,21,25,27,33|11 2012-10-21
08,10,16,25,28,33|09 2012-10-18
12,13,19,22,28,29|11 2012-10-16
01,07,08,20,23,24|11 2012-10-14
06,07,21,25,27,33|11 2012-10-21
06,07,21,25,27,33|11 2012-10-21
08,10,16,25,28,33|09 2012-10-18
06,07,21,25,27,33|11 2012-10-21
Loong:/home/yee/lottery# sed -e '1d' b.txt                删除第一行输出
06,07,21,25,27,33|11 2012-10-21
08,10,16,25,28,33|09 2012-10-18
12,13,19,22,28,29|11 2012-10-16
01,07,08,20,23,24|11 2012-10-14
06,07,21,25,27,33|11 2012-10-21
06,07,21,25,27,33|11 2012-10-21
08,10,16,25,28,33|09 2012-10-18
06,07,21,25,27,33|11 2012-10-21
Loong:/home/yee/lottery# cat b.txt                        文本内容并没有改变,所以处理的是文件的拷贝
08,12,13,26,29,33|01 2012-10-23
06,07,21,25,27,33|11 2012-10-21
08,10,16,25,28,33|09 2012-10-18
12,13,19,22,28,29|11 2012-10-16
01,07,08,20,23,24|11 2012-10-14
06,07,21,25,27,33|11 2012-10-21
06,07,21,25,27,33|11 2012-10-21
08,10,16,25,28,33|09 2012-10-18
06,07,21,25,27,33|11 2012-10-21
(2) sed -e '1,4d' file (删除第1到第4行)

Loong:/home/yee/lottery# sed -e '1,4d' b.txt 
01,07,08,20,23,24|11 2012-10-14
06,07,21,25,27,33|11 2012-10-21
06,07,21,25,27,33|11 2012-10-21
08,10,16,25,28,33|09 2012-10-18
06,07,21,25,27,33|11 2012-10-21
(3) sed -e '/#/d' file  (删除含有'#'号的行)
    sed -e '/xx/d' file
    : 删除 含有字符串xx的所有行
    sed -e '/xx/ !d' file
Loong:/home/yee/lottery# cat pam.conf 
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# /etc/pam.conf								     #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# ----
# NOTE: Most program use a file under the /etc/pam.d/ directory to setup their
# PAM service modules. This file is used only if that directory does not exist.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------#

# Format:
# serv.	module	   ctrl	      module [path]	...[args..]		     #
# name	type	   flag							     #

Loong:/home/yee/lottery# sed -e '/-/d' pam.conf 
# /etc/pam.conf								     #
# NOTE: Most program use a file under the /etc/pam.d/ directory to setup their
# PAM service modules. This file is used only if that directory does not exist.

# Format:
# serv.	module	   ctrl	      module [path]	...[args..]		     #
# name	type	   flag							     #


Loong:/home/yee/lottery# sed -e '/etc/d' pam.conf 
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# ----
# PAM service modules. This file is used only if that directory does not exist.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------#

# Format:
# serv.	module	   ctrl	      module [path]	...[args..]		     #
# name	type	   flag							     #

Loong:/home/yee/lottery# sed -e '/etc/!d' pam.conf 
# /etc/pam.conf								     #
# NOTE: Most program use a file under the /etc/pam.d/ directory to setup their
(4) sed -e '/word1/, /word2/d' file  (删除从含有单词word1到含有单词word2的行)
    sed -e '10,/word1/d' file
    sed -e '/word1/,10 d' file
Loong:/home/yee/lottery# cat pam.conf 
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# /etc/pam.conf								     #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# ----
# NOTE: Most program use a file under the /etc/pam.d/ directory to setup their
# PAM service modules. This file is used only if that directory does not exist.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------#

# Format:
# serv.	module	   ctrl	      module [path]	...[args..]		     #
# name	type	   flag							     #

Loong:/home/yee/lottery# sed -e '/etc/,/etc/d' pam.conf 
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# PAM service modules. This file is used only if that directory does not exist.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------#

# Format:
# serv.	module	   ctrl	      module [path]	...[args..]		     #
# name	type	   flag							     #

Loong:/home/yee/lottery# sed -e '6,/etc/d' pam.conf 
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# /etc/pam.conf								     #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# PAM service modules. This file is used only if that directory does not exist.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------#

# Format:
# serv.	module	   ctrl	      module [path]	...[args..]		     #
# name	type	   flag							     #

Loong:/home/yee/lottery# sed -e '/etc/, 10 d' pam.conf 
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------#

# Format:
# serv.	module	   ctrl	      module [path]	...[args..]		     #
# name	type	   flag							     #


(5) sed -e '/t.*t/d' file     (删除含有两个t的行)                支持正则表达式的写法

Loong:/home/yee/lottery# sed -e '/t.*t/d' pam.conf 
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# /etc/pam.conf								     #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# ----
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------#

# Format:
# name	type	   flag							     #


2、 替换     
Sed 可替换文件中的字串、资料行、甚至资料区。其中,表示替换字串的指令中的函数参数为s;表示替换资料行、或资料区>的指令中的函数参数为c。


(1) sed -e '1c/ ########test#######   file (把第一行替换成#########test#######)   

思考: 把第3行替换成########test#######   

sed -e '3c/########test#######' file

Loong:/home/yee/lottery# cat pam.conf 
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# /etc/pam.conf								     #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# ----
# NOTE: Most program use a file under the /etc/pam.d/ directory to setup their
# PAM service modules. This file is used only if that directory does not exist.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------#

# Format:
# serv.	module	   ctrl	      module [path]	...[args..]		     #
# name	type	   flag							     #

Loong:/home/yee/lottery# sed -e '1c/########test#######' pam.conf 
# /etc/pam.conf								     #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# ----
# NOTE: Most program use a file under the /etc/pam.d/ directory to setup their
# PAM service modules. This file is used only if that directory does not exist.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------#

# Format:
# serv.	module	   ctrl	      module [path]	...[args..]		     #
# name	type	   flag							     #

Loong:/home/yee/lottery# sed -e '3c/########test#######' pam.conf 
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# /etc/pam.conf								     #
# ----
# NOTE: Most program use a file under the /etc/pam.d/ directory to setup their
# PAM service modules. This file is used only if that directory does not exist.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------#

# Format:
# serv.	module	   ctrl	      module [path]	...[args..]		     #
# name	type	   flag							     #


(2) sed -e '1,10c/I can do it' file  (把1到10行替换成一行:########test#######)
    思考: 换成两行(########test#######,########test#######)
    sed -e '1,10c/########test#######\n########test#######' file

Loong:/home/yee/lottery# sed -e '1,3c ########test#######' pam.conf 
# ----
# NOTE: Most program use a file under the /etc/pam.d/ directory to setup their
# PAM service modules. This file is used only if that directory does not exist.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------#

# Format:
# serv.	module	   ctrl	      module [path]	...[args..]		     #
# name	type	   flag							     #

Loong:/home/yee/lottery# sed -e '1,3c /########test#######\n########test#######' pam.conf 
# ----
# NOTE: Most program use a file under the /etc/pam.d/ directory to setup their
# PAM service modules. This file is used only if that directory does not exist.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------#

# Format:
# serv.	module	   ctrl	      module [path]	...[args..]		     #
# name	type	   flag							     #

(3) sed -e 's/word1/& word2/' file (将每一行的word1单词替换成word2 ;s参数最多与两个位置参数相结合,函数参数s中有两个特殊的符号:
    & : 代表pattern
    /n : 代表 pattern 中被第 n 个 /( 、/) 所括起来的字串。例如

 A、sed -e 's/w1/& w2/' file  # w1的地方输出 w1 w2

Loong:/home/yee/shell# sed -e 's/passwd/&com/' du.txt
957    ./test_practise.sh
503    ./full-name-output.sh
1386    ./passwdcom    追加在后文
181    ./self_add2.sh
14    ./deal_passwdcom.sh

Loong:/home/yee/shell# sed -e 's/passwd/com/' du.txt
957    ./test_practise.sh
503    ./full-name-output.sh
1386    ./com                    直接替换
181    ./self_add2.sh
14    ./deal_com.sh

 B、 sed -e  's//(test/) /(my/) /(car/)/[/2 /3 /1]/' file   #结果: [my car test]

3, 命令的复用
    (1) sed 's/w1/& w2/g; 1/i/words' filename   (使用;号把命令隔开,注意前面不加-e参数)
    (2) sed -e 'cmd1' -e 'cmd2'  filename     (使用多个-e参数)



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