
  1. 下载

  2. 配置traefik.toml

# Global configuration
traefikLogsFile = "traefik.log"
accessLogsFile = "access.log"
logLevel = "DEBUG"

# Web configuration backend
address = ":7888"


# Set the default health check interval. Will only be effective if health check
# paths are defined. Given provider-specific support, the value may be
# overridden on a per-backend basis.
# Can be provided in a format supported by [time.ParseDuration]( or as raw
# values (digits). If no units are provided, the value is parsed assuming
# seconds.
# Optional
# Default: "30s"
interval = "10s"


# Number of attempts
# Optional
# Default: (number servers in backend) -1
#attempts = 3


# rules
	path = "/health"
  interval = "10s"
      expression = "NetworkErrorRatio() > 0.5"
    url = ""
    weight = 10
    url = ""
    weight = 1
      amount = 10
      extractorfunc = ""
      method = "drr"
    url = ""
    weight = 1
    url = ""
    weight = 2

  backend = "backend2"
    rule = "Host:test.localhost"
  backend = "backend1"
  passHostHeader = true
  priority = 10
  entrypoints = ["https"] # overrides defaultEntryPoints
    rule = "Host:{subdomain:[a-z]+}.localhost"
  entrypoints = ["http", "https"] # overrides defaultEntryPoints
  backend = "backend2"
    rule = "Path:/test"
  1. api操作

PUT: http://localhost:7888/api/providers/web

  "backends": {
    "backend1": {
      "servers": {
        "server1": {
          "url": "",
          "weight": 0
        "server2": {
          "url": "",
          "weight": 0
      "loadBalancer": {
        "method": "wrr"
      "circuitBreaker": {
          "expression": "NetworkErrorRatio() > 0.5"
      "maxConn": {
          "amount": 10,
          "extractorFunc": ""
      "healthCheck": {
        "interval": "10s",
  "frontends": {
    "frontend1": {
      "entryPoints": [
      "backend": "backend1",
      "priority": 0,
  1. cmd
sudo ./traefik -c traefik.toml
posted @ 2017-07-18 19:36  白云辉  阅读(2066)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报