1、右键菜单在PL/SQL Developer(下面简称PLD)中的每一个文本编辑窗口,如SQL Window,Command Window和Porgram Window,右键点击某个对象名称,会弹出一个包含操作对象命令的菜单,我们这里称之为右键菜单。对象类型可以是表,视图,同义词,存储过程和函数等。根据对象类型的不同,弹出的菜单也有区别。表和视图有View, Edit, Rename, Drop, Query data 和Edit data等功能。View和Edit分别是查看和修改表的结构信息,如字段,主键,索引和约束等。Query data相当于新打开一个窗口,并执行select * fr 阅读全文
Applies to: Oracle Applications Technology Stack – Version: 12.0 to 12.1 Information in this document applies to any platform.GoalBy default in Oracle Applications R12, users are not able to access Forms directly via the following url: http://hostname.domain:port/forms/frmservlet The following error 阅读全文