中文名称 | 英文名称 |
现金 | Cash on hand |
银行存款 | Cash in bank |
有价证券 | Marketable securitiea |
应收票据 | Notes receivable |
应收帐款 | Accounts receivable |
坏帐准备 | Provision for bad debts |
预付帐款 | Advances to suppliers |
其他应收款 | Other receivables |
待摊费用 | Deferred and prepaid expenses |
存货 | Inventories |
存货变现损失准备 | Provision for loss on realization of inventory |
一年内到期的长期债券投资 | Long-term investments maturing within one year |
其他流动资产 | Other current assets |
长期投资 | Long-term in vestments |
一年以上的应收款项 | Receivables collectable after one year |
固定资产: | FIXED ASSETS: |
固定资产原价 | Fixed assets-cost |
累计折旧 | Accumulated depreciation |
固定资产净值 | Fixed assets-net value |
固定资产清理 | Disposal of fixed assets |
在建工程 | Construction in progress |
场地使用权 | Land occupancy right |
工业产权及专有技术 | Proprietary technology and patents |
其他无形资产 | Other intangibles assets |
其他资产: | OTHER ASSETS |
开办费 | Organization expenses |
筹建期间汇兑损失 | Exchange loss during start-up peried |
递延投资损失 | Deferred loss on investments |
递延税款借项 | Deferred taxes debit |
其他递延支出 | Other deferred expenses |
待转销汇兑损失 | Unamortized cxehange loss |
短期借款 | Short term loans |
应付票据 | Notes payable |
应付帐款 | Accounts payable |
应付工资 | Accrued payroll |
应交税金 | Taxes payable |
应付利润 | Dividends payable |
预收货款 | Advances from customers |
其他应付款 | Other payables |
预提费用 | Accrued expenses |
应付福利费 | Staff and workers bonus and welfare fund |
一年内到期的长期负债 | Long-term liabitities due within one year |
其他流动负债 | Other current liabilities |
长期借款 | Ling-term loans |
应付公司债 | Debentures payable |
应付公司债溢价(折价) | Premium(discount)on debentures payable |
一年以上的应付款项 | Payables due after one year |
筹建期间汇兑收益 | Exchange gain during start-up period |
递延投资收益 | Deferred gain on investments |
递延税款贷项 | Deferred taxes credit |
其他递延贷项 | Other deferred credit |
待转销汇兑收益 | Unamortized exchange gain |
所有者权益: | OWNERS' EQUITY |
实收资本 | Paid in capital |
其中:中方投资 | Including:Chinese investment |
其中:外方投资 | Including:Foreign investment |
已归还投资 | Investment returned |
资本公积 | Capital surplus |
储备基金 | Reserve fund |
企业发展基金 | Enterprise expansion fund |
利润归还投资 | Profits capitalised on return of investment |
本年利润 | current year profit |
未分配利润 | Undistributed profits |
主营业务收入 | Revenue from main operation |
主营业务成本 | Cost of main operation |
主营业务税金及附加 | Tax and additional duty of main operation |
主营业务利润 | Income from main operation |
其他业务利润 | Incom from other operation |
营业费用 | Operating expense |
管理费用 | General and administrative expense |
财务费用 | Financial expense |
利息支出 | Interest expense |
汇兑损失 | Exchange loss |
营业利润 | Operating Income |
投资收益 | Investment income |
营业外收入 | Non-operating income |
营业外支出 | Non operating expense |
利润总额 | Income before tax |
所得税 | income tax |
净利润 | Net income |
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