Host concurrent的建立方法
To explain how to create a custom concurrent program with Host as the method
(shell script) and pass a number of user parameters from the concurrent program
to the shell script.
This example will implement a concurrent program that receives two parameters
at the runtime of the concurrent program: the database username and the user's new
password to be changed. The shell script. will connect to the database as system.
It will verify if the user's password can be changed.
(Note: Allowed users will be stored in a flat file on the CM-node.)
1. Oracle Applications Release 11i is used. We are changing the database user
password, not Oracle Applications user's password.
2. We will not define a new application, responsibility, etc. within 11i. We
will use the existing Application Object Library application and System
Administrator responsibility.
3. At runtime, the concurrent program will need two parameters: database username
and the new password. If the database username is not listed in allowed_list.lst,
the user's password can not be changed.
4. The DBA group will be notified by email once there is an attempt to change
database user's password.
5. FNDCPASS could be used, but this is not the subject of this note.
6. If there is any user listed in the allowed_list.lst (one user per line, no
extra spaces) and that user does not exist in the database, the concurrent
request will complete ok, but the DBA group will get a notification that
"database user doesn't exist".
7. Ensure the you test the procedure in a test environment several times to
become familiar with the procedure. Verify that the program does what you
require prior to making the changes into production.
9. This procedure is not supported by Oracle Support Services. This is just
an example and will have to be adjusted for your own needs.
Technical Consultants, Apps DBA, DBA.
Steps to create a custom concurrent program with Host method and pass parameters to the shell script.
1. Copy/modify (if needed) chgdbpwd to your CM-tier under $FND_TOP/bin.
2. Create file allowed_list.lst under <applmgr_home_directory>/scripts.
3. Logon to Oracle Application 11i -> System Administrator responsibility
Navigate Concurrent > Program > Executable and enter a new one:
Executable: Change Database User Password
Short Name: CHGDBPWD
Application: Application Object Library
Description: Change Database User Password
Execution Method: Host
Execution File Name: chgdbpwd
Save your work.
4. Navigate Concurrent > Program > Define and enter a new one:
Program: Change Database User Password
Short Name: CHGDBPWD
Application: Application Object Library
Description: Change Database User Password
Method: Host
Click on Parameters and add the following:
- Seq: 10 , Parameter: Database User, Description: Enter Database User to change the password for, Value Set: 15 Characters, and click on the Required: checkfield.
- Seq: 11 , Parameter: Database User Password, Description: Enter Database User's New Password, Value Set: 15 Characters, and click on the Required: checkfield.
Save your work.
5. Navigate Security > Responsibility > Request
Query for Group: System Administrator Reports and add one request
Type: Program, Name: Change Database User Password
Save your work.
6. Restart the Concurrent Managers.
7. Submit the concurrent request "Change Database User Password" , pass the
parameters, under System Administrator responsibility.
8. Connect using sqlplus to confirm the database user password has changed.
This procedure might help in case that HelpDesk will be allowed to reset
specific database password, without having access to database users SYSTEM/SYS.
Only the responsibility associated with the concurrent request "Change Database
User Password" defined above is needed.
-----script. chgdbpwd starts here -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This script. is intended to change a database user password
# 23.mar.2004, by catalin ciontu
# Arguments: database username and password
# Setting of the environment ...
export TERM
. /d00/applvis/visdbappl/APPSORA.env
export WORKDIR
export MAILTO
# Testing for passing the argument from CM ...
if [ -z "$1" ]
echo "Please pass the 1st argument ... make sure that CM program passes the parameters to this script. ... "
exit 1
# Please build the allowed_list.lst prior to executing this script. ...
test -f allowed_list.lst
if [ $? = 1 ]
echo "There is no list of allowed database users to have password changed ... Please create such a file under $WORKDIR/allowed_list.lst on the CM-tier : enter one database user account per line ... no extra spaces ... "
exit 1
# Because OA 11i passes its internal params to any CM program (ie. 1 to 8 are occupied by prog_name, req_id, login_id, userid, username, printer, save, copies), starting with the 9th we can have our own customized parameters: ie: database username and its passwd .
USR=`echo $1|cut -f9 -d " "|cut -f2 -d '"'`
export USR
PWD=`echo $1|cut -f10 -d " "|cut -f2 -d '"'`
export PWD
/usr/bin/fgrep -i -x $USR $WORKDIR/allowed_list.lst
if [ $? = 0 ]
# Connect to the database and change user's password ...
sqlplus -silent system/$SYSTEMPWD > /dev/null 2>&1 <<EOF
set serveroutput on
set feedback on
set echo on
spool chgdbpwd.lst
alter user $USR identified by $PWD;
spool off
# Now, we'll notify the dba group for password change attempts ...
/usr/bin/mailx -s "Please be notified that an attempt to change a database user password - listed in the allowed_to_change_list: $USR/$PWD - was made in $TWO_TASK instance ... See body for results ... " $MAILTO < $WORKDIR/chgdbpwd.lst > /dev/null 2>&1
rm chgdbpwd.lst
-----script. chgdbpwd ends here -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-----example of allowed_list.lst follows----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-----example of allowed_list.lst ends here--------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. As of Oracle Applications 11.5.9, the order of DEFAULT parameters is like:
If you want to specify your own parameters, you'll start with parameter number 9. See the script. chgdbpwd.
To explain how to create a custom concurrent program with Host as the method
(shell script) and pass a number of user parameters from the concurrent program
to the shell script.
This example will implement a concurrent program that receives two parameters
at the runtime of the concurrent program: the database username and the user's new
password to be changed. The shell script. will connect to the database as system.
It will verify if the user's password can be changed.
(Note: Allowed users will be stored in a flat file on the CM-node.)
1. Oracle Applications Release 11i is used. We are changing the database user
password, not Oracle Applications user's password.
2. We will not define a new application, responsibility, etc. within 11i. We
will use the existing Application Object Library application and System
Administrator responsibility.
3. At runtime, the concurrent program will need two parameters: database username
and the new password. If the database username is not listed in allowed_list.lst,
the user's password can not be changed.
4. The DBA group will be notified by email once there is an attempt to change
database user's password.
5. FNDCPASS could be used, but this is not the subject of this note.
6. If there is any user listed in the allowed_list.lst (one user per line, no
extra spaces) and that user does not exist in the database, the concurrent
request will complete ok, but the DBA group will get a notification that
"database user doesn't exist".
7. Ensure the you test the procedure in a test environment several times to
become familiar with the procedure. Verify that the program does what you
require prior to making the changes into production.
9. This procedure is not supported by Oracle Support Services. This is just
an example and will have to be adjusted for your own needs.
Technical Consultants, Apps DBA, DBA.
Steps to create a custom concurrent program with Host method and pass parameters to the shell script.
1. Copy/modify (if needed) chgdbpwd to your CM-tier under $FND_TOP/bin.
2. Create file allowed_list.lst under <applmgr_home_directory>/scripts.
3. Logon to Oracle Application 11i -> System Administrator responsibility
Navigate Concurrent > Program > Executable and enter a new one:
Executable: Change Database User Password
Short Name: CHGDBPWD
Application: Application Object Library
Description: Change Database User Password
Execution Method: Host
Execution File Name: chgdbpwd
Save your work.
4. Navigate Concurrent > Program > Define and enter a new one:
Program: Change Database User Password
Short Name: CHGDBPWD
Application: Application Object Library
Description: Change Database User Password
Method: Host
Click on Parameters and add the following:
- Seq: 10 , Parameter: Database User, Description: Enter Database User to change the password for, Value Set: 15 Characters, and click on the Required: checkfield.
- Seq: 11 , Parameter: Database User Password, Description: Enter Database User's New Password, Value Set: 15 Characters, and click on the Required: checkfield.
Save your work.
5. Navigate Security > Responsibility > Request
Query for Group: System Administrator Reports and add one request
Type: Program, Name: Change Database User Password
Save your work.
6. Restart the Concurrent Managers.
7. Submit the concurrent request "Change Database User Password" , pass the
parameters, under System Administrator responsibility.
8. Connect using sqlplus to confirm the database user password has changed.
This procedure might help in case that HelpDesk will be allowed to reset
specific database password, without having access to database users SYSTEM/SYS.
Only the responsibility associated with the concurrent request "Change Database
User Password" defined above is needed.
-----script. chgdbpwd starts here -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This script. is intended to change a database user password
# 23.mar.2004, by catalin ciontu
# Arguments: database username and password
# Setting of the environment ...
export TERM
. /d00/applvis/visdbappl/APPSORA.env
export WORKDIR
export MAILTO
# Testing for passing the argument from CM ...
if [ -z "$1" ]
echo "Please pass the 1st argument ... make sure that CM program passes the parameters to this script. ... "
exit 1
# Please build the allowed_list.lst prior to executing this script. ...
test -f allowed_list.lst
if [ $? = 1 ]
echo "There is no list of allowed database users to have password changed ... Please create such a file under $WORKDIR/allowed_list.lst on the CM-tier : enter one database user account per line ... no extra spaces ... "
exit 1
# Because OA 11i passes its internal params to any CM program (ie. 1 to 8 are occupied by prog_name, req_id, login_id, userid, username, printer, save, copies), starting with the 9th we can have our own customized parameters: ie: database username and its passwd .
USR=`echo $1|cut -f9 -d " "|cut -f2 -d '"'`
export USR
PWD=`echo $1|cut -f10 -d " "|cut -f2 -d '"'`
export PWD
/usr/bin/fgrep -i -x $USR $WORKDIR/allowed_list.lst
if [ $? = 0 ]
# Connect to the database and change user's password ...
sqlplus -silent system/$SYSTEMPWD > /dev/null 2>&1 <<EOF
set serveroutput on
set feedback on
set echo on
spool chgdbpwd.lst
alter user $USR identified by $PWD;
spool off
# Now, we'll notify the dba group for password change attempts ...
/usr/bin/mailx -s "Please be notified that an attempt to change a database user password - listed in the allowed_to_change_list: $USR/$PWD - was made in $TWO_TASK instance ... See body for results ... " $MAILTO < $WORKDIR/chgdbpwd.lst > /dev/null 2>&1
rm chgdbpwd.lst
-----script. chgdbpwd ends here -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-----example of allowed_list.lst follows----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-----example of allowed_list.lst ends here--------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. As of Oracle Applications 11.5.9, the order of DEFAULT parameters is like:
If you want to specify your own parameters, you'll start with parameter number 9. See the script. chgdbpwd.
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