create or replace function byamountfn
customernum varchar2,
startdate date,
enddate date
) return char is
v_amount number;
v_receipt_amount number;
refundamount number;
l_receive_amount1 number;
l_receive_amount2 number;
lastdebt number;
thisamount number;
thismoeny number;
upextendedamount number;
select sum(nvl(rct.extended_amount_tax, 0)) extended_amount --当前参数日期之前的所有货款
into v_amount
from (select ctl.customer_trx_line_id,
ct.trx_date) trx_date,
nvl(ctl.gross_extended_amount, ctl.extended_amount) extended_amount_tax
from ra_customer_trx_all ct,
ra_customer_trx_lines_all ctl,
hz_parties hpt,
hz_cust_accounts hca,
ra_cust_trx_types_all ctt,
mtl_units_of_measure uom
where ct.customer_trx_id = ctl.customer_trx_id
and ct.org_id = ctl.org_id
and ct.bill_to_customer_id = hca.cust_account_id
and hca.party_id = hpt.party_id
and ctt.cust_trx_type_id = ct.cust_trx_type_id
and ctl.line_type != 'TAX'
and ctt.type in ('INV', 'CM')
and ctt.cust_trx_type_id !=
-- AND ctt.NAME != 'SH-内销开帐'
and ctl.uom_code = uom.uom_code(+)) rct
where 1 = 1
and rct.bill_to_customer_id =
(select a.customer_id
from ar_customers a
where a.customer_number = customernum)
and rct.trx_date <= startdate - 1;
select sum(nvl(acr.functional_amount, 0)) --当前参数日期之前的所有应付款
into v_receipt_amount
from ar_cash_receipts_v acr
where acr.gl_date <= startdate - 1
and acr.state != 'REVERSED'
and acr.customer_id =
(select a.customer_id
from ar_customers a
where a.customer_number = customernum);
select nvl(sum(araa.amount_applied), 0) --当前参数日期之前的所有退款
into refundamount
from ar_cash_receipt_history_all acrh,
ar_cash_receipts_all acr,
ar_receivable_applications_all araa
where acrh.gl_date <= startdate - 1
and acrh.status != 'REVERSED'
and acr.cash_receipt_id = acrh.cash_receipt_id
and acrh.cash_receipt_history_id = araa.cash_receipt_history_id
and araa.applied_customer_trx_id is null
and acrh.org_id = acr.org_id
and araa.display = 'Y'
and araa.status = 'ACTIVITY'
and acr.pay_from_customer =
(select a.customer_id
from ar_customers a
where a.customer_number = customernum);
lastdebt := (v_amount - v_receipt_amount + refundamount); --小于当前日期之前的所有货款 减去 小于当前日期之前的所有应付帐款 加小于当前日期之前的所有退款=上月欠款
select nvl(sum(extended_amount), 0)
into thisamount
from (select ct.trx_number,
ctl.gross_extended_amount) as extended_amount
from ra_customer_trx_all ct,
ra_customer_trx_lines_all ctl,
hz_parties hpt,
hz_cust_accounts hca,
ra_cust_trx_types_all ctt,
mtl_units_of_measure uom,
ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist_all rctl
where ct.customer_trx_id = ctl.customer_trx_id
and rctl.customer_trx_id = ct.customer_trx_id
and 'REC' = rctl.account_class
and 'Y' = rctl.latest_rec_flag
and ct.org_id = ctl.org_id
and ct.bill_to_customer_id = hca.cust_account_id
and hca.party_id = hpt.party_id
and ctt.cust_trx_type_id = ct.cust_trx_type_id
and ctl.line_type != 'TAX'
and ctt.type in ('INV', 'CM')
and ctt.cust_trx_type_id !=
-- AND ctt.NAME != 'SH-内销开帐'
and ctl.uom_code = uom.uom_code(+)
and to_char(rctl.gl_date, 'yyyy-mm-dd') between
to_char(startdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD') and
to_char(enddate, 'YYYY-MM-DD')
and hca.account_number = customernum);
select nvl(sum(acr.functional_amount), 0) --付款
into l_receive_amount1
from ar_cash_receipts_v acr
where to_char(acr.gl_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD') between
to_char(startdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD') and
to_char(enddate, 'YYYY-MM-DD')
and acr.state != 'REVERSED'
and acr.customer_id =
(select a.customer_id
from ar_customers a
where a.customer_number = customernum);
select nvl(sum(araa.amount_applied), 0) --退款
into l_receive_amount2
from ar_cash_receipt_history_all acrh,
ar_cash_receipts_all acr,
ar_receivable_applications_all araa
where to_char(acrh.gl_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD') between
to_char(startdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD') and
to_char(enddate, 'YYYY-MM-DD')
and acrh.status != 'REVERSED'
and acr.cash_receipt_id = acrh.cash_receipt_id
and acrh.cash_receipt_history_id = araa.cash_receipt_history_id
and araa.applied_customer_trx_id is null
and acrh.org_id = acr.org_id
and araa.display = 'Y'
and araa.status = 'ACTIVITY'
and acr.pay_from_customer =
(select a.customer_id
from ar_customers a
where a.customer_number = customernum);
thismoeny := (l_receive_amount1 - l_receive_amount2); --本月回款 = 本月应付帐款-本月退款
--本月欠款= 上月欠款+本月货款-本月回款
upextendedamount := (lastdebt + thisamount - thismoeny);
return upextendedamount;
function get_return_commitment_type return number is
cursor csr_type is
select cust_trx_type_id from ra_cust_trx_types_all where name = 'SH-保证金退回'; retval number;
open csr_type; fetch csr_type into retval; close csr_type; return nvl(retval, -1);
customernum varchar2,
startdate date,
enddate date
) return char is
v_amount number;
v_receipt_amount number;
refundamount number;
l_receive_amount1 number;
l_receive_amount2 number;
lastdebt number;
thisamount number;
thismoeny number;
upextendedamount number;
select sum(nvl(rct.extended_amount_tax, 0)) extended_amount --当前参数日期之前的所有货款
into v_amount
from (select ctl.customer_trx_line_id,
ct.trx_date) trx_date,
nvl(ctl.gross_extended_amount, ctl.extended_amount) extended_amount_tax
from ra_customer_trx_all ct,
ra_customer_trx_lines_all ctl,
hz_parties hpt,
hz_cust_accounts hca,
ra_cust_trx_types_all ctt,
mtl_units_of_measure uom
where ct.customer_trx_id = ctl.customer_trx_id
and ct.org_id = ctl.org_id
and ct.bill_to_customer_id = hca.cust_account_id
and hca.party_id = hpt.party_id
and ctt.cust_trx_type_id = ct.cust_trx_type_id
and ctl.line_type != 'TAX'
and ctt.type in ('INV', 'CM')
and ctt.cust_trx_type_id !=
-- AND ctt.NAME != 'SH-内销开帐'
and ctl.uom_code = uom.uom_code(+)) rct
where 1 = 1
and rct.bill_to_customer_id =
(select a.customer_id
from ar_customers a
where a.customer_number = customernum)
and rct.trx_date <= startdate - 1;
select sum(nvl(acr.functional_amount, 0)) --当前参数日期之前的所有应付款
into v_receipt_amount
from ar_cash_receipts_v acr
where acr.gl_date <= startdate - 1
and acr.state != 'REVERSED'
and acr.customer_id =
(select a.customer_id
from ar_customers a
where a.customer_number = customernum);
select nvl(sum(araa.amount_applied), 0) --当前参数日期之前的所有退款
into refundamount
from ar_cash_receipt_history_all acrh,
ar_cash_receipts_all acr,
ar_receivable_applications_all araa
where acrh.gl_date <= startdate - 1
and acrh.status != 'REVERSED'
and acr.cash_receipt_id = acrh.cash_receipt_id
and acrh.cash_receipt_history_id = araa.cash_receipt_history_id
and araa.applied_customer_trx_id is null
and acrh.org_id = acr.org_id
and araa.display = 'Y'
and araa.status = 'ACTIVITY'
and acr.pay_from_customer =
(select a.customer_id
from ar_customers a
where a.customer_number = customernum);
lastdebt := (v_amount - v_receipt_amount + refundamount); --小于当前日期之前的所有货款 减去 小于当前日期之前的所有应付帐款 加小于当前日期之前的所有退款=上月欠款
select nvl(sum(extended_amount), 0)
into thisamount
from (select ct.trx_number,
ctl.gross_extended_amount) as extended_amount
from ra_customer_trx_all ct,
ra_customer_trx_lines_all ctl,
hz_parties hpt,
hz_cust_accounts hca,
ra_cust_trx_types_all ctt,
mtl_units_of_measure uom,
ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist_all rctl
where ct.customer_trx_id = ctl.customer_trx_id
and rctl.customer_trx_id = ct.customer_trx_id
and 'REC' = rctl.account_class
and 'Y' = rctl.latest_rec_flag
and ct.org_id = ctl.org_id
and ct.bill_to_customer_id = hca.cust_account_id
and hca.party_id = hpt.party_id
and ctt.cust_trx_type_id = ct.cust_trx_type_id
and ctl.line_type != 'TAX'
and ctt.type in ('INV', 'CM')
and ctt.cust_trx_type_id !=
-- AND ctt.NAME != 'SH-内销开帐'
and ctl.uom_code = uom.uom_code(+)
and to_char(rctl.gl_date, 'yyyy-mm-dd') between
to_char(startdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD') and
to_char(enddate, 'YYYY-MM-DD')
and hca.account_number = customernum);
select nvl(sum(acr.functional_amount), 0) --付款
into l_receive_amount1
from ar_cash_receipts_v acr
where to_char(acr.gl_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD') between
to_char(startdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD') and
to_char(enddate, 'YYYY-MM-DD')
and acr.state != 'REVERSED'
and acr.customer_id =
(select a.customer_id
from ar_customers a
where a.customer_number = customernum);
select nvl(sum(araa.amount_applied), 0) --退款
into l_receive_amount2
from ar_cash_receipt_history_all acrh,
ar_cash_receipts_all acr,
ar_receivable_applications_all araa
where to_char(acrh.gl_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD') between
to_char(startdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD') and
to_char(enddate, 'YYYY-MM-DD')
and acrh.status != 'REVERSED'
and acr.cash_receipt_id = acrh.cash_receipt_id
and acrh.cash_receipt_history_id = araa.cash_receipt_history_id
and araa.applied_customer_trx_id is null
and acrh.org_id = acr.org_id
and araa.display = 'Y'
and araa.status = 'ACTIVITY'
and acr.pay_from_customer =
(select a.customer_id
from ar_customers a
where a.customer_number = customernum);
thismoeny := (l_receive_amount1 - l_receive_amount2); --本月回款 = 本月应付帐款-本月退款
--本月欠款= 上月欠款+本月货款-本月回款
upextendedamount := (lastdebt + thisamount - thismoeny);
return upextendedamount;
function get_return_commitment_type return number is
cursor csr_type is
select cust_trx_type_id from ra_cust_trx_types_all where name = 'SH-保证金退回'; retval number;
open csr_type; fetch csr_type into retval; close csr_type; return nvl(retval, -1);
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