自定义Application代码 package components { import flash.events. * ; import flash.net. * ; import mx.containers. * ; import mx.controls. * ; import mx.core.Application; import mx.events. * ; /**/ /* * * 自定义一个Flex的Application,继承于Application * */ public class CustomApplication extends Application { // 文件上传列表 private var fileRefList:FileReferenceList; private var fileRefListener:Object; private var _totalSize:Number; private var _uploadedBytes:Number; private var _currentUpload:FileUpload; private var _uploadFileSize:Number; private var _totalUploadSize:Number; private var _fileTypeDescription:String; private var _fileTypes:String; public var fileContainer:VBox; public var fileUploadBox:VBox; public var uploadStats:HBox; public var totalFiles:Text; public var totalSize:Text; public var totalProgressBar:ProgressBar; public var browseButton:Button; public var clearButton:Button; public var uploadButton:Button; public var cancelButton:Button; public var mytext:Text; public function CustomApplication() { super(); addEventListener(FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE,onLoad); } private function onLoad(evt:Event): void { fileRefList = new FileReferenceList(); _totalSize = 0 ; _uploadedBytes = 0 ; fileRefList.addEventListener(Event.SELECT,OnSelect); browseButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,OnAddFilesClicked); clearButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,OnClearFilesClicked); uploadButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,OnUploadFilesClicked); cancelButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,OnCancelClicked); var temp:String = Application.application.parameters.fileSizeLimit; if (temp != null && temp != "" ) _uploadFileSize = new Number(temp); else _uploadFileSize = 0 ; temp = Application.application.parameters.totalUploadSize; if (temp != null && temp != "" ) _totalUploadSize = new Number(temp); else _totalUploadSize = 0 ; _fileTypeDescription = Application.application.parameters.fileTypeDescription; _fileTypes = Application.application.parameters.fileTypes; } // 选择文件 private function OnAddFilesClicked(event:Event): void { if (_fileTypes != null && _fileTypes != "" ) { if (_fileTypeDescription == null || _fileTypeDescription == "" ) _fileTypeDescription = _fileTypes; var filter:FileFilter = new FileFilter(_fileTypeDescription, _fileTypes); fileRefList.browse([filter]); } else fileRefList.browse(); } private function OnClearFilesClicked(event:Event): void { if (_currentUpload != null ) _currentUpload.CancelUpload(); fileUploadBox.removeAllChildren(); SetLables(); _uploadedBytes = 0 ; _totalSize = 0 ; _currentUpload == null ; } /**/ /* * * 上传文件事件处理函数 * */ private function OnUploadFilesClicked(event:Event): void { // 获取所有的文件 var fileUploadArray:Array = fileUploadBox.getChildren(); var fileUploading:Boolean = false ; _currentUpload = null ; uploadButton.visible = false ; cancelButton.visible = true ; for ( var x:uint = 0 ;x < fileUploadArray.length;x ++ ) { if ( ! FileUpload(fileUploadArray[x]).IsUploaded) { fileUploading = true ; _currentUpload = FileUpload(fileUploadArray[x]); _currentUpload.Upload(); break ; } } // 所有文件上传完毕 if ( ! fileUploading) { OnCancelClicked( null ); // 获取JavaScript方法 var completeFunction:String = Application.application.parameters.completeFunction; // 执行JavaScript方法(completeFunction)给flash设置参数值 if (completeFunction != null && completeFunction != "" ) navigateToURL( new URLRequest( " javascript: " + completeFunction), " _self " ); } } private function OnCancelClicked(event:Event): void { if (_currentUpload != null ) { _currentUpload.CancelUpload(); _uploadedBytes -= _currentUpload.BytesUploaded; _currentUpload = null ; } SetLables(); uploadButton.visible = true ; cancelButton.visible = false ; } /**/ /* * * 选择文件事件处理函数 * */ private function OnSelect(event:Event): void { var uploadPage:String = Application.application.parameters.uploadPage; var tempSize:Number = _totalSize; for ( var i:uint = 0 ;i < fileRefList.fileList.length;i ++ ) { // 动态创建组件 if (_uploadFileSize > 0 && fileRefList.fileList[i].size > _uploadFileSize) OnFileSizeLimitReached(fileRefList.fileList[i].name); if (_totalUploadSize > 0 && tempSize + fileRefList.fileList[i].size > _totalUploadSize) { OnTotalFileSizeLimitReached(); break ; } if ((_uploadFileSize == 0 || fileRefList.fileList[i].size < _uploadFileSize) && (_totalUploadSize == 0 || tempSize + fileRefList.fileList[i].size < _totalUploadSize)) { var fu:FileUpload = new FileUpload(fileRefList.fileList[i],uploadPage); fu.percentWidth = 100 ; fu.addEventListener( " FileRemoved " ,OnFileRemoved); fu.addEventListener( " UploadComplete " ,OnFileUploadComplete); fu.addEventListener( " UploadProgressChanged " ,OnFileUploadProgressChanged); fu.addEventListener(HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS,OnHttpError); fu.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR,OnIOError); fu.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR,OnSecurityError); fileUploadBox.addChild(fu); tempSize += fileRefList.fileList[i].size; } } SetLables(); } private function OnFileRemoved(event:FileUploadEvent): void { _uploadedBytes -= FileUpload(event.Sender).BytesUploaded; fileUploadBox.removeChild(FileUpload(event.Sender)); SetLables(); if (_currentUpload == FileUpload(event.Sender)) OnUploadFilesClicked( null ); } private function OnFileUploadComplete(event:FileUploadEvent): void { _currentUpload == null ; OnUploadFilesClicked( null ); } private function OnTotalFileSizeLimitReached(): void { Alert.show( " 文件总大小超出上传限制. " ); } private function OnFileSizeLimitReached(fileName:String): void { Alert.show( " 文件 ' " + fileName + " ' 太大不能添加到上传队列. " ); } private function OnHttpError(event:HTTPStatusEvent): void { Alert.show( " HTTP错误: 状态码 " + event.status); } private function OnIOError(event:IOErrorEvent): void { Alert.show( " 文件流错误: " + event.text); } private function OnSecurityError(event:SecurityErrorEvent): void { Alert.show( " 安全错误: " + event.text); } // 处理文件上传进度 private function OnFileUploadProgressChanged(event:FileUploadProgressChangedEvent): void { _uploadedBytes += event.BytesUploaded; SetProgressBar(); } private function SetProgressBar(): void { totalProgressBar.setProgress(_uploadedBytes,_totalSize); totalProgressBar.label = " 已上传 " + FileUpload.FormatPercent(totalProgressBar.percentComplete) + " % - " + FileUpload.FormatSize(_uploadedBytes) + " of " + FileUpload.FormatSize(_totalSize); } private function SetLables(): void { var fileUploadArray:Array = fileUploadBox.getChildren(); if (fileUploadArray.length > 0 ) { totalFiles.text = String(fileUploadArray.length); _totalSize = 0 ; for ( var x:uint = 0 ;x < fileUploadArray.length;x ++ ) { _totalSize += FileUpload(fileUploadArray[x]).FileSize; } totalSize.text = FileUpload.FormatSize(_totalSize); SetProgressBar(); clearButton.visible = uploadButton.visible = totalProgressBar.visible = uploadStats.visible = true ; } else { clearButton.visible = uploadButton.visible = totalProgressBar.visible = uploadStats.visible = false ; } } } }
自定义组件 package components { import flash.events.Event; import flash.events.HTTPStatusEvent; import flash.events.IOErrorEvent; import flash.events.MouseEvent; import flash.events.ProgressEvent; import flash.events.SecurityErrorEvent; import flash.net.FileReference; import flash.net.URLRequest; import mx.containers.HBox; import mx.containers.VBox; import mx.controls.Button; import mx.controls.ProgressBar; import mx.controls.ProgressBarMode; import mx.controls.Text; import mx.core.ScrollPolicy; public class FileUpload extends VBox { private var bar:ProgressBar; private var _file:FileReference; private var nameText:Text; private var _uploaded:Boolean; private var _uploading:Boolean; private var _bytesUploaded:uint; private var _uploadUrl:String; private var button:Button; public function FileUpload(file:FileReference,url:String) { super(); // 初始化参数 _file = file; _uploadUrl = url; _uploaded = false ; _uploading = false ; _bytesUploaded = 0 ; // 设置样式 setStyle( " backgroundColor " , " #eeeeee " ); setStyle( " paddingBottom " , " 10 " ); setStyle( " paddingTop " , " 10 " ); setStyle( " paddingLeft " , " 10 " ); verticalScrollPolicy = ScrollPolicy.OFF; // 添加事件监听 _file.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE,OnUploadComplete); _file.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS,OnUploadProgressChanged); _file.addEventListener(HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS,OnHttpError); _file.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR,OnIOError); _file.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR,OnSecurityError); // 添加控件 var hbox:HBox = new HBox(); nameText = new Text(); nameText.text = _file.name + " - " + FormatSize(_file.size); this .addChild(nameText); bar = new ProgressBar(); bar.mode = ProgressBarMode.MANUAL; bar.label = " 已上传 0% " ; bar.width = 275 ; hbox.addChild(bar); button = new Button(); button.label = " 移除 " ; hbox.addChild(button); button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,OnRemoveButtonClicked); this .addChild(hbox); } private function OnRemoveButtonClicked(event:Event): void { if (_uploading) _file.cancel(); this .dispatchEvent( new FileUploadEvent( this , " FileRemoved " )); } private function OnUploadComplete(event:Event): void { _uploading = false ; _uploaded = true ; this .dispatchEvent( new FileUploadEvent( this , " UploadComplete " )); } private function OnHttpError(event:HTTPStatusEvent): void { this .dispatchEvent(event); } private function OnIOError(event:IOErrorEvent): void { this .dispatchEvent(event); } private function OnSecurityError(event:SecurityErrorEvent): void { this .dispatchEvent(event); } // 处理文件上传进度 private function OnUploadProgressChanged(event:ProgressEvent): void { var bytesUploaded:uint = event.bytesLoaded - _bytesUploaded; _bytesUploaded = event.bytesLoaded; bar.setProgress(event.bytesLoaded,event.bytesTotal); bar.label = " 已上传 " + FormatPercent(bar.percentComplete) + " % " ; this .dispatchEvent( new FileUploadProgressChangedEvent( this ,bytesUploaded, " UploadProgressChanged " )); } public function get IsUploading():Boolean { return _uploading; } public function get IsUploaded():Boolean { return _uploaded; } public function get BytesUploaded():uint { return _bytesUploaded; } public function get UploadUrl():String { return _uploadUrl; } public function set UploadUrl(uploadUrl:String): void { _uploadUrl = uploadUrl; } public function get FileSize():uint { var size:uint = 0 ; try { size = _file.size; } catch (err:Error) { size = 0 ; } return size; } public function Upload(): void { _uploading = true ; _bytesUploaded = 0 ; _file.upload( new URLRequest(_uploadUrl)); } public function CancelUpload(): void { _uploading = false ; _file.cancel(); } // 格式化文件大小 public static function FormatSize(size:uint):String { if (size < 1024 ) return PadSize( int (size * 100 ) / 100) + " bytes"; if (size < 1048576 ) return PadSize( int ((size / 1024 ) * 100 ) / 100) + "KB"; if (size < 1073741824 ) return PadSize( int ((size / 1048576 ) * 100 ) / 100) + "MB"; return PadSize( int ((size / 1073741824 ) * 100 ) / 100) + "GB"; } public static function FormatPercent(percent:Number):String { percent = int (percent); return String(percent); } public static function PadSize(size:Number):String { var temp:String = String(size); var index: int = temp.lastIndexOf( " . " ); if (index == - 1 ) return temp + " .00 " ; else if (index == temp.length - 2 ) return temp + " 0 " ; else return temp; } } }
自定义组件事件 package components { import flash.events.Event; public class FileUploadEvent extends Event { private var _sender:Object; public function FileUploadEvent(sender:Object,type:String,bubbles:Boolean = false ,cancelable:Boolean = false ) { super(type,bubbles,cancelable); _sender = sender; } public function get Sender():Object { return _sender; } } } package components{ public class FileUploadProgressChangedEvent extends FileUploadEvent { private var _bytesUploaded:uint; public function FileUploadProgressChangedEvent(sender:Object,bytesUploaded:uint,type:String,bubbles:Boolean = false ,cancelable:Boolean = false ) { super(sender,type,bubbles,cancelable); _bytesUploaded = bytesUploaded; } public function get BytesUploaded():Object { return _bytesUploaded; } } }
<? xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> < custom:CustomApplication xmlns:mx ="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" xmlns:local ="*" xmlns:custom ="components.*" layout ="horizontal" backgroundAlpha="0" fontSize ="12" > < mx:Style > .button {fontWeight:normal;} </ mx:Style > < mx:HBox > < mx:VBox width ="400" id ="fileContainer" > < mx:VBox id ="fileUploadBox" maxHeight ="250" width ="100%" label ="Files to Upload" > </ mx:VBox > < mx:HBox id ="uploadStats" width ="100%" visible ="false" > < mx:Text text ="文件总数:" />< mx:Text id ="totalFiles" /> < mx:Text text ="文件总大小:" />< mx:Text id ="totalSize" /> </ mx:HBox > < mx:ProgressBar id ="totalProgressBar" width ="275" mode ="manual" visible ="false" /> </ mx:VBox > < mx:VBox > < mx:Button id ="browseButton" label ="添加文件" width ="100" styleName ="button" /> < mx:Button id ="clearButton" label ="移除文件" visible ="false" width ="100" styleName ="button" /> < mx:Button id ="uploadButton" label ="上传文件" visible ="false" width ="100" styleName ="button" /> < mx:Button id ="cancelButton" label ="取消上传" visible ="false" width ="100" styleName ="button" /> < mx:Text id ="mytext" /> </ mx:VBox > </ mx:HBox > </ custom:CustomApplication >
自定义ASP.NET控件代码 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; namespace FlashUpload { // [DefaultProperty("FlashUpLoad")] // [ToolboxData("<{0}:FlashUpLoad runat=server></{0}:FlashUpLoad>")] public class FlashUpLoad : Control { /// <summary> /// Flash文件地址 /// </summary> private const string FLASH_SWF = " FlashUpload.FlashUpLoad.swf " ; [Category( " Behavior " )] [Description( " 上传文件的ASP.NET处理页面 " )] [DefaultValue( "" )] public string UploadPage { get { object o = ViewState[ " UploadPage " ]; if (o == null ) return "" ; return o.ToString(); } set { ViewState[ " UploadPage " ] = value; } } [Category( " Behavior " )] [Description( " 上传页参数 " )] [DefaultValue( "" )] public string QueryParameters { get { object o = ViewState[ " QueryParameters " ]; if (o == null ) return "" ; return o.ToString(); } set { ViewState[ " QueryParameters " ] = value; } } [Category( " Behavior " )] [Description( " 文件上传后JavaScript调用的设置参数的方法. " )] [DefaultValue( "" )] public string OnUploadComplete { get { object o = ViewState[ " OnUploadComplete " ]; if (o == null ) return "" ; return o.ToString(); } set { ViewState[ " OnUploadComplete " ] = value; } } [Category( " Behavior " )] [Description( " 设置允许上传的最大文件大小 " )] public decimal UploadFileSizeLimit { get { object o = ViewState[ " UploadFileSizeLimit " ]; if (o == null ) return 0 ; return ( decimal )o; } set { ViewState[ " UploadFileSizeLimit " ] = value; } } [Category( " Behavior " )] [Description( " 上传文件的总大小 " )] public decimal TotalUploadSizeLimit { get { object o = ViewState[ " TotalUploadSizeLimit " ]; if (o == null ) return 0 ; return ( decimal )o; } set { ViewState[ " TotalUploadSizeLimit " ] = value; } } [Category( " Behavior " )] [Description( " 上传文件的类型描述 (如. Images (*.JPG;*.JPEG;*.JPE;*.GIF;*.PNG;)) " )] [DefaultValue( "" )] public string FileTypeDescription { get { object o = ViewState[ " FileTypeDescription " ]; if (o == null ) return "" ; return o.ToString(); } set { ViewState[ " FileTypeDescription " ] = value; } } [Category( " Behavior " )] [Description( " 上传文件的类型(如. *.jpg; *.jpeg; *.jpe; *.gif; *.png;) " )] [DefaultValue( "" )] public string FileTypes { get { object o = ViewState[ " FileTypes " ]; if (o == null ) return "" ; return o.ToString(); } set { ViewState[ " FileTypes " ] = value; } } protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { base .OnLoad(e); Page.Form.Enctype = " multipart/form-data " ; } protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) { base .Render(writer); // 生成Flash在页面的嵌入代码并设置其参数值 string url = Page.ClientScript.GetWebResourceUrl( this .GetType(), FLASH_SWF); string obj = string .Format( " <object classid=\ " clsid:d27cdb6e - ae6d - 11cf - 96b8 - 444553540000 \ "" + " codebase=\ " http: // fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,0,0\"" + " width=\ " 575 \ " height=\ " 375 \ " id=\ " fileUpload\ " align=\ " middle\ " > " + " <param name=\ " allowScriptAccess\ " value=\ " sameDomain\ " /> " + " <param name=\ " movie\ " value=\ " { 0 }\ " /> " + " <param name=\ " quality\ " value=\ " high\ " /> " + " <param name=\ " wmode\ " value=\ " transparent\ " /> " + " <param name=\ " FlashVars\ " value='{3}{4}{5}{6}{7}&uploadPage={1}?{2}'/> " + " <embed src=\ " { 0 }\ "" + " FlashVars='{3}{4}{5}{6}{7}&uploadPage={1}?{2}' " + " quality=\ " high\ " wmode=\ " transparent\ " width=\ " 575 \ " height=\ " 375 \ " " + " name=\ " fileUpload\ " align=\ " middle\ " allowScriptAccess=\ " sameDomain\ " " + " type=\ " application / x - shockwave - flash\ " " + " pluginspage=\ " http: // www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer\" />" + " </object> " , url, ResolveUrl(UploadPage), HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode(QueryParameters), string .IsNullOrEmpty(OnUploadComplete) ? "" : " &completeFunction= " + OnUploadComplete, string .IsNullOrEmpty(FileTypes) ? "" : " &fileTypes= " + HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode(FileTypes), string .IsNullOrEmpty(FileTypeDescription) ? "" : " &fileTypeDescription= " + HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode(FileTypeDescription), TotalUploadSizeLimit > 0 ? " &totalUploadSize= " + TotalUploadSizeLimit : "" , UploadFileSizeLimit > 0 ? " &fileSizeLimit= " + UploadFileSizeLimit : "" ); writer.Write(obj); } } }
namespace FlashUpLoadWeb { /// <summary> /// 上传文件处理程序 /// </summary> public class UploadHandler : IHttpHandler, IRequiresSessionState { #region IHttpHandler 成员 public bool IsReusable { get { return true ; } } public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { // 文件上传存储路径 string uploadPath = context.Server.MapPath(context.Request.ApplicationPath + " /Upload " ); for ( int i = 0 ; i < context.Request.Files.Count; i ++ ) { HttpPostedFile uploadFile = context.Request.Files[i]; if (uploadFile.ContentLength > 0 ) { uploadFile.SaveAs(Path.Combine(uploadPath, uploadFile.FileName)); } } HttpContext.Current.Response.Write( " " ); } #endregion } }
< httpHandlers > < remove verb = " POST,GET " path = " Upload.axd " /> < add verb = " POST,GET " path = " Upload.axd " type = " FlashUpLoadWeb.UploadHandler " /> </ httpHandlers >
作 者:Beniao
文章出处:http://beniao.cnblogs.com/ 或 http://www.cnblogs.com/