
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# # from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# # import requests,time
# import random
# import os
# # with open('doc.html') as rf:
# #     soup = BeautifulSoup(rf,'html.parser')
# #     print(soup.prettify())
#  # soup = BeautifulSoup("<html>data</html>")
# # for i in soup.find_all('a'):
# #     print(i)
# #     print(i.get('id'))
# # sessiona = requests.Session()
# # # headers = {'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0'}
# # # captcha_content = sessiona.get(''%(time.time()*1000),headers=headers).content
# # # xyz = sessiona.get('',headers=headers).content_xsrf = BeautifulSoup(sessiona.get('',headers=headers).content,'html.parser').find('input',attrs={'name':'_xsrf'}).get('value')
# # print(type(sessiona))
# def yanzheng():
#     ret = ""
#     for i in range(4):
#         num = random.randint(0,9)
#         alf = chr(random.choice([(random.randint(65,90)),random.randint(97,122)]))
#         s = str(random.choice([num,alf]))
#         ret += s
#     return ret
# # if __name__ == '__main__':
# #     code = yanzheng()
# #     print(code)
# # print(ord('a'))
# # l = os.path('__file__')
# print(os.path.abspath(__file__))
# print(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))

# import sys
# import time
# # print(sys.arg) #返回参数list
# # sys.stdout.write("#") #print()  
# for i in range(10):
#     sys.stdout.write("#")
#     time.sleep(0.5)
#     sys.stdout.flush()

# import json
# dic = {'name':'alex'}
# fw = open("hello","w")
# wdata = json.dumps(dic) #dumps封装成json数据,单引号、双引号都变双引号,json只认识双引号,不认识单引号
# fw.write(wdata)
# print(type(wdata))
# fw.close()
# fr = open("hello","r")
# rdata = json.loads(
# print(type(rdata))
# fr.close()

# import time
# print(time.time())
# print(time.localtime(time.time()))
# print(time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())))
# print(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()))
# print(time.strptime("2016:12:12:17:50:36","%Y-%m-%d-%X"))

# value = "5+9"
# v1,v2 = value.split('+')
# v3 = int(v1)
# # print(int(v1))
# print(type(v3))
# print(type(v2))

# for item in range(1,100,-10):
#     # print(item)

# print(list("asdf"))

# li = [11, 22, 33, "asd", "xyz", "879", "hello"]
# s = ""
# for item in li:
#     s = s + str(item)
# print(s)

# li = ["ety", "xyz", "hello", "world"]
# s = "".join(li)
# print(s)

# li=[]
# li.append("'aaa', '111', 'bbb'") #追加
# # print(li)
# li.extend(["sss", "ddd", "fff"]) #扩展(参数为可迭代对象)
# # print(li)
# li.append(['zz','xx','cc'])
# print(li)
# v_pop = li.pop()
# print(v_pop)
# print(li)

# info = {'a':1,'b':2,'c':3}
# for k,v in info.items():
#     print(k,v)

# #根据序列创建字典,并制定统一的值
# v = dict.fromkeys(["k1","k2","k3","k4","k5"],"asdf")
# print(v)
# #获取字典value
# print(v.get('k6',"get失败,该key不存在"))
# #以key值来删除并获取删除的value
# #只返回删除的value
# print(v.pop('k6',"pop失败,该key不存在"))
# #随机删除键值对
# #返回随机删除的键值对
# print(v.popitem())
# print("pop()后",v)
# #为key设置默认value
# v.setdefault("key","value")
# #更新字典:
# v.update(k1="111",k5="555")
# print("update()后",v)

# fr = open("C:\\Users\\user\\PycharmProjects\\untitled\\venv\\xaa.txt", 'r',encoding='UTF-8')
# lines = fr.readlines()
# print(lines)

# msg='liguohui'
# print(map(lambda x:x.upper(),msg))

# fr = open('text','r',encoding='utf-8')
# lines = fr.readlines()
# for line in lines:
#     data = line.split('\t')
#     print(data[0])
# fr.close()

# import time
# try:
#     fr = open('text', 'r',encoding='utf-8')
#     data =
#     time.sleep(1)
#     print(data)
#     print(type(data))
# finally:
#     if fr:
#         fr.close()

# n=0
# for i in range(10):
#     n+=0.1
#     print(n)

# str1 = 'asdfgh'
# for i in str1:
#     str[str1.index(i)] = 'l'

# a = ['锦','瑟','无','端','五','十','弦']  # 定义一个列表
# print(a)
# a=list(('锦','瑟','无','端','五','十','弦'))#强制转换
# print(a)

# a = ['锦', '瑟', '无', '端', '五', '十', '弦']
# b = ['一', '弦', '一', '柱', '思', '华', '年']
# a.extend(b)  #只是对a进行扩展,无返回值(不会产生新的列表)
# print(a)  # ['锦', '瑟', '无', '端', '五', '十', '弦', '一', '弦', '一', '柱', '思', '华', '年']
# b.extend(b)
# print(b)  # ['一', '弦', '一', '柱', '思', '华', '年', '一', '弦', '一', '柱', '思', '华', '年'] 

# a = ['一', '弦', '一', '柱', '思', '华', '年']
# b='abcd'
# a.extend(b)
# print(a)  # ['一', '弦', '一', '柱', '思', '华', '年', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd']

#import re
# print('(?P<name>[a-z]+)(?P<age>\d+)',"asd123fgh456jkl789").group())
# print(re.split('[ |]','hello iam|matt'))
# print(re.split('[ab]','asdabcd'))
# print(re.sub('a','A','aaaaaa'))
# print(re.subn('a','A','aaaaaa'))
# rule = re.compile('\d') #编译规则
# print(rule.findall("12df34gh5h"))
# print(re.findall('www\.(baidu|163|sina)\.com',''))
# print(re.findall('www\.(?:baidu|163|sina)\.com',''))
# print(re.findall('(123|f)','123asd'))

# import logging
# # logging.basicConfig(
# #     level=logging.DEBUG,
# #     filename='catalina.out',
# #     filemode='a',
# #     format="%(asctime)s [%(line)d'] %(message)s",
# # )
# logger=logging.getLogger()
# fh=logging.FileHandler('text.log')
# ch=logging.StreamHandler()
# fm=logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s %(message)s")
# fh.setFormatter(fm)
# ch.setFormatter(fm)
# logger.addHandler(fh)
# logger.addHandler(ch)
# logger.setLevel("ERROR")
# logger.debug("a")
# logger.warning("c")
# logger.error("d")
# logger.critical("e")

# import re
# print(re.findall('(abc)+','abcabcabc'))
# print(re.findall('(?:abc)+','abcabcabc'))
# print(re.findall('abc+','abcabcabc'))

# import configparser
# config = configparser.ConfigParser() #config={}
# config["DEFAULT"]={'serverliveinternal':45,
#                    'compressionlevel':9,
#                    'conpression':'no'}
# config["bitbucket"]={'rank':39,
#                    'security':9,
#                    'webroot':'yes'}
# #配置内容写入配置文件
# with open('config.txt','w') as wf:
#     config.write(wf)
# #读查文件
# print(config.sections())
# print(config['bitbucket']['rank'])
# print(config.options('bitbucket')) #将keys放入列表
# print(config.items('bitbucket')) #将keys values 放入列表
# print(config.get('bitbucket','webroot'))
# config.add_section('conf2')
# config.set('conf2','timeout','300')
# config.write(open('config.txt','a'))

# import hashlib
# obj = hashlib.md5()
# obj.update('hello'.encode("utf8")) #encode():字符串转换字节
# print(obj.hexdigest())

# class people:
#     leixing='buru'
#     def __init__(self,name,age):
#         self.age=age
# p1=people('zhangsan','13')
# p1.leixing = '2222'
# print(p1.leixing)
# p2=people('zhangsan1','13')
# print(p2.leixing)
# print(people.leixing)
# people.leixing = '111111111'
# print(people.leixing)
# print(p1.leixing)
# print(p2.leixing)

# import time, threading
# # 新线程执行的代码:
# def Loop():
#     print('thread %s is running...' % threading.current_thread().name)
#     n = 0
#     while n < 5:
#         n = n + 1
#         print('thread %s >>> %s' % (threading.current_thread().name, n))
#         time.sleep(1)
#     print('thread %s ended.' % threading.current_thread().name)
# print('thread %s is running...' % threading.current_thread().name)
# t = threading.Thread(target=Loop, name='循环')
# t.start()
# t.join()
# print('thread %s ended.' % threading.current_thread().name)

# import time, threading
# # 假定这是你的银行存款:
# res = 0
# def change_it(n):
#     # 先存后取,结果应该为0:
#     global res
#     res = res + n
#     # time.sleep(0.01)
#     res = res - n
# def run_thread(n):
#     for i in range(1000000):
#         change_it(n)
# t1 = threading.Thread(target=run_thread, args=(0,))
# t2 = threading.Thread(target=run_thread, args=(8000,))
# t1.start()
# t2.start()
# t1.join()
# t2.join()
# print(res)

# import threading,time
# class Boss(threading.Thread):
#     def run(self):
#         print("BOSS:今晚大家都要加班到22:00。")
#         print(event.isSet())# False
#         event.set()
#         time.sleep(3)
#         print("BOSS:<22:00>可以下班了。")
#         print(event.isSet())
#         event.set()
# class Worker(threading.Thread):
#     def run(self):
#         event.wait()#    一旦event被设定,等同于pass
#         print("Worker:哎……命苦啊!")
#         time.sleep(1)
#         event.clear()
#         event.wait()
#         print("Worker:OhYeah!")
# if __name__=="__main__":
#     event=threading.Event()
#     threads=[]
#     for i in range(5):
#         threads.append(Worker())
#     threads.append(Boss())
#     for t in threads:
#         t.start()
#     for t in threads:
#         t.join()
#     print("ending.....")

# import queue #线程队列
# q=queue.Queue() #默认FIFO  q=queue.Queue(5) 只能放5个元素
# q.put(12)
# q.put('hello')
# q.put({'name':'lee'})
# while 1:
#     data=q.get()
#     print(data)
#     print('------')

# import queue
# q=queue.LifoQueue()  #后进先出模式
# q.put(12)
# q.put('hello')
# q.put({'name':'lee'})
# while 1:
#     data=q.get()
#     print(data)
#     print('------')

# import queue
# q=queue.PriorityQueue() #优先级模式
# q.put([3,12])
# q.put([2,'hello'])
# q.put([4,{'name':'lee'}])
# print(q.qsize())
# print(q.full())
# print(q.empty())
# while 1:
#     data=q.get(block=False)
#     print(data)
#     print('------')

# import time,random
# import queue,threading
# q = queue.Queue()
# def Producer(name):
#   count = 0
#   while count <10:
#     print("making........")
#     time.sleep(5)
#     q.put(count)
#     print('Producer %s has produced %s baozi..' %(name, count))
#     count +=1
#     #q.task_done()
#     q.join()
#     print("ok......")
# def Consumer(name):
#   count = 0
#   while count <10:
#         time.sleep(random.randrange(4))
#     # if not q.empty():
#     #     print("waiting.....")
#         #q.join()
#         data = q.get()
#         print("eating....")
#         time.sleep(4)
#         q.task_done()
#         #print(data)
#         print('\033[32;1mConsumer %s has eat %s baozi...\033[0m' %(name, data))
#     # else:
#     #     print("-----no baozi anymore----")
#         count +=1
# p1 = threading.Thread(target=Producer, args=('A君',))
# c1 = threading.Thread(target=Consumer, args=('B君',))
# c2 = threading.Thread(target=Consumer, args=('C君',))
# c3 = threading.Thread(target=Consumer, args=('D君',))
# p1.start()
# c1.start()
# c2.start()
# c3.start()

# tuple=('1',2,3,3,4,5,6,'a','a')
# print(tuple)

# def count(n):
#     print('start...')
#     while n > 0:
#         print('before yield')
#         yield n
#         print('after yield')
#         print(n)
#         n -=1
# c=count(10)
# next(c)
# print('\n')
# next(c)
# print('\n')
# next(c)

# a=123
# b=a
# print(id(a))
# print(id(b))
# b=124
# print(id(b))

# a=[1,2,3,[3,4,5]]
# b=a
# print(id(a),id(b))
# b[3][2]=55
# b[2]=33
# print(a,b)
# print(id(a),id(b))

# a='asdfg'
# b=a
# print(id(a),id(b))
# b='qwert'
# print(a,b)
# print(id(a),id(b))

# a=-1
# b=-1
# print(a is b)

# import itchat
# itchat.auto_login(hotReload=True)
# itchat.send('hello world',toUserName='dy94941')

# import re
# ret=re.match('a','asf')
# print(ret)
# print(

# ---*--- coding:utf8 ---*---
a = 1
while a < 11:
    if a == 7:
        a = a + 1
        a = a + 1

a = 1
b = 0
while a <= 101:
    b = b + a
    a = a + 1

a = 1
while a<= 100:
    if a % 2 == 0:
        a = a + 1
        a = a + 1

a = 1
b = 0
while a <= 99:
    if a % 2 == 0:
        b = b - a
        a = a + 1
        b = b + a
        a = a + 1

for counter in range(1,4):
    print("第 %d 次验证:" % counter)
    name = input('input ur name')
    passwd = input('input ur passwd')
    if name == "1" and passwd == "1":
        print("welcom %s" % name)

counter = 1
print("第 %d 次验证:" %counter)
name = input('input ur name')
passwd = input('input ur passwd')
while (name != "root" or passwd != "123456") and counter < 3:
    counter = counter + 1
    print("第 %d 次验证:" % counter)
    name = input('input ur name')
    passwd = input('input ur passwd')
    if (name != "root" or passwd != "123456") and counter >= 3:
        print("welcom %s" %name)


# info = ""
# while True:
#     v1 = input(">>>")
#     if v1 == "q" or "Q":
#         break
#     v2 = input(">>>")
#     if v2 == "q" or "Q":
#         break
#     v3 = input(">>>")
#     if v3 == "q" or "Q":
#         break
#     template = "用户名:{0},\t密码:{1},\t邮箱:{2}\n"
#     info = info + template.format(v1,v2,v3)
# print(info.expandtabs(20))
# int

# msg='liguohui'
# print(list(map(lambda x:x.upper(),msg)))

# 对象关联
# class School:
#     def __init__(self,name,addr):
#         self.addr=addr
#         self.course_list=[]
#     def zhao_sheng(self):
#         print('%s 正在招生'
# class Course:
#     def __init__(self,name,price,period):
#         self.price=price
#         self.period=period
# s1=School('oldboy','北京')
# s2=School('oldboy','南京')
# s3=School('oldboy','东京')
# c1=Course('linux',10,'1h')
# c2=Course('python',10,'1h')
# s1.course_list.append(c1)
# s1.course_list.append(c2)
# print(s1.__dict__)
# for course_obj in s1.course_list:
#     print(,course_obj.price)

# 在子类中调用父类的方法
class Vehicle:
    def __init__(self,name,speed,load,power):
    def run(self):
class Subway(Vehicle):
        def __init__(self,name,speed,load,power,line):

        def show_info(self):

        def run(self):
            print('%s %s 线,开动啦' %(,self.line))



posted @ 2018-07-11 15:41  benchdog  阅读(1433)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报