OSX Dev Day 9 - NSOutlineView

step 1

1.add sourcelist to default view controller in storyboard.

2.add tree controller.

3.add object and change [Custon Class] to 'NSMutableArray' and change [Document lable] to 'playlists'

4.drag from the tree controller to the object.(content)

5.change [Key Paths]'children to 'children' and Leaf to 'isLeaf',and change [Class Name] to 'Playlist'.

6.create 'playlists' class and add two prooerty and one method:

@property NSString *name;
@property NSString *creator;
- (bool) isLeaf;
- (id) init{
    _name= @"New Player";
    _creator = @"N/A";
    return self;

- (bool) isLeaf {
    return YES;

7.Table Column of Outline View bind to 'Tree Controller' and HEADER cell view bind to 'Table cell view',change ([Model Key Path])objectValue to objectValue.name

8.Table View Cell bind to 'Table cell view' and change 'objectvalue' to objectValue.name

9.Drag from the outline view and tree controller to the 'ViewController.h'.

10.add some code:

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];

    // Do any additional setup after loading the view.
    [self addData];

- (void) addData{
    NSDictionary *root = @{@"name":@"Library",@"isLeaf":@NO};
    NSMutableArray *array =[[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:(NSUInteger)10];
    [array addObject:[[PlayList alloc] init]];
    [array addObject:[[PlayList alloc] init]];
    NSMutableDictionary *dict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithDictionary:root];
    [dict setObject:array forKey:@"children"];
    [_treeController addObject:dict];

11.link Outline View's dataSource and delegate to View Controller.

12.add protocol <NSOutlineViewDataSource,NSOutLineViewDelegate> and implem method:

- (bool) isHeader:(id)Item{
    Item = (NSTreeNode*)Item;
        return ![[Item representedObject] isKindOfClass:[PlayLists class]];
    return ![Item isKindOfClass:[PlayLists class]];

- (NSView *)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView viewForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn item:(id)item{
    if([self isHeader:item]){
        return [outlineView makeViewWithIdentifier:@"HeaderCell" owner:self];
    return [outlineView makeViewWithIdentifier:@"DataCell" owner:self];

Step 2


posted @ 2018-07-25 15:24  Mac开发小能手  阅读(262)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报