Server.exe 中的 0x7c812afb 处最可能的异常: Microsoft C++ 异常: 内存位置 0x001089e0 处的 int。


对其进行跟踪发现,是在调用GetMessage() 的时候才会发生这种异常,在百度百了好久也没早到个解决方法,还是谷歌给力。原来是wchar_t类型不被支持


I used the recommended Delegation model of the C++ SDK. I encountered an undocumented exception.

Unhandled exception at 0x7c812afb in TestAdpCpp.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: com::intel::adp::AdpException at memory location 0x0012fb04..

I catched the following exceptions in my test program:
catch (AdpRuntimeException ex)
wcout << "Runtime error occured: " << ex.GetCode() << endl; // Cannot use GetMessage() because wchar_t is not supported.
catch (InitializationException ex)
wcout << "Initialization error occured: " << ex.GetCode() << endl;
catch (UnauthorizedException ex)
wcout << "Authorization error occured: " << ex.GetCode() << endl;

posted on 2011-09-23 10:37  belie8  阅读(12025)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
