Windows Data Types and Data Type Ranges

Data Type Ranges
Type name   Bytes    Other Names        Range of Values
  int    *               signed,signed int      System dependent
unsigned int    *                      unsigned      System dependent
__int8    1       char,signed char     -128 to 127
__int16    2    short,short int,signed short int               -32,768 to 32,767
__int32                  4                    signed,signed int     -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
__int64    8                         none      –9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
  bool            1       none                                   false or true
  char     1                        signed char      -128 to 127
unsigned char            1                         none                                  0 to 255
  short      2     short int,signed short int     -32,768 to 32,767
unsigned short           2          unsigned short int     0 to 65,535
long     4     long int,signed long int        –2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
long long   8   none (but equivalent to __int64)    –9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
unsigned long    4    unsigned long int     0 to 4,294,967,295
enum     *       none      Same as int
float     4        none      3.4E +/- 38 (7 digits)
double     8       none     1.7E +/- 308 (15 digits)
long double   same as double      none      same as double
wchar_t    2      __wchar_t      0 to 65,535

一个__wchar_t变量指定一个宽字符或多字节字符类型,通过默认wchar_t为unsigned short 的声明,使用L作为一个字符或字符串常量的前缀来指定宽字符类型的常量。
当编译使用/ Zc:wchar_t的或/ ZA,编译器可以区分的unsigned short和wchar_t的函数重载的目的。

ATOM     typedef WORD ATOM; //Atom. For more information, see Atoms.
BOOL  typedef int BOOL;//Boolean variable (should be TRUE or FALSE).
BOOLEAN  typedef BYTE BOOLEAN;//Boolean variable (should be TRUE or FALSE).
BYTE  typedef unsigned char BYTE;//Byte (8 bits).
CALLBACK #define CALLBACK __stdcall  //Calling convention for callback functions.
CHAR  typedef char CHAR;//8-bit Windows (ANSI) character. For more information, see Character Sets Used By Fonts.
COLORREF typedef DWORD COLRREF;//Red, green, blue (RGB) color value (32 bits). See COLORREF for information on this type.
CONST   #define CONST const; //Variable whose value is to remain constant during execution.
DWORD  typedef unsigned long DWORD; //32-bit unsigned integer.
DWORDLONG  typedef ULONGLONG DWORDLONG; //64-bit unsigned integer.
DWORD_PTR  typedef ULONG_PTR DWORD_PTR; //Unsigned long type for pointer precision. Use when casting a pointer to a long type to perform pointer arithmetic. (Also commonly used for general 32-bit parameters that have been extended to 64 bits in 64-bit Windows. )
DWORD32  typedef unsigned int DWORD32; //32-bit unsigned integer.
DWORD64  typedef unsigned __int64 DWORD64; //64-bit unsigned integer.
FLOAT  typedef float FLOAT; //Floating-point variable.
HACCEL  typedef HANDLE HACCEL;//Handle to an accelerator table.
HALF_PTR #ifdef _WIN64 //Half the size of a pointer. Use within a structure that contains a pointer and two small fields.
   typedef int HALF_PTR;
   typedef short HALF_PTR;
HANDLE  typedef PVOID HANDLE;  //Handle to an object.
HBITMAP  typedef HANDLE HBITMAP; //Handle to a bitmap.
HBRUSH  typedef HANDLE HBRUSH; //Handle to a brush.
HCOLORSPACE #if(WINVER >= 0x0400)  //Handle to a color space.
HCONV  typedef HANDLE HCONV; //Handle to a dynamic data exchange (DDE) conversation.
HCONVLIST typedef HANDLE HCONVLIST;//Handle to a DDE conversation list.
HCURSOR  typedef HICON HCURSOR; //Handle to a cursor.
HDC  typedef HANDLE HDC;  //Handle to a device context (DC).
HDDEDATA typedef HANDLE HDDEDATA; //Handle to DDE data.
HDESK  typedef HANDLE HDESK; //Handle to a desktop.
HDROP  typedef HANDLE HDROP; //Handle to an internal drop structure.
HDWP  typedef HANDLE HDWP;//Handle to a deferred window position structure. 
HENHMETAFILE typedef HANDLE HDWP;//Handle to an enhanced metafile.
HFILE  typedef int HFILE;//Handle to a file opened by OpenFile, not CreateFile.
HFONT  typedef HANDLE HFONT;//Handle to a font.
HGDIOBJ  typedef HANDLE HGDIOBJ;//Handle to a GDI object.
HGLOBAL  typedef HANDLE HGLOBAL;//Handle to a global memory block.
HHOOK  typedef HANDLE HHOOK;//Handle to a hook.
HICON  typedef HANDLE HICON;//Handle to an icon.
HINSTANCE typedef HANDLE HINSTANCE;//Handle to an instance.
HKEY  typedef HANDLE HKEY;//Handle to a registry key.
HKL  typedef HANDLE HKL;//Input locale identifier.
HLOCAL  typedef HANDLE HLOCAL;//Handle to a local memory block.
HMENU  typedef HANDLE HMENU;//Handle to a menu.
HMETAFILE typedef HANDLE HMETAFILE;//Handle to a metafile.
HMODULE  typedef HINSTANCE HMODULE;//Handle to a module. The value is the base address of the module.
HMONITOR if(WINVER >= 0x0500) typedef HANDLE HMONITOR;//Handle to a display monitor.
HPALETTE typedef HANDLE HPALETTE;//Handle to a palette.
HPEN  typedef HANDLE HPEN;//Handle to a pen.
HRESULT  typedef LONG HRESULT;//Return code used by interfaces. It is zero upon success and nonzero to represent an error code or status information.
HRGN  typedef HANDLE HRGN;//Handle to a region.
HRSRC  typedef HANDLE HRSRC;//Handle to a resource.
HSZ  typedef HANDLE HSZ;//Handle to a DDE string.
HWINSTA  typedef HANDLE WINSTA;//Handle to a window station.
HWND  typedef HANDLE HWND;//Handle to a window.
INT  typedef int INT;//32-bit signed integer.
INT_PTR  #if defined(_WIN64)  //Signed integer type for pointer precision. Use when casting a pointer to an integer to perform pointer arithmetic.
   typedef __int64 INT_PTR;
   typedef int INT_PTR;
INT32  typedef signed int INT32;//32-bit signed integer.
INT64  typedef signed __int64 INT64;//64-bit signed integer.
LANGID   typedef WORD LANGID;//Language identifier. For more information, see Locales.
LCID   typedef DWORD LCID;//Locale identifier. For more information, see Locales.
LCTYPE   typedef DWORD LCTYPE;//Locale information type. For a list, see Locale and Language Information.
LGRPID   typedef DWORD LGRPID;//Language group identifier. For a list, see EnumLanguageGroupLocales.
LONG   typedef long LONG;//32-bit signed integer.
LONGLONG  #if !defined(_M_IX86)//64-bit signed integer.
   typedef __int64 LONGLONG;
   typedef double LONGLONG;
LONG_PTR  #if defined(_WIN64)//Signed long type for pointer precision. Use when casting a pointer to a long to perform pointer arithmetic.
   typedef __int64 LONG_PTR;
   typedef long LONG_PTR;
LONG32   typedef signed int LONG32;//32-bit signed integer.
LONG64   typedef __int64 LONG64;//64-bit signed integer.
LPARAM   typedef LONG_PTR LPARAM;//Message parameter.
LPBOOL   typedef BOOL far *LPBOOL;//Pointer to a BOOL.
LPBYTE   typedef BYTE far *LPBYTE;//Pointer to a BYTE.
LPCOLORREF  typedef DWORD *LPCOLORREF;//Pointer to a COLORREF value.
LPCSTR   typedef __nullterminated CONST CHAR *LPCSTR;//Pointer to a constant null-terminated string of 8-bit Windows (ANSI) characters. For more information, see Character Sets Used By Fonts.
LPCTSTR  #ifdef UNICODE//An LPCWSTR if UNICODE is defined, an LPCSTR otherwise.
   typedef LPCSTR LPCTSTR;
LPCVOID  typedef CONST void *LPCVOID;//Pointer to a constant of any type.
LPCWSTR  typedef CONST WCHAR *LPCWSTR;//Pointer to a constant null-terminated string of 16-bit Unicode characters. For more information, see Character Sets Used By Fonts.
LPDWORD   typedef DWORD *LPDWORD;//Pointer to a DWORD.
LPINT   typedef int *LPINT;//Pointer to an INT.
LPLONG   typedef long *LPLONG;//Pointer to a LONG.
LPSTR   typedef CHAR *LPSTR;//Pointer to a null-terminated string of 8-bit Windows (ANSI) characters. For more information, see Character Sets Used By Fonts.
LPTSTR   #ifdef UNICODE//An LPWSTR if UNICODE is defined, an LPSTR otherwise.
   typedef LPWSTR LPTSTR;
   typedef LPSTR LPTSTR;
LPVOID   typedef void *LPVOID;//Pointer to any type.
LPWORD   typedef WORD *LPWORD;//Pointer to a WORD.
LPWSTR   typedef WCHAR *LPWSTR;//Pointer to a null-terminated string of 16-bit Unicode characters. For more information, see Character Sets Used By Fonts.
LRESULT  typedef LONG_PTR LRESULT;//Signed result of message processing.
PBOOL   typedef BOOL *PBOOL;//Pointer to a BOOL.
PBOOLEAN typedef BOOLEAN *PBOOLEAN;// Pointer to a BOOL.
PBYTE   typedef BYTE *PBYTE;//Pointer to a BYTE.
PCHAR   typedef CHAR *PCHAR;//Pointer to a CHAR. 
PCSTR   typedef CONST CHAR *PCSTR;//Pointer to a constant null-terminated string of 8-bit Windows (ANSI) characters. For more information, see Character Sets Used By Fonts.
PCTSTR   #ifdef UNICODE//A PCWSTR if UNICODE is defined, a PCSTR otherwise.
   typedef LPCWSTR PCTSTR;
   typedef LPCSTR PCTSTR;
PCWSTR   typedef CONST WCHAR *PCWSTR;//Pointer to a constant null-terminated string of 16-bit Unicode characters. For more information, see Character Sets Used By Fonts.
PDWORD   typedef DWORD *PDWORD;//Pointer to a DWORD.
PDWORD32  typedef DWORD32 *PDWORD32;//Pointer to a DWORD32.
PDWORD64  typedef DWORD64 *PDWORD64;//Pointer to a DWORD64.
PFLOAT   typedef FLOAT *PFLOAT;//Pointer to a FLOAT.
PHALF_PTR  #ifdef _WIN64//Pointer to a HALF_PTR.
   typedef HALF_PTR *PHALF_PTR;
   typedef HALF_PTR *PHALF_PTR;
PHANDLE  typedef HANDLE *PHANDLE;//Pointer to a HANDLE.
PHKEY   typedef HKEY *PHKEY;//Pointer to an HKEY.
PINT   typedef int *PINT;Pointer to an INT. 
PINT_PTR  typedef INT_PTR *PINT_PTR;//Pointer to an INT_PTR.
PINT32   typedef INT32 *PINT32;//Pointer to an INT32. 
PINT64  typedef INT64 *PINT64;// Pointer to an INT64.
PLCID   typedef PDWORD PLCID;//Pointer to an LCID.
PLONG   typedef LONG *PLONG;//Pointer to a LONG.
PLONG_PTR  typedef LONG_PTR *PLONG_PTR;//Pointer to a LONG_PTR.
PLONG32  typedef LONG32 *PLONG32;//Pointer to a LONG32.
PLONG64  typedef LONG64 *PLONG64;//Pointer to a LONG64.
POINTER_32  #if defined(_WIN64)//32-bit pointer. On a 32-bit system, this is a native pointer. On a 64-bit system, this is a truncated 64-bit pointer.
  #define POINTER_32 __ptr32
  #define POINTER32
POINTER_64  #define POINTER_64 __ptr64//64-bit pointer. On a 64-bit system, this is a native pointer. On a 32-bit system, this is a sign-extended 32-bit pointer.
PSHORT   typedef SHORT *PSHORT;//Pointer to a SHORT.
PSIZE_T  typedef SIZE_T *PSIZE_T;//Pointer to a SIZE_T.
PSSIZE_T  typedef SSIZE_T *PSSIZE_T;//Pointer to a SSIZE_T.
PSTR   typedef CHAR *PSTR;//Pointer to a null-terminated string of 8-bit Windows (ANSI) characters. For more information, see Character Sets Used By Fonts.
PTBYTE   typedef TBYTE *PTBYTE;//Pointer to a TBYTE.
PTCHAR   typedef TCHAR *PTCHAR;//Pointer to a TCHAR.
PTSTR   #ifdef UNICODE//A PWSTR if UNICODE is defined, a PSTR otherwise.
   typedef LPWSTR PTSTR;
  #else typedef LPSTR PTSTR;
PUCHAR   typedef UCHAR *PUCHAR;//Pointer to a UCHAR.
PUHALF_PTR  #ifdef _WIN64//Pointer to a UHALF_PTR.
PUINT   typedef UINT *PUINT;Pointer to a UINT.
PUINT_PTR  typedef UINT_PTR *PUINT_PTR;//Pointer to a UINT_PTR.
PUINT32  typedef UINT32 *PUINT32;//Pointer to a UINT32.
PUINT64  typedef UINT64 *PUINT64;//Pointer to a UINT64.
PULONG   typedef ULONG *PULONG;//Pointer to a ULONG.
PULONG32  typedef ULONG32 *PULONG32;//Pointer to a ULONG32.
PULONG64 typedef ULONG64 *PULONG64;// Pointer to a ULONG64.
PUSHORT  typedef USHORT *PUSHORT;//Pointer to a USHORT.
PVOID   typedef void *PVOID;//Pointer to any type.
PWCHAR   typedef WCHAR *PWCHAR;//Pointer to a WCHAR.
PWORD   typedef WORD *PWORD;//Pointer to a WORD.
PWSTR   typedef WCHAR *PWSTR;//Pointer to a null- terminated string of 16-bit Unicode characters. For more information, see Character Sets Used By Fonts.
SC_HANDLE  typedef HANDLE SC_HANDLE;//Handle to a service control manager database. For more information, see SCM Handles.
SC_LOCK  typedef LPVOID SC_LOCK;//Lock to a service control manager database. For more information, see SCM Handles.
SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE typedef HANDLE SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE;//Handle to a service status value. For more information, see SCM Handles.
SHORT   typedef short SHORT;//Short integer (16 bits).
SIZE_T   typedef ULONG_PTR SIZE_T;//The maximum number of bytes to which a pointer can point. Use for a count that must span the full range of a pointer.
SSIZE_T  typedef LONG_PTR SSIZE_T;//Signed SIZE_T.
TBYTE   #ifdef UNICODE//A WCHAR if UNICODE is defined, a CHAR otherwise.
   typedef WCHAR TBYTE;
   typedef unsigned char TBYTE;
TCHAR  #ifdef UNICODE// A WCHAR if UNICODE is defined, a CHAR otherwise.
   typedef WCHAR TCHAR;
   typedef char TCHAR;
UCHAR   typedef unsigned char UCHAR;//Unsigned CHAR.
UHALF_PTR  #ifdef _WIN64//Unsigned HALF_PTR. Use within a structure that contains a pointer and two small fields.
   typedef unsigned int UHALF_PTR;
   typedef unsigned short UHALF_PTR;
UINT   typedef unsigned int UINT; //Unsigned INT.
UINT_PTR  #if defined(_WIN64)//Unsigned INT_PTR.
   typedef unsigned __int64 UINT_PTR;
   typedef unsigned int UINT_PTR;
UINT32   typedef unsigned int UINT32;//Unsigned INT32.
UINT64   typedef usigned __int 64 UINT64;//Unsigned INT64.
ULONG   typedef unsigned long ULONG;//Unsigned LONG.
ULONGLONG  #if !defined(_M_IX86)//64-bit unsigned integer.
   typedef unsigned __int64 ULONGLONG;
   typedef double ULONGLONG
ULONG_PTR  #if defined(_WIN64)//Unsigned LONG_PTR.
   typedef unsigned __int64 ULONG_PTR;
   typedef unsigned long ULONG_PTR;
ULONG32  typedef unsigned int ULONG32;//Unsigned LONG32.
ULONG64  typedef unsigned __int64 ULONG64;//Unsigned LONG64.
USHORT   typedef unsigned short USHORT;//Unsigned SHORT.
USN   typedef LONGLONG USN;//Update sequence number (USN).
VOID   #define VOID void//Any type.
WCHAR   typedef wchar_t WCHAR;//16-bit Unicode character. For more information, see Character Sets Used By Fonts.
WINAPI   #define WINAPI __stdcall//Calling convention for system functions.
WORD   typedef unsigned short WORD;//16-bit unsigned integer.
WPARAM  typedef UINT_PTR WPARAM;// Message parameter.

posted on 2011-08-17 23:30  belie8  阅读(380)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
