Circular Buffer


 1 import java.util.NoSuchElementException;  
 2  /**  
 3   * Thread safe fixed size circular buffer implementation. Backed by an array.  
 4   *   
 5   * @author brad  
 6   */  
 7  public class ArrayCircularBuffer<T> {  
 8       // internal data storage  
 9       private T[] data;  
10       // indices for inserting and removing from queue  
11       private int front = 0;  
12       private int insertLocation = 0;  
13       // number of elements in queue  
14       private int size = 0;  
15       /**  
16        * Creates a circular buffer with the specified size.  
17        *   
18        * @param bufferSize  
19        *      - the maximum size of the buffer  
20        */  
21       public ArrayCircularBuffer(int bufferSize) {  
22            data = (T[]) new Object[bufferSize];  
23       }  
24       /**  
25        * Inserts an item at the end of the queue. If the queue is full, the oldest  
26        * value will be removed and head of the queue will become the second oldest  
27        * value.  
28        *   
29        * @param item  
30        *      - the item to be inserted  
31        */  
32       public synchronized void insert(T item) {  
33            data[insertLocation] = item;  
34            insertLocation = (insertLocation + 1) % data.length;  
35            /**  
36             * If the queue is full, this means we just overwrote the front of the  
37             * queue. So increment the front location.  
38             */  
39            if (size == data.length) {  
40                 front = (front + 1) % data.length;  
41            } else {  
42                 size++;  
43            }  
44       }  
45       /**  
46        * Returns the number of elements in the buffer  
47        *   
48        * @return int - the number of elements inside this buffer  
49        */  
50       public synchronized int size() {  
51            return size;  
52       }  
53       /**  
54        * Returns the head element of the queue.  
55        *   
56        * @return T  
57        */  
58       public synchronized T removeFront() {  
59            if (size == 0) {  
60                 throw new NoSuchElementException();  
61            }  
62            T retValue = data[front];  
63            front = (front + 1) % data.length;  
64            size--;  
65            return retValue;  
66       }  
67       /**  
68        * Returns the head of the queue but does not remove it.  
69        *   
70        * @return  
71        */  
72       public synchronized T peekFront() {  
73            if (size == 0) {  
74                 return null;  
75            } else {  
76                 return data[front];  
77            }  
78       }  
79       /**  
80        * Returns the last element of the queue but does not remove it.  
81        *   
82        * @return T - the most recently added value  
83        */  
84       public synchronized T peekLast() {  
85            if (size == 0) {  
86                 return null;  
87            } else {  
88                 int lastElement = insertLocation - 1;  
89                 if (lastElement < 0) {  
90                      lastElement = data.length - 1;  
91                 }  
92                 return data[lastElement];  
93            }  
94       }  
95  }  


posted @ 2017-01-05 14:56  北叶青藤  阅读(284)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报